Ralph Stevens trailed to win the 1 H15 AND THAT AIK rASSLNGLKS Prfnrc nuprrt Dafl? r3rtn tm. 5 heu consolation. Wednesday, March 10, 1948 To Vancouver A. B. Anderson, ."aful whist drive In i al if "m f irtn E. H. Schweitzer, H. Fietcn-er, v lis m"- nn .... Saturday. Angelo Bugnello and Art G. Upson, P. Liblien, A. Benson. is n ii" Blaekmore arrived in town last WC aCMp -Tl - - - Classified Advertising - - Y . ..... 1 . r c.. Kirk. i. i- i.- L aii(l "' I ' w mane arrangements for To Sandspit R Anderson. i 'I ClAftstfiedn: 2c per wnrd per SnsPrtlon. minimum charge. JOc. Birth ISntlpea, ,. ,.,ins(ii;iuni. me . reopening ( the Big Four 6 From Vancouver Tuesday i c; CartlB of Thank, Dent Notice. Funeral Notices. Marriage iw. niinnor f, aiwl F.n(ftynvnt v,;iS m' i ior uw fwason. Annmiliffmem. 2. I w urn Art Murray, F. B. Woods-John -son, E. H. Schweitzer. BIRTH NOTICE FOR SALE You aw It In the Daily NewM Only Born to Mr. and Mri. Robert G. Hoytinee Gwendolyn Palmer) Lafula Beach, California, March J, ft son, Robert Edmund, tltt AKl7 OF THANKS"" Jii.' ts Cup r of Meat IN THIS FOR SA L E Electric sewing machine; FYtgidaire, big size; Ironer; 5 piece bedroom suite. These are all in best working condition, less than half price. Come and look them over. B.C. FURNITURE CO. Black 324. FOR SALE: No .3U3 Ross sporting rifles, in best condition Price $84.S0. B.C. FL'ttNITUR?. CO. Black 324. FOR SALE Clare Jewel kltchrn range, one circulating heater. Apply 514 7th West. iflin icious Chicken Puff To the many kind iriends who offered their assistance and sympathy in our recent bereavement we wish to extend our heartfelt appreciation. The floral offerings' were especially appreciated, also the marry thoufhifnl message. mrs. a. T. Parkin j Wacknw; of nlgnt. As far as I humanly possible, the long lines j of cars winding through the mountain must be made invis-: ible. Here was a job calling for i rexourd fulness. watchfulness. : iind Ingenuity to say nfrt hing of co-operation by everybody. ! Remember the armored cars i that, kept coming into and going tiwt (it Prince Rupert through the j long wecltK wheTi people confused steamship wiiistles with sirens ! and now and then a fellow ' lMmld remark he hated to l'cvl i iitttiy. TIk: aiuioifcd cai.i, the purposeful gun crews and sleek 1 cup iht h n, rwt ftrtr 2 ic.iNfHMirift m rupi-4 mtkm i "f 0' alud m amif eittr n i H4-4nlMt (r. flour Jm l'-.rT .. Is ' r,"l f '"r AND FAMILY h'4 ih'-r flour, hukiittf MHl.'r mitl milt; Mttl Piawi. Phone Green ifl2i FOR RALE C33. ,jir"l J"tJ .til mj mil WrH. Pll ui:i.r watt:i W ...ASM- I 1 I I Itnf r a I fr 5 fit.mil. iih It-it rfiri kf ti Heavy. 4, tMwtitflN. HELP WANTED Experienced j for SALE New brown slin sawyer for sawmill at Topley. shoes sizp 9 d(mbl, A Grren 15 to 20.030 B.M. daily. $1.50 j m afler 8 pm m, RICHEST WOMAN Doris Duke Rubirosa, the world's richest woman, is shown leaving customs at La Guardia weapons looked like bad medicine ; Plfa.se don't bother -I think it will be all rlp.ht to just flick them on the floor.'' per hour. Board $1.50 per day. for any wandering fliers from Tokio. The artillery had a far! ' longer range than anyone in town thought not that informa Must be experienced. National, FOR SALE --Simplex Engine.- Employment Service. 60 l2 to 31 H.P-. air cooled; 30 to 185 H.P. Marine Straight oi Reduction Drive; also Stationary-Industrial. Northern B.C. Agent. BYTOWN MACHINE WORKS. t l x emmiscences tion was ever given, but because the Ruy around the corner had been tipped off by a friend of his that so and so didn't have the lea.st doubt of it Field in New York after hei arrival from Ciudad Trujilb Dominican Republic. She was . enroute from Buenos Aires I where her husband, Porfirio, is Dominican ambassador to the Argentine. It was learned I that Mrs Rubirosa stopped off in Ciudad Trujillo to visit with her in-laws, but declin 1 PRINCE RUPERT DISTRICT Now available for man with car to handle sale and