j , th, s.hool board . ; iW train Jimely 1 opics from Ptfnrc tlupm ?aflp r3etos iLtH. , 5 Terrace Mondayl March 3, 1948 v F c3 I - - Classified Advertising ; Clawlfl(1s: ac per nrrd pef insertion, minimum churr. JOe. Birth WoticM, 60c; Curds til I'lianks. Ileal li Nntlris. Funeral Notlc.s. Mrirriaf and Knnsement AnnotinrPinenu, $2. Mi's. J. McLeod returned on Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd ' Johnstone Friday's train from Prince Ru-! port where he attended the Roy Clifford left on last Tues-ihirri tnnual meeting of the , day's train for Prince Rupert Prince Rupert Presbytcrial of the and expects to proceed to Van-Women's Missionary Society oi i conver for further medical Canada as the Terrace delegate, treatment. FOR SALE William Donald left on Tues I 4 Miss F.rinu Robson journeyed ! to Smithcrs on Friday, return-! In on Snturday's train. j I, owo knows thai VV Vy0 If s?V ERAl CTRIC MPS filter longer . - fit. c r t Tail to See linai t New SALE Studebaker sedan, '30; work trailer and oeclUn",. 2x12" and 3x12". Apply 1401 Frederick Kt., Highway ni-trance. (,58 SALE- -31-lt. .-.olUns boat "Eidr- Aply Knox Hota!. Room 18. rsa SALE Babee Tenda hln chair- Phone cveninr.s, Red 985. S3 FOR SALE Electric sewing machine; FiiKidaire, big size; lroner; 5 piece bedroom suite. These are ail in best workin:' condition, less than half price. Come and look them over. B.C. FURNITURE CO. Black 324. FOR. SALE No. .333 Ross sport -best ing rifles, in condition. Price $64.50. B.C. FURNITURE ' CO. Black 324. FOR SALE - House', 6 rooms vA bath; with garage. GroHtiJ floor comprises store, in Excellent condition. $3000 can. Prince Rupert Realty Co. i tl) FOR SALE Clare Jewel kitchen range, one circulating heater. Apply 514 7th West. 60 IFOR SALE Remington Portable typewriter. Black 3G0. WTM FOR SALE Piano. Phone Green 633. 62 FOR SALE New brown sHns shoes, size 9 double A. Grten 993 after 8 p.m. 5fi FOR SALE Simplex Engines lYt to 31 H.P. ir cooled; 30 to 185 HP. Marine Straight or Reduction Drive; also Stationary-Industrial. Northern B.C. Agents. BYTOWN MACHINE WORKS. (ti Reminiscent of winter .wartime scenes when ships of the Royal Canadian Navy came In from the North Atlantic convoys, H.M.C.3. "St. Stephen" returned to Halifax recently with chill evidence that her second patrol as a weather ship in Davis Strait had been a man's job. In the above photo the masses of frozen spray have been steamed clear of the winch In order that it may operate, but the heavily-encrusted bridge and superstructure bespeaks the icy nKMith of lonely operation the ship has just completed. Crew members seen are: Front row i left to right" Lieut. "Pi Norman Eversfitld, Toronto, Ont., Able Seaman Henry Dingle, Halifax, N. 8., Able Seaman Sinston Judson, CharlotU town, PEL, Able Seaman RussellJ Kerr, Lslandbrook, Que., Able Seaman Clayton McLein, Chailottetown. PEL, Leading Seaman Fred Barteaux, Advocate Harbour, Mr. Jonathan CarsweU, Bos'n. Halifax, N.S. ajid Chief Stoker Jack Kimher, Halifax. N.S. Second row deft to rUhti Able Seaman Jim McNamee, Kuroki, Sask., Able Seaman John Kettley, Orillia, Out., Able Seaman Joseph Duschuk, Toronto, Ont., Able Seaman Gordon Atkin, Winnipeg, Man Mrs. Kvist and Mrs. Lund of Princ Rupert, mot her and sister of Mrs. Rey..!.-Kl.-- an vloiino hero. nr. MtOilv r a..:i.u io i'er-race on Thursday Irom New York to take up practice hrre and, for the present, is stayiim at the Iioine of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Osborne. He expects to visit Prim e Hujjerl this w ck. i - f Garth Qritliths of the B.C. Power Commission arrived in town on last Tuesday's train , in mi Vernon where hi,; hcad- I quarters are located. Hubert licid of pr.-.ee Rupert spent a week-end in Terrace. 