SAVOY BEATS BROWNWOODS (Continued from Page 4i lrituf Bupttt Dailp i3rto LtD. Monday, March 8, 1918 r VIC10R BRIAN (OlltN MATURE DONLEVY CRAY iNEW FLORAL DESIGNS GKEKT EA STICK SKASOX ('Minim - tin team, netting seven points. Webster was high marksman for Morgans, scoring 11 points eight on baskets and three on I penalty shots. Ifivnku lll'UUI K OUIT INTlif AINWINT HIGH SCHOOL IPSET IN Jl'NlOK LEAGl'E Gyros, basmeent dwellers in the Junior League, walked over High School in the night s opener by defeating them 24 to 10 in a game that was so one-sided as to be something of a league t3&Y-J fr UKrk j d tsf uf ys : x J? Msg THE YOINU JOBLESS Editor, Daily News: So the young people are kicking? A danger signal to all us seniors who can contribute our quota towards developing this town, ensuring that all avail j KM PLOY LOCAL 1'torLE t Editor, Daily News: I would like space in your liiaycr to say down with married women working and give our local girls who were born in Prince Rupert, a chance. Why give the prairie people the work 'Hi Better English By U. C. WILLIAMH Tram-rw..' Hal hkuv i. ....... , " """'11 w What is wrong with I his "i li ml -i,..,.,,. . , 1. able resources arc used such as the the grain elevator and wonderful wharfage where timber. classic. Neither side scored very heavily but High School entered the second half with only four points, which they Somehow managed to Increase by six before the final whistle. clvn in u,,. War. lumber and maybe coal could be exported a most attractive de-1 velopment program ensuring ' sentence? "Tills is all the faster this car can go." 2. What is the correct pronunciation of "debonair"? 3. Which one of these words is misspelled? Antiseptic, anu-ity, animosity. 4. What does the word "volubility" mean? ITCH facilities to manufacturers to while our own people are walking around day after day? And that goes too for the men folk from the prairies while our own men are taking a back seat. When prairie people landed in Vancouver thinking there was work they were sent back and that is what should be done here. Give our own folks who were born and raised in Prince Rupert, the jobs. MRS. BELINDA BLEINES. open out here. There is an ob Gyros most successful quarter was the fourth when they netted nine points after completing the third quarter with a 5. What is a word beginning total of 15. I'ljy lur O D D p points I der that means "dLsparag- gather scored seven ject lesson in Britain today in her coal and cotton towns where the present lack of manpower and output is the result of the exodus of the most adventurous young people to places affording them a future. "The Pied Piper of Hamlyn" will be enacted here if we fail in our for Gyro and Johnson marked lng"? up six for High School. j ANSWERS l. ay. I nis is as fast as this car can go." 2. Pronounce deb-o-nar, e as In bed, o as In no unstressed, a as in cae, accent last syllable. 3. Annuity. 4 Individual Scoring (Senior) Savoy Murran i, ft. Holke-stad 13, Davis 21, Haugan, Alexander 1, Morgan 7, Arney 10, duty. So let's get going and ! IDEAS OF GOD Editor, Daily Ncw6: Scientists tell us this world has existed for millions of years and during that long period many forms of life' have evolved in make the government understand how concerned we are! CYMRO M. Holkestad. Domlnato. McCly- wuro. as in speaK- Brownwoods-Hartwtg 13, U- lhae, v"MUty without depth." vigne 9, Forman 14. Bill 2. -Colton. 5. Derogatory. relation to natural conditions and many have become extinct If I vv IIl5 v. : vi - --vldj--'' ' fJ VI - Vf ttriimiiii iAhmii i--1iiTi . r-t vxi ,innr m ii'i rt.MXr- , Ti1 1 1, rfii -rn it mm-ii ii by the same law of nature Watch the Classified Ads' dark, dim past and reilccts the opinion of that period which in great part I refuse to accept. Mr. Blackaby tells us that Prof. Joad, after being thirty years an agnostic, renounced Whether or not man evolved from a lower form of life is uncertain but wc do know that he was at one ; time a naked Periect symbol of the dewy fresnness of Easter morn, bonnets of fresh flowers will appear in greater number and variety than ever in this year's Easter Parade. Shown above is one of the newest designs created by using feathered carnations, blue iris and a bit of tulle. Below, the Thompson 4. Ourvich 4, Pierce. (Intermediate) Morgan's Lien 8, Hill 8, Jones 2. Scharff 2, Webster 11, Elds-vik 4, Brew. Merchants Schcrk 7, Haugan 2, Currie 2, Moore 4, Owens Chest Colds savage. Having emerged from "iuiuiuii in uvui oi a that status to the present-day I personal devil. That surely put standard. Joad in a "devil of a fix." 4, Hcbb 4, Mercer, Youngman, Tn Relieve Miser Iralie calla lily becomes a durable costume highlight through a new waxing process which permits severely classic corsage designs like