.-, Wedding Echaelfcr and ushering the wed- i ding guests to their pews were Prince Rupert Daily Hews Friday, December 30, lHy , James Bruce and Raymond Schaclfcr. Wedding music was provided by Miss Mary Zogas, 'at the organ, and the children's ne Aiiiciuiu Drirlo again at 11 a.m. January 11. She was charged Nov. 4 after a stab WOMAN ELECTS SPEEDY TRIAL J v ' bing affray at her residence I . ., . ui rililCe Hnnr.it ((,.- .. . Loretta Barnhardt, charged lillH BIIUC , . ..uw.cu ui hi- ft trin 1,. v . inure are a jl with assault occasioning eriev- the special Christmas decora- mv.,, ..." ,a,"-ouvt'r Fred L lew invitations left far th, Ben wounds inflicted on k,hi k,., iioh f. were Hill, tiUiroriiia Man at Hons, was further enhanced with thin nZrJZ Cd by plane ??ro CIub New Years Eve Dance. fol- i ...., ,.,.t w Pettersen, local fisherman, il . r 1-.. 5 .. ' i;n rw. .. t obtained at Aiinuui'ia- oasKtui 01 enrysamnemums. . ue '" ,al S) g A" Shoe Store. (304) 1 A wedding breakfifct for the Miss Diane Kennedy reiumn,. a'ownwowi'8 Cburcn fore Judge W. O. Fulton yester-iowing a Patty wltn a numbwo fiends. Counsel for the defense day afternoon. Out on $5,000 is Rod McLcod whiIe T w- Brown will bail in the meantime, she appear before Judge Fulton is prosecuting. status on ,in. ne-l'cd onuai pany ana relatives was mc city on this morning's George Martin of the Columbia held at the Civic Centre where Pane after spending Christmas Cellulose Company returned to 1 were Miss .. 11 till' n.n .1... i Bishop Jordan proposed a toast Siting In Vancouver -iiy Dy plane tins morning "Iter a holiday visit in S.O.N. New to the bride with the groom responding. During tin? afternoon and eve "fV Jl 11 " ty 9;3U. Members and escorts (304) ning a reception was held at the i FiZiibdU Amucuo, eiun and Mrs. Louls , ol Mr. 'o prince Rupert, and nc Fabio, son of the late vFablo and Mrs. DcFnblo m0nd. California. The rfprated nuptial pledges .jock in tli Church of the auoii before Most Rev. All(liuuy Jordan O.M L, ...is.. ,.f Prince Ruoert. Northland Dairy wishes all Its customers a Happy and Prosperous New Year. As tneir em-1 ployees wish to spend New Year's with their families, there v-'ill be no delivery of milk Mon-! NEW GREAT LAKES SHIP PLANNED Hull No. 11" will be the home of the bride's parents, ' Superintendent C. A. Uerner, Sixth Avenue West, where many Canadian National Railways, who friends called to offer their fel- has beel1 ou-t of the city as far as icitations. view the numerous plinee George, is expected home lovely wedding presents and en- lomorrow night. nf Til 1H" 1 f.ay, January 2. Milk rieliverv Joy buffet refreshments. Mrs R-l ATTFNTinNT Tiw,. - ' iH be made Tiiesriav ns iicn il . IMi J'J--- ; as.si.sted in the rue 01 s name of the largest Canadian-built ship on the Great Lakes. Her keel will be laid in a few days at Port Weller, Ont. She will be 654 feet long and have 6,500 horsepower, compared with the present giant of the lakes, the recently launched Hoehclaga, 640 feet and 3,500 horsepower. Shown here, examining the bow of a 14-foot half-model of the bulk carrier, are, left to right. John O. McKel-lar, secretary-treasurer of the Colonial Steamships Ltd.; Naval Architect Alex S. Morris who drew the plans; Capt. R. Scott Mise-ner. president of the line: and Charles A Anse'l, president Of the Port Weller Dry Docks Ltd. Auuulio, the bride's mother, woro f,.w " K,ndly 0,tk'r mvUaUons left for the enough milk on a gown of blue crepe with corsage Aero Club New Years Eve Dance Sdtu,'cl;'y to last you until Tues-of tiny yellow chrysanthemums. These may be obtained at ciliy '""'"ing. All milk delivered by i Rev. Father Lci- mass OMI. and Rev. rocn. f. 1. 