2'm I- Prince Rupert Doiiy News !4;r,day, September "!S5a CoiiiUble Roger Brett, R.C.ien in yesterday fiom FenUdaa MP., who left Prince Rupert in! where he Is now stationed. Con-1543, is here d.,i loday renew- st;b!e Brett with the o'.d ing acquaintances, having driv-l provincial city force here for several years and, since leaving 1 vt ' has been stationed tl I m variously at Vanderhcof, Telesraoh ceeW a,tfrr4n Prince George, Bridge Rl"? H " fcsoss" u oif io the Dominion- J Provincial ",nferen.ce m Que-i bee. Vuaiiy e lhes. This Uuv: he's motoring. He won't tetaik j until after the Tory convention. iV ictoria Report ' ... by J. K- Nesbkt . ( Why These Political Conventions? j 1 Too Much HankyPanky ' : - By JIM NESBITT . VICTORIA Political conventions like the one the Tories are holding in Vancouver next week are certainly exciting and lots of fun. That's all very well, ;but can we afford such fun? This taking time out ,' every now and then to put the province into on luproar over political matters could be termed hardly more lr.tfi'jted iu ujiiticul man-oiivrines than in th reonlp'-; wlfara. There's no r:u tii-,i -if that. The general election of 1945 threw the province into turmoil. Why, two years later, should there have been further political turmoil. The Liberal Party, appealing for votes in 1945, didn't say the chief wouhl quit in 1947, Now the Tories are at it. There Is no British Columbia election in signt, but the Tories are cleaning house. Some of them want to kick out Herb Anscomb. In the hope of doing it they're labeling him a wicked booze baron. Naturally, Anscomb's fighting back. So U is we have the spectacle of the Hon. Herbert Anscomb, Minister of Finance, much more interested in politics than in government business. For four months now he has been lettiirj his underlings run the government's financial business ($150,-000,000) a year while he has been trotting up and down the country trying to win cronies and in -fluence good Tories to vote lor him at the convention. Even the Uberals-in-Cnalition are being affected by the Tory plottings. Liberal Premier Johnson, a little embarrassed at the hot spot that's burning his chief adviser, is staying out of the way. jonnson ana Anscomb are supposed to be running the government but, with some Tories kniling Anscomb, it's all a bit awkward, ft mut be difficult for Juhnson, at a cabinet meeting, to say: "Good morning Herb how's the sinking funds today?" when he knows dam well Herb Is mare Interested in his chances of remaining Tory leader than in sinking funds. To avoid all this hanky-pankv why can't we have some rhythm to our political conventions? Why couldn't we have It so our political parties hold full-dreis conventions three or four months before general elections. They could then hang out their soiio.i shirts, elect a new leader or reelect the old one, set a new platform. There's too much political t-okus-pokus going on in this country between elections. It adds up to contempt on the part of the public for political parlies and politicians That's unfortunate for political parties and politicians are the very bulwark pf cur democracy. ' 111 IB honest. Couldn't we have some system about political converw tions? "WEAK" BACK? Sfahy tay they get "cold" in the back or the kidneys to easily! That's why thousands keep Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver i Pill always on hand. For this reliable jeniedy is like two treatments in one i Works faster to relieve painful barkachei t rJhie to faulty kidneys. Dr. Chase MP"? . Let's look at the recent record, In 1941, of course, there was some excuse for an unscheduled convention the Liberals didn't have enough legislative seats to form a safe government. So they met and fired "Duff" Pattullo and put in Jack Hart. , (As an aside perhaps it would have been better if Pat- a name you can dfpend on. 51 fcR. CHASE'S I w hl4Vjr:QTi.d , tullo's advice had been followed IILUDISTM and the Liberals chanced going it alone. However, it's all very fine to be wife after the event.) In late 1947 came another Liberal convention. Hart was retiring as Premier. The Lib- erals had to choose another Lih-eraj leader. But it was more important than that. They chose a Premier which many people thought not quite