. L UBH -it . b. e" - OIir.lES DRUGS Daily Delivery NOKTHIRN AND CENTK.1 HnmIHH COlcMBIAB vol'xxttt M,,,,"1a,8 Mort s,r'"'i'- rn Trince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest." PH0IIE81 303 ' - PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1943 PRICE FIVE CENTS uxoBnq i cm o War long n!tdl v; fc -. 1 bxtraordinary Powers onterred un Governor Sky Ddtd Asiatic Aven s ttln Far Kast Iking Strengthened To Put.. HONG KONG (CP)-This British crown colony, faced with the possibilty of a general strike, today gave its governor virtual war powers to use at his dis-j cretion. Emergency regulations were published em Teeth In Anti-LommuTiism VASHINGTON D.C. (CP' The United States :?r .ft A OPENING OF NEW ROAD IN SUMMER The 01-mile new highway from Jake's Corner connecting the mining town of AUin with the Alaska Highway and the out.side, which was recently opened to traffic, will be of j.v reported to be shaping a vigorous new pol-;lt,l-t.(1 by u itrenglhened Asiatic fleet to block a.;id of Communism in the Far Kast. iie United States Navy said that the 25,000-ton .five plane aircraft carrier Boxer and two de- have been dispatched the seventh Ta.sk Bulkley Dropping Situation At Quick Eased Improving situation and noth DUKE AND PRINCESS INSPECT U.S. SHIP-Princess Elizabeth is shown with U.S. Vice Admiral John J. Ballentine, as she and the Duke of Edinburgh (on left behind the Princess , inspect the 17,000-ton heavy cruiser U.S.S. Des Moines at Malta in the Mediterranean. Vice Adm. Ballentine commands the Sixth Task Force fieet of the United States navy. ing "'g 10 to worry 'Ty about about was was the the a-.! advice received today by E. T npp.eviiuy,e, ivi.r lor Skeena from Len Evans with whom he since last night. Some trains communicated by long distance wt re almost three days iate. Tele-after reading newspaper reporU graph communications have been yesterday of the Bulkley Valley routed over United States lines t town of Quick being almost cut to by-puss lnteiior areas but ficially opened next summer. It has been announced. Financed by federal and provincial proprlatlons, this road was recently completed by the Canadian Army which will undertake to. keep it open the year around. Its building has given the camp of AUin a new lease on life. Snow Flurries But Still Cold Long before daybreak today there was a light snow flurry. What the weather is going to do continues to keep people guess ing, although continued cold is gjij officially predicted. The low- est official overnight thermometer reading was 13 above between 1 and 4 a.m. At noon today, in spite of bright sunshine, It was 19 above the warmest for 2 or 3 days. - were feared because of sh illovy . frost in the ground. Rains caused power failures in the Fraser Valley and Chilliwael:. A;;assiz and Hope were blacked out. for four hours. All highways east of Vancvu- vr.- were blocked until today. The Cariboo road Is st the new Ilope-Prii and the main roa between a.i - r,mv0r and HoDC W?re OU( SMrroS ijoiumoia, siue- ' i wlIjea a wesLDouna passengc train from Toronto, 'ine pas- jsenser train was carrying a num- ' " h. CTi t- M ! i j ; ' j : 1 I ! ; i : ; THE Wb'ATHER Synopsis Really cold air is pouring out. of the Yukon over all of B.C. today and all indications are that the province is in for several days of unusually low temperatures. There wilt be snow flurries today and tomorrow in the Vancouver Island lower land areas as well as the more mountainous'- sections in the interior. Skies tonight though will be mostly cle ar which will allow very rapid co oling. Strong vinds are being reuortcd down ihe mamiand as the cold.,? ejr moves n.om Ule interior towards the coast. Forecast North . Coast legioii Cloudy with a few snow flurries today. Clear and very cold tonight and Saturday. Northeast winds, 20 miles per hour, occasionally reaching 35 miles down the mainland inlets. Lows tonight anrl lllnhm liimnmnu At Pnrt f lift r 006S Uf' HriQ fttift Down IVIIU UUbJ The two cent drop in the price of chocolate bars as announced yesterday, is effective January 1 but at least, one local store here j is now selling these -chocolate covered sweets at five cents. Announcement that a 20- i i cigarette package price will be I lipped one cent