r t Prince Rupert Daily News Friday. Dt'-ci-mber 23, 1049 ijSanta Claus What City Council Did ;still Around iSavingPffl I Although 'twas a few clays after ' For An ir.ilcpprtlent dMly jifwst- tl.-iNit.M! to tihi.tiiMinT nf Prinr Hmtt-rl lid ail CuniirnUii : iP- 4-r.iri'! ' vx f-.'tSi.ir, ;n,! .v-r-.if.U Kr.'l li -1 inji i Auiiiorlt'il a- .-..-crvr.fi On Mru!. Hnvr Oi'irf I.-....rt"itMH. Otrawa) P;rO'hf-d Fvnv Mtornoon except Sxindp.v by Prints' Hupprt DnHT'Npws Ltd.." 3rd Avcrur. Prmee Rutvrt. Hritlsli Columbia O. A Hl'NTf R. Mnnacins Krttor. ti. C, PERRY. M.inaKinK Diwlor. UKMPF.lt OF CANADIAN 'rRRJS ATHIT PURFAl! OF flRff LATIONS . - CAKA1MAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION SUBSCRIPTION RATF.H UKJ Mrrtrr. Per W--k, .'Or: Per Mnnin. fvr Year. 8 00. '"T. By Mall. Per Month, 60c: Per Year, 5 00 '"' Christmas, Santa Claus was stiil approved. . . . Trade license applications around and at the Valhalla were approved as follows: Mi- rlmnl Mz-.trraiff fnr -a mpsspn Lodge hall Wednesday afternoon. Reports of various com-mittres were heard. The finance committee reported the sale o flots 11 and 12, block 13, section 2 to Kooert E. Monta-dor for $800. A letter received by the servTce; ! 'le Mm'A ifts nd callli (;er Rupert Freezing Men's SUITS-.' wool worsted. A Z 24 children. The fnr cold storaef lockers and r.-tail meats: G. D. Ronson for I Christmas Tree of the organic- . . .. . I ifn ti-MQ ininu.nnfl Vki Xt., ri t Qom perfect f,ts"$-. Men's TOP rrll board of works committee from .nstalling ana servicing on Dur-i - u . Bayfield and Archibald was ners and to James Patrick Mc- j Insulandcr. In the evening, read. The correspondence re- Lean for the operation of a taxi ' members and friends gathered "vcuium Mr. f ton at the hall for a party and dancf smartly tailored farded the proposed engine and stand, pump and council's 'account for ... Other reports from the ! . ,k . . V- 3 .A V k. Luisscz-Fuire Dead y - Self-satisfaction and willingness to chance are possibly the most serious brakes on the wheels of progress and service. -it is possibly human nature to rest content and leaw well enouirh alone if tilings seem to be Dargam V $30 was approved. utilities, neaun, ana pioneer s i . . Police report for the month home committees were consid Men s DRESS SHiK Oia select v vfore than ever JJ j;A Kodok Camera is the er November was received and ered and approved. If ; v v i jj Kj ' "Wanted" Gift WRATHALL'S V y ' " urn J . . . Men s TIES fi Qifts. Latent sl,n from Men's SWEATERS rvi li Irwirt- ii PHOTO mriiv Mlonir smoothly. Th.e person who will stir j dying mother fues to England Guest of the tx.a.. Mrs. I"J "'"' 1 .... I T..I... Tnrlnir n( HamillnH fl.1 t ripllt. IS SPPtl With UeT UirC CMl- thuitrs up, iiitro fiuce new ideas or uu unj unn i.u ui- Kay Reflects ... . . . and RcminiscvH " JV-' 'I'I'l btiltf, (hen. Mrs. E. II. Molson, her sister, and Pilot Sam Jackson. The war bride is being flown gratis to England to place" her children with her family. Suffering from an incurable disease, she is not expected to live more than a few months. styles wools, oil s from 1 ' TPOIKrnr A ,. tirjb the smooth routine becomes unpopular. I" The resentment against change is to he seen in llince Rupert as well as other places, particularly iimong Ihe. better established who may not realize that hut sez-f aire is the decay that eats away the foundaiKint- and causes the structure to fall. Decadence, national, cotnmuiiity or individual, is the result of continued inclination to follow the line , W0l The dawn of a New Year will that has now ended. The pro-soon be. breaking and millions cess did not take anywhere 1 are to hear the old, old salli- : near as long, and was far more ' tation. After all life hinges ptacefully performed than was oici, an wool good assortment f mm the commencement of the Unl ted States of America. Men's oil wnni heovy SHIRT-JAO good shades. Rr, hugely on what you make it. Plenty of persons possessing tiGvantages are miserable. They art not. nor can they be happy. Yet others, in one sense poor indeed, are rich in the MAYOR'S REPLY of least resistance, unwillingness to Tollow new and (war, civilized