pete on the labor market, with i Pra prince Rupert Dailp lUctus LtD. Wednesday, March 10, 1948 men from other prtft'tcn..4 ir wil'u-'. 4 J The Daily News Boys acta? If that Is so, it Is Urn? they had some technical as well as practical experience as mor" skilled labor Is Kmg to be need 1 1,, kn Independent, daily newspafrv devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and all communities eomr-'.ig northern and central British Columbia. (Authorized as Stcond v ,-ss Mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa) Published every afternoon except Sunday bv Pr!nr- Ruoert Daily News Ltd., 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert British Columbia. G. A. FXJNTER. Managing Editor. H. O. PERRY, Managing Director. IlTMBER O.' CANADIAN PRESS AUDIT BUREAU OP CIRCULATIONS CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION led as Ruert progresses. Men 1 will have to be imported from Uie so-called prairies If local Why, the reply was ''Charge! nothing. It's our job." HENRY BLACKABY BORN IN COW COUNTRY BUT HAS SPENT MOST OF HIS LIFE HERE Henry Blackaby, who commonly "has his surname 8 nOINd GOOD JOIt Editor, Daily News: Answering your letter of SUBSCRIPTION RATES City Carrier, per week. 15c: Per Month. 65c: Per Year, $7.00; By Mail, Per Month, 40e; Per Year, 4.00. What a difference to the cost men are going to sit In the back in Canada of $252 for mir firs, seat complaining, instead of March 8 entitled "Employ Lo cal People," Four reference to wercy - mgm oi 711 murs anu . smartening up. .so mey can fill working does ! aooui nan tne distance me Ain- tne dim. shortened to fieri, iirst Greeted tms wiirm hi uk married women At for iiw:le Rirls, the same well-known ranching centre of the interior, Williams m mv opinion, create a lot rfpn(in niane nafl in iravP1- t 1, U i, I,, V. ..Jk. uvw.iiol, li.'iirDunient for and against but Surely the Canadian govern Peace Gas Project apples to them. When you see l hnlnv& nfTimf de F 1,1111 '""u l" menU- fPclerikl ailri provlnoia1' rta Ktand- Straddle .o a . norse wun any ut-irr u i""i mh.c. ... r sriould do something about em- m wr sis. im ctocwlw gum and smoking 9 of his he has resided in I mice uupert, iv- . years b h is t OI. lergency nights and make them inHU.dd oi aervinjr ttie eustom- 1 1 "tit. 1 dinarv one but, if any member ; P"inie ior an, ricn ana poor. w yo cannot blame employ- i fc.rt.Mir NEW c o fri' 1 .ri MASRETT H CeiVIIlg puutiu ,"t-iiLnj cv.viv.a- I tion at Borden Street School ! This year he is in Grade Seven of your correspondents lamiiy ran do it better tnan myself. 1 and having his first COMMUNITY CLUB M. A. Martin, president. Norah Hurton, secretary. tasl o. thpv (,iin gpl Jn ton(.n wlln nu FOR YOUK . high school. I The Canadian National Kail-wav .still runs out of here. PRAIRIE CHICKEN Henry is a member of the high school stamp club, gathering postage stamps is hLs hobby. A: fondness for thp until o o 1 s nrompt-ed Jiim to join the Junior; St. Patrick's Dance Q I forest Ranger, an organization : I noted for its valuable educa tional and conversation work' throughout the province. j A member of the Civic. Centre and an enthusiastic basketball ' V f' t SCORF.M I NIONS Editor, Daily News: Unions' -are they run efficiently iike Ford's. Nuffield's etc. lwonder Strikes never did any good and never will. What do ine members get out of them? I think unions are a failure. E. HAINSWORTH Premier tiOI AND Ft'Tl RF I. IFF Editor, Ially News: I really feel impelled to interject a word into this rather frivolous correspondence about God aixl the Future Lite. It is all very well to talk about Ideas but if we do we shall have to be consistent and not go to bat for fundamental oppo.sllr-s. Either we believe that we are free in n real sense . . . that man stands indfed at the crossroads in tills mortal lift and the choices we make are real choices. Or we believe that nothing matters very much and that human life Is totally illhisory and back of what we know is nfilher good nor evil, pain nor pleasure, rc- j player, Henry fills a borth on ! the Civic Centre Arrows' roste.