05-15, Diced Beets. per tin . 18 Harmerry. 24 .:. .45 f i MHO Blackberry. 4-lb h: SiSffi? rroW- I Prince Rupert Doily News Friday. December 30, 1946 - -- i IIIMI It, y. ii- 1 II HI II II I .Z"XX&n.ffmm I Parslev. bunch i Turniiw .... ,. .. ' Solnaeh. 2 Ibcelld 1 Radishes, bunch ; Mushroom, lb Head Lettuce ' Cookiliir Onions. 3 lbs. . .arrets ims Pmm.kin i w wu I Cherry. ?.4-oz. ?2 Baked Beans. 20-oz. tta" M . ".Vil All "-i5 Baked BeanS. lololtin Vr" IJi 9, fresh fruit iis-Tomato, au .23 i Canned Bow to r 33 Fr am . - - , Meat. .17 giiart .. 25 'Turkey ... fi5-70r .83-38 fnl -- " in Roastlne CnkteiTibTf- 62 TERRACE TOPICS W. H. Williscroft and daughter: Miss Kathleen Williscroft, ar: rived in the city on the Camosuu. this afternoon from a trin u Vancouver and wiii proceed; to; their home at Terrace .by ihU' j (.auullower. ib ; Toiu'oes, Calif, t ibs... 25 I Canbaae. lb , '26 Tomatoes. No 1 lb yo i Potatoes. 10 !b "" 78 j Cucumbers, lb "" '32 ' Vegetable Marrow, lb. 22 '75! Suuash. lb. .. ..... .1; ". v unit .22 !!am- bned and rolled, lb' ; .90 I Ham. ree lb .70 2V. . .. r.res r'(lf ...... .. 01 1 Medium, cartons 58 ! id ....:Jr4... .45 ,,,rult. t'f- .. 16'., Minnas, canons 02 "jf'ners .58 I ' J h?' -i - --if' 1 evening's train.i .35: Canced VuteraMes . . rtuiier oausase. id. .58 37 fawn, pfesc 2 lb.. 50 Dill Pickles, eal j ,rs tirRC trade lb. VetetanioB Beth Lever collided with a car as she was returning from the Community Xmas Tree at the Civic Centre last Wednesday but escaped with no injuries. although slightly shocked. Cut Green Bean, uy. , .i '! J3 J;rr" wue Piece a Cottase Roll, lb .. 72 Mi Liver Sausage, lb. .5? 1U 2i No. S Peas, fancy ...... Mrs. Knut tTgg!a returned t the city from Vancouvef -on -t ha. Princess Morah this mortiin. c ' I - - .10 Mied . vegetables hiiiica Canadian Cheese ib .23. Milk p , Evaporated Milk. i-07.. tins. 2 tor Caw; I, u'5 nam. id .ea Pork ChODS. lb i M Pork Sausaee. lb. .... .. . 62 Bieak. T-Bone. lb. -. .75 Stent rrrnriA 1W n: . .Si .7JiO I . u i Prince Rupert Flori i"ork Tenderloin, lb ! Pantry Flour, 7 lbs fin! f There mav be variations In1 Flour, vja, No 'l ' 'ha rri " Pri"eH in various store droend-1 Flowers or All Occasion Ml Rev. and Mrs. V. G. Uaham . of Burns Lake, foifuei pastir ol the Pentecostal Church ti'.re, ar- i rived in town on Tuesday's train accompanied by their tw: sops, i v iOO 3rd Ave. Box 516 Ti inn'" ,on. whether suecial or Wiieat ... Flour. 24's '". "CO . u i, . WUM.,bM.i a . v noixu.r . ira anu tiiirr i?"'f,', lb G3- R4 1 AVWWAWWy 1 I ! few days as guests of Mr. and LW'Luxe auantitv. lb. .. l.iul , . Mrs Fred Gibbs. . at-t'--: -r - M" i - n iii 1 1 i b.ii ii i - ii i miii hi iiiiiiiiiiiiininiiinr " in iiitmii T'g f"ff ' 'nn I Oran; Juice . tii "" wviwvw i UlflHlcO ill JJJJLUjJUJjjalii.iiia.i I I irIK-l ruit lu i Don Cooper arrived on train from the interior to loiMiitoi-fj. 20-oz. ea isi" Vneuei iw rr"a4Avi innwTT r va .24 AVd)Y ; HQTKIj. W. L. WOODS, Prod. PHONE 37 " P O, SOX 1B97 FRASER STREET U S. PROTESTS SHELLING OF FREIGHTER - With a patch (arrow! over the hole ripped in her side by shell Irom Chinese Nationalist gunboat, the Lsbrandtsen Line freighter "Flying Cloud" tides in Korean waters. Gunboat apparently fired one warning shot across bow before shelling. The U.S. protested the shelling-, and has, as yet, received no reply. 1 7 1 tSunday fis. Camost .t, U p.m Tucsday-Tss. Catala, 1:30 p.n Thuxdy s. Prince George 5V W .... .34 spend the Xmas weekend his parents, Mr .and Mr.i S. G. Cooper. Pineapple, crujitwd 33 Pieces. 41 Hunday ss. Catala. o.m. