Roman Catholic Church for New Of Prince RuDert Daily News Monday, September 25, 1950 foundland, died here Saturday at th? age of seventy. He had been consecrated In 1915. ' Blackwood On Bridge the ace cn th: tccrd led the singleton club. East hopped up with the king and led a trump which dummy's king won. Now Mr. Muzzy led to his king of diamonds and followed with the Classiiied Ads Erin'? llesults. By Easley Blackwood Oil Heat AttieeSays No Election LONDON Prime Minister C. R. Attlee has replied with a firm "no" to demands raised in some sections of the Labor party for a general election this year. A group of Left Wing Labor supporters has been advocating an early election. Nothing abort of a Parliamentary defeat will cause Mr. Attk-o to call an election before 1951, U Is believed in informed quarters. PORTRAIT f Films Developed :ml PrinteJ PROMPT SERVICE CHANDLER'S STUDIO 218 - 4th Street Box 6tfi Phone Green 389 Prince W ti pen CJftCUlATESJ..., atOnceJ rraiiif-ifaj"" roieman PRINTING PRINTERS?! RADIANT-CIRCULATOR MODEL NO. R32 BoouMi-l Grill Automatic Draft Control! Automotle FuH Duroploitle Flnl LOW PRICI 91 TVJ 24 222 Second A (l PHONE 311 ProfessiorS SIDNEY gonicht; OPTOMETRIST Complete Visual Analysis OFFICE HOURS 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mezzanine Floor, Geo. Cook's Jeweller""! Telephone 212 MARGARET McLEOl i OPTOMETRIST t Room 10 STONE BUILD INO PHONE P.O. BOX 1184' advance. Pleae refrain from 50c. Birth Notices 50c. Cards or Tnanxs, ueatn noucs. run Marriage and Engagement Announcements $2 00. " SPKCIAL DISPLAY. DOUBLE PRICE Almost any minute he Is likely to go for an eleven hundred set when he should be down only one. When Mr. Muzzy Is his partner, Mr. Master's prime objective is to get the rubber over. If he can lose only a small rubber he is satisfied. If it is possible to play the hands himself he will do so. But he doesn't carry this too far. He is careful not to be too obvious about it or to insist on an unnatural" contract. Both sides vulnerable. West dealer. North (Masters) 8 K J 9 6 5 4 H AK7 D A 7 3 C a Went EaHt B A 7 8 Q 10 3 H 8 2 H 10 4 3 D Q J 8 D 10 8 5 3 C A Q B 6 5 3 C K J 7 Smith (Muzzy) 8 8 2 H Q J 9 8 6 D K 8 4 C 10 4 2 THE BIDDING: West North East South 1 C Dbl. Pass 1 H 2 C Pass Pass 2 H Pass 3 H Pass Pass On today's hand, for example, it appeared best to let Mr. liuzzy play a heart contract, but look at the way Mr. Masters soft-pedaled his good hand.The result justified his tactics. West opened the queen of diamonds against the three heart contract. Mr. Muzzy won with -f 314 ACRES AT ; COPPER RIVER About 2 acres cleared. 4,- room house, barn, woodshedstorage barn. Orchard, about 65 mixed fruits. ' if $1500.00 Would consider trade tor J2 ton or Va ton truck. E. T-Kenney. Ltd. TERRACE, B.C. Real Estate and Insurance R. W. COLLINS Authorized Dealer foi ELECTROLL'X Contact the above for all ) Services and Supplies ifee the new three brush f ff.ECTROMJX FLOOR POLISHER At plies the wax as well as polishes PHONE 451 hone today for a free demon tAtion of the 1950 Models 3f : the' ELECTROLL'X AIR "'JRIFIER and ELECTROLUX i FLOOR POLISHER To Use FOR SALE r-i i X?av , 1 ft.. AVU. .Hi'"' . lha Otntbmstic I u 4 trtfiFt . Cobinet! Control! OUR .McB RIDE ST. Irtising is payable In T'ion, minimum charge eral Notices, III NOTICE Sirn to Mr. and Lppmina on daughter. Patricia the Prince Rupert pital. bit SALE Kitchen table and rdroom dresser: materials ana electric violet-ray Bed 182. 