this. At right, flowers for the Easter breakfast table gain added interest wiien "bunny" is made welcome by a novelty container fashioned from cabbagc-and-carrot rabbit food. This holds a tasteful display of yellow jonquils, stock and pussy willow. Durins the ions period, the For m' Prt, do not think Sunberg 4. Rub on Tested understanding of man's sur-lyou can scare people to heaven, mundings has enlarged in pro-;eve with the assistance of a portion to the development of devil. We must find a better his intellect. Hence we find'P'3" tnan that. For me I am (Junior) Gyro- Marshal 2. Sather 7. Hartwlg 4, McAra 2, Young 4. Toderas 2. MacFarlanc 1, Hills 2. ADMiKABLE I.LTTEIl Editor, Daily News: Any letter as good reading as willing to dispense with the service of the devil. evolution in the idea of God. When man was a savage, he had a savage for a God as shown I have made up my mindjE- E- Hyndmans ought not to High School Smith, Slmund-I Min. Johnson 6. Large, Ketehe- i son, Jordan. Hamilton, Webber , !. Black. Weiss 2. ; Reminiscences By w.J. and Reflections i in the different epochs of clvili-f tliat, if there is a God, he will! have escaped your editorial zation and enlightenment. As DC merciful to the merciful and; Pse in Prince Rupert Daily man beeamp" mnro rivill7rH ci Will not torture the forgiving, i -''' t'01 eicfant in us sun for its did his rnnrrntion of ai ricrhi that every man should be truc!Plicily alld admirable AM lunny'nl, ktlll (fid Ctiliifl-W npr In Mm ittlm 'luck, and also fitted. And none enjoyed It more than up to the present day. That l" nunseu ana mat nownere in Ont Cot) VcUiImM The local lock-up has not al- ant, and loved a jest, even on ways been a place of stern n:- himself. He hailed from Rollie- calm purposeful reasoning intoned with spijy wit, it bespoke highly of our worthy Inspector of Schools. the world is honesty a crime. In my opinion, the 'honest forcement and bleak routine ily tpplitd (u nt U i Ik win 'd. ( i say and one evening left home man, the good woman and the! Once there was a wedding there. When long ago, Prince j You ran drive from here to Kwinitsa. and within the next i tew weeks, as far as Halifax. in a mosi uuuuuusive way in the mistaken belief he had man cannot explore beyond his imagination or reason Is shown in the various concepts regarding the idea of God and the religious creeds which he accepts as fact or truth. The value of Jas acceptance lies in the ex happy child should have nothing Furthermore, in a world that to fear either in this world i.r! SJiv ( stintingiy of its apolo- HJKMTtlKi: UK I 'A I It LOYIN'S HLl'K 818 330 2nd Ave. (Next to CFTIO CREDIT TERMS Prompt Mail Order Service Rupert was merry and bright, when no one seemed to feel unduly worried over being a guest gies masmucn us we all are invariably right, or wrong, for the world to epmo. GEORGE B CASEY. IS the first time-anything so rare , . kin d ,ne , u ercise of thought to determins the truth. Whether ' or not the killed a warden. He served as a The skeena Highway appears gunner in the United States huvp wtathored lhe wlntcr Navy during the Spanish Amer- qujle w(. whkh ,8 much bel. lean war and some years later ter tnau a fcw years agQ whcn found himself In Rupert where u was possible l0 gteer Lizzie a he helped build the wireless mi)e Qr M bcyond Oullowav Station. Scores of saucy yarns nanirls stnn an,! and preciously vholesome Mr. ,ooked and Ml new thtrc cume ! Editor, as a sincere apology a demonstration of what i- Mi I'.rnk M. THE REALLY NEEDY Editor, Daily News: Holy Bible be the Word of God. it was written by men in the !ulla "LVUl lu uvteimu5 uuu known as -love at first siuht " ; watch the shovel crews make were tuld of Robert all true and none flat. Once ordered to haste slowly. Yes, there was a Defective 1 In answering "Workingman's joy chance left to be discovered Through minor misdemeanors, Wife," I would say she didn't ,s in a Treasure Hunt, not even tv,0 werc brought .together be-', ' have two bits worth of reading, j r.ear Easter'ime. ' hind lock and "key and mutual Because there is more than VIOLET INGALLS attraction was swift and sure-1 one employed in a family, she ) ' also simple ceremony. And sj wants the employers, mayor ing for anything to keep them tnCy were married. As a cilyj and city council to purge into1 alive. :hall staff member remarked at their homes and private lives, i This will be hard fur von to tin. Valu Plus me a i. a eeiuiin maiK on snoie, war jn e pacific ' during the war with Spain, Hanna told the officer "he'd FIRST MOUNTIES send a slug through the key-' The first Royal Canadian hole.'' And ever after he was Mounted Police were sworn in known as "keyhole Bob." It at Winnipeg In 1873. CAN HL'i: Vf if U' " plugs 1 1! r hi'a; K : A NUI.SAM I. ANH .'