and savage bargain rf modern trends, adopt new ideas, keep pace with the ! Editor, Daily News: Editor, Daily News: Men's SOX HI .times ' Sherman said, "War is hell!" As one 01 my iast official act things of the spirit. Their state ' " . ;The ancient Germans thought as Mayor of this city I wish to or mind is a fortunate clrcum- ; W e call and !o maKe mistakes it we take Chances jwar was neroiCj ' even heavenly protest the very untair implica- stance. A Happy New Year! How i Or epei iment inodernistically. hoW'ever. We cannot 'and divine. tions contained in your editorial about counting your blessings. It looks like the closing down ji Skeena Highway for the next f w months because of snow-alls. Opinions differ as to the visdom of this, but its a fact hat In older and more populous iarts of British Columbia hlgh-.ay traffic has been cancelled or awhile, for the same reason, o, one can put that in his cal-lrash and smoke it. selection, new de-good quality, from Boys' SHIRTS - shades, from .... i The chances are you will find a ; Will and keep Up to-date without some of the specula- filsl reaction to this con- entiu-d On Being Kicked Out, ;,-,,.; a u , , ,i ; wi . i trast is instantaneous and emo- and would ask that you give thU ;tie spirit. As has often been said, there is no stand-:Uonal: the we. think Sherman and i,Uer equal publicity, to enc lllg Still. We must sustain our effort to keep advane- the rest of modern Christian that the public may know the Boys' SWEATERS-1 VANCOrVF.lt VICTORIA SEATTLE Sunday. 9 p.m.. Cumosun Ttiesfmy, 1:30 p.m., Coquii lam A ICE ARM, STEWART ANIl PORT S'MPSON Sunuay, 11 p.m. FOR SOI Til tll EEN CHARI.OTTK ISLAMtS ss. Cumosun I c 30 10 p in FOR NOKTi: qi EEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Camosun Jan. 6 and 20 FRANK J. SK1NMJ Prince Rupert Ager.i Third Avenue io.ic : n It's not all beer and skittles. Six hundred homeless men an mi!'. lr. .-rant st: is to la back hv heino- overtaken warriors toe at least nan civil- iulu. in me Lase. Tins incident occurred, not at l"'vk" ku t"""" ' ' !ized .whereas we think the . an assortment irom Boys' SUllir-mg, dine c.oth, dou breasted smartly t. ed, bargain for $i Boys' PANTS, c, worsted, all wool tv, day dinner at a Vancouver city mission on December 30. There is never a picture without the ether side. cient Germans must have been a regular meeting of the Council, ferocious savages. But instan- but ata special meeting during tuncous appraisals are often which the Council sat as a Boatx faull.v .and a innri- rnreful stuflv of Appeal under the Motor V- There' has never been a bank robbery or an attempt to plunder a bank in Prince Rupert so far as anyone knows. This city, many people feel, would be a most difficult place in which to commit such a crime and not be speedily caught. It would be a hard town to hide in and would involve plenty of peculiar problems in trying to escape from. smartly tailored IIERVKY ALLEN QERVKY 'ALLKN, author of "Anthony Adverse" I I died this w?ok in Florida. His novel was, to the I first Great War, something similar to "Forever Am-", her" in the hitter's relationniip to the second. Each ' i. lascivious. Had there been no wars, it is not at all from t inay at least raiso doubu about hide Act, Neither the public nor , There ls aways a touch of snap judgments. - the press were excluded during ' usually can pass for wln. One historical fact is that the hearing of the evidence at tin ter at prince Rupert around there have been many kinds of conclusion of whifh the litigant: tj,e hoiiQay season. How it's re-war. Thpre is a cold war, a warm the public and the press were ce;Ved depends a great deal on war, and a hot war. There have asked to leave while the verdict how one is feeling. Generally Boys' and Girls' STcl NGS ond SOCKS from when one shakes Unreasonable to think "AnthonvAdverse" and "For- been wars of extermination, wars wus determined. This Is stamtaic -peaking, F E F O N E of religion, dynastic wars, wars pioctdure in any British court-, hands hard enough to make you of piracy and robbery. So far as Even the Judge is excluded while ". mce, it's not so bad. ; ever Amber" would never