1 Mrs. J. Hnx-p Johnstone is re-1 lxn-lfd to Ik- ill at the home of! her son and daughter-in-law, - - - vtir oiiv ( oals tl III t.l. SI'KING day for a three weeks holiday in tin .south. Unit 1 fj.l n nri Tuesday to attend sesssions oil the Presbytery of the United! Church of Canada In Prince Ru- perl. Dr. Stanley Mills was called out to Remo on Wednesday to attend James Jones who had been kicked in Die abdomen by a horse he was working, sustaining .sligh; injuries. James Wonk was a passenger to Prince Rupert on Tuesday's train. hur.erla Laird cm .:), i i U r of Mr and Mr E. Lairu, passeu llin,uiiii Terrace on Tuesday u) sp: ml a short holiday at Princ? Rupert. On her return she will hton off at Terrace to visit her 1, incuts before returning to her home in Saskatoon, Norman Ar.seneau returned to Terrace on Wednesday's train out of Prince Rupert after a week's business trip to Vancouver. DISPLAY AT TERRACE P.-T. Interesting Program at Monthly Meeting Soup I'roKram Curtailed i 1 ERRACE At a well attended mtctinn of the Terrace Parent-Trachers' Association held Thursday evening in the Pri-maiy school, the girls of Grades 5, C, 7 and 8 gave a splendid display of folk dancing and physical exercises. Miss Lips, who trained the children, was in charts of the program and the announcer was Anita Brue. A ,-ilvcr collection was taken at the close of the program and $10 75 was realized, the money to be added to the school collections for the children of Em-op?. The regular business of the monthly meetina followed the program with President Mrs. C. K. de KerRommeaux In the chair. Alt.T some discussion for and anamsts. It was decided to send a d'.leuute. to the Parent-Teachers' Easter convention in Van- couver and Mrs. H. Philip will be the delegate. Mrs Philio convenor of the hot lunch program, reported that he organization had stopped serving soup to the Primary school children at the end of f ibruary because the number of .hildren taking it had dropped ,n loss than half of the oriainal number. From November to the end of February 3.280 cups of soup had been served. Over $100 load come out of the P.-T.A. funds to keep this program uoinir. Plans went forward for the DRESSES TCD O AfF CHURCH a o -re A I LIlAI" ILrtlX lLrt rtnnc-n wan was held in the newly-decorated ; social parlor of the United Church by the Guild ladies. Ii was a "well attended affair and the tea tables and stalls wer beautifully decorated. There wo a cood display oi nana-maa: articles, three patchwork quilt.-: 1 being greatlv admired. Th--1 home cooking and candy staP j i was well patronized. ! Pouring were Mrs. McKay, Mr I McGinn is. Mrs. T. Moore, Mrs. hauiihland. Seiviteurs'were Mrs I McAllister, Mrs. Barr. 'Mrs. B ! Smith, Mis. Johnstone, Mrs. Ross. The home cooking and fancy work was in charge of Mrs. Gavan, Mrs. McLeod, Mrs m;i;IV(. Dlli.V FOR SALE Fresh eggs at 303 7th Ave. West. (70 1 ,l HOUSE OF QUALITY" T:..: : Ave, Phone Green 774 Professional HELP WANTED PRINCE RUPERT DISTRICT ' FOR Now available for man with j car to handle, sale and di.s- j tribution of best-known line : of household products, serving and selling many hundreds of ' ' satisfied customers. Real op. j f'Cii portunity to (jet into paying! business of one' owi. For full ! information repiy Unx 320 fOR Daily News. 02i FOR RENT Furnished 2-room suite with shower 1235 Park Avenue. 62 If OR RENT 3-room furnished I suite, 1028 2nd Ave. Blue 270. I 61i FOR RENT House, 209 9th Ave. East. 3 rooms and bath. $22.50. Prince Rupert Realty Co. Uf) FOR RENT 3 room flat, private bath. Unfurnished or partly furnished. Red 441. 62 FOR RENT Housekeeping room in private home. Close to town. 720 Cth Ave. West. Blue 325. uf) FOR RENT Apartment, furnished. 