Prirce Rupert Dc ! tie. Film Lisl v- J" o A vkjier.t but -J. For Monlh GLEN FORD, J RUFERT PEOPLES STORE i "LUST Strrrii f it lire t Boiin FOR Golf I 1 Lt-d far Captti Theatre I SALE EVENING GOWNS 1 1 x - p tn. W:h ipt-cwJ faoc-tir. for tiie r , jy 1 & y IjuU nil It'll ( ',itl S COMING SUNDAY I lull Mai.' Drt'anis -Si'?-1- ."DY GASLAXD (jiitf Trif f r m cc W - W: STOCK" 1 Ciris'-Sii ar.3 S- Year b-jiiiay it iA.r; ar.d a f; trf oal-ivar.iu'.g fijr liter on leitr--r. Lhe 'jsi. iiir.agT J. H. B.c 'il trje Cip:U; Theatre ar.-r.ov;-?-i -.- prograsi Jot an m-U-reflir Jar.iry citr..ts i ta ijcal svie basise. ro:.oiT.g i Ce 1-t Jrom htre on '-;. Jir.-ary: Cre.nitr 22 ar.a 3 "Lust Jor O-.i." lia Li-::o anil Gien December 2. Z5 and 25 Sun-csj- Bvidr.igt.i, Chn&tjnaa Eve S:w.t," Judy Gariar.4 ar-a Gene Kt:.y December 25 Chmur.a night m iCE 10 AT A r fc--4 W. 7MJE .(wtu MiDNITPeu- THAT a i m il, , w -rw MAWORIE MAIS . prv,., it $11 95 ajiiPaj(elile Go To fo; IT. A7 . 1 V,.v : 533 S25 n." Jlrj- Maia ani , Jtwi I f 1 i i-"'tce. ' January 2-T3rar.t oi V LVv' ber 27 and --Wajcm Ron Ra ,rJ Ph- (rVLl Ben Johnson 4nd i"nrr-i- Rrfie r o tr.e W.,.- - , V r'JJVl l' .-'J V- "... y :f1 .s& V-fcr ;ri ' Patricia White. January 23 and 2"! f . . t 'it1- - t ,, I, ., - . -- ... ., w - ..- - - . - ... - i.m t lAorway. Kootrt Tav December 23 and 30 "Ma and Pa Kete Gj 1 o. 1 o n." Mar-, jorie Kaon and t-ercy Ki.bnoe. j Detember 31 (New Yeai 1 Eve ; ; "Orxe More, My Da.-Iin. j . as, m ' : . . - Louis CaJtern. representative TtJ' L " t-t-rcjLt&xi .&AOA-utt are tfce LetibnCge. A,u, Ckzai.' fJL M I I w t.'i 'jt.i hockey tounuusieEt chedud fw Fir-i Lt Marth. Tt;e '.eans 1H j ve .;''.igh .1 iO' pri'ie J'i i:. . , h . 42 a At Cjr.'t go January 31 and February i -Desert Hamk." Yvo-re De Car and Richard Greene 'xen Mon;gumery and Ai.n B.yth. Fror.t ., ieJt to n?tt: J.m Msuaeko, defer-ce; Don McLean, ie.'; -.r.: Cart SarokotkL goal; Bert KiAi. ieJt mir.f; Kip Mrf.7, centre. 6et'jr.4 rc-: Heetor Xc?reUo. r:ght atr.g and team tap's.;.'., Ti Wowl. right ';n; Stan OixxUak, we; Gray, deJence and playlr.g-coach; B..1 O'f.. eer.t:e; TThxtey Rj-.imtad, defence; Dn Vogan. defence; Bi Chandier, left mg; K'jo it'XitH'jr. defence; Jack, equipment manager. rCP PHOTO January 4, 5 and 6 "Cheaper by the DoBen," Cufum Wto Jeanne Crain and Myrna Loy. January t-'Ys ln the Dark," FINE PRINTING AT.. ID RUPERT PEOPLES David iten and Jane Wyman j egal Printers L,. Fine Music "Backfire." Viveca Lind.'ors and i Edward O'Brien. ' January 8, 9 and 19 Come U Christmas at HMCS Chatham :i j the Stabie, Loretta Young and . . i . . Le;ete Hciim. c'jmedy iketch ' Cat and Moii.e" leant a merry note to the program. E. Grand'' 'Lament of the Maid and the N.i'htir.?a.e" wa given eery Innuendo of feeim? a Gordon portrayed the heartbroken girl the nightingale h-r sorrows arid the bird broadcasting them in hu lo-reiy song. The mood a agarri lightened with DeouAsy's corr.K-a! Enthralling The 52 children who gathered January 11, 12 and lJ"An-t at HUM. Chatham or the Get Your Gun.