4 Wmc ftupm Dailp r5rto$ CtB. Wednesday. March 10. 1948 MIXED BOWLING LINDSAY LEADS TO-OF ' i Continued from Ts?:e One floor play. Shooting on both side was poor. After trailing th suburbanites for three quarters, Fashion Footwear put on a last-minute Don't Fail to See Our Smart New ! ! LEAGUE SCORES In the latest srssion of the Mixed 'A" Five Pin Bowling League, Dodgers took three games from Thistles and at the sametime totalled up a scoring cu rve mai neiwa eleven poims i in the fourth quarter but which) was insufficient to overcome the Port Edward lead. o VI ,1 f j record of 3.481 for the three games. Highest team wore for Gurney of Port Edward was1 gers ior tneir inirci gauit- in which they scored 1.228 points. Individual nigh scorers were Shorty Coals BEAUTIFUL SPRINT, D RESSES Al;!t!lN(; MAII.Y "THE HOUSE OF QUALITY 34:; West Third Ave. Thoiic Grecu 774 top scorer, netting 12 points, six of them in the last period. I.A1MI S MAKE UN. II STORK In the Ladies' League same, H it'h School trampled Sweet Sixteen by a score of 38-25 in the 0 ) i"L. Smith of Pushovers, who tot alled 6t6 for three games and B Cowgill, of the same team whose JU M I single jame toji score ws a tidy highest -scoring games of the season's .schedule. The game also was one of the best to watch. However, there was little -doubt Dtxlgers 3, Thistles 0. Gold Seals 2. Pioneers 1. McMeekins 3, Midgets 0. 1 Kilowatts 2, Maple Leafs 1. Pusliowrs 3, Atiiiivics 0. Headplnnern 2, Kinypinners 1 THISTLES- Mrs. J DavutMin 117 t.8 14fi Mrs. ft. Havidson ltG 150 IVj after the first quarter that the league-trailing Sixteeners would not improve their position in the standings at the expense of High School. The students emerged from the first quarter with a six-point lead which they expanded as the game progressed. Budinieh of High School and Currie of Sweet Sixteen were top scorers, each with 13 points TAXf MI X BEAT IIK.M KC'IIOOL Norton B c DELIVERED FREE C.O.D. PHONE 654 25c per dozen paid for empties. Please fiave them ready when the driver calls. COAST BREWERIES LTD. SICKS' CAPiLANO BREWERY LTD. VANCOUVER BREWERIES LTD. tail a.-. 'iC'-'la'.i-'ll Price . "I pjr; Sc f RATCHFORD LEADS JUNIOR LEAGUERS Showini; Way in Juvenile Kasketball I.CMtp Bud Ratchford has taken over the top spot from Bill McChes-ney by one point among Junior Basketball League scorers. With both players having two games to play it will be a cloc race for lop honors i 'i 11 if ilD I I N"t-e HruinJ it Davidson V. Owens J. LWidsun low Score Totals Kamsav E. -Garner K. Anderson I G. Anderson I A. Riwn.sav ll. Uunbar I Totals K8 H lh4 148 2U8 201 7.J 21(1 20!l 132 113 172 7(42 Kt 101 186 176 197 171 270 211 162 113 Zi 278 Wi 170 . lo4 212 172 184 l!t4 23!t 1125 1128 122U itt tl... ! PB4 "" u" "''''t-fnt: . "-' l;rs! vr . izatum .v.,-,.,..,'. ii.l'.ll rt.-,.l:.c hl fc iill! j Ml"!';,. PK-Mil.-Ii; if . Kttmiaat, , of ? ;-.:, Hp ti'i a .lire: E. Knutson IB. Wlndle j The fir.st period was scoreless ! for both sides in the Junior j Lragiie game which saw 65 Taxi ' lake a 18-12 victory from High j School. Bot.li side displayed j poor shooting. . The taxi boys played strictly zonal positions, a strategy which j forced the students to take long i shots, most of which were un-I successful. Holt and Bill were each re-1 Tliis advertisement is not published or deployed by tlie Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. mere has been omy one change in the top io. Norm Sather of Gyro has tied for tenth place with Bob Smith of High School. 