fair. Why should a political party be able to. choose a Premier! Should jii j i i J J I ."4 ' Better j S ( ' Better ! the people choose a Premier? j That flip-flop (Hart out, I Johnson in) came - mid-way , through the term of office of the government elected in 1943. That government had a bargain I with the people. The government, on the hustings, in effect, said this: "Elect us and we'll do our best." It didn't say: "Elect us and we'll see at the half way mark we might switch Pre .Last December, Fry-Cadbury Ltd; reintroduced 5t Chocolate Bare. The public showed its hearty approval of this policy; sales grew so rapidly we had difficulty in meeting the demand. Today, higher material prices, especially of cocoa beans and sugar, make the It- price more difficult to maintain. Nevertheless, Fry-Cadbury Ltd. is glad to announce that, due to careful planning and efficient production, the basic 5i price of all Fry-Cadbury ban remains unckangtf until further notice, and, of course, the same fine quality will continue throughout, Now, however, to meet the national emergency, our Government has placed a special new tax on all candy bars which means youxFry-Cadbury bars will cost you 6j!. '"" It ia certainly worth remembering that Cadbury's Dairy Milk. - Canada's finest milk chocolate i only 6 a bar including tax, FOR PLANNING FOR PUILDIN3 FOR REPAIRING Call 363 MITCHELL & CURRIE LIMITED Builders & f.'ontractarn miers." Looking back we. went through at least six months in 1947 when our government leaders (elected to pay attention to the public's business) were much 1 IU L L. II 11 lv Li .1 I I I'll! ORMES Vk-Priidm and iakt DtocW FRY-CADBURY LTD. I V ' . . LAMPS Stay Brighter Longer MONTREAL CANADA The Pioneer Druggists DAILY DELIVERY Phone 81 4 r w 1 - YOUR ALL AROUND SERVICE PRINTING FOR EVERY PURPOSE , . We'll follow your instructions Implied or, if you wish, add a creative touch thai will lend distinction to your printed matter. Moderate prices. Call us! Phone 234 IHATSOH'.ISLACIB stages loted1 PASSENGER TIME SCHEDULE NO. 2 CANCELS PASSENGER TIME SCHEDULE NO. 1 TAXI for rriiw Tho-v 234 3rd Street ' . STAND NEXT TO NEW LIQUOR STORE PRINTERS STATIONERS - OFFICE Sit L I PASSENGER AND EXPRESS -SERVICE ; between PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. TERRACE, B.C. ROUTE; Tram-Provincial Highway via Galloway Rapids Bridg YOUR FAVORITE READ DOWN READ UP TRIP 3 Mons., Weds. Fris. on your next Lv CHARTER FLIGHT MILES 0 Prince Rupert 13 Prudhomme Lake 16 Rainbow Lake 31 Tyee 37 Skeena 45 Telegraph Point 51 Kwinitsa 56 East Kwinitsa NOW ON DISPLAY! 6.15 p.m 645 6.55 7.25 740 8.80 810 .. 8.20 ., 8.25 8.40 9.05 .. iloblt TKIP I Daily Lv 9.30 a.m 10.00 . . 10.10 10.40 10.55 ., 1115 11.25 Ar 11.35 Lv 11.40 11.55 . 12.20 p.m. 12.30 ,. 12.35 12.55 .. 105 Ar 1.20 .. TRIP 4 TRIP 2 Morn., Weds., Daily Fris &Sa;s. ' Ar 11.20 a.m. Ar 10.00 p.m. Lv 10.55 Lv 9.35 .. 10.45 9.25 1015 8.50 1000 8.35 .. 945 8.20 .. 9 35 810 (Lv 9.25 (Lv 8.00 (Ar 9.20 (Ar 7.55 Lv 9.00 Lv 7.40 8.35 . ,,,7.15 8.25 7.05 8.20 7.00 .8.05 6.40 7.59 6.30 Lv 7.45 a.m. Lv 6.15 p.m. Sats. Only. Lv 9.30 p.m 10 00 10.10 .. 10.40 10.55 11.15 11.25 Ar 11.35 Lv 11.40 1155 12.20 a.m. (Sun.) 12.30 12.35 ' 12.55 ,. 105 Ar 1.20 ,. Ar Lv i i I m r ft 1 CHAPTER FLIGHT PLANES ovoi O Aerial Surveys O ,Aerial Photography O Private Charter O Timber Cruising ere 63 Salvus 75 Exstew 80 Griffiths Mill 82 Shames 90 Amsbury 93 Remo 100 Terrace Now At . . . ALL INTERIOR AND COASTAL W 9.15 ,. 9 20 9.40 9.50 Ar 10.05 1 ! I ..1 For w Brown woods' g RESERVA10 INFORMATION - RATES - PHONE 476 t . t DEPOTS; PRI NCEUPERT 2nd Ave. at 7th St TERRACE Silver Tip Co , Hea4 Office: 14 Smith Block, Prince Rupert. t Abbreviations and symbols: Ar Arrive; Lv Leave. QUEEN CHARLOTTE ABU 1 Issued September 15th, 1950 Effective Date October 10, 1950 Our New FALL STYLES are now on DISPLAY! Issued by C. Mclnture, General Manager, 14 Smith Blk., Prince Rupert Issued pursuant to the provisions of the "Motor Carrier Act" and Reflations thereunder. Kill & CM) .1 K Any objection to this New Time Schedu.e may be fifed with the Superintendent Pf Motor Carriers, Pub.ic Util.tics vwmics Commission commission, Vancouver, B.C., up to September 30th, 1950. Air Freight.- ' ''"'tlfHWrttiwnnwi nBmmm.mmm mmb mmm L