distribution of best-known line of household products, serving and selling many hundreds of satisfied customers. Real op- Etiioval and Restocking By w.j. Reflections FOR SALE; Fresh crs at 30ii 7th Ave. West. (70. Tens of thousands of Unitsd portunity to get into paying. F0R sALE-i0 horsepower h.d. Prince Rupert folk were blessed ,ace, steel had spanned wide states troops by the time they with steady nerves back in the rivers and deep gulches. Be- BtPP offne tr,M had . ed to say what her immediate plans were. business of one's own. For full Edward or Prince Rupert a SALE Frisco Standard absolutely complete. $500. Apply McLean's Shipyard. 162. information reply Box 826 Daily News. 62l days of '41. and after, when tween Prince Rupert and Ter-Dtarl Harbor .spoke. The air and race? What distance was that ocsan fleets of Japan were t.o a bomber? There were tar-ranging the Pacific. Two of gets that meant iar-reaching de-Britain's proudest ships had struilion. been sunk. The assumed im- . widened idea of America, and that Canada is a roomy sort of place. Many were from away down south and they spake with an easy drawl. They were MEN'S FIVE PIN "H" I,FAOl'l: j WANTED Logger with outfit to cut four million feet water- Mar. 12 Grotto vs. Canfisco. front timber, rassett Inlet. nrting Wednesday, March 10, 1948 likeable, kenial boys, full of Mutts vs. Thorncliffes. Co-od " ' ' " Fh TV., I .l,, nnPttinns and not Over- V Moo. (li6 room wartime with a small amount furniture, full price $1250.00. 2 7 room house, 338 5th Ave. East, full basement and fireplace, only $4,000.00. Robert E. Montador Ltd. (tf t vs. uu.,HUi. M------ atones vs. Scotiians. Armv looking much. Some had noi Thorn s Sheet Meiai. RI.OTMFS. IIKKSSKS, COATS BFI.OW fCIST Contract per thousand or percentage with crown grant owner. Address P. C. Clock, 15 Westview Road, Worcester, Masssachutsetts. G2) been beyond their own Stat! and all had come a long way. I " WORK WANTED -jr.gnable fortress of Singapore Railroaders nad their orders.' had fallen. Here, we slumbered The transcontinental, in parti-more or less vocally and rejoiced cular the Picific zone, realized in the sudden spurt of business, the menace. A first and vital the abundance of Jobs and the essential was silence. No talk, handsome wages. no mattr how unimportant or innocent it might seem, any-1 Japan made it ner business to where, any time, must be rigidly know something of the railway recognized. War had come and out of Prince RuXTt. It was alert, unfriendly ears were liable realized that a few well placed to be anywhere. I bombs would isolate thw port j ss far arj rail traffic was con- Lights on a train any train rerncd. Between here and Ter could no longer pierce the , FOR SALE 12' open speedboat., newly overhauled; Terraplane engine. For particulars Phone 643, between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. i63i ISiisliii & Moore viLDDLE-aged woman will look after children evenings. Phone Green 588. uf Railroad men, like all othei loyal workers and citizens, shouldered a never ending list of re-snansibility and anxieties. Emergencies had to be met and solved. Ever present would be need for judgment and discretion. Prince Rupert and this end of the vast railway system TH STREF.T 'Old Green Spot 1 FOR SALE 3 room frame house front room 20x10, all furnished. Large garden, garden FOR RENT Two rooms and bath. Phone Black 825. 64 tools, ' plenty dry firewood Very reasonable. 161 Wantage Road. ( 63 1 I grew swiftly in international im FOR RENT- -Three room house, bath, central. Red 183 (63) portance. as wasmngum uncovered what wsus here. And i. urn ess and Professional FOR SALE Ada II. 45 ft., 12 ft. 1 FOR RENT Furnished 2-room distinctly to the credit o. I jn -i u , 1 1 i". i i is IF.AI.TY i suite with shower. Avenue. 1235 Park 62 HUM F. Rl'PKRT 1 beam, 45 Atlas Imperial fuil diesel. $6,000. Post Office Box 548 or phone Black 17 or Green 975.. . (62i V MOSTAD CO. DRESSMAKING Children's Clothing Maternity Wear a Snecialtv 1IOI SES FOR SALE ! ENTER AND NET MAKER F'OR RENT 3-room furnished suite. 