135 I8 22'i I 174 2H." 201 i 173 200 13!l 128 l!7 llWi 207 234 liMI 138 160 132 149 1102 1002, i OFFER HELP . IN HOCKEY BETTING SCANDAL Jack Adams left manager of the Detroit Red Wings professional hockey team, and Thomas Ivan, coach of the team right i, are shown in Detroit, Mich., meeting with Deputy Police Superintendent Kennedy Lawson tn offer thpir hetn In the invpstlcatJcm Following a: e the records of P. Mcnies J. Milium 1.. l.rickson B. Moxlev Low Score Totals GOLD SEALS O McNeil N. Christenson L. Srhroeder T. Smith . M Postuk Thorn T SHORT SPORT the firot 10: GFG FT. P sponsible for six of the G5 Taxi's,: 0f the hockey betting scandal which has resulted in the expul- i P,, .S' ? '!? , WeisS 9Mrcd six ! sion of one player and the suspension of another, or High School. BILLIARD MEET IS CONTINUING Fir.st round of th? Canadian Legion's second winter English billiard tournament was continued last night with two games. In the first, Capt. J. R. 127 153 97 198 139 HiO 125 129 131 132 213 177 2(Mi 2?0 22'j 194 102 197 982 1056 991 B B D. R n MIXED A- HVE PIN SCHEDULE j Totals I McMEEKINS- iB Wick Individual scoring: Vah jmipmh SeBiw ROHrHFPK Co-op Lindsay 28, Flaten . UVM JvIILIXiV Macphee 8. Beynon . 'Fitch 3. UAI I C A h Hauaan Mcnzie.s. IfULtJ LlAI Savoy-Davis 11, M. Bolkestad 1. Haugan 1, Alexander 5, R. ' Top Scor'rs Intermediate Holkestad IS, Morgan Arney 2 Baskeiball League Ratchford ;5i 16 52 10 114 Mr-Chesney S 15 54 5 113 Bill 1 65' 15 48 4 100 Lesicur Si 1G 37 14 88 Holt '65 1 13 38 3 79 Marshall Gi . 18 30 8 68 Webster '65' 9 29 5 63 Dumas S 15 25 3 53 SlmundMMi HS' 16 20 10 50 Smith i HS 15 20 8 43 Sather 'G 16 19 10 -48 177 245 132 147 200 258 155 128 194 l'4 Schedule for tl.c third part ol ,l('k the Mixed A"' Bowline League A. Slater is lohows: .?1;,.tl'rl , 178 150 157 1B2 191 236 H M 6 R R Wifi Minors I March 10 Kineninners vs. i- ?J'.?J' ' 135 101 ; More important at the mo-i ment to Fernando Gagnon.Can-I adian bantamweight and featherweight champion, than in the ! ringing of the cash register in '. his hash-house in Quebtc is ar- rangements for a rematch with I Montreal's Hubert Gagnier, deposed featherweight king, ri grudge battle in the making Seemingly, some people--including Gagnier weren't convinced Gagnon's quick kayo of the Mon-trealer in Quebec a week ago was no fluke. So the curlv-hair- Pushovers. Midccts vs. Tlead- 107 W3 1043 nmners. Kilowatts vs. Pioneers Murray. Minoro has c ih J othei lo puctbmotiJ cloiv. On ira J Don Scherk of Bo-Me-Hi con- McMeekins vs. Ciold Heals, 234 N 143 I 4nternediate Elfert. with a handicap of plus 10. defeated I. M. Williamson, handicap, plus 30. by a score of 150-129. The second game saw Jack Frew plus 25, win from A. J. Croxford, with a similar handicap, by a score of 150-127. D. C. Stuart, with a handicap of plus 25 defeated J. S. Wilson, handicap plus 20 by a score of 150-130. No games will be played this evening on account of the Legion's annual meeting which takes place in the hall. itinues on top of the Intermedi- LWW dls' Alom" D Port , r. Edl rri A Oinripv to . lis vs. Dodgers. n . iviv jtu. mi i Totals MIDGETS P. Robert R. Robert Ixw Score R. Smith A. Wrathall D Wick Totals 170 131 13 1H2 118 144 141 11 lf.7 14f, Key-. O -R a men, FG-go.iLs. throws. P-puir.Ls. ... - . rp KasRPinnu ijim uiVi n . 