i 8.30 Vancauver Theatre Todoy 7 p.m. -9 p.m. Sot -2-4 on , . Prince Rupert Doily News Friday, December 30, l'Jl'J Cards, Music, Moose Social y. 00 Musical Program 0:30-Talk 9:45 Canadian Short Stories I ) 00 CbC .New 4 .................. K'a'lio Dial IICFPR ! i243 Kl' jcycles T ml (Subject lu Change r- " jmimwn nun irri n I Ifs Aot as llml v.s All Thai! 9 x - " "V ' 4- ' ' - , - , , m . - . , t I . . v. v- ' 1 t I -r v - i - ' j?' 10:10 CBC News j 10:15-Beth Watson ; 10:30 Chopin Anniversary series 11:00 Weather ana Sign On ' M&'l'llhiiAf AM AIR ST. LAIRKNT ON I A ladles of the Moose social comprising four tables of whist and entertainment was held, at the Moose hall Tuesday night. ' Selections were presented by !the all girl Classy Lassie band and a dunce, to the music of Mike Col-ussl, followed. ' .Winners at cards were Miss Syl-i via Johnson, Mrs. Steve Dumas and C. H. Collins. : i' : The committee In charge consisted of Mrs. O. Foster, Mrs. P. Maclnnis. Mrs. William. Terry, Mrs. P. Bond. Mrs. J. Hoskins, Mrs. R. B. Skinner, Mrs L. Ever-leiuh. Mrs Thompson, Mrs. R. Le-claire, Mrs. P. Curie, Mrs. E. Blair and Mrs. Harold Muncey. Prime Minister St. Laurent on CBC Trans-Canada network Saturday, December 31. at 9:45 a.m. in New Year's message. FRIDAY P.M. 4:13 atocK Quotations and Interlude 4:30 Sleepy Time Stories 4:45 Something in Harmony 4:55 CBC News 5:00 Henry Morgan Show 5:30 Music from Aioerta 5:45 Bill 'Good Sports Review 6:00 Dinner Music 6:15 Dinah Shore 6:30 Musical Varieties 6:45 "Saddle Rockin' Uhythm i'MO CBC News 7:15 CBC NEWs 7:30 Easy Rhythm 8:00 Musical Prog. i:00 Musical ClocK a:oo - CBC News 8: 10-Here's BUI Uood 8:15 Hits and Encores 8:30 Morning Devotions 8:45 Little Concert 9:00 BBC News y: 15 Saddle Serenade 9:30 Saturday Story 9:45 Pi hue Minister St. Laurent. 9:59 i'lutf Sigritl .u:u0 Bandstand 10:15 Waltz Music 10:30 Melody Time 10:45 CBC News ana rum ty 10:55 Weiiaier and mteriuuc 11:00 Saturday Date 11:30 Weather Forecast 11:32 Message Period 11:35 Recorded Interlude 11:45 Personal Album A worn-out shoe saddens this youngster on a visit to an emergency-shoe repair shop, supplied bv the I mted Nations International Children's Kmergency huiut llMtl ri in lenna. But he, like almost 6,000,000 other .voungsters and nursing and expectant mothers, will this vear have their Christmas dinners supplemented with food sent by I'NICEF. Other children will lie wearing good shoes and warm clothing, manufactured from I'NICEF su pplies. i Saturday At 11:30 p.m. Death Takes Samuel Bell DANNY KAYE "A SONG "iS BORN" inn SPECIAL PRICES S EVENING WEAR J j $9.95 - $16.95 j Sizes 11 Thru 44 Jj Exciting, romantic t'ormals just in time for New Years. RUPERT PEOPLES STORE I Prizes for Lucky Holders GET YOUR TICKETS NOW Orchestra 60c Lodges 75c CAPITOL ! Samuel Bell, 64. employee at J Silbak Premier Mlnesi Stewart, died in General hospital Thurs-1 day morning. Born In Ireland April 18, 1885, he hud lived at Stewart for the past 28 years. Mr. Bell was brought to hospital December 23 for an operation for acute appendicitis. The emergency flight was made by Bill McLeod of the Queen Charlotte Airlines. He Is survived by hLs wife Amelia In Stewart. Funeral arrangement, in 'harge of B. C. Undertakers, will n - . FINE PRINTING m .REGAL PRINTERS 4 CHANDLER'S PORTRAIT STUDIO Film Finishing Enlarging Flash Photef Taken at Home Phone Green 389 '216 4th Si PRINCE RUPERT, B.C be announced later. The remains will be f orwarded ; i'HONK 21 222 Second Avr, 8 5s 1 9 - Sunday night on the Coqultlam to Stewart where Interment will be made. v?Ji'St.JiJf,' , . V. For A New Year's Treat Whether you prefer a tall, cool drink or a