-. He likes to spend his spare tini:' practicing basket shots with )N ( j football. Reading isn't favor-1 BALLERINA AHb DRAPED SKIRTS IN CREPE AND ALPINE NIGHT DRESSES and SLIPS IN OUT SIZES Jl ST WHAT TIIK I. AIMiKK WOMKV hi;i:n v nis(, mik Elaborate SHEER BLOUSES Lace Trimmed Sizes from 12 to Jo 38 u LADIES' RIBBED VESTS ANNETTE urn WALK UPSTAIRS IN STONE hTIIj; ! ite pastime with him but ne iikf- ! music and is studying piano no I! FA I, 'MFIU'V FI.M.HT Editor, Daily News; Shortly after wrilins; the first letter regarding "Mercy" flignu I When hi.s schooling i ii.,i i,i Prince Huoert. Hnry THAT IS AN ambitious project which prominent Vancouver business menliave in mind a $40,-000,000 scheme to carry natural pas from the Peace River district to the coast, letting some off at interior points enroute. It is only one, although possibly the most expansive outside of the making of direct railway connection from the Peace River to the coast, of many developments that will be occurring, and possibly not so long now, as the opening up of Canada's last greatest northwest materializes. Nor do we need to worry too much in Prince Rupert about whether we or Vancouver benefit the nost. There is room for both of us to be sure and if we continue the endeavour to work together in the development of the district, which after all is most directly tributary to Prince Rupert, a port will not and cannot be denied, we shall all benefit. So we wish the Vancouver men good luck in their venture in gas. ALPHABETICAL SOUP PASSIONS still run high and ALPHABETICAL the Second World War didn't help any. Gone are the simpler days of World War I when KP was a man's worst worry. Now he has to decide whether OD means his uniform (of "olive-dral' complexion) or the officer of the day. CIC could mean either counter-intelligence or commander in chief; CO could mean conscientious objector or commanding officer. Haven't things gone too far? Even to be world-minted today is to be alphabet-minded. The UN proliferates into ITO and FAO, ECOSOC and UNESCO. How c?n the man in the street (hereafter known as MIS) give his heartfelt loyalty to a bunch of consonants and vowels? Wistfully we look back to the verbal richness of earlier days of wobblies and mugwumps, do-gooders and know-nothings. Well might the MIS start a Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to the Alphabet (hereafter not to be known as the SPCA). 1 plans to auena university Better English BV D. C. WILLIAMS though a.s yet he isn't sure what from Mass-tt, there was another ward nor punl(,nmffU case of sickness here requiring 1 V, n will ersriuw in. In the latter caxe there can be no fear. I strongly suspect that 21 immediate hospital treatm?nt. 1. What is wrong with this, H .8 roule is Number We got into communication sentence? 'He said it in ironi oi 1 which-ukeg ,n tne customers nine out of ten of the people who his lather. living on Park Avenue, Eleventh with the Canadian Paeific Air tpU me U)ey d() n()t ,ear t,M fu 2. What is the correct pro- .,. water Street. Beach Lines Ltd. at Prince unpen that there Hire are convuvced is no future aiwl. nunciatlon of "brooch?" 'piaee'md a lone block of Sec- They were unable to state therefore. sorry of these words whether they could come to our 3. Which one i0nd Avenue Wpst. j n(UhinK l() b(. w is misspelled? Opponent, oppor- j . . I assistance but would call us up about But to be convinced of what J HOTEL ARRIVALS in an hour's time. As this sound ed douotful and the case urg tunity, oppoulence. 4. What does the word "ef in not true I only like a shot of 'ent, we not Into communication menla morphine It doe not fulgently" mean? Prince Rupert Ormcs D F. with the U.S. Coast Guard Ser- a!ter lm. a,.t. 5. What is a word beginning i ru R. MacKay, Union Bay; DRUGS BASIL S. PRf)CKTFn with imp that mens "irrever- ! rjelziel. Union Bay; O. Edward- vice at Annette Island, AiasKa. ent?" Uon J L Kencke, Prince The answer was. we will call you PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS ! George; M. A. MacQuartie, Pre- In 10 minutes. In five minutes Answers SIKH 1 1) SMARTEN IT Editor, Daily News: I ee complaints in the paper T Semple, Premier; m. we were 101a viiai a piane wuuiu In the presence of!mier; 1. Say, be at MKsett in an Hours tune. Fletcher, Vancouver; E. 11 his father." 2. Preferred pro- 1 Vancouver; J. S. It arrived and me paueiu was abHUl pP!)piP fr0m the prairies Schweitzer, STORE HOURS-WEEK-DAYS 9 AM 10! SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS 12 NOON TO ! 