101 172 17N Barton, C. Alexcee 2, A. Vickers : 7' Z. VZ. " " , "IJl?" - 1CP 171 249 1027 920 1027 at 8. H. Gurne.v 2, J. Woods, T. Venn , , Heaclninners vs. Pushovers. .itn one P t w play h he is 2. S. Harris. J. Davies 2 , ,f ThK!los vs Kilowatts. Midgets Practlcall' assured of firs', vs. Gold Seals. McMeekins vs. Fashion rasnion t Footwear ootwear-Slatta Rlntta k b. j gJ u f F h, " F t. Pioneers. Menzies. Intermela 4. Teng 3. ..L. i . , March 24-Midgets vs. Kilo- KTIG WATTS 4Biotsiyvuv I Dumas 230 278 1(9 129 192 105 Vukovich 1. James, McChesney.! .. ' T. , :,lls- Thistles vs. Pioneers, fe. Douohrtv 2-;3 190 177 242 115 199 If JV Gill i Arnsten "4ru alc ngniing u out lor . k 'n Dinners vs. uocmers. Mean- R ' Rudderham ' i,ii.Jj.. j third place. The rest are bunch- p'nnrs,vs Atomics McMeekins j jjortn . ladies HeaRue ! . . , , vs. Pushovers. Manle Leafs vs K palli ed Quebec boy. who added the featherweight title to his bantam crown, wants to prove he ' can do it again. i That there were doubtinr; Thomases must have surprised Dink Carroll Montreal Gazette). l'i 198 114 211 21 914 1113 1205 HOCKEY SCORES National League Chicago 4, Detroit 1. men beJiooi Hamilton 9. Pa- , .,w.a wms. ivich plaers can move P in lhe 2. Budinieh 13. Thain 9. j ! Kennedy. Howe. Lykeaaard 3i:scorinS- Smith, Greenwood. Following are the records ofiliriIC DlinillirU L. Vanetta Totals MAPLE LEAFS P. Thompson J. Dennison J Thomnson O. Dennisop A. Shearer K. Shearer Totals . COTTAGE iS the top ten JMLlML DUlflllLn j Sweet Sixteen L. Younsman 103 89 1 99 118 130 122 82 171 130 137 114 , i 112 149 1R5 191 111 190 918 New Crewnfd .Simundson. L. Husoy, C. Currie D Srh(,rk 1 13. Ki.dal 4, J. Husoy 2. N. Young- D Kheir B-hm.'-hi !man 6. Dumas. Skoro. (iurncy Pt Eci. ... ft K)Ht1u IT C VAI.ENTISI Your 3 ;sc 9' HS ASSUMES LEAD 48 105 . 16 4L 20 104 i . i 17 33 t:, ! TP Nerer in Lamrs 17 32 10 74 ; Basketball League 17 2 14 72 ' 4Civic Centre THURSDAY Sports a ni - Bo-Me-Hi gym class, p.m. 1:00- Bo-Me-Hi gym class 2:30-King Edward gym class 3 :30- Badminton 8:00- Rup-Rec men I'.asketltall C:00-e;nie C'cnlre Arrows Special I vrntx 2 00 -Burden Ojwretta rehearsal. 2:30 - AAA meeting 4:00 Jr. Leathercraft Group 6:00 King Edward School Broadcast. 7:00 -NFB Film (children . 8:00 - NFB Film adults . 8:00 - Civic Centre board of directors. 8:00 Jr. Chamber of Commerce. AIX-WEATEff.a rUSHOVERS -P. Hetwiwr , J Warren ' nVn Cordcir 201 195 172 187 101 167 227 293 180 16 27 15 6'J 11R 23'' 14., i 143 ' "33 : Junior League r currie Mwhu'iu' 65 Taxi Bill 6, Holt 6 Van s scherk MTchams Pykstra. Martinsen 2. Helin. Ol- 1 StZTn"- son, SdPgWick, Ratchford 4. All- R Scharff Moreans . tnnp J Hebb Marchmits . ' 1 VhUfu Bo-Mc-Hi . High School Large. Simund-; Key: G-Games The latest scoring statistics 16 28 1 . . ; IB. COW? ill A. MacKEJC 154 ?48 215 n so 7 67 tne Ladies BasKetDaii League jj gmith 7 28 11 67 show Jackie Budinieh taking ,s' Smith FG-Fieldithe lead from Betty Hamilton Tl!8,, 'i FURNITL 1159 1183 1044 nun jumnun i. oiinui i. ri'i- Goals' FT-Free cheson. Jordan, Webber. Blat-K. Points Hamilton, Weiss 6. inrows. Pts- with a margin of 1? points anil j. Naylor j three more games to play Jackie T. vu-kovitch i 0 l.imiifi 'A GOfiD Kid' S J In l.i ill I.dniifuro i 19fi l'(7 143 J33 158 159 162 107 1-' ' 186 93 lh I'M 194 200 191) 1S4. 1. v.. I... 1......- t. J IU Mill lltr iLhUACO Ollfl lll K Thomnson ! k nri, ' Jr'pl" xxx vs ! crown. She has broken her own ! I5.i ck and Tmw who dismissed the result of the title affair in four lines, only two of which are reproduced here: "No one was surprised by the uutcom? . . . Gaanon was known to be a fair belter and Gagnier to have a China chin."j Roland Sabourin Quebec; L'Evenement - Journal, noting that ''some of his colleagues" in the metropolis had gone overboard for versions of the fight given by Gagnier and his lather on their return to Montreal, says: "Personally, we think the Gagniers should have kept silent . . and ar-eept?d their