short, smooth cocktail, SHIPS and WATERFRONT MAFLE LE Try A HAMBURGER At WORLD'S MOST EXPENSIVE HAMBURGER "Judee Roy Bean." grand champion steer of the golden jubilee livestock exposition in Chicago, went on the auction block for the record-breaking price of $1L50 a pound, for every one of his 1.200 pounds. At that weight the sale price would be around $43,800. The record bid wa "made by David Merker, right, and proceeds of th sale will go to the Pecos County 4-H club, owners of the champ. next time try it with Captain Morgan Rum; You'll enjoy Gold Label, rich and full bodied, or Black Label, extra smooth and flavourfub CaptainMorgan li.ii-iv D:ivi.s. uencral a?cn' Up to the present time, fishermen have caught 2,210 tons of herring in northern waters. When the vessels hit lor port during the middle of tills month, a good showing of herring was noticeable at Kwak- KUM SNACK BAR 1 ' Blended in Canada from'carefully selected rart old rum j If M y ' f'gA here for the Canadian Pacific Railway, returned to the ci'y on th Princess Norah today atiev c trip to Vancouver ar.d Victor:, for Christmas. shua Pass and it is hoped the situation will remain the same OPEN H a.m. to 1 a.m. DAILY! 1 ny v.pt.n morgan ivura wM.un...n.,i. ip., - Just off Third Avenue ! , ' L M4fl,T rWr5''4 ' I I This advertisement is r-jT publif-hw, or disphyed by the IpKlljiil iiiUL!! Sl'IXIFV THE NATIONS I IXEST MAPLE LEAF Product of Canada I'ac-Krrs Ltd. when the boats begin leaving the city January 4 alter the Christinas and New Year va The zn Clh St. Ph. Orders Blue 92 . Liciuor Contml Bot.rd or bv the government r-r"" aaMw - ; Lrr-r.lrJ ! "' I!rilish '"li'mlia Yt)U S;i u ln 'rh'' Ne'A'i' "I !! WMMULJMMJMJW1II11MU.11MIIIMM IIW M I IIIIIIMM KIWI I III IH I l'l III' I I I "HTI III I ; ! TEW W mXlk cation .suspension. Nineteen carloads of Irwn fi:;h were unloaded here Monday by the Alaska Steamships vessel Lucidor, Capt. E. C. Trondscn. Completing unloading here, the ship sailed Tuesday for Everett. Washington, where the final part of the cargo was to be discharged. The frozen fish from Ketchikan will be transported by rail u American polnta. REX CAFE Wishes You All A HAPPY NEW YEAR t ill 111 V PHONE 79 C.P.R. steamer Princess Norah, Capt. Graham Hughes .arrived In port from Vancouver at 12:30 p.m. today sailing for Alaskan points at 2 p.m. Northbound pa' scngers included Lome Adams y y y y y y y y y Hp - 5 A C Happy New Year HUiUan4 pmnuary to Ketchikan and Guy J. Mover to Whltehorse. Union steamer Camosun, Capt. Harry McLean, arrived in port at 1:30 p.m. today and sails for the Queen Charlottes at 10 p.m. Pas-sencers from here for the Islands include Miss M. Mackic who is returning to Skldcgate after a short visit here. HOURS Wckdoys ' 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sundays "Z . 50-. "o - ?'' ! 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. SIXTH STREET AND THIRD AVENUE y y y y y y y y y y " y y V 1 W ..voc" fl' A WW 17 X. WW N " sZZO' A V X WW O-' NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away Fruiu Home SO Rooms -Hot and Cold water I111NCE RUf'KUT, B.C, -3h,Wr ..ii,,i,f,5 't'VCV-C,S,X,t,Vii, s v t : Stert the New Year Right y y y y y y y y y y hone 281 P.O. Box Ml For y y y y y y y y y y RADIOS RECORDS ALBUMS and ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES It's MART THE NEW YEAR RIGHT Have your Radio Repaired - CALL Blue 992 It KEN'S RADIO CLINIC I Be First! hnn Farlvl AvrwF "Rkannninlmonf I I Kor fcSuUnfuclury Service 7IH 2nd Av, W. Itlue 992 vnv kMii ni,iva vim jf vniiiiiviii f i ... i "" . i jibs m ...mb i ii 'iiriiri www wbpihiihi) Hi iimii iiiiiihiiii niiniiiiii i i n in i i rm wiinni mi