8 rooms and bath. 209 5th Ave. W. Prince Rupert Realty Co. (tD FOR RENT 4-room suite. Apply j E. Carlson, Steele Block. i59t I ROOM Aftl i;OARI) I ROOM AND BOARD-$43 each double; $48 single. Sleeping rooms for rent. Table meals Mrs. Lawley, 622 Fraser Street. (tfi WORK WANTED MIDDLE-aged woman will look after children evenings. Phonr Grer, 688. Uf METAL WORK PLUMBING Installations and repairs. SHEET METAL WORK. Furnaces, tanks, eavestroughing and stack work. Letourneau It Sons, 629 Sixth West. Phone 543. (tfi PERSONAL BUYERS OF U.S.A. products. We act as your personal purchas ing agent, for any item you may wish to purchase. For home, office, factory, mine or mill. Address all Inquiries toj JOHN F. BRADY FOREIGN j BUYER'S AGENT, 9717 Deni-! son Ave., Cleveland 2, Ohio, ! U.S.A. 80) FOR SALE FOR SALE Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to noon of Wednesday, March 10th, for the purchase of the hereunder described motor j vessel, which may be viewed at 1 McLean's Shipyard, Seal Cove.; Name, "Trepur"; length, 28 feet; breadth, 7 feet; depth,; 3 feet; type, Troller; 3 tons; j 6 h.p. Easthope gas engine.! Highest or any tender not , necessarily accepicu. in ma. strictly cash. Gordon F. Forbes, Official Administrator, Administrator of the Estate of Carl Andrew. Norlander. Court House, Prince Rupert, B.C. 57) FOR SALE Piano. Phone 678. (tf) FOR SALE Ada II. 45 ft., 12 ft. beam, 43 Atlas Imperial full diesel. $6,000. Post Office Box 548 or phone Black 17 or Green 975. 62l FOR SALE Shiplap. Approx. 4.000 ft., some 1x10 and some IxC. New, $60 per 1000. Inquire at Skogmo's Boat Repair, Cow Bay, or phone Black 613 evenings. 57) WAXYKD WANTED Logger with outfit to cut four million feet -waterfront timber, Kfassett Inlet. Contract per thousand or percentage with crown grant owner. Address P. C. Clock, 15 Westview Road, Worcester. Masssachutsetts. t62 MACHINERY FOR SALE TO SAW better lumber more economically use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited. Vancouver, BC. (tf) P.-T.A. Easter tea and school display which will be held on, i:a.ster Saturday. Mrs. MeHroy will be the convener for the tea, : Mrs. Philip for the home cook-j ins and canciy stall ana Mrs. Alice Campbell will convene the , school display. Rehearsals for the P.-T.A. play have started with Alf At-tree , as the director. The opening of the Red Cross Outpost Hospital on March 16 was announced and all were urged to attend it. SHOWER FOR TERRACE GIRL TERRACE A miscellaneous ihower was held by Mrs. Gordon Haugland and Mrs. Alice Campbell at the former's home on Friday evening forMiss Edna Robson. local school teacher, whose wedding to W. Howard Fisher will take place in the United Church on Good Friday evening. The hostesses bronchi In a gaily decorated basket piled high with gifts which were opened by the young bride-to-be. Following this, quiz games were played, prizes being awarded to the winners who were Mrs. C. i Holden, Mrs. Grare Fell, Mrs. "'d Johnstone. Mrs. C. Michi and"M;s. C. R. de Kergommeaux. Delicious refreshments were served. Those Present included Mes- flames C. Holden, Hamilton. Kir- b-v- c- Haugland, D. Kerr. L. Johnstone. C. deKermommeaux. Kennedy. Squires, Michiel. Fell, Fisher, Burr, T. Oisen, McAdanis. Campbell O. Haugland and Hip Misses Robson and Lips. I You saw It in the Dallv New-1 I HIS AND THAT 1 j N0V5LTES f Jus mm ess and t irk - HI UK m ACNDKRS i V C R L T F. - HA.SF.MF.NT3 " and jour.si'li fully u 1 (1 the work. '.N KIMCKSON TKCHN'H'IAN i AM) HKPAIRS 4H W.-..t 7th Ave. ri'.iuon "KATOU.S PAfBMlANGINO ':'. or Black 245 ; Hi;l Thornton FLKN'S iMITY SI 1 01 'T'tit Wavliij; v Culture In f its branches. I'-rt Plume f!f)5 Mcllroy, Mrs. Loveless, directing Mrs' R' Rfeer"i aS CaShier BOWLING FINALS n ATTFDDAPF MLLU 1 CIIVE TERRACE; The UwUng alleys at the Civic Centre were packed on Wednesday night with a cheering crowd of fans to see the play-offs for the championship of the commercial bowling 1' aeue. Little, Haugland and Kerr's team won, beating the Copper River's team two out of three and also winning on total j points. Playing on