have been written. Each .1 i 1 t 1 1 1 f . i . L ,1 natl tO have a general naCKCrOUna OI Stllie ana I t have have learned learned no no nation nation has has lone- long the the jury iiu-v deliberates, deliberates, so so is is the Stress on a colossal Scale, perverted morals and an ac- been free from lethal conflict of Coroner under similar chcum- F'-'iW"; i ceptance of a way of life and ethics that frankly de- i fid criacisni aod laughed at virtue. ; Small wonder that these stories, born in the heat CABS York I Intel, 3rd Ave. some soil between man and man. stances, ana it is oovious mai uit Nations have outlawed war but deliberations of Appeal Court without much effect, either in Judges are not open to anybody domestic, or in external affairs: Iorjody is a ;rttcr believer in we still have riots, lynchings, the freedom of tue press than I tt ; Stand: "The twentieth c e n t u r'y mxth Laurier in a moment of glowing ardour "belongs to Canada". Wilfrid himself has g,one and within the next few days the same will be said of the first half of the hundred years. We'll talk it over once more next Christmas season and take another look around. t- in thi .On!:v ' of ;a war - crazed world, and presenting emotions : ad passio"nsha)'monizing more or less with the murder and armed robbery to fill am, and I also acknowledge Us the intervals of international paw. Power in any form In'i- BROADWAY CAF; time S, etljoved vast SUCCeSS. The fundamentals of peace." Even the Christian ethic po.es duties and the power exer- SNOW RUNNERS $6.50 Can b Raised or Lowered Instantly by Foot Action Tkt Pexltii c4cHoiy lot Carriages in ikt Snow ' human .and were drawn with a ruthlessness, drama "nizes enemies while it bids cised by the press imposes the , , , . UE lorgive them and love them, duly ol accurately reporting tc ii i i .and truth, that compelled attention everywhere. NowI think that since the ,.lfl 1JUbli aU news ,vhich is in Uie 'utr-ient Teutonic culture, no public interest and regular meit- i . i other culture, past or present, ings of the City Council must Fifty-two Canadian curlers will tour Scotland early in January, repaying the visit to Can- j aca last year by the Royal Caledonian Curling Club. Christ-; mas, and a that, isn't entire-! has achieved a more perfect com- surely fall into that category. Af. AFTER STALIN WHAT? promise between the human duty a result of this supposed sliyht the the newspaper mar charged Wrth 'y over for some folks. ! to protect the weak, and WLJfi Finest Cookir jr "mm n. iv-Ll Hours 7 a tn. U 1 IT Christian ideal to love the en- this duty lelt the fecial mcctliife HE COMPLETE ABASEMENT of the great emv. That culture is now hid- and failed tc repT t the happen- The .United States of Indo- j For Take-Home Orders Phone 200 ; Russian nation to one man,in the p e r,S 0 n of Stalin, den from us by the dark shadows ings of the regular meeting which ! l'fsia has come oflcially into; . . . . ! Cl-lctOMf.a c-lnA lrtr. Tl wn 9J ; is trai'ic. It is at moments ludicrous. But it IS of the past rendered darker by I can assure him included manj " 1 nnf " prt tL Vn , . . . , , . i- ,ir the efforts of hostile chroniclers, matters which were of interest ! -l,lcn controlled the East In- . certainly important. It is important to realize that jdies for three centuries, and But faint recedlng rays sllll t0 tne public Values for You - ANNOYING MISERIES OF- m4 Lunch Kits 9 Pyrex Ware 6 IT i tlie Lommunism Ot 1H4VI IS not Lommunism at ail reach the searching eye and half There are very few occasions : ill any real Sens.? of the word. It is something which doubted whisperings echo faint- when it is necessary for Uie Cit; j ', i - i Tr it .,: J,n v,;v. ly- Offa, the Angle, won a king- Council to go into closed sessKjr , their Lenin all would nave drawn from Marx and gf j dom and the faUh ioyaUy me ig4g dU noi; . scorn for a thing SO false and SO evil. It IS a system a riv;,i nation by the hazard of believe do so on any single occas- j ! of complete grovelling servility to the will and his lite, and his alone, against Ion until this last .meeting. How- l God-Emperor Teutonic trial by com- ever, in ce.laln cases when tht, j Whims of a semi-divine Emperor, a 1 bat, the sacred gamble of a life character, record or circum- KUrrOlinded by his pretorian guards. to save many lives ,1s now the stances of a private citizen must ; 1 What, one keeps On wondering, will happen bu,t an(1 target ror Jests of be discussed as in social welfare ; when tbp all.wkp all.rtnwprfnl r.nrl.F.mnp.