PROVINCIAL LI2?.A1Y, Pr- 7B,UC 5 002k STAR WAAAAAAiVaaaaaa4aaaaaaaaaa1 NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRTTIMI COLUMBIA'S MXWBPAPBB VICTORIA, 3. C. 1S1 ORMES DRUGS 1 1 OVJNCIAL Daily Delivery PHONE 81 VICTORIA UDsnea at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific PortTrince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest ' rrr vwr AAAvu, no. 59. PRINCE RUPERT, B. C., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 10, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS J ami Hviiasair W L A A es His 8 Sonof Founderof Republic Suicides RESIGNATION IS DEMANDED IVTinister of Finance Under Fire in Commons London and Washington Stunned Had Been Under Terrific Pressure From Russia LONDON (CP) Hirfl foreiVn affair nffJnJolc OTTAWA, 0 Resignation of Finance Minister Douglas Abbott was demanded during a DEATH OF WAITRESS Wife of Vancouver Man Succumbs Montreal Man Charged TORONTO P Mrs. Margaret iMickey) Meredith, 25-year-old waitress, wounded nine days ago In a restaurant shooting, died in hospital today. Police said a murder charge had been preferred against Leslie Davidson, Montreal - born pianist. Her estranged husband, Robert Meredith of Vancouver, and stormy House session last night following charges of "brazen of London and Washington were stunned todav at U1 mc news ui me tragic aeatn in Prague of Dr Jan charges voiced by John Die- ( Masaryk, 61-year-old Czechoslovak foreign minister jrsrsz sfsf ? th,e republ-iC( w appa?nr Mr. Abbott's announcement of mted S.U1lde today by JumP"g Om a third- (iES MEETS NEW CABINET Worried and harassed i . r- 1 n . ,. (.Uti B - I 1 resident tauuaiu di ikj uisuh s biiuwii in conversa- , wmvw ji ma OHlCiai I " " " ' RAW GVnlcn fnvna V. . . . .1 ! XT . Communist Premier Klement Oottwald as the latter ' rdence in Prague. emhpr in n. nicMdent to formally present the new all-Communist u t : their son, Bobby, were close at hand at the time of her death. Prague. Benes, long-time champion of Czech democ-vd fina!lv beneath the overwhelmimt Commnnlkt l id reluctantly accepted the new cabinet, at the same i.iR out lor some vestiges oi po'i.cai freedom for the NEW PENSION BILL COMING OTTAWA 0 With a house Ahwf vT V"'"6C1U Anthony Eden, former British T,nJ - T a grffe lore1 secretary d a close advance in Parhamentary r hfe. fricnd 0? M,sai5.k aid; CecU aiern: Progressive - Con- ' a gfeat tragedy, llz gave hU f; MfH-' BUfrard- 1Ue in the cause ot freedom-called caued for Mr. Abbotts res.gna-, state Department officals in Sntmv C"e! f YU' Washington doubted if it was Thank You, from the finance a case of suicide. They gave no ts"er- ! credence to a purported pro- Col. Merritt said that the Communist statement by Masa-mlnister should resign so that ryk, expressing the opinion that the constitution would be res- he had been actually held a pected in a country where there prisoner. was respect of the constitution. An official announcement in The minister should resign i Prague said that investigations committee to be set up on various affairs now approved by Parliament, Veterans Minister Milton F. Gregg announces that the government proposes to place U.S. WARSHIPS NEAR BLAST However, No Casualties to Americans At Tsingtao SHANGHAI 0 United States Navy sources said there were no immediate reports of casualties among American personnel aboard the UJ5.S. Estes, flagship of the American Western Pacific fleet, and a hospital ship, the Repose, which were tied up at docks within half a mile of a Chinese ammunition dump which blew up at Tsingtao yesterday. The explosion was set off by an undetermined cause and swept an area east of the docks, leaving a mass of blackened ruins in a wide sector. Fires TGUARD LIFE SAVING SERVICE 1 FORBY PRINCE RUPERT MLA if ( iRIA Case for a coastguard service on the 'jToluml'ia coast was brought up by W. H. ,(r.F. member for Prince Rupert, speaking in ilature yesterday in the debate, in reply to iff. from the Throne. i'.::? of claims of excessive cost of such a legislation increasing veterans' pensions before the committee within the next day or so and obtain first reading of an enabling bill. automatically, he said, after it were proceeding. Attributing his was shown he had breached the constitution. death to illness and insomnia, it added that the statesman had probably decided to end his