defeat like gentlemen, for their blabbering could no nothing els" but blacken the n:ime of the sport." Strpping oif from there, Roly quoted Capt. Leo Bouchard. Gagnon's doughty manager as follows: "Gagnon will meet Gagnier anywhere within 72 hours notice ... in fact, he's so anxious for a rematch he'.i willing that the bout be fought on a winner-take-all basis. If Canadian boxing authorities 191 N. Kinslor M Flvnn Totals 881 10R8 991 Chantecler CIGAR ETTE PAPERS 1 Aprll 4 Ideal Determents vs Triple XXX. Islanders vs. B C. Parkers. C Y. O vs. Cougars, Miss or Hits v.- BrownwofKls SCHEDULE OF MIXED BOWLS IS Table Oil W1" HEADPINNERS record of 16 points a game by 19 against Sweet Sixteen. Following are trie records of the fir.st 10: Key G-games. FG-goals, FT-free throws, P-points. 7 Me.ilev 1 5 Cirpfli 4 . 146 Ifi" 103 248 i 1T 255 l.;4 194 ' Phone ;:3 1C) 1H3 A(nl 11 0)iis;ars vs Triple XXX Inlanders vs Miss or Hits BC Packers vs CCYO., Ideal Deteri-Piits vs Brownwoods. April 18 CYO. vs Weal Detor- 184 You saw ;t in tne Daily Ne'vs March 14 Coueart vs BC. Packers. ldPal Determents vs. "Miss, or Hits. Brownwoods vs. Triple XXX. Islnnd- 147 198 170 165 1T 969 J. Budinieh iHi 9ri -Hi PPntK, BC Packers VS Krnit.na.nnri. i rB. vs c Y o , . t- TT :w . .. . . 1203 1027 March 21 lsianaers vs -Ideal De-' . A A vs Mlss "r Hits. C.MiS.-.rs nanwiton f J Murrav M. U-amv A. 1amv J. Comadina V Writhall Totals K'NGPINNERS . Pierce v Comadina V. Turcot te .. 1. henton T MeT.atchie D McLeod i P I trrRrnts. BC. Paeker.H vs. Triple XXX CI.OVI 9 29 18 7C 10 31 2 76 11 24 6 54 i 9 19 6 44 I ' 11 18 3 30 8 15 7 37 1 HI V KIWI I S tRrgd.l miss or Hits vs. CYO. Brnvmwriocls ( vs. CoiiKiirs. MniTh 2H -Coittrnrs vs. Miss or Hits. CYO vs Brownwoods. Idtal LXtiT- 215 '19 i3 14 1n )'6 130 181 14(1 1H4 , .. lniitlirift. April 25MtKft or Hits vs. B.C Parkers. Coucars vs. Ideal Detr-peius. Islanders v.. ftrwiiwMKk Triple XXX vs. C Y O. May 2 Islanders vs. C.T O . Triple XX vs. Brownwoods. Couuars vs Hi: 167 'MR 117 ?8" 147 tin A. Hamilton iH . L. Thornton (Pi N. Youngman (SSi B. Sedgwick (Pi . C. Currie (SSi . .... R. Thain UD L. Howe (Hi i(NKi:i(s 10 14 3 31 ; N Mciitchie Would permit" which isn't at Parkera. Miss or Hits vs. Ideal Deter- 1179 999 1077 Totals 10 14 3 31 j 8 10 G 29 ; . 9 12 2 26 all likely for they'd have to. amend the game's regulation,. I Watch the Classified Ads! 1 " niiMTi REDDY KHOVATT - Your Electric Servant Margaret McLeod OPTOMKTRIST IN NEW OFFICES ROOM 10 h; J XI I LOVI "By golly, if I must do the dishes, how about some hot wafer I'" "Now he knows what the missus is up against all day long with the family washing, cleaning and baths!" "O.K. Kcddy, get going . . . why didn't think of it years ago? No bonder the wife never seem to get out of i he , Itl DlT1' "Hey, mister, how about installing an automatic electric hot water heater then there'll he lots of hot "water for everybody!" STONE BPII.OTNG NEW PHONE Breeding and Personality Blood lines as advertised by nmny of the large kennels in the East. Bonking orders now for Honey Breeze's litter, three weeks old. Five champions on sire's fcirle. four on dam's side. We have satisfied patrons in Prince Rupert. These pups are natural hunters and have wonderful dispositions. PKK'rO REASONABLY " ' ' "" ' ' Particulars and pedigrees on request. J. C. HUNT IH'KNS l.AKI., B.C. NEW RO BLUE 593 , HOti' how Available! PRINCE . OBI Rff ptionc GASOLlH LIVE 'M II.K AT 5l AVAILAI r. S I C") - F MOTORS LINDSAY ti i r,p f . AM I'"1'" V AND ENJOY THEyf r DIFFERENCE t A Cs3 t'j-- LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL