2 & HOTEL ARRIVALS W: Prince Rupert Daily Hews Monday, September 25, 1930 Prince Rupert Ray Reflects and Reminisces W. Traeger, L. A. Vvestbroak, H R. Reynolds, R. C. Curran. Mr fs As y I I, It Independent daily newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prlncf v..vJlupert and northern and central British Columbia 0. A- BUNTER, Managing Editor. H. O. PERRY. Managing Director . . . , SUBSCRIPTION RATES 6y farrier, rer Week, 20c; Per Month, 73c; rer Teal, Jack Scott and Brown Eyea - . .... . - - . - A f . it : .J s"1? .i . ' .i.v;,w vA ."V"','v 9-. J $8 00; By Mall, Per Month 50o Per Year $5.00. 'i' REAL Ell By ELMORE PHILPOT1 - uovji, mis x. La-Chance, J. M. Oray, Q. h Wur tele, R. F. Vau-hm. E. A. Meyer Miss A. L. Batten, Miss N. Walsh', Miss J. Williams, j. Uownie, Mr' and Mis. Frame, Mr. and Mrs A. W. Sparling. R. Watson and A J. McLean, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. O. McAdums and Mr. and Mrs. O. Anderson, Terrace; J Banman, Carlisle; T. A. V. Trem-blay. Victoria; Mr. and Mrs. L Audet and Mr. and Mrs, A Mc-Arthur, Watson Island; L. Buchanan, Smlthers; a. Q. Langley, VfBt Vancouver; S. O. Walker' Kelowna; Q. J. Johnston, have motored all the way from Hastings Street to the Maritime? and it cannot be. said they do not know their Canada. Just lecently they tarried in the north of New Brunswick where it would appear the French-Canadian have the edge on things. In that part of the province it takes observant visitors to dig up what's doing. It did not seem that way years ago. Or have a lew Dionne couples been moving over the border? in M.n . " urn, p i "' thin. U.S. $ SLUMP'S THE FINANCIAL wizards are again issuing ponderous explanations of the slump in the U.S. dollar. Those explanations are pretty hard for the layman to understand. But if we look back at what has happened in the NOW Kays' SchwlP The harbor of Prince Rupert when it mirrors the mountain, arouse fond remarks. Usually its like that. Fogs bring a mournful dullness. Stinging ralna lash, gales roar, and waves sweep N"w $2,25 world the fifteen in past of us wh0 dwell wllhln slht or SHARPSHOOTER It was a bull's eye for smiling David Ralph of Antigua, British West Indies, a member of Canada's Special Service Force now in training nt Chilliwack. Ralph volunteered for service with the engineers attached to the special force. (CP Photo) HOBBY SUPPLIES NOVELTIES TOYS Penguin Hobby Shop 6th Ave. and Fulton St. Phones: BLUE 448, GREEN 232 1 I i i years we see this: sound of salt water, take it all I in the daily stride. To be any- Whenever the big financial where else would be to miss, Interests begin to get rid of the something. money of a certain country to j exchange that money for gold Winner of the Nobel peace er some other country's money prize, this year, is Dr. Ralph then the country from which Bunche, grandson of a slave. He the "flight" of capital occurs is was mediator in Palestine when aue lor some economic bum;s. war between Jews and Arabs That was true of country after ceased. Such a great honor will country in the 1930 s and It was be welcomed. So will the $23,000 true of Britain and 30 other cash. -A" Hellish Blunder .I"- ..'- -y "J T-lnUst be hell for an army to be strafed by the v. 1 Tallies upon whom it had called, to come to its its assistance in the thick of combat but that is what happened at the end of the week to a British regiment fighting in the hills of Korea. Veterans know, of course, that such things have occurred in previous wars. They did not become so instantly and commonly known what with, security and censorship and the fact that the correspondents, in those days, did not follow the battles so intimately and did not have the communication facilities so immediately available as today. Nevertheless, such blunders as this cannot be so easily explained away or fogotten fend it will be a long time before this very tragic one will be lived down. No matter how unintended or accidental it may have been, no matter what apologies may be made and regrets expressed, there is also the factor of morale destruction. There must also be the remorse of those whose mistake caused the tragedy. OUTLAWING COMMUNISTS OVERRIDING by United States Congress of President Truman's veto of a bill calling for , the registration of Communists in the United States focusses attention on the cjuesion of whether or not the Communist Party (Labor-Progressive in Canada) should be outlawed. With the fight between communism and democracy moving swiftly from cold war to hot, it is not an easy question to answer. -.w.W.VA-.Wmv,...,, PULL-ON RUBBER 0VERSH? Is Committed For Reckless Driving Lome Anderson was Friday committed in magistrate's court to trial by a higher court at its next