the winning team were Dudley LitUe, Milton Alger, Frank Pongrucz, Charlie' Pratt, and Bob Harrison. I LOST AMI rorND LOST Glasses in case, along waterfront. Green 6G0. Re-1 ward. 58i' , We Specialize in LI HKJCATING and GREASING CARS Dan's Service Station McBrltle Street Given 605 ICE CREAM Uf) ' ' I Ik. tMt$t Minlu-i. A4,m Smix, kt. I FOR SALE Chesterfield and chairs, radio and full Sue brass bed, complete. Phone Red GIL (57i FOR SALE 11 4 room house with cement basement, front and rear glassed In porches, in excellent condition. Also cabin bringing $14.00 a month. All on two good garden lots. Good location. Inside bridge, full price $3200.00. (2i 6 room wartime with a small amount furniture, full price $1250.00. i3i 7 room house, 338 5th Ave. East, full basement and fiieplace prily $4,000,000. Robert E. MpnUdor Ltd. j,tfi HOUSE fafcVBale 8th Ave. W. 6 rooms 'iJft bath and small apartmfjVannex- Also large workri! rear- Price m-cludeijiiHM". coverings and oil range connected. Owner leaving; town. Quick cash sale $3,000. Prince Rupert Realty Co. Phone Green 917. tf "1 Kitchen stove witn two wick burner in good condition. Snap. 1022 2nd Ave. West. Phone Green 270. (59.' FOR SALE Two choice hilltop lots with & commanding harbor view. Directly opposite Gyro Playground, Atlin Ave. Reasonably priced. Cash. Phone Red" 738. Uf) FOR SALE Set of Grey-Bon- ney drive sockets. Phone 537 or call 324 5th St. 61) FOR SALE Kodak reflex camera, practically new. Red 976. 159) FOR SALE Motorcycle, cheap. Harlie Davidson 29-74 twin, with side car and extras. All Al. What offers Write Paul Petryshyn, Terrace, B.C. 58) FOR SALE Tenders will be re ceived by the undersigned Jor the purchase of Lot 21, Block 1, S.D. of D L. 361, Plan 972, Terrace Townslte, liange:. 5, Coast District, together with Improvements situated thereon, up to noon of Monday, April 5. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Terms: strictly cash. P.1 O. Forbes, Official Administrator. Administrator of the Estate of Thomas Winslow Ross, deceased. Court House, Prinze Rupert, B.C. (68) ATTENTION FUTURE PATRONS! GEORGE McWHINNEY I'AINT IN(i AND PAi'F.Il HAN(JIN(J PO Box 142C 147 4th Eaf.t Phone Black 439 JONES NFAVS STAND We handle Eastern and Western Papers. NANAIMO FREE PRESS NOW AVAILABLE sixth street Red 808 ASTORIA'S LICHT DKMVKIIY & MESSENGER Prompt Service I Bapcage Freight F.xprej-i Phone Blue 2fi9 322 Sixth St ' Nipht Calls Green 8H2 I DR. V. J. CHENEY : DENT1KT ; SUITE 5, SMITH BLOCK Phone 705 P.O. Box 1401 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kinds. Roofs, Chimneys and Oil Burners PHONES: Green 481 Red 894 JOHN MOST AD CARPENTER AND CABINET MAKER PHONE RED 752 QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles. MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Box 774 Second Ave "Can you show nie some parlor games to try on my company tomorrow night?" I We Are Glad to Announce That We Can Now Supply You With SPLIT SPRUCE and HEMLOCK Q IFLDDW (D) ( I T TO I.KMiTII Clean Handpicked 'Surefire Kindling "WE GUARANTEE QUALITY AND QUANTITY" B & W TRANSFER firpni lK(i PHONES Hod 182 Moving, Packing Cralinir, Shipping and (leneral Carlaee and Storage For Complete. Reliable and Efficient Service, call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Established 1910 Phone SO and 68 TRY SUMMIT MKT AT LTD. l ''"'I Avenue SPF,n?S. M-rr. "Mi Avenue F-LKINS DTD. 'Hi", and ii, ntlnn Eneinerrs P.O. Box 271 i- noniE '"loitant Aiirlii,.. 4- ;'x Returns f'(,mnilo Hlork Phcne 387 8 ) Ltd. M VK 980 Al ToI()K K FRANCE 'Near C'FI'K) TRY I.VAI) T iCTV MPJI G FOR YOUR PARTY It is Good, FRESH MADR and Delicious VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 C,lP SUCy ChW OPEN 5 AM TO 8 AM CHINESE DISHES OUR SPECIALTY SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE PRINCE RUPERT HOTEL EVERYBODY ELSE DOES! (CALL . O O