239n) fl Heel K bed. com- condition; also Smid natch. Price $25.00. len 588; 857 11th , nun.. . Automatic record 1 npw. Also mantel desired. Box 7S9, (225d) 12-oU3bp donhle I "in Call 942 Hnvs or Plione Red 7K9 (225d fwiroom suite, com. ru: chesterfield nwtte set of tabic also iromno hcinrri n cleaner, all like ' No 4 Rnmnvt. lie Green 277. Mr- 2 wicker armchairs, lazvoov. ideil for d. S8: 1 vanltv i S3fl; 1 Marfoni ,la SoO: 2 hot 9th Ave East. 2240 ' Austin Sfrinn 1on f iHion. low mlleas'p' iilv News. 224 -bed. COmnlftp. i (226p) i 1949 Klllm fi n M inv I jnod cymlition Apply ; . I22iip) j -Remington rifle.1 ra hro m inn A .j ' f ount K 2.5 scone. "none 604 before 5 l22Gp) Blue coat, size H, - . (tf) tW's bikp Ron in i i i, (tf) Hint's crt w. ,Pars o'd, $25. Phone ViiO) Pnwl. . f"-"C, PVCBntlMn.11..' FOR SALE "Good Cheer" seml-ot. circulating heater, large size. Another of Mr. Master's pat-' rons at the club is my friend Mr. Muzzy. As nice a fellow as you ever met is Muzzy, But a terrible player. Every hand you play with him Is a hazard. He -v. seldom counts trumns. When I I he has them kAiAJ solid he usually leads an extra Blackwood round to make sure they are all out except when he forgets what trumps are. IN RE ESTATE OP IVAR MARTINSEN OK8VOLD (OKSVALD), DECEASED, INTESTATE TAKE NOTICE that as Admlns-trator. duly appointed by the court, ol the estate of Ivar Martlnaen Oksvold (Oksvald) . who died at Prince Rupert, British Columbia, on the 28th day of June. 1950. I require aU creditors and others having claims against the said estate to send W verified, at the same to me. properly address mentioned below on or before the 31st day of October, IBM, after which date I shall proceed to distribute the estate to those entitled by law. having regard only to claims of which I shall then have been notified. , AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that all persons Indebted to said estate are required to pay their indebtednes to me forthwith. ? DATED at Prince Rupert. B.C., this Slst day "of September, 1950. GORDON F. FORBES. OFFICIAL ADMINISTRATOR, PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. IN RE ESTATE OF CATHERINE j BLAKE O'REILLY COLEMAN, DECEASED, INTESTATE TAKE NOTICE that as Administrator duiv anDolnted by the court, of the estate of Catherine Blake O'Reilly Coleman, who died at Prince Rupert, British Columbia, on the 10th day of July, 1950. I require all creditors and others having claim against the said estate to send the same to me, properly verified, at the address mentioned below on or before the Slst day of October, 1950, after which date I shall proceed to distrl 1 . .... natata tn tVlflS entitled tV lRW havlng regard only to sucb claiml of whu;n i shall then have been notified and further take notice that aU persons indebted to said estate are required to pay their Indebtedness me forthwith. dated at prince Rupert. B.C., this 21st day of September. 1950. - GORDON F. FORBES, OFFICIAL ADMINSTRATOB. i O K mm cr ' rrr rr m H p,.t. f1 IW '"'. r-ti IT'S EASY DAILY Write I If.. GORDON DRONSORl U. B U RNER , SPECI ALT8T ' Ji-w wick or pot type burnersi pyiied All types of burners) in excellent conaiuon. rnone Blue 933. 225p) FOR SALE Babv touegv, reasonable. Phone Black 371. (225p) FOR SALE McClarv" range and chesterfield suite Kroe-lert cheat) for cash. Both in excellent condition. Phone Red 599. , , (225d FOR SALE New chesterfield beds: beds complete: ununited chest of drawers: used washing machine: sewing machine: kitchen stoves: heat ers: hardware; scores ol other useful furniture at lowest nrices. See B.C. Furniture. Black 324. itf FOR SALE 32-ft. troller. fully eauiooed. lb-18 Easthone. A-l Av.nMil IA - r . ... lit... 1.J. LUiluilltfii. 1 w H c r jcnvtltx town. - Enauire office of J. Clausen and Son (225D) FOR. KAI.R FOR SALE Small not oil burner. Phone Black 785. (225pt United Church Window Sale Is Successful The United Church W.A. held a successful window sale at Gordon & Anderson's Saturday afternoon. Committee in charge consisted of Mesdames M. Richardson, J. Becket, L. M. Greene, N. Marineau, D, Santerbane and J. McDonald. Financial returns were gratifying to the committee. FINE REGAL rlp PTTONK ( Business and HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all Its branches ?04 4th Street Phone 655 CHIROPRACTOR JOHN F. L. HUGHES, D C. 21-22 Besner Block Houis, 10:30-12:30 Si 2-5 