THIS AND THAT Diane Kennedy Eggshell sport prince Uupcrt Etailp ji-Jcujs 1U0. Wednesday, March 10, 194S coat, black accessories. TERRACE Jeff Lamblcy left on Tuesday's train for Prince Rupert ha been invited to STAGE 8l P M. Annnl. i. Pebbles Dickens Blue coat, black and white accessories. Evelvn Noble Turquoise blue TODAY , O SCREEN 7 p.m. 9:20 Tyronne Power Linda Darnell THE MARK OF ZORRO' hand to see that austerity ap attend a banquet of the Prince j Rupert Rod and Gun Club to-j Herringbone crepe suit, black FASH10H pears to have gone at least as far as ingeniously' smart and chic costumerie for the ladies night. He will also attend tne accessories. ' Nina Youngman Black bal executive dinner on Thursday and girls in Prince Rupert is Eye-Filling Style Show n Charming Fashion Parade By Annette Mansell Last l Evening REVUt lerina suit. concerned. The whistles of the night and will return to his home here on Friday's freight lMp'U male enthusiasts and the ad Marie Acton Gold suit and train. gold shortie, brown accessories. A crew of men left town a STARTS THURSDAY miring gasps of the feminine section tesitfied to the popularity of the style parade. No less than thirty-nine items from leading costumers in Canada were Daraded. ranging from Tuesday for Kwinitsa where they will commence work on tne Mrs. Bussey Wine suit, grey accessories. Edith Jordan Pale green worsted suit, brown accessories. Alice Barbe Grey Herringbone suit. clearing of the highway which tjons for budding spring and an early Easter were displayed ia has been closed since Christmas M-G-M's BIG, NEW MUSICAL ( delightful ensembles for mature due to repeated heavy snow matrons to the wniowiesi 01 stunning style by bewitching mannequins from the stage of falls. Mona Mutch Beige gabardine frocks for sub-debs. There were suit, brown accessories. suits and coats with intriguing Matt. Allard returned from Prince Runert at the week-end, the Capitol Theatre last night in Annette Mansell's fashion revue and tonight the show will be Betty sSville Wool 2 - piece mot tvat k. lepeated. A full house was on accessories. Then came the dresses in all the latest designs and shades and for all occasions. Crowning event was the bridal nrocession in which beautiful suit. Solveig Mork Green gabardine ballerina. " Mrs. Bussey Purple Jersey dress, green shortie. Lois Thompson N a v y blue having gone there for medical attention on his badly-frozen hands. E. Earl returned on Thurs- i day's train from a trip to Smith- brunette Mary Adcock ascended the floral dais in her white nur.hess satin creation with its gabardine ballerina. long tulle veil, as comely a bride Valu Plus - - iw w m iriiii ers. C. W. Mlchicl. Mrs. F. Hall. Evelyn Noble Black 2-piece dress. Mary Adcokc Black moire 2- Ho)lywood'.n.wheort.fhreb, KKy 1 k. Chas. Adams and C. W. Alger solid with her folks than he is!" 'Anyway, I'm a lot more as one could wish to see. Accompanying her to form a lovely marital scene were eight winsome bridesmaids in their pretty frocks of various delicate pastel shades. returned on Saturday's tram from Hazelton where they attended a meeting of the Terrace J XVt 10:30 Roland Leduc Conducts "" .