coincided with the eiUlciy bar manufacturer's re- 1. o 1 -1 - uurl ul a V1 "'-ciease. The increase, according to the eastern report, is effective im- mediately but up to the present j time most retail merchants have j ot received specific word as to the price on me 010 s ock. mw shipment of the smoke-bearing luxury will undoubtedly be priced at a one-cent increase. off as a result of ice blocking the nver. TJie word received by Mr. Applewhaile' was that the river was plugged with ice for a distance of eight miles immediacy below Quick but the level of the water had fallen three feet which made the situation less perilous, Nolaninge had been donr-Mr. Evans assured Mr. Applewhaite. The Post Office and store at Quick had Ik en surrounded with water but It had not entered the premises. Veteran Coast take steps to meet attack authorized to requisition Dead and Dying Wreck' Was ti! ! ... 1 nornoie CALGARY, if: Thirty-five persons are in hospital and 24 are suffering from injuries fol- , . , , . . . . wing yesterday s traxn wrcc at Southeast, railway siding 93 miles southeast of Calgary, one of the Worsl wrecks in Alberta's history. One man was killed. ', Of those in hospital, two are reported in very poor condition, six as fairi and six B, very it,ri. I ous: ' : The train disaster occurred in J 20 degree below zero weather. An eastboimd Cnnadlan Pacific Hail-Ifay express train from Vancou ver, Behind schedule Decause ot C.P.H." linemert" enfbQtC' 1 10 Vancouver lo ncip lepa.r Orn ish Columbia's disrupted communication system. Reid B. Ilelfuniun of Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, one of the 'linemen, died of Injuries before jrcuchtnic hospital. ' , Capt. J. W. Turner, dental officer of tin1 cruiser II.M.C.S. On-(tiirio at Fsquimalt, returning to i the coast from Christmas leave at Niagara Falls, Ontario, sar: i"lhe scene at the wreck was hor-Irible." 1 Workmen Hurt ;In Explosions i VANCOUVER Seven workmen were injured yesterday in I two separate explosions in Erit-lsh Columbia Electric Co. plants. iOnc Is dead. J Five were injured in a Hash j explosion In a purifier in the Car-1 rail Street gasworks and two suffered burns In a blast In a Dlaok-' smith plant at the Kitsiiano shops. Clifford Humphrey, onu of the men injured In the gasworks, 'died today. of powering the governor to or internal disorder. He is manpower ana property, Dan strikes and lock-outs In essen-j tial services ana utilise extra-! ordinary police powers that would put the colony on a war footing. The governor may also ban seditious meetings, prohibit meetings Ukeiy to cause dls-1 turbances, detain or expel any person from the colony, search premises, vehicles, planes and ships. ! All types of traffic are placed under his rigid control. Publication of the regula. tions came as the colony suffer- tri from a rash of labor diffi- cuiues wnicn may aeveiop m- to a general strike. A iaixf British garrison is here and crews of naval ves - sels stationed at Hong Kong have been placed on the alert to operate key services. Workers aie amanding in- creases of three. Hong Kong dol - lars (about 05c) ) a day. M f2fliJf fi I fffV XkUSS ' II IJJLJ RZS g ?irf rt ' rr. P 'uirwirn '"ibit VANCOIYER The battle against snow and slides on the Lower Mainland moved into Central British Columbia today along line of the government-operated I'acific Great Eastern Kailway. No traiii'i are moving on the P.G.K. and f.-.iw ranges up to five feel along the line.. Powdery snow fell in many coastal districts during the morn-ins and more snow is expected later in the day with the cold wave descending over the province rinr-the night. Flood and frost-broken roads on Vancouver Island have become more treacherous following snowfalls of from inch at Victoria to live inches at Port Alberni, 135 miles northwest of the capital. KF.COGNIZF.S COMMUNISTS . .NLW UKI.HI India today recognized the Chinese Com-1111: .