sitting.' The charge of reckless driving was laid against Anderson as the result of an accident in which the car was in collision with Swan Peterson, a pedestrian,- at tne Junction of First and Second Avenues. Peterson sustained serious injuries. Children's Sizes 111 White Red VTTl 1 Sizes 5 to 12 j' Sizes 13 to 3 j countries at the time of the de-; valuation of the pound sterling! British Columbia is expected last year. to believe a Sun editorial to the o0o ; effect that the constables of the THE OFFICIAL YEAR BOOKS f VhU ? Sn vld "allowe tell us that "United States bem .t0 ? hoodlumkm It s hard to credit. monetary stocks increased bv ' wha SeemS $17,800,000,000 from 1934 to 1949, ' T inclusive. During the same n?rene Tl'T tuT ,Ut period, the total known new pro. ; "UennAnJ " lmf dl J?y' t0 hiS ductlon onnnnnnnn of gold was worth $15,- policeman , J" fears m, him u he , imme- " FAMILY SHOE STORE LTD. KoDerts Roberts pt, m H r.w. uoji ojo cnarne ' i diately becomes a young bum j In other words all the new and the officer's Job ten times jgold production, or its equiva-lmore troublesome, 'lent, found its way to the caves' . tBtmmiitiiiininMl it.' itm.fi' 'm tditC i 1 ANNOUNCEMENT We are not taking any dealing or pressing at present ENGINES & EQUIPMENT W stix k m ml hiive fur nulr iinimlim (lli-HrlA. Mniilp iim KiiKiim . Hpxlhlr iMrH'l rvhaiist plpln(. l-'lrvihl fui"! linen. Trolllne INtlr khIvhIl . Il hi l-t Jm In mid I'll r Ik. Hrmw anil Iron Him KiiIIith. I'i-.ton KIHB4. I'lpp anil l'iM- Kltliii;. Kalililtnl Hiik IV-arliiK. 4;i vi t liiti lip mill anchor Mner-hvatl. Slrrl ami llru Kliartln(. liiilln, MiU, Hluiln anil Cap Ilallliut MiIp Riilli-ria A- Khnm Amiiiir Ciiinlv Mtsri hi-aclK Hat .Mild Stwl. Varlinm urtli Ip of iiinrlnr llaril-Harp and piiilpinpiit, tiMi nuiiiPi-nus to nipiitliiii. IJYTOWX SIACHINE WORKS ,t r on n.nox, Kentucky, in ad- An American army lieutenant j dition, two and a half billions in Korea has been sentenced to jwere sucked out of vaults in' death. He had refused to obey ; other countries and attracted In- orders a grave enough offence, ' te Uncle Sam's coffers. j even in peacetime. He has re- ' 000 fused, he 6aid, because obedience j IT IS WORTH NOTING THAT . would have meant the death of ( the U.S. was a net loser of gold I himself and twelve men. HLs during 1942. 1943. 1944 and 1945. ' wife is apoealing to President That is just another way of say- Trumaii. It was expected that We shall attend to efficient service on Tailoring, Alterations and Re NEW OFFICIAL R. A. Emerson who has been appointed assistant chief engineer of the Canadian Pacific Railway. Mr. Emerson is a third generation C.F.R. employee, his father, mother and grandfather all having served the company in western Canada. Try a L'uny News Classified. Classiiltcv Ads Bring Results. pairing Vlr New Fall Samples have just arrived Order now for better choice ing mat her total payments to he would hear the appeal. But it the outside world were greater does not invariably follow that man nci wiai receipts irom tne there will be any interferen -e ..... J J 1 i LING THE T A I LOR uuwiuc wunu ana sne naa to close the gap by hard cash hundred shoti on A .couple of eight pound elk ,have been 220 -6th St. Phcne namely, gold : cox oo The real explanation of the tho onppn rhnrinitp Tsinnrt. slump in the value of the U.S. Had this been forty years ago' dollar is that the U.S.A. Is again the bag would probably have-paying out more than she Is tak- been exposed for sale. That long ing in. She is compelled to close ago no elk were ever seen on the gap by actual gold ship-tne Prince Rupert market, but( ments. -, other species of game were, and', , 1 "3SP?i 'If f f Phone 203 The Canadian Chamber of Commerce, in its ' news letter, discusses a remark of President Tru-1 man that "we cannot get rid of communism just by - passing a law." This is a very wise remark, says the bulletin, but one which must be considered .carefully. . " You cannot eliminate murder by passing a law but you can take action against murderers. You cannot get rid of Communist thinking by passing a law, but what you can do by legislative means is move against Communism as a potential criminal gang not Communists as philosophers or politicians. This is an important difference. Opponents of outla'wing' the Communist Party , . say that we may drivethernr underground. This is "certainly a weighty reason for tolerating the Com-; munists. They are perhaps less dangerous as they ; are. now crackpots, malcontents than they would be'as martyrs, driven into hiding by the state. On the other hand, how do we know they 'have not a considerable underground network now? Periodic arrests of Communists on espionage charges sug- gest that thev are methodically running an under-; ground intelligence system, for the benefit of the i U.S.S.R. ! .