1 lira ay guaranteed to keen Assisting wnn me serving or the Brownwood's Shoe Store. 30j refreshments were Mrs. James f Riiynor, om.i. under normal conditions. Put your butties out early (303) mile. Bivrn m maiuufet BrucCj Mrs. Walter Laht'i, Mist' atlier. wore a lovely gown Eva Cavalier, MLs Irene Footc ....... 11. macllel leUllIU'ci to the city on this morning's plane from Vancouver where she has been on account of the illness of her daughter, Miss Carol Gray. Skinner satin cm- , al)d Miss Bubby Laird. Among the northbound passengers aboard the Princess Noruh, which called at Prince Rupert today, was J A. Simmons. Thii dTrtinmn 1 not pnbUihed or dlsplnytd bj th Mauor Control Soncl or by tii (laiinimiut ol BiiUbU Colombia. New Years Kve Dance for MP. for Yukon, heading for Moose Members and invited Whltehorse now that the Federal i with tiny seed pearls skirt and long train. An n,t veil fell in three tiers sred pearl coronet. She a uiuio missal topped ,lii;r orchids and trail-,;nei.s iif lily of the val- Numerous messages of congratulations were received including a cable from the bride's uncle. Fa I her Viurenzo Amadiu of Cas-telfranco, Italy, and her cousin. Father Louis Aniacuo of Sioux Lookout, Ontario. fc..i. ai i'im.,,c icnipie, open parliament has prorogued for Year and New "v v- m. uu the Christmas Announcing Unit Dick Syl- hulillays- vester, Jack Caiur. and E. "Dea con" Linney formerly of jca- 3 Weather Delays Cabs are now under the name I Mr. and Mrs. DeFabio are tak-.idc's sister. Louise Am- ng up residence for a time at 3.10 m.iiil of honor, donned Fourth Avenue before proceding sky blue brocaded h, Richmond, California, where i!h matching shortie 1 hoy will make their permanent nd coronet. She carried home . I 'll JhJ'ii' . H Shop Foreman Wanted This is a good opportunity for live wire first class mechanic able to take complete charge of gar-age. Supply references and state salary expected in f irsf letter. Fine modern home available to right party . Apply TERRACE MOTORS LTD. ' Box 2, Terrace, B. C, . (303) 53 Cabs. For fast, courteous and efficient day and night servie Northern Flight plume i3. (to o el uf yellow roses. Diaiu B: ucc, the flower ; dainty in pink net and Irock and carried a hou- I Regular Sandspit-Prince Rupert C.P.A. return flight was held up yesterday afternoon due to The bride was born in Prince! Rupert and received her educa- i lion in local schools before joining the staff of the Bank of Mon-treal of which she has been a Carrier Boys Vin Awards pink and white carna- , the late arrival of the flight from ' Vancouver on account of weather valued member for some year:;, the wedding baud for The groom is engaged in win- edict was Richard dow display work In Richmond. ' CANADIAN FILM WINS ITALIAN AWARD A silver medal, won by a Canadian film company at the Tenth International Exhibition of Cinematographic Art held in Venice, Italy, was received recently by Paul Malone, second secretary of the Canadian embassy in Washington. Mr. Malone, right, is shown here receiving the medal from Mario Luciolli, counsellor of the Italian eihbassy. The film, "The Loon's Necklace" has been purchased by a U.S. film agency. conditions in the south. Passen-Harold Carlson, who delivers ! gets were housed at Sandspit the waterfront route, was pre- -overnight and arrived here at 9 stntcd with a handsome new a m. this morning. Yesterday's bicycle at the Commodore Cafe passengers from here to Vancou-la-t evening when the Daily News ver got through last evening, entertained its carrier boys at a; To Vancouver (today) R. C. happy dinner party. Harold was Paulsen. E. MacDonald, T. Brun-the winner in a new subscription tun. For New Year's Eye DECORATIONS NEW YEAR CARDS NOVELTIES So Don't Wait for Tomorrow See it TODAY LOSING OUT emaining Chocolates Freshly Made for Xmas Annomcements HOTEL ARRIVALS ...... .., nnu.m, cuiue. To Sandspit ' today Mr. and' which has been In progress for M,.s F LaS,.tle ' Canadian Legion Ladies' Auxiliary bridge, cribbage and whist, January 4. 