-nv rlioc' meaner mpn; but u we could cases, or those offending against j l-'ercolators Covered Roasters 9 Pocket Knives ""Thermos I'. -til - Yes, only seconds alter you asc lasi-actmg g' Vicks Va-tro-nol Nnse Drops, you can led Va-tro-nol's 8!ecialik!C(l medication working to bring you effective relict irom the misery of a stulled-up, cold-clopiied nose. Va-tro-nol THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. II i peer through the inky myths of the law ,the privacy of such peo- j quickly spreads throughout nasal passages Vvl . clerical chroniclers and monas- pie must be observed. j ; Mr. and Mrs. Fred LaSette re- Mrs. H. Long, who has been tic baUad.mongm, we might Put the cap on your own heaa. turned to Queen Charlotte City spending Christmas here with learn and exult that Mercian and Mr. Editor. If you or any mem- m today's plane after spendin? !-tr parPnts, Mr. and Mrs Geo West Saxon met and washed ber of your family became dio- to noothe irritation. It helps shrink swollen membranes and clears away congestion. Get a bottle today. Keep it handy . . . use it a needed! away their hates in the volun tressed, or in conflict with the H0 y ; tary blood of two brave champ- law so that help or consideration Christ mas. in the city with Mr. iTizeUi sailcd last night by the ftnd Mrs. John Llnney. Summit Prince George on her return t3 Apartments. Vancouver. . ill itm. BAKED FRESH DAILY Delectable Party Pastries and Cakes That Everyone Enjoys ions on Ellandune, and we might from the City Council was learn that Brunanburgh was a ed, you would not wish to have a field of honour whence Welsh press man sit in on the hearing and Scots, Danes and English, of all the distressing details, parted in manly brotherhood. i have enjoyed much favorabl" EDWARD J. G. LETCHFORD. publicity from the press and I " shall continue to be its firm sup Thank you to all our many customers who patronized us during our first year of business. RUPERT BAKERY LTD. 619 3rd Ave Phone U h..i.yj,a.s.j.j,j,,,i.5li,i-),,iX5i,ifcak;fc...S(.-j.T,i.;.i,1j.: -A Tv.f porter as long as its duties trans-( cend personalities. NORA E. ARNOLD. Mayor. For The New Year May we have the opportunity of serving you even better in the New Year. If Ik-W a 1 w For the latest in IDEAS and modern MATERIALS SEE ISLAND CITY BUILDERS' SITPLIES General Builders' Supplies 505 McBi-ide St. Blue 820 tint G.E. Radios G.E. Floor Polishers $19.95 to $269 $14 "S TUBU ..." . Due to an omission in the contributed report, the name of Henry Dixon, groomsman, was inadvertantly omitted from the account yesterday of the wedding of Miss Esther Meier and Leonard Dixon. THE SPORTS SHOP 622 W. 3rd Ave. G.E. Washers with pump 6 cu. ft. Leonard Refrigerator G.E. Dual Control Blankets Trilte Torchiere Trilite Floor Lamp $i4 tticiie',c,c''ci'C':'t,,c'C'C',cr''.tii'ce'c,'ft'ci'tt'itfi.itric- C THE BEST With Silk Shade ' Electric Toasters $7.50 to $3 J Electric Irons $4.20 to $24 Electric Razors . $19.95 to$2f Sunbeam Schick Remington DON'T FORGET YOUR NOMA TREE LIGHTS j SPECIALIZING in Designing and Remodelling "Russ" Gafzke CONTRACTING TO YOU AND YOURS In 1950 Thorn Sheet Melal Lid. JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue : TENTH PROVINCE PROVIDES ARMY UNIT-Three army units piave been established in Newfoithdland, authorities have an' nounced. The lfifith (Newfoundland! Field Artillery Regiment which fought with the 1st British Army in North Africa and later : Vtltl; tha 8th British army in Italy is one of the units to join Can-: j adn s reserve forces. In this photo a gun crew of the regiment is . shown in action in Italy where they fought, alongside members of the 1st and 5th Canadian divisions. I NORTHERN B. C. POWER CO. I! llesiirr Block rh"f li ( A A A A Phone Black Z7fl Box 1 5.18 rni nci STFWART RITFRT, B.C, A