. .. - , Prince Rupert Daily News Monday, September 25, 1930 i Headed Homeward Survivor sAnd SHIPS and WATERFRONT Jarvis H. McLeod, who has been to Ootsa Lak. on ji bu.slne.is trip, returned to Prince Rupm ' Saturday. They started out, Walker, who are motoring' through the interior. ' Body Arrivel Body of 23-year-old Lloyd Union steamer Coquitlam, Capt. John Boden, arrived in I fr ! Houstie, one of two members of port at 5:30 yesterday alternoon' if alt J irom Vancouver and waypoint3 and, after discharging a heavy cargo of freifiht here, sailed at 2 am for Alice Arm, Stewart and Other northern points whence she is due back here tomorrow to sail at 1:30 p.m. on i the crew who perished when the : B. C. Packers seinboat Scrub cap-i sized in a lossy storm at Ekide-:gnte Bar last Thursday evening, was here aboard the sleamer I'hilcotin this morning enroute j to deceased's home at Bella I Bella where interment will be made. I j-d the some vessel were surviving members of the crew Capt. Peter Jackson, Charles I PniHi! rhtptirp Martin and '( H fen m ner return south. Exciting New Fashions 2 At Exciting Low Prices! i unce more a brief v 'sitor to I 1 ri S!!;- f.fc.k; port Is HMCS Cedarwcod , under I f I xM C' command of Lt. Cmdr. J. waif- I I.I .A Vrniriin, endon. She docked here At PEOPLES -r- Satur-ililli M ..... . e In the 1 " E A " ,"r.ttM Mi day after a rouph oassfl": here ' f I 11 Uw , V Pacific off the coast. While euestsof C P I VJd U-aV- - ' the ship's company are Kalph Hunt, all of Bella Bella. Search is beir.r ocntinued for the .second victim Ralph Sunday who 's still missing. The S-rub was salvaecd and is now at Queen Charlotte. The four survivors told of the HMCS Chatham. The Cedarwood Is conducting an occanaraphlc ' survey. L. - I m I o picase your own strong fashion sense to please your J) limited budget ... a new group of fresh- for - hall dresses at truly comfortable prices! We feature the Classlired Ads Brine: Results. "Well, just don't sit there! if raedv. They -at ashore in a ! skiff. The boat was in twelve f r v.hc it was struck bv a huee wave and cap-'fi;eci. Vrhcn the survivo-s eam chn thev wrre tiken care nf rv Sandsnit ostmaster Bill IMatheson. who eave them hot nffee and a bunk for the ni?ht. The boat and net were a total n Anniversary Of Church CFPR RADIO DIAL. 1240 Kilocycles For Cleatr, Courteous Service Call TAXI 65 TAXI Now lT-iler Nrw Management If we don't have a car, we'll call you one.. , ' " ' v3 "i c',',' - r : today ,o wed. &ZTyr. (Subject to fhanpe) newest shcath-silhou-ctfc styles . . . the most popular fabrics and Autumn '50 colors. Junior and misses' sizes. Come choose today. SASKATOON Yesterday was tho 56th anniversary of the fir. t service of Knox United Church ia Saskatoon and the pastor scr.t i p.m. 9.05 Trv a C'ass..'-d in the News. p-o--' wishes to all Ea i:3to n pioneers where ever they n'piit ; MONDAY P.M. 4:10 oioiK liuoial.uns & Int. 4:3C Ma.",i; Adventures 4:45 Vcuni aMn iWLh a Song 4:S5-CBt; News 5:03 Manic for Strincs 1). , t-h'-uchout Canada. ThMull afternoon was beautiful, with the tanr nf autumn in the nir 'and , pnzintj along Spadina C""v:it, RUPERT PEOPLES STORE : ciBeDai:cjisiii!iiiBiiiiiaiiiiiiiii9iiii4 one e'mld fc. (he univrsMv r.'K ih- rhanch'g color of the lo'i- WRATHALLj PHOfO HNIbHING Lieu ,uur Kodak .Camera " ' " Unc-Up. Kiash attachments for all Cameras. JOHN H. BOLtEl irroMiiTRiST 5:15- liusic and Malarky , 5:30 Tj Be Aniuur.ced 5:43 Young Man With a Song 5:55 IB3 IT jws tiii tiiiiiupr Serfimtle 6:15 Mirtial Airs 6:20- Musicul Vuiictics 7:0(1 C'HC ttews 7:15 CP'J News Kouudup 7:3 --At the Fiano 7:15-Talk K:0O Aiotila Uaneli House S:3? Summer Fallow 'JXZ Fancy Free C:3:-Co:!t.n;ntol Varieties Mi. (Ml a J.c Ni'w.1 10:10-C T.C Nr-vs In 1R01 Saskatoon wr.-. 'it b o e than a village. Today. ; ti'TO Is a city of at leat 59,003. '-- I 'y j T-l-'-, F p.ln Hilton. S'Pir-r rtul,.. ? Ilca'th Nurse, Prince t'nr-t T'ei'th Unit, returned from ihe On"'"! Charlotte Islands by ; lnne Tatrrdiy after making her -e".ii-j In:- quarterly ln.spccVon cf lsind -i "i innitics lio lat olor and Kodachrome "3f " ..r. ... " 1 Film. Developing, Printing and Enlarging 3"n - 3rd Ave. W. John Culgcr Ltd. Third At'eniii Provinc-a. Affairs T.B.A. Vvcauicr Forecast dm for I0:ir' 1:01) 7 - S llll Extra comfort ond ;s wor -M islCaJ Clun you with a Coleman Oil H iler mmm 'THE WORLD OVER FOR ITS meli.ov;fj5s f wmm Lovf in Cost Cf 'icicnt in Operation Available now at VJ. .teuli nit - t :-r7t ..:r ' i- v 1 'jt 'Pis 8;13-l'f.M Dill Guou H : A" . . tinin rtotin 8 31- i.lusir, rr