life "in a moment of nervous disturbance." Msmbers of the family said he had been having spells of depression. In London Gen. Lev Prchala. Five Power BULLETINS "Iloyment AlRBANKS service, Mr. Brett declared that the value of saving human lives should not be measured in dollars and cents. Agi reement A i leader of the Czech movement resisting the communist regime raged for two hours. The matter should be brought UNDOING BIG NAZI SABOTAGE JOB IN GREECE The opcniiiR. clearing up and deepening of the Corinth Canal is one of the major projects undertaken by the U.S. mission for aid to Greece program. When the Germans withdrew from Greece, they did a good job of blocking the canal by blowing up bridges, blasting millions of tons of rock and earth Into the cut and running in 70 railroad carriages and several locomotives. Two big dredgers are shown at work in Athens at the clearing Job. When the r.s- Approximately in Prague, said London exiles Accord Reached On All Important Points At Brussels, It Is Declared forcibly to the attention of Ot tawa with pressure for the in i persons are un-Fairbunks, Alaska. ' but others lie tlgure continues stitution of the service In which naa neara tnat Masaryk was "under terrific pressure to bring him into line" with the communist government. navy and fishery patrol services BRUSSELS 0 Agreement in principle ' has been reached on canal is put back in commission it will shorten journeys from li actically the same. miht co-operate. There had been several lncl Informed of reports that had taker! - hi own life, all outstanding , points of t the I yle western. Mediterranean b y 36 hour proposed "western union" treaty Fernand Van Langehove, chief . WWwhkWmwwhw WOULD PROBE RED COt'P LAKE SUCCESS Dr. Jan Papanek, Czechoslovak delegate to the United Nations, demanded today that the United Nations security council investigate the communist coup in Czechoslovakia. BRISCOE IS FIXED VANC of an ulcer, Edison Brian Briscoe, convicted of retaining a stolen fishboat, was yesterday given option of a $2500 fine to serving a three-year sentence in penitentiary. Mr. Justice Man-son had imposed the fine after dents of late around Prince Rupert emphasizing the necessity of Frchala said. "Suicide? It is pos sible." SAM DESCHAMPS (STEWART, DEAD Believed to Have Been Killed in Fall at Lonely Trapper's Cabin STEWART Sam Deschamps, veteran prospector and trapper. y IE ADS 10 WIN : : TOD A TS STOCKS : : Courcesy S. D. Jonnston Co. Ltd. a coastguard service and one of these cited by Mr. Brett was the wreck of the Clarksdale Victory on the west coast of Queen Charlotte Islands with loss of forty- New Manager of Traffic is Named Belgian delegate to the current five power conference, told reporters today. Pierre Wolvinger, Luxembourg delegate, said it was understood articles drafted today Included provisions for mutual assistance machinery for settlement of disagreements arising among the five powers and economic was found uead at his trapline MONTREAL Appointment . 5AVOY5 ! Vancouver Bialorne 9.50 eight lives. "Recent happenings on the of George H. Sheridan as traffic manager with system juris- field baskets and I , coast, coast, eni; entailing the loss of many being told that a prison term ! diction, Canadian National Ex- gs forcibly to light the jl . . tl.s ":' a UjU1 of 28 ! lives, brin .J Lirn.n. Co-op for-appalling ff " hi team to a ciluiPS oll B. R. Con B. R. X Cariboo Quartz Dentonia Grull Wihksnc Hedley Mascot Min to 03! 2 .07 1.80 ll'i .70 .02 lack of coastguard fa-this coast." Brett said. victory over its mn. t ,.. -.,..,., ih. , ii uiuai u)u vLta vv ' 1 s Savoys, in lat seriousness of the situation and t basketball nlav. .,..,.. . . .u- .ni,na. press, was announced here by F. N. Wiggins, general manager of the company. Mr. Sheridan will make his headquarters at Montreal. He succeeds C. W. Smith, recently appointed superintendent of air and foreign traffic. Toronto Athona 07 Aumaque .. .20 Beattie : G6 Bevcourt 40 Bubjo .15 Buffalo Canadian 11U Consol. Smelters 94.50 Conwest 86 Donalda : . .78 Eldona 81 Elder 50 Giant Yellowknlfe .... 