1028 2nd Ave. Blue 270. (61 1 Bi' smartly dressed with hidden FOR SALE Kitchen stove witn two wick burner In good condition. Snap. 1022 2nd Ave. West. Phone Green 270. 59 Building occupied by Full Gospel Tabernacle. 6 rooms on upper floor. Assembly B JN'E KED 752 cx)an.sion features PHONE BLACK C87 -84 everyone concerned that no. once was there an "incident" here. There was a smoothncv.. efficiency and finality The Prince Rupert Optimist, dated July 1G. 1909, announces that it has a name, the competition having ended with the choice favoring what was submitted by J. H. Pillsbury, and the presentation to him of the prize a $25 gold watch. Other names suggested included the ..t n... " "irontprnri.se." "Star." FOR RENT 3 room flat, privat? bath. Unfurnished or partly furnished. Red 441. 1 62 made into could be Cash sale. room suite. If It's Rock work JK L H0RIE 'iintant. Auditor, etc. FOR SALE Two choice hilltop lots with a commanding harbor view. Directly opposite Gyro Playground, Atlin Ave. Reasonably priced. Cash. Phone Red 738. (tf) FOR RENT Housekeeping room in private home. Close to town. 720 6th Ave. West. Blue 325. (tf) i R'-turns Compiled. 31'n'k prime 387 CALL ELUE 939 M. SAUNDERS CONCRETE SIDEWALKS BASEMENTS FOR SALE Set of Grey-Bon- !"Hyacynthe" 'from a lady in i California i ' Dreadnought" and FOR RENT Apartment, furnished. 6 rooms and bath. 209 5th Ave. W. Prince Rupert Realty Co. (tf) drive sockets. ney Phone 61i 537 or call 324 5th St. Wedllddahld." & DELIVERY hssencer Your house find yoursell fully insured while I do the work. 6 Rooms and bath, wired for range. Oil heater. 7th Ave. E. Near school. 6 Rooms and bath, 9th Ave. West. Inc. larpe workshop and apartment. Good general store property and business, inc. Post Office. This is a money maker. Situated in the interior. Desirable residence on 2 lots comprising 8 rooms and bath. Good construction. Situate on 11th Ave. Price 4000.00 terms. Prince Rupert KchHv Co. itf) FOR RENT 4-room suite. Apply E. Carlson, Steele Block. 59t FOR SALE Kodak reflex camera, practically new. Red 976. . .' ! i59i :"pt Service Cabin for single : 1 0R SALE cheao. Apply M. T. Lee Motorcycle, 31 f F-u;-!!t - F.rprcM r y, .::) v 1 1 . ci FOR RENT-man only. Tailor. (tfi (in en 882 With the time :or the annual Rod and Gun Club dinner coming around again, it is seemly to arise and tell the assembled company that once upon a time, one could penetrate the everlasting hills around Prince Rupert and drill an unsuspecting, savory mountain "goat. You might do it today but with heavy odds. Civilization is nearer. Harlie. Daviilson 29-74 twin, with side car and extras. All Al. What Offers Write Paul Petryshyn, Terrace, B.C. 58 FOR RENT 4 room apartment with bath. Blue i!68. (63 K MrWHINNF.Y Tim; amu FOR RENT 4-room furnished house, April 1 Green 953. iOOi A:fn hanging JONES NEWS STAND We handle Eastern and Western Papers. NANAIMO FREE PRESS -NOW AVAILABLE Sixth Street ' Red 808 THOM SHEET MET AT. LTD. 253 East First Avenue ERIC SPEERS, Mgr. ! 701 East 8th Avenue FOR SALE-Piano. Phone 678. (tf) FOR SALE 300 Savage model 99 and shells. Good as new. $85. Apply 349 Taxi. 63i 0. BoX i4;6 i i:i;soNi, ROOM Ari tiOARD riiuiie Green 394 The defence idea must have BUYERS OF U.S.A. products. Wd ROOM AND BOARD $43 eachi act as your personal purchasing agent, for any item you double; $48 single. Sleeping i l?rsr c a t t r - i ariLjih kjuc KRICKRON . rooms for rent. Table meals new Gray model 6-121 may wish to purchase marine engine, TECHNICIAN home, office, factory, mine or' Mrs- ser sireei mill Address all inquiries to (tr' JOHN F. BRADY FOREIGN ! 411 West 7th Ave. FOR S ALE with 3 to 1 reduction gear. New spare parts include 30" propellor, 1 cylinder head block, I exhaust manifold, gaskets, electric temperature guage, etc. Phone Blue 963. (63) f 1T.RIOR FOR SALE Large furnished apartment, harbor view. 4th Ave. East. Phone 844. 