-,'st government and said diplomatic relations with Chiang Kai Sink's nationalist regime would cease immediately. India's next door neighbor and former sister in the Hi itish colonial empire, Burma, has also recognized the Peiping government and turned her back rn Chiang Kai Slick. The Nationalist government of China has ,in turn, broken off with India. APPEAL IS DENIED VANCOUVER Appeal of William Worrohrc against a death sentence for murder has been denied. Execution is scheduled for January 28. Young Couple's Frost Ordeal Pilot Is Dead Would Oust Nationalists LAKE SUCCESS ft The Rus-iiiin Soviet Ukraine took the first step today to oust the Chinese Nationalist delegation from the United Nations Security council. Jakob A. Malik, Soviet deputy foreign minister, and Andre Y. Calagan of the Ukraine told the 11 -member council in a surprise move that their gov (foment did not recognize the Rationalist ueiegate, Jr. nngu ' Tsiang, as representative of j ",c nine.sc peopic. 1 , Very Heavy I Earthquake ' ! , MANILA earthquake ' ,v,i,, ..i..i t,i,:,i,.; t , A woman was drowned by seismic sea waves at the town of Mercedes n uuitt,, w iiii eigm, passengers, ci.pshcd near, the Manila ferry but nil were reported saved. In the town of Naguilan, 250 miles northeast of Manila, a' jeep was reported swallowed up by a fissure. Several nearby town were Wialed by land- slides. New President Of C.N.R. To Be Heard MONTREAL Donald Qordon rli i leenmno i Vin H lit 1P ftf I ' " . 7 p in rmnn nnil nreslnnnt 01 me Canadian National system on Nl,w year-s Day wm make his fu.st puhllc address to the mem- k,., f I !-, CnnnHliin Mjllninl Fymllv on a c.B.c. eature broadcast entitled "Railway Life," over the trans-Canada network, on January 1. at 7.30 ' to 8 p.m.. Pacific time I III" II lUIM'U WIU JT lllliJllli; AO- 1 -.-r..." v.-.-.w. w .. . .... . again today although dangerous an()s yestcrdity was rated at Hardy 20 and 30, Sandspit vvith ce. I Intensity Seven. Tlrat is the 15 and 25, Prince Rupert 10 and On Vancouver Island, Soot;", ! third heaviest on tlfc earth-' aild a0-near Victoria, is virtually isolated j quake scale. Vancouver Is Storm-Lashed Moods Threat Easing in Lower mainland ami Vancouver Island ', VANCOUVER (P A wave of :okl air, moving down over Finn hern British Columbia yes terday, brought relief from heavy grains, sleet, snow and snovslides 'as cievs arc Working to restore ; to normal rail and highway communications and telegraph, , telephone and power services. Fourteen passenger trains stalled oa main lin.rs started moving in scrvi:e is being maintained only witn (iiincuiiy. Ila'my winds, heavy with rain, v hieh blew through British Columbia during Wednesday, caused more floods and power failures, rave-Ins and slides as the prov- tiice re(.rl from the most frjak-I'-h v.epliicr it has experienc?c; in r. TMJ -yrars. ' 1 At Qualiciim Deach on Vancouver Island dr iving ruins caved' i l a'i embankment and sent tons of earth and rock cashing dov. n or. an unoccupied summer rot lag", ptiMilng it more than forty f-et. Taii inches of rain fell. Wind hit. 51 miles p-r how: ii vanrouvr. an , Miunpcu ur, ., 0)-l)Ot ClirisllliaS lice 111 VIC- lory Square.- H'.'i'Up-rating slowly from Ihe iinprecedliit-d .snowstorm Ihut laid a three-fool blanket iiml piled drifts fifl.-en feet, high, winds and rains had nieai't Hoot's and silver thaws. The snow 1 level at Summerluud on Okan- ugan Lake, about 3U0 miles cast or Vuncouvrr. dropped onc-and- a-half feet In ten hours during , Wednesday niuht but. with the j The las( qllartrr v as a crowd thriller and Prince Rupert re- thcmselvcs ,pm.lves ' with a ...... . , ' m.nu cs to go ht E IKs radmB by a aM , the M-3J Jun .ing points to two for the , . H. y W. nrin" Was as IlUl Ja i ; : r r - h(lutlful bas- in the nex.. . uo. ; 'nd Ws " ten point drive in J h, plugged Prince 3 the nuupiJii"-"-jneement of tills shift a session between "t Truman and top mil--d diplomatic strategists, il power late yesterday m of the National Sec--juncil would not say as on but it is known ....! hfivp nrenared a of Asiatic policy lor '! annroval lope Best m Maker rwoOD i' Bob JUyi lib pal, Bing Crosby, lvr 1 movie money-making IS49. Motion picture cx-o! I'no United 5.'jt's : rhok-e in a poll by th? ?ic urc ilcia'.d, trade pjb- .Zh h "' iH-SJiHL Si ' " r.'iit m ns issue on Sat- . ! )AY'S STOCKS ? I) J ,li "Ml t" l.l't ! Vantoiivrr .lie 9 GO I'OII .02 S . . Qii.n l. ' v M.iicot. .40 1 f Eaii-rn Of. 1 2 Oreille 5.i) 320 jer Border . . .0.1 ! r . .. .14 i Mi -Donald . 240 02 U ; Creek 1 18 i Premier , 3a 09 4 n Cold .07 'ullt y 0. Ciinadian , . 