Prince Rupert Dolly New ' Friday. December 30, 1949" " Terrace Claims Biggest Family iJ-H-bmi'hUdind jP8" fmcerned.,,; s00i that, as u,. LOOKING BACK Mens Bowling League Schedule ',(S' w .4 .. A , ' J'" TERRACE- Mr. and Mrj. A. ' (1r'n. U living, ano "ToH" Titlinenn ,- Ik. I. I 'argest fartllh. ! .. Jan. 23 Ambassadors vs WJ. , Stages, Oddfellows vs Grand Cafe, Blain's vs CPA., Stones vs j D!iS, Manson's vs Thorn Sheet j ients on Christmas Eve of a larco l!1' Cake wa a Xmas ; flour flour mnti p December 39, 1939 mining n f,tr , 1 Firut step In reorganizing the decorated Xmas cake It was on display In the store window of AdveftbeVI bat li ft ,;, wkkxuu rvu.i. j Gir Guide in the city was taken j ors. Scot iarm vs Brownwoods. , at a tnecllng at the home of Mrs Philpolt Evilt vs Triple Cs. Mai- , c y Evtu FourUl Avenue East let vs Cold Storage. Undesirable p,ang vvm ,ald Ior ,,ln? vs Can. Legion, J C. No. 1 vs of .otf III Jk TT Luimtirrciais, j.c 5 rtu. & vs numc A?:.V, . .L.:rfV .-:-Jf. r a" -.rrr.-" ' ' H V ' I OH. Jan. 30 SofltJans vs Cold Storage, Undesirables vs Ambassadors, J.C.'s No. 1 vs Can. Legion, J.C.'s No. 2 vs Commercials, Cres FINE OLD j Revived for wartime activity, the Prince Rupert Branch of the j Canadian Red Cross Society ro-tu'ivt-d a new charter and planned ! a public organizational moetin" in the near future. City Com-i missioner Alder presided at an executive meeting. cents vs Home Oil, Thorn Sheet j I Metal vs Brownwoods, Manson's , vs D & S. Philpolt Evitt vs Ru-j I pert Motors, MallrLs vs Triple j C's, Oddfellows vs W.I. Stages,! ")K&utcitC& AS IT 4 Municipal voters, in a plebis If" 1 ' 00 E3& cite, voted emphatically in favor j of a city manager under an elect ed advisory body in place of the city eominlssionership which had prevailed for the last few years, j ' i EHXSZH2X2ZJ ! MERiEiMAID. TO BE SURE-Doing what comes liuturally, Kathy Tongay of Miami, Fla.. has added a backward dive to her repertoire of swim stunts- at the age of 18 months. The child, daughter of a former water safety instructor at St. Louis, ha been h naming sinw she could toddle. With her brother, Russell, 3'2. she swam for five miles in the Mississippi rivet; last .summer. Wain's v.s Grand Cafe, Stones vs C.P.A. I Feb. 6 -Blain's vs W. 1. Stages, j Stones v.s Grand Cafe. D & S vs j C.P.A., Mallets vs Rupert Motors, i Scotians vs Triple C's, Thorn J Sheet Metal vs Cold Storage, J. C's No. 1 vs Ambassadors, J.C.'s I No. 2 vs Can. Legion, Crescents vs Commercials, Philpott Evitt vs Home Oil, Brownwoods vs ! Manson's, Undesiivbles vs Decemlier 30. 1924 Arrangements were neoii!i, completion to ship Bulkley Valley cattle to Japan, according to VlSCllimd PL'tSCIl l.y HAP INSULATING BOARD Mdk your construction dollars do double duty . . . use Donnioooa Insulating Board. It builds and insulates at the same time and at one cost. A Donnacona-insuUted home is more comfortable warmer ia winter, cooler in summer and saves on fuel consumption. Inquire bout the many uses of Donnacona ... as r. eiterior sheathing , . . and iool insulation ... as aa ea a plaster base ... as attic Interior iiniih. CALL C5I PIIILPOTT EVITT & Co. Ltd. . LUMBER and BUILDERS' SUPPLIES NEWS ITEM: .ao,i.-a " T77 Charles Kelly of Smithers. It was , acdicres nuiiii'irieniC i follows J rVcNn A1h;cnrf-,Pla",leu " orl"B e v,anuiuun (vessel, Canadian Miller here ors, Crescents vs Can. Legion pom the Nftlivrltiniis on 1 Juuuunj in pencetil trnnsjvr of .s-Oi'ct'iiiiti (ifli'r t li r e e years of U.N. vonctliutton. load the livestock. Philpott Evitt vs Commercials,! ! AtfRED UHB CSON MS london.En MalleUs vs Home Oil, Brown- j 7116 haUbut boat Az01 Cal5t woods vs'Cold Storage. D & S vs i r I p.nd 1 v Ur-' i Orand Pafe Man1, vs r. p A I Charles Edwards, explodort This ddverhsement is not published or d;splayd by the J Control Board or by the Government of British Colu Scotiansvs Rupert Motors. Thorn lsank ncar Thurston Harbor, : Mr Island- but her e ' Sheet Metal vs Triple C's. Unites- Uvo csoapei? in a dory. irables vs Blaine's, Stones v.s. W. I. Stages. City Co-riicil v,.? studyinc a Professional mid Busim Feb. 20 D&Svs W. I. Stages, Cold Xmas At Terrace