- Betty Hut- Chrtitmas Tree party yesterday lon and Howard Keel. j went away happy, full of 9mA January 14 'Tarzan and the-eat and clutching presents They Slave Girl," Lex Barsrr and had a wonderful time. Vanessa Brown; 'Armored Car, sketch of "General Lavigne. hi:- had Gesr't Eiectm centric" who was an entertainer Three movies were shown dur- Koboery," Korxrt Stirling and A.', in; the afternoon "Kir.e Midas Jergens. t t -15. -it o o t ; ; tn one of the comr-r'i favor.le cafe. The composition by the master of the d-Asonant 's not Product! and the Gold'-n Touch." "ChrUt- January 15 and Pi "The Bt?' ma Caroi' ar.d 'A Little Bird Lilt.' Montgomery C.iit anji Me." i Paul Douirlas: Jur.pu Pntrnt -i one bit of Debussy's genius i:: To.d Loeal Audirnce , -MvkJ b; lfT,,re Ugetj I Aod Marcos Gordon A Prince Ruorrt audience of , more than W) at enthralled la'.t nit;nt a DeaireLigetl, renowned , dramatic nu-ws- baritone, and I ilarcu G rdon, accomplished your. piarikt, presented a con-jcert covermg a ide rarge of ciascal muaie. Both artists, j-. . d of delightful person jw.-ie. gave brief informal ex-j iianattorji of their number be- foie rrnderr.g them, j The program opened with a group of ix seiectPjRs by Mr. Lii.:-ti Tonelll's arietta. Tuo Lo JV&US'ii cr..Tv fiom . G E Ri li Ol. K- l G E. Washer and pump OE- 8'j ft. Kefrigcrator - $& ... VM Cordon's portrayal. The "Sweet- Santa Claus actually did corn heart Waiu" from 'tie "Gypy d'wn the chimney. One bag Baror" by Strauss-Dohnanyi would not hold ai! th prevnu was appealir.g. As an encore, Mr. so Rudolph, the Bed Nowd Re in-Gordon played Clvpln's popular deer, handed reoiacement sacks 'Polonaise in A Major," which he -' him. While the children had rendered with full significance. ' t"" '11 of ire cream and cake. To start his concluding erono. the adults were .served tea. Krutine Mnler and A. Frans. j ( '. January 17 and 18 "Trie . Breasmg Point." John Garfield I ; and Pat h'eai. . 1 January 19 and 20 "Lets' ; Dance," Betty Button and Fred j jAstaire. j TJiif a(v-r4v r: nt H not puJ.!ih d r di pUyrA hy the Liquor Vritrl Kuard w by lb r.oTt-rnnM-nt of flntnh olurnbia. Roy"! Vacuum Cteancrs $M5$ Table Lamjw H 95 to S4.M Tnilte Lamps . .. SUM up January 21 "The Counter-! feiters." John Sutton and Doris j Desire Liget! chow? a Yidd-ah Put ',n hv 'he oennanent staff number, "Aiij Eiombe Roziam," "' H M cs Chatham, there were- " Black Midnight," with Dow-all and Dermis 1 a flowering of the 17th century, 12 children from needy families''? Merrick; ' ' by O. Kerpel. The translation of ''11 a navy emldren. Chair-1 th title u "Look at me. Belov- man PO Jim Worxls had on hi ' NORTHERN B. C. POWER CO. January 22 and ' tana." Erroi Flynn STEW AST, BC TRINCE RUPERT Kai," was a fitting opening, not too heavynot too light, it put the audience in the mood for U-l--r.inK Uj f ine nriuhic . "Vittrla, Mio Core," by Giacomo CarU-imi the tory -of a young mar '?, love. A deeper vein was struck with "AufenthaK" by Franz fi.-hubert. Written in the la-U year ol tise composer' life, the or,g was pfjignant with man's love for hi home. "Der Muwrn- rno:.E 210 ed " "Which One Should 1 committee C PO. Harry Cuttress. Marry? , by Z. Kodaly si.owed Writer Georae Kelt, P.O R. Brad-the plight or a suitor tc ''"' C.P.O. 8. Pelan. LS Wilbur choree between a vaear.t headed Kastman, A B W. Thompson, rich girl and an understanding Ls Lome Heath. A8 J. Trud-and capable poor girl. Mr. Li- ;(jn. AS O. Long and LS R. geti' rendition of t4ie negro Irvln. r;,-ituai D ep Rivvr" and Smith. January 2 and 23 "Maytlme in Mayfair," Anna Neraple and Michael Wilding. January 23 and 27 "711 Ocean -!. J rinse the -o-ire of th nt'J-.rtvutr, paid futin? tribute V 'he V '1 m en' Co-ordiratln? Cour.'