7 P.M. TO 9PM nunciatlon Is broch, 0 as in no. ! city; A. Dixon, Court- in Prince Rupert General Hos- workrn;, whiie Prince Rupert Monowski, Smithers; pital within two hours of our , arf mlt of w;)fk 3. Opulence. 4. Brilliantly; Parnell. nev; F. Mr. and Mrs. Hunger, Stewart; Mr. and Mrs. D. Crawford, city. first call- Mrs. Belinda Blelnes writes I To add to the above immedi- that our own rhVn art taklnv n iate help, the U S. service was back seat. What i the matter radiantly. ) Pronounce the us as in up, accent second syllable). "The actress was effulgently lovely.' Arnold Bennett. 5. Impious. Erne riseiicv b:- Irom 7 pn". :i .iii(l Daily car delivery service from 0 a m. till C p m. asked what the charge would be. with them? Can they not com- ( Advertise in the L-aily Newsi PHONE 81 y-t S Hill a I f I 'I'M STARVATION IN BRITAIN IS A CLEAR distinction between the expressions THERE starvation and malnutrition. To apply the former to victims of circumstances in certain parts of the world is not trifling with the truth. It is a stark, a literal fact. Life ceases because of lack of food and for no other reason, but to say this happens in the British Isles is highly questionable. Nevertheless, such a claim has been seen in print and, if It ever occurred, it must have been due to the fact of none knowing what was going on. MalnUti'hion is something else again. It is common enough anywhere, and can be experienced in the midst of prosperity. People who have spent months in the Old Country and studied the rationing and general food situation agree that there is a stringency." Most people accept regular, if perhaps somewhat monotonous fare. But few, if any, are overtaken by real hardship. And parcels from overseas are!" of course, ever welcome. ADVERTISE IN THE DAILY NEWS FOR. BEST RESULTS i.UlMh ALL If..' ST. PATRICK'S DAI RECORDS Twa Only An IrMimmr". Drrjm "How Are Thitu In (.Ipii Mo". "My Wild Irish It" "I'll Take You llonre, Kath11" "McNamara's h;ind' "Hear Old llomsil" '(ialad) H.iv" "My Gir! An Iriwli l.irl AI.SO ALBUMS OF "Sliiiilirm-k Melmlii"." by Dennis Day and Bine Cro? t. 'v i v f . W; Aw.eif I VV nrtMT nurxvr trr PATRICK'S DAVCA - McRAE BROS. LIMlfi For Prompt Service Ca I ItfllljJl IHI I IV v BERT'S TRANSFER & b Auto Logical! An old car ia better than none. Rut having no car is . bstter than having one unsafe on the road. We are equipped and staffed to check vcur car noint. hv noint. and MESSENGER SERVICE Combined With Prince Uupcrl Ilollle Coll-lor WD OUR SONS INTHENAW 1 rtinn.: 30J 3rd Ave. West Office Phone: nine 810 ,,nmr Don't wait to make necessary repairs reliably. Drive in now! RUPERT MARINE M (J. CLAl'SF.N SON) or aui We Take Listings of . . . BOATS FOR SALE E-ieiHXO1' n BROKERS IN BOATS, MARINE AND TRY are opportunities for promotion and higher pay. There are PNf ialized traden as well. Your son's career in llie Navy will Iw eiliM-alioual as well as exciting. Ih-'ll travel to foreign lands in dim new hhipx with modern equipment. He'll gel plenty of sMrlA and outiloor life . . . and genermiH leave with pay. Hut wherever your hoy goes with the Itoyal (Canadian Navy, holh you and he will have the nalisfacliotl of knowing that he m serving hi conn try well . . . that he in doing a man's joh in a world-famous uniform. But along ilii your pride you'll have I he nun fort of knowing that your lad iscnjowng a Itealtliv, active and useful life. You'll know llnit lie Iiuh a Meadv job with ample iii(irtuiiit y for advaiieeinenl . . . thai he is jietlinir all the inedk-al and len(al care that he need . . . and that after hit service he'll pel a gciieroiix jm-iihom lor I he rest of his life. You'll he proud, too, of the work vour hoii Iocs in the Navy. He'll gain eierieiire and training that will always he valuahlc. There RJ REAL11 RUPERT MARINE rnp nttiPR HALM OR CnAB" Water J . ( Bant of Llpwtf. Box 541 .""1 Ladies 11 You Must See These JUNE TOWELS, FACE CLOTHS, TEA TOWELS AND CLOTHS, TABLE CLOTHS, RUNNERS, PLASTIC TABLE COVERS, PILLOW SLIPS, APRONS. efRVlf '' FOR T11E BEST IN AtTTOMOTH fc See Your .(J ISoyal Canadian Hawy. GENERAL MOTORS Ituick riievrnlel Olrtsninhile for full partkulors apply to the Naval Recruiting Officer, Royal Canadian Navy, Ottawa or to ,r A KPW-'A Win mva MACHINE wunn. . j Chnotl t u.A:a OH TO: H.M.C.S. CHATHAM, IMUNCE UUPKKT. M.C RCN2 ,JP.O. Bolt 1118 , 518 Third West RED 400 -.If?' 1 TERRACE.