suggestion by ths Prince Pupertj Christmas Day. One or two can were marooned on the outskirts of the town during the day but most of the cars got throu.;h ail riKht. C.P.A. vs Grand Cafe, Manson's Ratepayers' Association that the Thorn Sheet vs Cold Storage, city nire a cuy manager 10 ivua its affairs. Metal vs Rupert Motors, Undesirables vs Stones, J. C's No. 1 vs tERRACE- Heavy .snow fell in The temperature got down to Terrace on Christmas Eve and near wro and has since become , Blain's, Mallei vs Commercials, cars and pedestrians had a hard colder hitting the zero mark ot? ,Scotians vs Home Oil, Brown- A. P. GARDNER! CHARTEREB ACCOU. KETCHIKAN WINS (Continued from Page 1 DR. GARNET K. H. MONTGOMERY DENTIST Suite 7, Smith Block Phone 525 P.O. Box 21 time vetting around then and on Thursday morning-. 11IS Melville sui i Rupert to a near-victory. ! Johansen, for the Elks, VANCOUVER -IJ ! j ' hk'h man of the game with a tidy twenty points. He was fol J lowed by the fast stepping Du- woods vs Triple C's, J. C's No. 2 vs Oddfellows. Crescents vs Ambassadors, Philpott Evitt v.s Can. Legion. Feb. 27 Crescents v.s Oddfellows, Philpott Evitt v.s Ambassadors, Mallets vs Can. Legion, Scotians vs Commercials, Thorn Sheet Metal vs Home Oil, Cold storage vs Triple C's, J. C's No. 2 vs Blain's, CPA. v.s W. I. Stages, Manson's vs Grand Cafe, Brown- j'ne Vincent, who garnered 17 i and Christiansen who sagged Three years it took them .. . II ' -So you would rather have spent them in u fox hole? j 1 MARGARET Mc OPTOMETRIST Room 10 BTONE BUlDlfc PIANO DPCHNICIAN Tuning, Voicing and Repairs MIKE COLUSSI Phone BLACK 758 S72 10th East 'r f v- i :: the hoop for eleven. Arney was off from his usual form but, along with Holkestad and Fla-ten made a valuable 27 nine woods v.s Rupert Motors, Undes- I r Piece- .... Irables vs D & S, J. C's No. 1 vs , , Trt J""' , win S( j Tonights prediction is a ! for Prince Runert but. if they PHONS PLUE 593 P.O. BOX 1184 March C Grand Cafe vs W. I. j Q as predicted, it will be the HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP, Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all IU branches , 204 4th Street Phone 655 Stages, Manson's vs Triple C's, Undesirables vs C.P.A. , J. C's No. I vs D & S, J. C's No. 2 vs Stones, Crescents vs Blain's, Cold Storage vs Rupert Motors, Philpott hard way as the Elks will take some beating. Rupert team has played a game together now and Coach MacPhee knows his best combinations of players after List night's rather hectic work GEORGE R0RIE S 1 Sr . ?- li Public Accountants ai Evitt vs Oddfellows, Mallets vs tors. Income Tax R' I out. One thing is sure, the fansj who saw last night's thrilling Ambasadors. Scotians vs Can. Legion. Thorn Sheet VIetal vs i complied WELLS CARTAGE : LIMITED ' H. S. Whalen, Manager Complete Moving Service Crating Packing Cartage BLUE 780 RED 6! n r. r?nBiF aa! commercials, Brownwoods vs j Home Oil. 8. B. LAIRD, B. Co j Besner Block Plu s L TW Crarrr V.lili A 'trait Vrrlre. Ine. MM "Oh dear our baby sitter is here!" HIRAM WALKER'S SPECIAL OLD CANADIAN AVII1SKY BOTTLED IN BOND Tins advertisement is not published or frisplayed 'oy the Liquor Control Hoard or by the government of P.rttish Columbia' finish will all be back for more and the many who were unwill- j ing to brave the cold are going to be sitting in the warm Civic Centre gvm to witness tonight's thriller from the reserved seat sections. Line-ups: KETCHIKAN Brewer, Christ-iunwn 11, Harry Johansen 20. Vincent 17. Bob Christopher 4. Jack Johansen 4, J. Christopher. Total 56. , PRINCE RUPERT Arney 9, QUALITY REPAIRS for Downtrodden Heels and Worn Solei ! MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Box 774 8ecotid Ave DR. P. J. CHE DENTIST I SUITE 5. SMITH B! t Phone 785 P.O. B t EBY & SONS Contractors REPAIRS - REMODELLING FOUNDATIONS Let us help you plan that new home under the N.II.A. Spring 14, Holkestad 9, Davis, Beynqn 1, Flaten 9, D. Scherk 8, Phone; Green 883 Hot S6 2 . : , V HANDYMAN rtOME SERVlt GENERAL CGNTftAC Bulldlnj and Rfpstnl . v ; ; klndi ROdf 8 CHIVl S. Scherk, Sunberg 2, Morgan Total 54. League Fixture 4 WE HAVE IN STOCK CUMMINS dlesefs and, SIMPLEX gds'eneine.t Boat owner and parties lnterrstfd are invited to view these ttiaplilnes at our shop."'