'SOT M'a'll'K I; 7 RJ 13 L. V m Price Ml Selling At Catholic Hall, From Vancouver (Thursday! Miss D. Kennedy, O. Martin, Mrs. II. MacTier. A. J. Cameron, F E. Wermig, B. Brophy, R Kecne, W. L McAtee. the past several weeks. He just nosed out Clyde Trudeau of the Rushbrook Heights area who received a substantial cash prize. Third in the contest was John I.nnort:' whose route is no Ful- Regular Cards. January 5. Prince Rupert Jack .Johansen, Duane Vincent, W. Christensen, Jack Christopher, Harry Johansen, Joe Brewer, Robert Christopher, Ketchikan. if Card Tournament, All Welcome. W.O.T.M. January 12. Red 400 Box 1118 518 3rd Ave. From Sandspit (Thursday) ,m fitroct ni Firth Avenue' E .Mc Williams. and Borden Street to Biggar FRIDAY and SATURDAY ONLY DECEMBER 30 and 31st ANNE'S I'll Street Place. Tiio dinner was presided over by G. A. Hunter, managing editor, and arranged by Alf Worth-kngton, circulation manager, who explained further plans for encouraging the boys to sustain circulation and general service. 303 (i-(j-,!r!,(j.i.)!ii lifi.iitS.IiM.iili i.iltl.m:ii,iii:,i,.,ii.i;.il,,iliil(,.l,;,.ih; 'littiiiLmmii i(.iiiiilllliJlliiii;ii!iiiii. 4 AfiJ At M. STftPK gyfippE OEP.BV To the First" Baby Born in Prince Rupert Gen- i n r. s - i era Hospital in 1950, The Stork Shoppe will ! Advertising Is puyable in advance. Ph ase refrain from ig '. lassitiecls, 2c pel word per insertion, minimum Birth Notices 50c. Cards ol Thanks, Death Notices, Miccs. Marriuite and Engagement Anliounccmenti: $2. SPECIAL DISPLAY. DOUBLE PRICE LUST AND I UL'ND give a small layette. See our window for display. " ' THE STORK SHOPPE WATCH THIS SPACE ON JANUARY 3. SALE -Oil burnins ori 4 wood raime complete. I t Pf.rl A 111 . S , I - Housckeeoine suite furnished house for AudIv Ruucrt Hotel, (3031 WANTED -or small two men Room 51 f 4 SAI.E-Lsrd doors, win- lumber, Phone i43, Call Arc. w. (if) LOST-Small child's rubber boot in Vichistv of Deanvs Cleaners Phone Black liib. (tf i I;0eit Soeerter Khovels I Draclii.es- Ai.mn. I 1r:f'e,5's,fsi'e,c-cx..,t'Cf.'f.'3 crlTx; l.iltleford Bros. ''"I) lioml M iintenance ! wal: Ov.en Clumshnl EAON'S GREETINGS;? !b "(Id Rock (IruntilpK- INTENSITY-Maestro Gianella de Marco, musical piodic,y ol Italy .is still at prc-school wfi". but. in his chosen career on the podium, his intense concentration belies his years. The younp; conductor is only five years old and he is shown here as he directed the- Brazilian Sym-. phonic orchstra at the municipal theatre of Rio de Janeiro. Bllllll 'orklitl, Triii'lis' Hniuni li V ti I- i FOUND--On 7th Ave. E. Pair of; u lasses in blue case. Owner : nuiv claim at Dailv News Oi-j lice, and oavin lor this ad , tVOKK WANTII WORK WANTED -Yoima ma' -ried man needs work ilicn School Grad. Uruent. Apply, Box No. C37 Dailv News S LOST-Mans Bold weddimi ring . Viclhitv of 9th and MrBriue., Reward. Phone Biuck -"a04, I bwclers fur Klnrknile i 5'iJ Rm"'al: Rii.p I'urt- PAPER TOWELS PAPER CUPS TOWEL CABINETS LIQUID SOAPS SOAP DISPENSERSDISINFECTANTSDEODORANTS and FIXTURES LAMPS PASTE and LIQUID WAX DUSTBANE