4.40 God's Lake 70 Hardrock 15 Harricana 06 V Heva 13 Hosco 32'i Jacknife 044 Joliet Quebec 35 ',4 lion oi a ieaerai cuumei. iiim- f K'li ia the leagu isU,r." Pend Oreille 2.40 Pioneer 3.35 Premier Border 04'j Privateer 25 Reeves McDonald 1.25 might endanger riscoe's life. Briscoe was convicted in Prince Rupert and lost an appeal in Vancouver. THRONE SPEECH ADOPTED OTTAWA The House of Commons voted 107 to 95 late Tuesday to adopt the address in reply to the Speech from the Throne, signifying endorsement of the government's legislative program and policies in general. The vote brought a lengthy Throne Speech debate to a close. , , I The Prince Rupert member s..o(hii:k brought said lnc srheme should be liii; final quar- od oul through the assistance 1'i-a built up a.t of lhc or lhe fLsherics de- .10 r i Reno Salmon cabin on Bear Lake about nine miles from Stewart last week. D. D. Kimball, who found the body, said he went to the cabin and found it open but no sign of Deschamps. On looking around outside he found the body at the gable end of the cabin almost underneath a 15-foot ladder and with his snow shovel alongside. " Without disturbing anything Kimball hiked to Stewart and reported to Constable George Nelson of the provincial police. The constable, accompanied by Kimhall, proceeded to the lake to investigate . and brought the body to town. From observations made at the scene it would appear that Deschamps had been clearing snow from the roof and had fallen from the ladder, striking his head on a projecting stringer. Two dogs owned by Des- Gold Sheep Creek 1.00 1 't-'u tiic marksman -: I '-11 Holkestad. f'i'M quarter saw MILLIONS IN TAX REFUNDS To Be Paid to Canadians During Next Couple of Weeks OTTAWA 0 In checks ranginglrom one cent to hundreds of dollars, the federal treasury is going to rid itself of more than $93,000,000 In the next two weeks. Revenue Department officials say that between March 15 and 31 individual Canadians will receive $57,347,425 as compulsory savings refunds on their 1942 Income tax. They will receive another $5,162,524 in interest. In the same period corporations will have $31,200,000 refunded. jiartment. Mr. Brett also called attention to the "exhorbitant" rates set by the Transport Board for emergency calls of transporting sick people from remote districts to Prince Rupert and asked for an easing of the f 'K by six points, a Lake Rowan Lapaska 10 063,i ATTACKS UPON BRITISH STOP JERUSALEM 0 One of principal points in the new agreement between Hagana and Ir-gun Zvai Leumi for the mutual defence of the Jews in Palestine against the Arabs is, according to an authoritative source, the promise of Irgun to halt immediately attacks upon British forces now in process of withdrawing The merger between the two Taylor Bridge Taku River VaVnancla Congress Paeilic Eastern .. Iledlty Amalg. ... Spud Valley Centra! Zeballos Silbak Premier .. .45 ! j .55 .16 .03 .05 .03 .15 01 (i .45 f"'C.. :.i Df-riml H,mr. Little Long Lac 1.20 Lynx .. '3 live noinl.s unH h. 10 'sner tu une point. quarter was strict: v P-d a Liiiftuiif.- ci. Dewey Wins In Primary Shows Strength In New Hampshire For Presidential Nomination CONCORD, New Hampshire 01 Oils A :k(() up 10 oi the is P. Con is f d b-v Co-op before "ere In such condition Jewish forces is said to ?"mP Uunii" the same P'V scor, H mil., i Calmont 45 C & E 4.00 Foothills 3.50 Home 6.15 THE WEATHER Madsen Red Lake 3.00 McKenzie Red Lake .. .53 McLeod Cockshutt .... 1.33 Moneta 35 Negus 2.44 Noranda 44.50 Louvicourt 1.27 Pickle Crow 2.15 Regcourt 07 San Antonio 4.15 Senator Rouyn 52 Sherrit Gordon 1.96 Steep Rock 2.05 Sturgeon River 20 Silver Miller 29 throws. have been worked out and details are expected to be ready for ratification by the two or- Winn last night is -Governor Thomas E. Dewey of "'lVf -t a season. -,l at Tel Aviv iNew York won the first round Stations fJ- Holkcstad might unaer ine agreement irgun would retain its own organiza- cynopwi With clear skies over most oi the province last night temperatures dropped below normal. A few degrees of frost were reported at several coastal points while stations in the interior o-avp readines near zero. In Old Picture of Interest Found Alex MacKenzle, Sixth Avenue West, recently found In his home an Interesting souvenir of the spring of 1914, when the Grand Trunk Pacific Hallway construction was close to completion. This was a photo showing, a group of rallw-ay men standing around a couple of steam shovels, opposite each other, lacing presumably east and west, and at a point near Fraser Lake in Central British