Evenings, Mon. Sc Frl. 7:30 Phone Blue 442 . ' COLUSSI'S MUSIC STORE Agents for the finest In Musical Instruments . PIANOS TUNED AND RECONDITIONED ilO 4th St , Ph. Black 389 A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS U IB Melville Street VANCOUVER, B. C. RORIE 8, LAIRD -' Public Accountants and Audi tors. Income Tax Returns compiled. , O. L. RORIE, I 8. B. LAIRD, B. Comm. Besner Work - Pliont- 387 HANDYMAN1 v HOME SERVICE aENERAL CNTR ACTR J HuiirtlliR nnrt Repii nf l kinds ROOFS CHIMNEYS OIL BURNERS PHONBS Black 334 , Red 8tf P, O Box 1870 ciSS J C J We Open at 4 UNDER NEW NORTHERN four of clubs which was trumped with dummy's seven of hearts. A frown creased Mr. Muzzy's . brow as he found it increasingly difficult to get off the board.' Finally he led the last diamond ' from dummy and West won and put dummy back in with a trump. At this point dummy had nothing but spades and Mr. Muzzy had to lead away from; the king-jack of spades and give ' the enemy two tricks in the suit. He lost another club, too, for down one.- "Such discrimina tion," he muttered, entirely with out reason. Mr. Masters agreed it was a tough-breaking hand. He could see nothing to gain by telling his partner that four hearts could have been made by setting dummy's spade suif instead of trying to ruff out the club losers. Ernest Unwin returned to the city this morning on the Chil- cotin from a week's visit at Tlell with E. S. Richardson. Prepare For WINTER! Check your Furnace and Chimney Now! We have the most-modern vacuum equipment for cleaning furnaces and chimreys. PHONE 884 THOM hect Metal Ltd. CHECK YOUR FURNACE VANCOUVER VICTORIA Sunday, 9 p.m.. Camosun ! Tuesday, 1:30 p.m. Coquitlam ALICE ARM. STEWART AND j PORT SIMPSON . Sunday, Coquitlam, 11 p.m. FOR NORTH QL'KEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Camosun, Sept. 15 & 29 10 p.m. FOR SOUTH QUEEN . CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Camosun, September 8 and 22, 10 n m. FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent . Third Avenue Phone 5b8 IT'S PROFITABLE Six - Phone No. FOR SALE Carnet 9x10' and wonhlnu marhine. Both like new. Phone 60. Delanev. 224p THE BEST in Plumbing Service PHONE 108 PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING & HEATING BUD BCHUMAh i Old Post Office Bldg.) telephoning. Classifieds, zc pe. WANTED WANTED Used play-Den. Phone Black 85. (22ac) " . WANTED TO RENT. Reward, Urgently needed bv Oct. 30. 3 or 4-rOOm house or suite. Please phone details to H-arold Thorn Atlin Fisheries. Prince Ruuert. B.C. NO Children. (229D) . j WANTED $20 REWARD if you can eet me bv Oct. 1. 6-room house to rent till June. Urjrent. Box 791. Daily News. (225p) WANTED Llht housekeenln rooms, as soon as Dossible. by oulet tamilv uraent v neeaea. ApUvVJD. Dai'v News, tfnc WANTED TOP MARKET PRICES PAID for scrao iron, steel, brass. coDDer. lead, etc. HQnest eradlriar. Promct. tav- x menf rfiade. 'Atlas Iti?n y& Metals Ltd.. 250 Prior St.. Van-pnnver. B.C. Phone Pacific 6357. tf) WANTED TO RENT Furnished or unfurnished four or live room house or apartment. steadv National em-, Dlovee. Phone Greta JU4. 2rAr WANTED Scrati Cast. b"- , Conner, batteries nno rxHi ntors. Phone 543. Call 629 "-r. west. (tf) WANTED .TO RENT-J lor 4-roorn house or aoartment. furnish ed or unfurnished. Phone Don. 1 MacDonald. Camp Office. Columbia Cellulose. , (220p)- SALES AGENTS WANTED MAKE EXTRA MONEY EASILY f Sell Name-on Christmas and Evervdav card assortments at, best values witn hlchesti commissions lor vou. Uneaualled values in more than twenty Christmas- items 21 card Deluxe Christmas box. Panorama Stana-un cares. Canadian scenes pictures, personal cards notes and napkins. Children's three dimensional books. Television Tom Thumb books, nursery r.ivme cares, s'auonery, Rift wrans. personalized (sift ribbon, dine-dona bells, also Evervdav assortments including plastic cards. Write today for catalog and samples NOW NOW. Name-on Stationery Comoanv Limited. Deot.B4, 63 Yonee Street Arcade. Toronto, Losrt t LOST Green Burifie bird, answers to name "Bobbv." Anyone flndinq: bird, please call H Ward. Red 196 or 680. Regard (226n) BUILDERS & CONTRACTORS noon hour. P.O. Box nil. (tf) Tux snecialist. S. U. rurx Stone Building. Red 593. REPAIRS jeweller, Satisfaction guaran- teed. OIL BURNER SPECIALIST-Stove Service & Repairs. G. D Rnnsnn Wf-k 503 ftf) PERSONAL LADIES TAILORING Alterations and repairs. Phone Blue ill. KiilS) FOR SALE 6-room house in Terrace. 