&. TOO. RUPERT RADIO & ELECT! If none of them worked they; believe because the Yanks weie in for." The jail hasn't been would be known as shiftless and ' here then and everything was ' so jolly since. no-goods, or some other name 'fine. There were Yanks there) would be set aside for them by j too, "God bless them," but' our two-bit correspondent. everything was not so fine. I A bluc Bwwn and pearls i'.,r She Ann' wlw is lo j"1" says, instead of worrying l sympathlze with "Working- .a''bara. about the d,s-'"Buish.-c in MaU-Europc. starving people of company man's Wife" in her misfortune, and anle Tussauds wax works. A.l D. P.'s we shnnlri ! h h .i, i 9 Box l l'JI i'f- M first worry about our own mis-1 rcacly starving, miserable s,nd erable predicament, about 31,000 c(Jid Europeans who are trying this, without mentioning he-i happy face and personality. 1 This should relieve the grim- j f- , "'tu' UVLr a penoa oi to better themselves? There nuss oi uie waxworKs lo lo some some: irom j lo 6 months. tLfcwi-- f5V1 will only be a handful, corn- iv manTJ extent. For anyone who has "lt attrac-; V, . J visited London's famous is Does she real.oe ihat millions 1 pared with the numbers suffer-and millions of people have not ! ing and dying, who have the only been unemployed but ' good fortune to come here. starving to death over a period1 "Workinman's Wife" went to! of 10 years in Europe alone. the show and spent 50c to see' tion will understand just how grim it can be. jl.v't''j A Many a breezy character has i Does she realize what the them. They would give half stamped his personality on I "w.u otaiviiig means, i nope "'' - " ma piv Pnne Pril-,,. a, ,,,, . not. because I do I advise her would have fed 20 people for e"Z Ruli'rt and ,J,le .. . ..Nnn wi VV( (l H! - "1 more so than Robert Hanna, salty seaman, world rover, humorist and with a Scottish ac to ask some of our veterans who ' one dav 'n Europe, and most served in Italy and Northwest j likeIv a week- Europe. Ask some of those ou can uv 'ou1" loaves of cent so sharp, penetrating and lucky people who had the good I bread w ith 50c in Prince Ru .... manv-edeeri that nntiiin,, ok YOUR BEST EATING PLACE Ft'LL-COl'KSE MEALS 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. banqVet iiall Fon LUNCHEONS, DINNEJtS AND PARTIES CHINESE DISHES BROADWAY CAFE 608 3rd Ave. W. Phone 2U0 lortune to come to a land of P"'. DUl lney caivi Duy u mere - " MMTW Tiii'-.d..'.' I :l" l!!r C Kri-lav. i:" STI W Mi f w&M axmua, I3 1,1 in: M V1 11 K2 (IIMINT" LVhMUl'V 6 ' plenty, from a land of starva because there is no bread. " " JU- "e naa "Workinman's Wife" was a atherbeaten, square cut tion, misery and desolation. face, clean-shaven and observ- kind to give the mayor and city It mav be harri fnr thorn tn 5 IF IT'S A SPRING COAT j WALLACE'S S Of Course woo. For cjtra touiili wear-for pendable protection for imp i'i,mfirt- wear l.c Work Hoots. No mutter hi.t your job, you'll find the kind you want In I i-i kie's various styles. See them at your shore store. in: soriiiH; tell council the benefit of the doubt, because you, it makes me sick to remember children IWhy can'1 8he be kind eil0UBh mothers and fathers fiehwl10 8ve the PcoPle of the worW I .m u;i: A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE Limited "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" ivlf J. f beneflt of the doubt for like mad ofthe dogs over a crust bread in an ash can, and thetrying to hclp tncmselvcs- We p, mi l' M''p. Tliti .1 r , filth of want, begging and vy- nave a uiitiiicf, uiey jiaven i.. Time marches on. Thanking you for your space Mr. Editor. A VET. QUALITY WORK BOOTS The Popular Inlaid Linoleum with Kurlap Uaek and Printed Floor Covering Table Oil Cloth, all colors Carpets Phone 773 327 SrtlAve. Con ural ii la l ion J CANADA'S LEADING FUR Silver fox is the most Important fur grown in Canada. Mink ranks second. Tt S.S. PRINCE RUPERT Sails For 'LONDIE Spring Trjining! By Chic Young andllEAMNd OCEAN VIEW HOTEL (Formerly Knox) A Quiet, Pleasant Place to Live COMPLETELY RENOVATED Uooins Redecorated Spring-Filled Mattresses New Management lV IIL'V1Vl 1'IIL'II.' ON 'Kpl UUIMHNC AND STOUK SHAME ON -N L ( MV TKOUSERS WWEM ) ftOOK LIKE VOU ) Lj V AT CV,A,B V ) VOU,DAGWOOD!J mh PLACED A TEM-POOr I TOOK TO OFP, THEM HOW WILLYOUeVyS ( AND PLACED THEM ) f OVEP THE CHAIIJ V WW CQOM ) , WUSEBStOOK ytls CAPERjLLVOVl2 ri IcAREPULLV? r4.V; XWECe ATiJ'Z STRKKT AT FOIJKTU AV WE WISH THEM KVH5V h VANCOUVER AND INTERMEDIATE PORTS EACH THURSDAY AT 11:15 P.M. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT Fr Information call or write City or Depot Ticket OHlm PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. III PHILPOTT EVITT & CO. PHONES - Proprietor, TOM PESUT PHONE 71 J liiij,' Coal Lumber Paints - -1 A