Columbia. The time was April, 1914. It was here that the steel was joined. Some of the men in the picture may possibly be recognized by old timers. LOW PRICE COMPLAINT Submission in Reverse at Parliamentary Probe OTTAWA PThc Ontario creased cloudiness is expected in the ballot box fight for the Republican presidential nomination. The New York governor swept six of eight delegates in the New Hampshire presidential primary, the first in the 1948 campaign and one that politicians held important from a psychological standpoint, showing strength in both rural and urban areas. Dewey beat back the challenge of Harold E. Stasscu. the only other announced Republican candidate to enter a full slate. tion and officers under Hagana's over-all direction. Ben Sampson Found 'Different' People Ben Sampson, local pioneer who left the city three months ago to spend the winter in California after selling his business interest here, returned to the city this morning. "They are a riiiferent kind of people down there." he said. "I like Prince Rupert best." f-a tie kept it Up in I'l'Jarter. During the .. I Periods. Holkcstad " f 'y cue more than I 1,1 the same time. JhkesU"' did not score ' FA III urf' whirl) made a Jnl li Internuii- suth"1! u,ert'by ff' Wit point by de-f,'0 f Vu - AliS Ml , , Bankers' Association, charging 1 that the Atlantic and Pacific : over the western portion of the province for tomorrow with clear cold weather persisting over the remainder of Britinh Columbia. Forecast Prince Rupert, Queen Charlottes and North Coast Inter-miilpnt. ruin todav. cloudv with that they had to be destroyed. The last date in his diary was February 5 so it is believed he had lain all that time before the oody was discovered and the dogs had been without food for the same period. As the constable and Kimball started for town it commenced to snow heavily and they had a hard time getting in. Several volunteers from town went out and helped them break the last three miles to town. Meantime this snowfall, a mere three feet, blocked the road to the Premier mine and the doctor has been unable to get to town to make an examination of the body. A coroner's inquiry will be held as soon as the doctor can get to town. Mr. Deschamps had been over 35 years 1n Stewart and was on, the village commissioners board at one time. He was born in Essex County, Ontario, June 1, 1872. Deceased is survived by a nephew, Sam J. Deschamps, residing in Detroit and a cousin Mrs. L. Stansfield, Armstrong. Arrangements for interment were in the hands of H. Stew- grocery chain was selling bread at a loss, called upon the Hous of Commons price investigation committee for a "thorough in- into the alleged showers Thursday, wind south- j vesication" ftn milnu rr Mmlrl I .ll.MP- WESTERN POWERS' AGGRESSION SEEN At Least That Is What Russia Purports to Observe In Western Europe MOSCOW 0' Russia declares that the western powers are trying to build up a military potential in the Ruhr to "turn western Europe into a strategic base for American Imperialism in Europe with the purpose of aggression against the Union of Socialist Soviet Republics." A note, made public after being sent to United States, Britain and France, does not say what LOCAL TIDES Thursday, March U. 1948 Higli 1:59 20.1 feet 13:57 20.5 feet Low 7:58 5.4 feet 30:10 3.6 feet ( I 1 ' - U 'li.' J . change in temperature. Lows tonight and highs Thursday: Port Hardy 34 and 45, Massett 36 and 45, Prince Rupert 36 and 45. I'M (111 P.M. p Four) I- Despite earlier A and P. evidence that It was making a profit on a loaf retailing for 10 cents, C. M. Ruttan of Toronto, Bakers' Association secretary-treasurer, contended before the committee that the company was using bread as a "loss leader." Mr. Ruttan said, however, that he could not give the com IN MKMOKIAM '"""y of Mrs. Mary A. MacRae who ill)V"ig m r : F'l aa ,. ' Prince Rupert General Hospital, Ih 1". i y to. J. O. Cunningham, provincial Game 'Commissioner, arrived in the city 011 the Prince Rupert this morning to attend the annual dinner of the Prince Rupert Rod and Gun Club which will be held tonight. , HiRlTl'DlNE government mittee evidence his claim. J. A. AND FAMILY. BASED ON COAST H.M.C.S. "Cayuga," first of the Tribal class destroyers to be based hi JEsauimalC in support oi action the Soviet Intends to take. fart,.-tooa4-Mndefteker. -