- 11:00 Weatner Forecast and Sign Off Radio Dial The models and the creations C F P R 1240 1240 Kilocycle (Subject to change) and District school board. Mrs. Kenneth Kerr was a visitor to Prince Rupert last week. which they wore were: Mrs. Bussey Old rose coat, rose and blue striped Jersey dress. Mona Mutch Grey coat, printed dress, green hat and purse. piece dress. Pebbles Dickens Pin stripe 2-piece bengaline. Edith Jordan Printed Jersey dress and rose shortie. Alice Barbe Shortie coat with navy blue pin stripe dress. Solveig Mork Printed dress (powder blue), beige shortie. Lorraine Youngman Printed Jersey. Mrs. Bussey Brown printed silk and gold shortie. Betty Saville Black and white Jersev and red shortie. THURSDAY AM. 7:30 Musical Clock 8:00 CBC News 8:15 Morning Song 8:30 Music for Moderns Miss Noble, who has been Marie Acton Beige coat, brown accessories. working at the Skeena Cafe, left WKDNESUA r P.M. 4:00 Edmund Hockrldge 4:15 Stock Quotations Int. 4.30 Especially For You 5:45 Concert Miniature on Saturday for Prince Rupert. For Tired Eyes m i x. y . w i SHIPS and M a r e s a Windle Blue and peach ballerina dress. Come oo over ond enjoy Bij CI1 8:45 Little Concert 9 00 BBC News 9:15 Morning Devotions 9:30 Morning Concert 9:59 Time Signal 10:00 Morning Visit 10:15 Morning Melodies 10:30Purity Flour Mills program 10:40 Recorded Interlude 10:45 Scandinavian Melodies 11:00 CBR Presents 11:15 Songs of Today 11:30 Weather Forecast Two Drops give Quick Relief MAKE THIS SIMPLE TEST TODAY 1 i li iu-u r w in wiwv WATERFRONT I Marie Acton Powder blue cocktail dress. Mary Adcock Turquoise blue 2-piece dress. Evelyn Noble Black cocktail dress. Solveig Mork Black and white 2-piece. hMM.Mrt.s'.'i Canadian Pacific steamer Princess Norah,' Capt. Graham O. Hughes, is due to arrive in 5:00 Rendez-vous Room 5:30 Rosa Linda 5:45 Morton Gould 6:00 MacMillan Club Quiz 6:30 Musical Varieties 6:45 Plantation House Party 7:00 CBC News 7:15 CBC News Roundup 7:30 Distinguished Artist Series 8:00 Citizens' Forum and News 8:45 Talk on Haliburton 9:00 Sam Slick the Clockmaker 10:00 03C News 10:10 B C. News 10:15 Books I Like 11:31 Message Period 11:33 Recorded Interlude Pebbles Dickens Navy Quaker port Thursday morning northbound for Alaska. IF IT'S A 5 SPRING COAT dress. EYES TIRED? Sootha and refresh them in seconds with two drops of safe, gentle Murine in each eye. You get QUICK RELIEF. Instantly your eyes feel refreshed. Murine's skilful blend of 7 ingredients cleanses and soothes eyes that are tired from overwork or exposure to Alice Barbe Printed Jersey 11:45 Ethel nd Albert P.M. 12:00 Mid-Day Melodies dress. M a re s a Windle Pin stripe 12:15 CBC News ! WALLACE'S gabardine Gibson Girl dress. sun, wind and dust. 12:25 Recorded Interlude 12.30 B.C. Farm Broadcast 12.45 Recorded Interlude 1:00 The Concert Hour Defective MURINE FOR YOUR EYES Mrs. Bussey Black formal. Marie Acton Turquoise blue formal. Mrs. Saville Black formal. Mona Mutch Pwoder blue for Of Course iilpH V dan (blue taffeta i, Solveig Mjik (white taffeta). Suits, coats, dresses and accessories frere by Annette Man- CAN BURN YOU IP PLUGS THAT SPA?.! A NUISANCE AND IS: TC)CV mal. i Evelyn Noble Black formal. I Bridal Procession Bride, Mary Tf vMirnnu Mma.( We Specialize in LUBRICATING 1:30 Thursday's Reclta! 1:45 Commentary and Deed; That Live, CBC 2:00 B.C. School Broadcast 2:30 Shelia Presents 3:00 Varieties of Music 3:15 Spotlight on a Star '. 