-..-Another comment on the "underground" ques u" : first class feeding it made. Bat THE MONEY EXPERTS WILL today, it's different: We shoot say that this means that the each other Instead. U.S. dollar Is not In fact worth- what it is theoretically worth;,' that is that one ounce of gold is Ontario Cities . worth more than $35 in Uncle Keep f E.e Fost T.'m- Time , Sam's paper money. They may also predict that; TORONTO Toronto, Hamil-Uncle Sam will soon have to pay ton oshawa and other Ontario more than $3d for an ounce of ciUes as a power conservaUon For All Electrical Winn " ' Va won.t me us md HRht saving although the rest of up here in Canada. Who would- Lh , rD.rf , J rted to C0U1 " standard n't take $40 or $50 an ounce Jf" ?J7 time batui day night. lather than $35? oOo I DON'T UNDERSTAND THE , ,., u l And Service ' not surrthrt";rrhUttrPnV,;'"er, wool, cotton, or lumber.. 7yal0tvS I would like to see a dollar do either. Those who do know don't or won't tell. But I do know that it has been going on NORTHERN B. C. POWER ( a long time. Moreover, it is very tion is this : "Do we worry about driving murderers, difficult ,to interfere with its thieves nnrlpro-rnuTifl? If i a rli-Uro V, Pftmnniniot c , goings-on. It seems to me pro ' PRINCE RUPERT STEWARW -.-to..v. . v.n, L,, uumniuiuow tr.ih.Al'. .t-n . .ii..-! i always worth say ten loaves of bread, or two pounds of butter, or half a bushel of wheat, or a fraction of all thOSe, 'combined But so long as we do have the gold standard it seems o me It ought- to' be the honest and not the phoney gold standard. That is we simply ought to sell and circulate gold by weight measureand let it find its own price like everything else. v j -V '. f PHONE 210' : ' aergrounrt by outlaw ing them, are we up against years Jesus Christ lived and taught in peace in Palestine and ny tougher problem than in dealing with dope iiulli vi null i.jurr --peddlers and other enemies of society?" Because Communists are self-declared enemies of the i nearby countries. But within : four days of the time He inter-i f ered with the international (money exchange racket He was 'put to death. The money standard I would j lkie to see would be based on Try a Daily News Classified. MOST UP-TO-DATE CAFE IN THE CITY OPEN FROM 7:30 PM to 8:30 AM g- We Specialize in Chinese Dlsnes (ftjj. ! Just Arrived! A beautiful selection of Rhinestone Jewellery . . . Necklets, Earrings, Bracelets. Democratic society. ;A strong argument in favor of outlawing the Qprnmunist Party is that such an action will drive many dupes away from the movement. The R.C.M.P. undoubtedly know who most.of the Communists are. But perhaps the most dangerous Communist' agents in the country, from the point of view of undermining public morale at a time that Canada, in concert with the other United Nations, is battling Communist aggression in Korea, are the fellow CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN (vSvJl ' For Outside Orders PHONE 133 vfJ2m5Z I How Good Is Your Word? When you purchase anything on credit, you agree to pay for the goods on a certain date. Don't break your word-Pay Your Bills When They Come Due! CREDIT BUREAU OF PRINCE RUPERT GEO. COOK, Jeweller I . l - n - 1 . PHONE 79 i GEM Save Money ! Repair Now ! Healing Performance The New Fawcelt Torrid-Oil Heater alto n annary Pi HEAT , travellers. And the one way of convincing them that the Communist Party is a bad thing is to- out-' law it. We are not here recommending or urging the immediate outlawing of the party but we do believe ' that jt is a matter which should be studied carefully at. this time of world crisis. The cardinal principle which must be kept in mind when discussing this question is the fact that we must protect our politi- cal freedom above all things. This is easier said 2 than done. There may well be a time when we shall call a halt to the activities of certain groups, simply to save ourselves. But we must be careful in doing so we do not damage the very thing we are fighting to protect. To draw up legislation outlawing the Communist Party without damaging our Canadian heritaee of freedom would be a difficult problem. I Nevertheless, ways and means of dealing with this X problem should be examined now. It's money In the bank when you hold repair costs down. The surest way is to do repairs while they are still small. Call BLUE 846. SAANICH O Economical O Clean Q Efficient O Convenient O Attractive HOURS When and Where You Want It! i Prices $71.50 up 9o.ni.9p' Weekdays to 2 nMrirtui ..... 12 Noon See Them Today At McRae BROS PLUMBING and HEATING Cor. 4th Ave. and McBridc .... ruiRDAV SIXTH 5TKbtl AIN ., i