-il for tneir kindneM. It wai no arnalt tak and r'jynaibility to p."-;are for and carry tnrouifh t f:uc':-,"?iii condition, u.';h an o':ca .lor,, Arrar;;:en, nt for the banquet ! wfe nade by the Women's Co-ordtiatlnK Council under the chairrnanihip of Mr. T. Gien. The fwd coroKii'tce f;!,n-,i,V'd 'jf Mrs.. T. BouJter, chairman; M.-. Loiron, Mr. B. Brett, Mrj. M Vakeadale, Mrs. M, J. Keay, Mr. A. J. Croxford, Mr. T. Lilian, Mr. O. Petler.en. Dc-no-rati.-;i? wa don by Mrs. ghel- i' DarPn, chairman, and Mr,' V, Tatteran. Mrs J. 8 VAz.k ar.d Mr. A. L. Hain-c. wtre in charge of the program. And ev-n Nobody Knows the Trouble sohn," by the tame cotnooser. ! fWn" k rTfiuM rOSff NOTICE OVf.H tf.VI.M V XMVS '.i;Kitw i Jfm iLe fj T5.'.';m. M.'. 11 f..x,'h- V,'. w :-l-n. Mrs C. K, Krnltn Mr. and Mrs, 7i::i;,,V;;, Mr 7.'. V W-ri-l-r, M'., A ArlaM, Mri, 11 fhi-rk, Mm. K. U'rri, K'-r). nd IMnf.'.'.n M':Cunl.y. Mr. C .1. l,ur'lqiii;t. 3 U-r;, Mm, H Ji, Mrs F M't',n.i-., GiiJi Couture, H. Jj, Eaa'.rjan, A, peeran. H. 7alk'T, ';..'i.rii M'Ur'xl, J. s M:Dail, Charl'- Htra.-han, 0 O h,:1k. J. Ii. Kaijard, Ax-1, Frank JamiVn. WUIla-n Mi' Kenz, Ken MacAulay, J'r F.':'sta1, WilJiam tyUA. V. Ca.')er'nl, Wright Davlei, W. J. Haymind, Ixr t-wt, i. 5-fiit, Mr. and Mf. M. M. fiph- 1 n A lut o! Utfjh tttt.ii had paivM-d away Cnr'.i.if :'t,$- yat -a r:ai T7ie r,':'.;';n of i'.",VfX r-xu.t-ed in M. M f-V ;.-i-fi kw.v, t .i-,.ru. for 1'ji, Mri. H jrl K.Uir,, VK--pf -Rj'i-f,. and Mrv r. W. Ar'irvr, ae-ietary. Mr, J4V pn-n.- a ,! a ,.h- Jhowed hit great versatility On fait .m-H, r. ti...w u,. v""v' 1 vuu - "' v i-ot,. nivii ri could nearly see the muse's son-tremendous voice he might have Dlla nrrf-ir ir.ppir,i! htmtl as the music was Jet it roil out more ln some sec- UUIC IllUCCnC lions of the former. He seemed Special hours when Service will be cvai'cbieJ Dur front end for GASOLINE end OIL SALE over the Christmas ond New Year holidays: U be trying to put more art ln Wivmpfo Comment.n? on the latter than feeling, something '-he finding of the arbitrator in the music does not call for. awarding further waste increases With Tschaikowskv's "Nono to Canad an railwav worker brought to life by Ligetl's genius. "Widmung" or "Dedication b Robert Schuman struck a, heavier note as the young man dedicated himself to his sweetheart. The first group ended on a merry note with the "Cata- !i ,i But the Lonely Heart," Mr. Li- P-'emi-r Carnnbell of Manitoba! getl was once acain hurv n exoressed anr.reheirHon nt. the Christmas Day 2 p.m. Boxing Doy 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. to 5 p m. to 4 p.m. logue Ana" from "Don Giovan- familiar ground an atoned for possibility of a further Increase I ni." Here the great lover boasts the two nrprepHin,,.. tv. in railwav rae 1 appear. oa.