3:20 Sketches In Melody 3:30 Divertimente 3:45 BBC News 3:55 Elmore Phllpott A "Or and OK EASING RUPERT RADIO & ELEGIT i Adcock; Bridesmaids Lorraine Youngman blue Jersey), Maresa Swindle iblue taffeta), Nina Youngnvm (white taffeta', Alice ' Barbe blue taffeta ), Lois Thorn -lason (pink Jersey), Diane Ken Umea runup witn stun? transient, congestion-put a few drops of Va-tro-nol In each nostril. It quickly reducea congestion and makes breath In easier In hurry . . . gives grand relief from anlfly, sneezy. ittuffy distress of head colds. Follow directions in the package. VltUS VA-TCO-nOL sell, footwear by Fashion Footwear and hats and milinery uy Miss Barbeau. Processional music was ably rendered by Andy McNaughton while Mel Thompson acted as announcer. CARS Box l:t'l -1 nedy pinK taffeta), Edith Jor- Dan's Service Station McBride Street Green 605 mm TMS HAPPENS 1 (jjj OCEAII V1EVJ HOTEL (Formerly Knox) A Quiet, Pleasant Place to Live COMPLETELY RENOVATED Rooms Redecorated Spring-Filled Mattresses . v ;: New Management Proprietor, ' TOM PESUT PHONE 71 The Popular S.S. -.-j3 VENEi' BLINC J, JJ ,j Tailor. r to IKS'- t ' DU'llt,-. el VW 1 j ', T1 "' ni.icli .11. d - i 1 , J nir'ta! P;-s' L 1 " tiro ymir j " -1 . j it an estmutf ' ! i J f aea k Hsssssssslil PRINCE RUPERT Sails For N rf-J yC V C yfc sum -it's post'$ man hakes he iikes -liJOCSSa ana NEEOSI 1 rtm ' 1 y THIS WHEN HE DOESN'T WANT TO EAT O PlAY Yes - for POSTS BZAN MCBS suppfy (a Bran tlic natural bulk food that licljn jou keep regular, and din iimr tia v m ...GREETING, VANCOUVER AND INTERMEDIATE PORTS EACH THURSDAY AT 11:15 P.M. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT For Information call or write City or Depot Ticket Offtw PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Flavor that kcci voti ' coming liark for more y and &.i.g.ta, CARDS v Moving, TacKIng Crating, Shipping and.JGeneral Cartage andtarage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Established 1910 Phones 60 and 68 .3 Other Parts of Wheat for good, wliolc.omc wheat nourishment. 71-iO-iC - h fry f Sf W BKArV PIAW FOR St. Patrick's Day EASTER or any icisin Wc Have a Oim'1'1'' A Product f 0fra1 FmJ 8 ?tq and Artistic Siiection i hlDD D D I N T I N fi f TRY Rex Cade FOOTIULLS SOOTLESS LUMP EGG NUT STOKER BILK LEY VALLEY LUMP BESNER BLOCK GREER & BRIDDEN BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS Repairs Construction Alterations Floor Sanding a Specialty FOR TASTY MEALS Chop Suey Chow Mein CHINESE DISHES OUR SPECIALTY PHIIPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. Coal Lumber Building Supplies PHONES 651 - 652 OPEN S A.M. TO 3 A.M. 1 SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE PRINCE RUPERT HOTEL P.O. Box 721 Phone RED 561 , YOUR BEST By Chic Youne -That's Not the Right Spirit, Blondie! LONDIE ATTENTION FUTURE PATRONS! EATING PLACE t-i IBS' r ,11 "II I t, I Mi A HELP ME PUT 2. VASCOlflll. Tnpsda.v. '3f f.rf FULL-COURSE MEALS 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. BANQUET HALL FOR LUNCHEONS, DINNERS AND PARTIES CHINESE DISHES rridavs.12 ..-..MlMlfT &M We Are Glad to Announce That We Can Now Supply You With SPLIT SPRUCE and HEMLOCK (D ELUDW ED CUT TO LENGTH Clean Handpicked 'Surefire' Kindling "WE GUARANTEE QUALITY AND QUANTITY" ciinrlavs. ' ,iml' BROADWAY CAFE . ..vK J '. ' P L rgym B & W TRANSFER m 3rd Ave. W.. Fhoiie 2U0 Third Avi A Crwn 186 ' PHONES Red 182