M;-.c:;w 8:45 Little C'olieen 9:'JU BBC News and Comir.e-i-tury. .' H (5 Vim i 'HV I Hinl,ii.f C:5C Morning Concert 10:00 Momirffe Visit lu:15 Mornin6 Melodies 10:30 "Melody Time" 10:41 Invitation to the Walt 11 :00 Kindergarten of the1 Air 11:15 Hound up ? ime 11:U Wcataer liepcrt I J HI- Mt'SAMtSV Ptfl'.IIP 11:33 -Recorded Interlude '.:45 Scandinavian Melodies P.it. 12:00-;.Iid-Day Kei.Kile Twenty-four Power Districts Served by BRITISH COLUMBIA POWER COM MISSION McBride Street::! "Pjhonn 311, 1 IS i UUv) -gjsttil BEST! li & Lake Windermere Quesnel Lillooet, Sechelt IS'akusp ' Smithers IS'anaimo-Duncan Terrace IS'orth Okanagan Vanderhoef M The Albernis Alert DayS -Burns Lake Campbell River Comox Valley Dawson Creek Golden Hazelton Hope Houston -Kamloops Lake Cotcichan ia:l tuc Nvw! ' ! vt:'Ai l'roi;rHm iesuinp WHEN TRAVELLING TO TERRACE 9 iH MMMMJCl m SCOTLAND 12:30 B.C. Farm Broadcast 12:55 Roc Int. l:0t The Concert Hour 1:CC Bernie Bradcn Tells a Story ' 1:45 Comty. Allison Grant ?:(.? Fasy Listening 2:33 Records at Random Leave Prince Rupert 1 1 .30 a.m. Arrive Terrace .00 p.m. Leave Tcrruce 5.30 p.m. Arrive rinco. Rupert 10 00 p.m. IT IfL : e A "4 n 1 - $6.85 RETURN $3.CD SINGLE flMTLuMMTin m t m iAIWMr.nOrUJMX m o ' I J L THE SIEHFI&CMCH MO ftALVCNIt- V 3 W 'l!9 CflMTfNTf W IT. ;.r. M ilwio ouhcu I T (j t " ' s-K " " v ' i i t Yes Wo Carry Expr;ss!!. 2:45 Talk 3:C3 The Mu.s:c Box 3:15 Western Five 3 -A, Divertimento The Rrl tilth Cnlumlila Pwr rnmntiuninti in ll.r fir.t fivcveariofluop"11 Phone 555 for Information ending April 30, 1930, lias pone far toward acroiiiplinliing the purpoe of l ..!... .. i i . ..c .l H...J. 1.... .. Ari In nroTid ' mniiiiii uimtf iiivt inula tfi lug E.llTVtllt. uwd t.& WATSON ISLAND STAGES LTD. .-..w.v.-: j 77m elu Recipes uv.mwvfwwjv; improving the availability and Ripply of electrical power" to the people- The Commiaaion haa acquired and amalgamated 23 operating electric ouW? acrvicea, including diatribution ayalcma, with inimcuse aaviug (t consuln, rcaulting. The Commlaaion haa inve.lcd nearly tO,OIM),(M)0 in grnernlin plu' mission an-1 diatribution aervieea to supply power to indulrica and than 41,04H) commercial and domestic customers. Overboot SALE Children's and Misses m Marshmallow Squares Vi cup butter Vi pound marshmallows H teaspoon vanilia 5 cups oven-popped rise" cereal Ctok butte. an amarshmal-lows over hot ater until thick and syrupy. Add vanilla beat thoroughly. Put cereal in large greased tswl and pour on marsh-mallow mixture, 'stirring briskly Form into tal's or press into greased shallow pan; cut into iHua res v.nen cool. Yield: T balls (2 inches diameter) or 24 2',4-lnch squares (9 x 13-inch panK " is aa junta. $rant I BEST PROCURABLE (I! IEIIS OLD) ' , The Commishion is eiiKaK-d In theeHriiHii.il of rural flc. lr1niiiln-ur economical irrigation and the other numeroua labour anil time-saving advantages of power to !llefam,l The Commission is developing the enormous hydro power potential of the proince, with such projreta 112,000 horsepower John Hart Development, serving Vancouver Islaiidt the ttluil-huii project which ' develop the North Okanagan, Kamloops and other comniuuities of the southern-central interior! the 0 River hydro development, which will supply Sechelt and adjacent coaatal areas. The Commission continues to survey hydro resources, with a view to taking care of the future needs of the pW The Commission operates on a financially independent Itasis, paying all interest on capital. pr i'1"'! fjj,, revenues for maintenance and renewal reserves, sinking fund and contingencies. Its profits go inlo ih ' ' reserve fund, for the improvement of service and This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. Donald Duck and M.'ckcy Mouse Pull On Rubber Boots MM protection of the interests of its customers. ' WHITE O RED GREEN A limited number of the BW Columbia Power Commit'" emU"S annual report for the year April 30, 1950, it available from' Secretary, Box So. 550, Victoria, B. The Commission's widespread operations, and the assurance of adequate supplier of power, are directly responsible for the eipansion of industry. Such projects as the huge pulp industries on Vancouver Islund, at Cedar and Alberni, and, soon to be built, at Duncan Bay, utilize Commission power from the John Hart Development. Power is essential to the fullest development of basin i.. .1 ..r i , . . - -Childrens Sizes 8 to 12 Misses Sizes 13 to 3 " m.nn, lactones ana ltruii, 2.19 SALE PRICE Power Means Progress Fashion Footwear ru;. a . . IRITISK1 C01U.A POyjEfl GOi