-.a Uiiij), ptj t. in an ano 2 p.m. New Year's Day .REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED R. E. Mortimer 324 2nd A-e. (Near CFPR) to a new conquest of the many i group closed with M. Moussorg- ' Clarified Make Kaiei RUPERT MOTORS LTD. women ne nas Known in foreign Kys "Song or the Flea," and the ;land and at home. It wa Mo-, encore number was Schumann i zart at his most fanciful. "Two Grenadiers," j Tt second group by Marcus! Usherettes were the Mixse . Gordon at the piano will be 6,hart Ingalls, Ferna Graham, 1 ..ojuu.A'AWV.V.W.WwH PORTRAITS Films Develope d and Printed PROMPT SERVICE CHANDLER'S STLDIO 21C - 4th Street Box 645 Phone Green 339 Prince Rupert . - - rwvnnnw, w mTt 't':!wtew itiesw''f'wwi." " 1 ...COME IN AND SEE ; "'-moraoie in tne lives of Prince "ama ueKetov and Luella M ic-Rupert mtwic lovers. He chose Donald. Bruce Forward handlt d , for his first numbers two Xona- Pf'anis. ! las showing two sides of the .'omnoner Scarlatti. The first, in: HULL, England 9- Five prls-1 R major, wa tne emtyllmerit of or,r;r remanded ln a Hull court llyrie melody. Trm second, in a k'&l if they could be sent to the THE LARGEST DISPLAY OF major, was acrobatic and called i nparry Leeds jail. They said 0 Do yr,u know V'.u run n'.w jjurchiMe t-cly i.MS III K 41. II to-dKy? 'DM H STtMl Paper" we flown tn dully by C V A. y v y y y y y y y y y ponce station cells here were Combination Radios in the North much Po cold for comfort. Their request, was granted. Prince Rupert Florists Flowers for All Occasions 300 3rd Ave. Box 518 Tel. 777 or a great deal of left hand movement. But Mr. Gordon lealiy won his audience with' ''.' hovans; 'Moonlight Santa."', Hefore playing u he explained ' that he thought Beethovan wasj too ihip a thinker U want the' word "mo'nlight" attached to' his atrwmlUon n1ir tie died.' 11'" artist' rendition of the' lonata left the audience agree-' I'.g with him He seemed to find j nanv meanings. Mr, LiK'-U came bae-k with" a; Luxury Steamer PRINCE GEORGE MAKE YOUR CHOICE... from these famous names in radio SAILS FOR I I VAMrmncn 1 fMHlUUYLR (Illustrated Model I y ; 9 y y y y y y y v y y y v y y y i y y r i y ' y i y y i y i y i v I nd intermediate Ports Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WFBNKSDAY MIDNIGHT : RCA Victor 'Dominion Electrohome t . . ; croup ,f four selections. Verdi's "Cor,fiiiatis Maledlctus," an aria from the - JO.quietn Mas" he had written tor a friend, wa flne'The sombre wm was maintained v.i'h King Philip's aria from lxn Carlo" by the same com-I",er, Here the. king aks for neaf.h when lie learn the young Is the lover of hi young wife The fun tn Kvpn. r.g HVr" from "Tannhauser" by Richard Wagner was exqutstely rendered. The "Toreador 8ng" from 1'Aj Vh "Carmen" completed "be change a the bullfighter boasted of his coneiuest., t OND PART For Reservations r llmfomv rvos 11 tiuntwoiit, h A vvry "y v, K Nn , ww,rr tr,i,ly k ('011 hi !, all ha mis an, N l'oi over ;i ccniury Lamb's Navy Ine, N I'ccn ihc call of" those who'hiow N K"hI rum. Smooth' and mellow it N is matured, blended and bottled 111 N Hiitain of the finest Dcmerara Rums. Write or Call CITY OR DWOT OFFICE TRY ONE OUT OVER XMAS NO OBLIGATION TERMS AS LOW AS 15 DOWN AND 18 MONTHS TO PAY Our office and shop will be closed from Dec. 22 to Jan. 2 for staff holiday. Coll 363 MITCHELL & CURRIE LIMITED Builders & Contractors PIUNCE RUPERT, y y y y y y y y y y McISLAIS BBG 1 roiiowtiiK InU-rmlsslon, Mr. jOonloo enpHired hS audience I once more with Chopin's "Hcher-1.0 In C Kharp Minor," Copland's R kill's fev Bnm r f'1immmm,.m....i.,.,,.m,r,.,... ,---,.-, -.ii,lflMIW,'' V mtW I VV 'llm .Ivniwmrni ,,,,1 puhluhr, (r..ylt1 ln n. ,, j '"il B'Miil or hy ihr Covn,,,,,, ,, (hmih i . " t'M tra Aufv i A Merrv Christmas To All From All at ..,SJ a