1 60 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all Its branches. !06 4th Street Phone 655 I ORATORS been in the mind of the powers that be, quite early in the history of Prince Rupert. As far back as midsummer 1909, five years before there was any thought of war in Europe, military men came here to take a look around. These included General W D. Otter, who took the first Canadian contingent to South Africa, Col. Rutherford of Ottawa, a naval lieutenant and a captain from India. They spent a day on the harbor, and a week in the district. The general was interviewed. They were in the north on pleasure bent. Fishing was fair! An interesting visit! Beautiful scenery. Defence? Oh yes! No, nothing today! What a lruue!! The great majority of crippled eliihlreii ran Ik- completely rormtrd, jet home nre eon.lemned lo a life of incapacity due to lack of linwHtal and treatment facilities. I-l's li lj tlie.e children ! I-t's pro ido facilities in II. C. on Much a wale that not a aingle nick or crippled child can nay in -after life: "1 didn't hate a cliancc!' :: PAPER HANGING ::ie 9.r2 nr Rloi, oaz FOR SALE 60 acres land, good FOR SALE Turkeys (breeders), BUYER'S AGENT, 9717 Deni-son Ave., Cleveland 2, Ohio, U.S.A. (80) MACHI.NI.K1 FOR SALE TO SAW better lumber more economically use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, BC. (tf) water, new buildings; no rocks. - uiUl r 61J . f!,s Bill Thornton School and store on place; -excellent location. Mrs. L. L. Rowe, Kitwanga, B.C. (60) genuine Broad Breasted Bronze. Tom. $12.00. hen, $9.00. Crated, F. O. B. Station. Fine birds. Pair, $20.00. Lee Poultry Farm, Kitwanga, B.C. (60) P-CHENEY CC2 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS IJKNTIST f1' SMITH BLOCK lost anu rorND pO. Box 1401 Building and Repairs of all kinds. Roofs, Chimneys and Oil Burners ELKINS I ro LOST Black puppy, 4 white feet and white tip on tail. Scar under one eye. In vicin- ' ity of 7th East. Phono Red 418. (63' FOR SALE 31 -ft. trolling boat "Eider." Apply Knox Hotel, Room 18. 64) 1. Business Lot on 2nd Avenue West. $890.00 Cash or Terms. 2. 6 Rooms anc oath, 5th Avenue East, 5 blocks from centre of town $4,200.00 Cash, immediate occupancy. 3. 5 Rooms and bath 6th Avenue East $1,000.00 Cash or Terms immediate occupancy jN and Heating PHONES: Green 48 Red 894 FOR SALE Tenders will be received by the undersigned for the purchase of Lot 21, Block 1, S.D. of D.L. 361, Plan 972, Terrace Townsite, Range 5, Coast District, together with Improvements situated thereon, up to noon of Monday, April 5. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Terms: strictly cash. F. G. Forbes. Official Administrator. Administrator of the Estate of Thomas Winslow Ross, deceased. Court House, Prince Rupert, B.C. (68) ""Kiueers p O. Box 274 METAL UOKK More persons, returning to Alaska or Prince Rupert after visiting in the south or east, are saying "so glad to be back." It would be interesting to know how much of this is polite fiction or is honestly meant! If the former, there is no harm done. Perhaps, after all, language was invented to help conceal a great many of one's real thoughts. LIONS SICK & CRIPPLED CHILDREN FUND OF B.C. 8?5 GRANVILLE ST., VANCOUVER, B.C. Bcneficiart!: Vancouver Children'i Hospital. Vancouver Preventorium. 0-en Alexandra Solarium, V.I. St. Christopher 'i School, N. Van. 0 Spastic Paralysis Society of B.C. Hytrin Industry lp R.) Ltd. QUALITY RFPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles. MAC SHOE HOSPITAL PLUMBING Installations and repairs. SHEET METAL WORK. F u r n a ce s , tanks, eavestroughing and stack work. Letourneau & Sons, 629 Sixth West. Phone 543. (tfi Apply or Phone H. G. Helger-son Ltd., for appointments. (60) Second Ave Box 774 lM.rE BU'E 980 980 jj I'TOMORu ,E URANCE EVERYBODY ELSE DOES! MORTIMER o o r 'Near PPnn