4.00 .22 1 31 3 g . 8 .52 10" ULi-cUk: . 1 44 Oil ... 13 00 .12 Pete 4 CO a ... . .37 Canadian .0(1 9.00 .0!) .5." "in .20 .14 :i CaiwiUan .0B -101.73 5;il"Iiers 1.20 it .53 .33 Sulhvan 5.20 VKnilc 0.33 Lake . .35 .06' . .14 ilt .0( Quebec, .71 Rowan .o: i .. .01 Li"i3 Lao .41 Red Lake . 3. 10 " Hed L;vke , .53 cr" K.-iiut; 2.1 VANCOUVL.. - Captain George William Kobart.s, known up iind down tlw coast as "King of British Columbia sea pilots," died Wednesday at his home here. He was 77 5 ears of aye. Called Tlic Skipper" by his shipping friends, Capt. Robarts w. s a coast pilot for thirty-one h, r,.r.. lii retirement in Si pt' inher 1041. He arrived In nrrival of cooler temperatures, it Vancouver as s-cond mate of a began to tighten up there yster-saillng .ship In 1300. ; day. However, complete washouts Ketchikan Wins Prince Rupert Close To Eleventh Hour Victory Alaskan Klks Live Up To Expectations As Fast Moving Outfit Ketchikan Klks were just as good as their advance publicity claimed as they won a thriller at the Civic Centre last night by a narrow margin, over Prince Rupert All-Stars, the final score being 5G-5L Their team was young and very fast, rather weak on defense but exceptionally strong on the offense. They are quick-breaking and """ have plenty of scoring ability, Hi into their stride, with hand-most of their shots swishing s mj wtns over both. by flood water. I KIHT,fci;S AKRIYF. 1 rainluads of weary slorm ref- ugces poured Into vancouvu overnight as winter siov.iy .c- ieaseu n,s grip on bia's interior roads and passes Nine Canadian PaciUc trains, carrying more than 1800 passcn-j gers, rolled over the newly cleared roadbeds after 48 hours' isolation in the worst blizzard in the mid- ! die of the province in twenty! years. Clear and cold weather today motioned to diminish the te:u fi.,.i, finrl for hundreds more vi iia,,., - who are stilt imprisoned on the provinces highways around annum Princeton, 183 miles cast of her;. Inln rminrt. Irul.'lV Said til.lt communication lines, snapped by the silver thaw yesterday, wert being restored by line crews ro h wn wnrklne steadily in ..i,,r.0 einn the- storm becan. mimm,mm M jT7 mini..... " ,v r""""""TfL""' v,r'rn Saturday, December 31, 1019 High 10:31 19.2 feet . 23:45 ,10.4 feet Low 4:15 10.4 feet 17:27 0.1 feet of their venture but hospital authorities said they hoped to save MEDICINE HAT A young the limbs of the young peopic couple were in hospital here to-1 The couple started out Irom day suffering from frozen ;cgs their home at Bow Island, 3B and hands following a 36-hour miles west of here at midnight ordeal in a stailea truck on a Tuesday to attend a turkey feet! lonely road 3 V miles southed in the country. Their light de-of their home. livery truck stalled in a ditch and John Tunstall, aged 23. and ihcy remained until found by 1 Phoebe Gnam, 17, may lose sev- commercial traveler about nooi: eral toes and fingers as a result yesterday. through the hoop. They use the backboards very Utile ana Weak 011 rebounds, reoouuua, depending -; i Ketchikan look the leau iron. I the first and held it all the way and It wasn't until the last ha If of the final quarter that Prhic l?.''r.L" Utl to, me TS v.ua auun; - , thow put .on by the home team in the first halt 01 ui B. i 11... .1 rti.i f-i-'iiiw (.iiuiibiik u was nien .'' b - ,lhis season. In fact, coach An- E MacPhee has just - i entirely new line-up on this . veins Jets, me jvevciuiw" -" had been playing lute since the start of the seaso. - ..... 11... .3- V'a . 1.0.1 08.23 . li'i . 1.03 .014 . 3.1J ... .n . 2.20 .. .21 . ) .. 3 n 3 i k U and , Uo u fou um shots in me 1 iib, j W J 1 g. me w flrst per., ff--AAjsv;. !t.,j, n;,jfaifiimtii,wtit(',J-,t Hi )!iri ' r. 'iitt .... X tonio Rouyn a r,r,..,.. ,1 :' ' 1 ""' ''lii'iiUnlllilllUilllUiUimilUlllllllilUllllilllllllH BASKETBALL T0N,GHT Ketchikan vs. Prince Ruoert - , , ,..i,. STUDENTS BING PEACE AND QUIET TO U.N.-Pcace reigns in speeches made at United Nations headquarters at Lake Success, New York, when -students visit the rooms where history is made. Here, Hon. Paul Martin, Canada's minister of health and welfare, addresses a group of Pomininn students in one of the assembly halls. 0ndhas taken sucn on Pa m-.r, tne MeiiaKnim vei . '