and SISAL wpttilunal Puiiius; Na-I and BEST .WISHES for the NEW YEAR R. E. Mortimer (Si Nullitllul All Ql.nl i ble SnAiiiilu- w,i,,..,i; " Si'rcens and Convevors. i HAPPY NEW YEAR GEORGE COOK, Jeweller "J urination from Na-i Machlnerv n.i l.tri I WA.NiEtt BALAGNO Florists ewnr l.ret n "87 Box 1133 ,JVW, b. C. (tf) Industrial Janitor Supplies at Vancouver Prices Manufacturer's Representative WANTED Three or four room ,( house VOUII" MX NC'W A. IKnrl P. .ml. Hii.ii uii. tit ., , r'li; counle. no cl niuiicn. u" Kit Dailv News r!iiiiiiC'!;,"'ii liiHimii . I l. : 1 !j " llilli!;iiiil 4 t i WUCVrS. .Mllnnr finu.i... nit so. a i STK.VMElt i.ixini linos, chi.,.. r..i,4 T. PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE Phone 2G4 Phone 632' 712 Second Ave. P.O. Box 772 Z 527 3rd Ave. iw. Cribs, Dlsstonl 3-1 ly Hooilnu New Ti.l r ! PLUMBING a n d lU ntiiiir -, Kheet. Metal work. t.a a j uravel roofnur, I'hoiie : oi cull 3. Kixl-h Ave. West H. Lefourueau and toons. tin PRINCE Alovhii;, I'ackiiiK, ('raliii;;, SliippiiiK and General C'artase and Storage Complete Reliable and Efficient Service, also agents for Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd., for Oxygen. Acetylene and all welding supplies. Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Limited Cor. 2nd and Turk Avenues Est. 1910 flumes (it) and C8 ' "uKuii.i. Bum u. SAII SAILS FOR !' -'-'tT!e'c'f-'---cT--s'e,i'c,c.t-e-c,t'?f fstxxTf ( ft.i'L.r.i . 11 Innm ,,,, K I" hi 4 I)..' Hilt KENT " ai the lowest nriecs room,! 'urniimu Co.. Black 224. ' Rofc Parker and Stajf ll FOR BENT - Slecpins with Electric t)okei ....lied 221 oth E 1!)4!) Stude-Apolv VANCOUVER anil Interim-dial' Ports Each Thursday at 11:15 p in. . m,wr k KT or , 'naiuiiloius. wIk c10 T." " ...... tfi.,,.,..!.!. rnom wish to take this opportunity I 1'Utt I k" -.'" ."V,r....u. nhick A- Purse-Vanity ;t R,,,y .woinen every -ioiiw"u1'' 1-WI. Int'or- hoaru ana loom. .. 000. J l-OP.R.VI-E . FOR"sALE-2"Palr Bo tm. si.-!.tis size n. 1 uan v"...? of wishing all our friends and customers a Happy New Year. CHIROPRACTOR ER m,,. LU'.U'S MAIL I Kl.. I.n i,.. N Wakh for the NEW 1950 CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH You get the Good Things first from the Chrysler Corporation 9 High Compression Engines Hydraulic Brakes O Floating Power ' All Steel Bodies Automatic Over Drive Transmission Fluid Drive And Many Other Firsts ' See your local Chrysler Plymouth Declcr RUPER1 MOTORS LIMITED wa Av-". Cliicano Dial nh ck.ii.os Phone Red For KElUllNAn IVEKNESDAY MIONIOUT For Reservation! Write or Call I ( ITY OK DEPOT 34. (1) t303) ; or call 221 -7th West. V . ;'.'-. "yC- ' V mv ' vfiV'-s .2?" X G'3" and hp , i rames ; John V. I- llimlies. IC. rbC I 21-K2 Besner Block ; riionc KLIE 413 for ! Appointment ! us ! 10:30 a.m. to Vi:30 p.m. mid 2 In S r.'"" New OFFICE prince RUPERT Premises 1st. It) m mi i -f 1 J 103 BIUT18H Calibre con ye Id Hi-nowered several models; six and u'i shot renoaU'i s. Moi v-b. k uuaranlee. 48 rounds l munition $3.U0 Larue "hotel" is. ment new piles, lelesconic shrhts.etc. Wiw, of enIor latest folders and nr'ees. Scone Sales Co . J-o Queen Street, Ottawa. OnLf) " Arivertuem f.fWHy News. mm VJtffi'i f h Iffl ll lH ii-Mlt i:vi:mnix ; Mondnv nnU Frular. f P m f.or ill (l7n house for !,Covp il'Tffont lot at !( ?, w-atr. partly v Priced to Sell" "Better Used Cars : v those unable to conic during wt day. KECEI'TIONIST in attend- nnoe nftrmnons. ;,",? ,?.5,5,;i-!i-,.J5.?l:3-.55i5.;!.''5.T..'l?..3.15.' 1 .'Spat., v,.""-i t iul ior i slier iiHiiei- 'I'limSn ln Aurll. Inquire t i'ocii;e Cove. l303