14 acre of cleared land. Annlv Robinson Real Estate. Terrace, tr John Gur-vich. Citv. (230p) DEALERS IN ALL. TYPES of ' used equipment: mill, mine; and loeeinir suDDlies: new and 1 used wire rope: DiDe and fit Unas: chain, steel plate and i shapes. Atlas Iron & Metls Ltd., 25 Prior St., Vancouver, B.C. Phone Pacific 6357. (tf ) rOR RFWt FOR RENT Housekeeping ac-! commodation available for 1 1 or 2 people. Central Phone Black 277. " 224 ; : : : FOR RENT Room and board for men. $15 per week. 233 7th ma stoves serviced An un- iftdiuonal guarantee of per- tvr-t satisfaction covers all service 733 5th West Black Si 3 QVAUTZ REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soies MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Box 774 Second Avei " MATTSON'S .. UPHOLSV"ERINO Phone Blue 818. P.O. Bov520 330 Second Avenue,, Prince. Rupert, B.C.J After a Day in the Woods ... There is nothing like a good T C A si D A T N I L VI UH Ml Every Afternoon MANAGEMENT SPORTS AND -. NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS Them Yourself on this Handy Form 'West. Downstairs. 224p)i FOR RENT Room. 843 9th ! west. (Z30P ) FOR RENT Sleet) ln room. adoiv in e. 8tn or pnone Green 928. j (229c) j FOR RENT Housekeeping room.1 you nrst Avenue west. Apply 221 Fifth Avenue East. (226c) RENT Room to share, (tf) i Housekeeping ton. Phnno niniv FOR LoiT''c ,227p I men. Red 471 h1943 Custom Fn,rf ' FOR " R EN T r' Cnnrtitinv, ia. ' ronmc fnr rrlrlo 11A flth ve. (tf) WkZv Fred stev-t , we P tlys Cove Avpnn . (227o)'i - RtAZ. ESTATE 8 KNOWN namws I HAVE HOME OWNER requirina eood 2 or 3-bedroom house be tween Havs Cove and McBride. i win sell or exchange 4-bed-, room home on 6th East. Has PLUMBING and. Heating -concrete basement, furnace. , Sheet Metal work Taj af fireplace, rumpus room and! Gravel Roofme. Call 629 6tfi many plus features. If no ex-1 West, Phone 543. Letourneaii change possible will consider j and Sons ,. -tr ArmsngWhAen?iese" Phfnl MODERN Painting Brpecor- Rnd Matulk 342 a44 Tor or Green ureen m 2fl7 (eves (eves.) ) 224c nw Pno U . Riack SDenc.e. 215. evenings or FOR SALE Revenue buildine on 1st Ave..' showing $285 per! ii. month plus suite for owner. ; COMPLETE tu 'd"8-,.80"0", Excellent opportunity for the fast service. Island City Build-right oartv. ing Supplies. Blue 820. (18mi 4-room house. 2 minutes from i . post office, available for cash I ACCOC.'tTAN'ra Son&r- LtlDDlV Rbe(2t24c f PulLicTTcCOUNTANT., tncom- im anoveis; I te- P RnaH V . i" Bros. i I; oia'n,tena.nce: tii con);? fproies: j Milt TrilM!";! taidpr ?ison i Fllusal rj. c rori. K- 7 "Ol- "onal o tt .. . Xll Alt stooi fST.PPl i SamUf; National f nation fXu avevors ' r,Bc Co' L'mited. (tf) i 1947 n-trr.- i (224lT) J&Pee 1944: V ara,;;"K Vh ne ni2Vaa ED talo. listln Write for i nrin varlnn.d r . Unt ' vjuppn (tf ) l Number of Times Enclosed Please Find ....... (2c per word per insertion e. Number of word 25; cost, 50c. insertions for price of four. Minimum charge, 50c.) FOR SALE -Wartime 8 Dartiallvi furnished. Phone Green 169. i (228D) FOR SALE S room hduse. priced U7.,TrnT RPmrr"riromDt effl-reasonably as must be sold im- , Cook Blue 240 for further information, (tf) WANTED Name Address HEALTH SPRINGS r Phone 658 WANTED TO RENT REWARD. - - Urcentlv neerfed bv Oct. 15. 4 or 5-room house or suite. Please phone details to Harold Thorn Atlin Fisheries, Prince, Ruutrt. B.C. (2290)