.-1', "''!' bytownVmachine WORKS : North Star won a surprise victory over the more experienced Merchants' team in the For The Whole Family . win by one point 37-36. The fame was fast and furious throughout and was featured by clean play, only 14 penalties being called on each team. Dick Wesch for North Star and Ron Christoff for Merchants shared top scoring honours. ; QIL BUKNERi t X4 ' if Intermediate League game , v PHONES Black 334 P.O. B d played as a preliminary to the main event last night. They did it the hard way, trailing by 25-7at the half. In the third peri . "' P.O. Bon Catherine Laurie od North Star hit their stride, .scoring 20 points to take over the lead 27-2S, and held it grimly throughout the last period to B & W TRANS Commodore Cafe Cord Wood, Cedar, each getting 12 points. Lineups: MJERCANTS Currie 4, Dumas 7. Anderson 2, Christoff 12, Marshall 3, Davidson- 2, Walsh, Boulter fi. Total 36 NORTH STAR Wesch 12, Young 1, Smith 8, Simonsen 0, Parnell 7, Sedgewlck, Hamilton, Ketcheson, Hartwig 3 Total 37. The Radio-Phonograph of the Yeor 7 Different Models to Choose From with Kindling wood 50c p PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER 401 Tliird Ave. West (Prince Rupert Realty Co. Phones: Oreen 867 Days New Residence Phone Number Red 864 PHONE RED IS? "Betfx-r Thn Ever" 3 Speed Automatic Record Changers t . JBest Food and Service In Clt)S Priced from X11Q hfl ft S9Q0 Cft Phone 17 for Send-Out Orders t Third Ave. David Chow, Mgr. 5 j " ' w .I ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 itii VUuuu ... KAIEN TRANSt FOR ROCK AND DIRT? BASEMENT U LAWN f Phone Blue 981 or B! T w w w iv y.WeJV Ask about our Time Payment Plan with life insurance at no extra cost NOW AVAILABLE NOBLE & WICK Exclusive Dealers 201 irA Ave. W Phone 100 MATTSON'S RHEUMATISM! ARTHRITIS! Tficir terrible pain is often neediest To brlnf quirk relief from pain du to rheuma tiara, rthrilM, ex-iHlica, lumiiutTo and neuritis, get bottl of IXJLCIN uiblcu today! Moat peofil who havs aufTered from atahbing, throbbing, muacular aches and pnim due to theM conditions cannot know what joy and comfort may be in Htore for them until they try WOU:fN. Protit by the experience of Lhouaands who have been hfilMx by DOI.CIN. Hen u I la are what count. Try IJOLCIN for prompt and prolong! relief from lliene aclies and iiriinm. 1X)H;1N tablets are eany to take. I nut ruction come with each package. Iet IMXX'IN show you how fast it may help you SIDNEY GONICK OPTOMETRIST Complete Visual Analysis OFFICE HOURS 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 23 ft 24 Besner Block Telephone 213 Evenings by Appointment UPHOLSTERING Phone Blue 818 P t 330 Second Ai Prlnc Rupert, B FOR Highest Quality in Your Printing WORKS HARD AT HER JOB A product of cross breeding, this-hybrid hen, held by Gloria Debono in Pueblo. Colo., has been under going scientific experimentation for three years at the Colorado State hospital Poultry ' Farm. Developed by former U.S. Vice President Henry A. Wallace the chicken with 6,000 others of the same type, has produced an average 239 eggs a year against 201 by White Leghorns, is hardier and more ill .. ....v." I FOR YOUR: rock & concrete! CALLBLinsKJ M. J. SAUNDf New. Modern Equip AH Work Ouarantf and prove to ft the very medicine you need. It baa relieved the anftuiiih of many thousands of your fellow -itiiQertirtf toilb toux -aland iu caaea acconifmined by extreme pain This kdlftiUy-roinpounded tiroduct conta very lit tie. (let your iHtl.ClN today log prerinus tab-lete rout only $'-' and the large, e-finomy-tixe fyKt-tabiet btrttle rosta only HtlO.OO. Your druRKiat has 1XMAJIN for yoo. Avail yourself of our experinm-c and versatility. DIBB PRINTING CO. LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEl TRAIN SCHEDULE tor the East-, , Monday, Wlneaay, Frldajt 8:00 p.m. From tbt Eait Tuesday, Tnuriday, Saturdaj 10:15 pm. BESNER BLOCK PHONE 234 Tktl dvrtiffmcnl i not publtihcd r ditpUyfd l4o. CMr( Utid t fcy tW OovtfnmiM DoUin Limited, Tororio 10, Ontario. Adertle in 0 n"