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Harmon and Mr. and Mrs. Duncan d.; Kr- ! cni'rn.1' 2o-o7 " It Wednesday-.. Prince George l.itanwrrieK. an-n 00 Friday m. CamoiHin, 2 p.m. i PKINCE RU PERT gommcaux of Prince Rupert, ar . Peuehet. choice '. "." """ '" 'si' For Alice Arm anA Stewart ! rived on last Friday's train to ' joi 1 ii I I r t-eter''.t.r'fet.ic.t't!-' V spend Christmas at the home of Mrs. Winhart at Copper Cit;'. pu:-e. ib fra 24' RuDda5f-i- Catala, 11 p.m. RUmh-uitK' Z1ZZZZZ'.Z- il Frm Alice Arm o4 ' , ,. sa" 1 tert ' o : 80a d. lace, bur Laundry, cake 2 for 94 1 TuewJay-rW. Catala, aja. - I a it j j! . trm Just Arrived I I 41 Fr Oeeaa Fim A false alarm sent city firemen to the Canadian National docks at 9:15 p.m. yesterday. jyia-? t'nwilers, lare ..... (uacr tv Ch.rrics. 1. lh tilth I y 0 ,4ii .u. J ' 9 5 Frew Oeeaa M A (YUW1 Almond Pte It, ... ill 01) t ,,n"1 mix. m Ill V . Ihil.ex. fancv. 1 Ib tkt i I i I i shipment of Julia Ar-2 J4 Wodivsdsy Frliice Geargf GilPfrnG am Alanka " rill "wf. yi .fj-ricd Kaisins. 2 ibs. 2 " Jthur Shoes oil widths forJJ Thursday-s. Prince Geors? j HI belied Walnuts. ', lb 47 1 v Evening. thot special iritr-o-ftTrr. U 2 ! -I Micilcel Almonds. 6 m J Shclid J;;tzU. 6 ov. I ,lif:tntnifnt i? not publislir J of dliplavr.1 hy f Liqunr Cuniroi Boartl at j'''"'"'1' 'j.j)' ' 'j.' b, U,c Goveiunt..! f li..ol, O,!,,,,,!,,. Strawbcrrv.M-o. T. 35 l p.m. , 11 Vor Alarta . ';' - Wednesday as Prince Oeorg .50 p.re. - s V if CXilTTnfffitTTT) -By CHIC YOUNG I LU1NU1C rfvmci y i.ui inij 1 uu, iegrr lo3 CANADIAN PILOT IN ANTARCTIC SEARCH Wth thU wooden-hulled relief ship as his base, Peter Borden St. Louis, veteran Canadian bush pilot, sill fly over uncharted. sections of the Antarctic ocean in hope of rescuing British scientists marooned in the area of Stonlngton Island. He will fly a Norseman amphibian. The ship will net out from Deception Bay, Antarctica, and will penetrate deep Into the Antarctic ice fields. ' Is s V SC. S11 .95 til , 1 . : . miii IS"1 1 -, k' 11 :? A A X K K IfN 1-1 I Cvj. c Co, A hfpe awe r -, VOJ t-;ve iMSOivtMi,! FAMILY SHOE STORE LIMITED TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY y 1rA Ave, Box (ins Ph. 351 LOST Single stranded pearl necklace, finder please phons 680 or Red 196. Reward. (2; This advertisement is i.ot published or disnlaved by the L!o;;or Control Board or bv Hip Government of Briton. Columbia. ;,;r.k..l.'ilift.!i3 Miss Kathleen Hills returned home from Vancouver on the Camosun this afternoon. LOCECEO, IPLAMT Artvertl-? ru ihi 3aiy News! riiiM i: in rf.it r i.ami RKroKn- IN1 OIKTKIf'T TAKE NOTICE that the Columbia A LOVl-LY DISH HAM lelHAM E7C 8WIPT-S WCNICV VI SWIFTS ' ' ' M V STYLE, ... per lb. 1 PHBMIDM per lh. Grade A Turkeys; Ducks 'bhd Geese RUPERT FREEZING CO. LTD. 230 2nd Ave. ' Phone Red 3K7 i ' 1 3 3 Ollulos Company Limited of. Prtiw Rupert. Rrttinh Cotumbia. oc-cupiiti'n mainilftcturers of cellu-Umk products, intends to apply for a lase on the following described hiry. sl'uate on the Westerly aide of Mud Lake. British Columbia, and adtacent to the Northerly and Easterly shore of Lot 1423: commencing on the rest bank of the Kitsumxal-ium Elver at tn old bridge piling, opposite the sawmill at 17 Mile Post: Thence : Westerly along the South Shoreline of Mud Lake a distance of 8!I50 feet to a Forest Branch Flag; Thence North Westerly. Korth Easterly and Northerly along the shore. inc of Mud Lake a distance of 5300 feet: Thence due East approximately 00 feet: Thence South Easterly a87S feet to a noliit 3C0 feet North East ii r 1p.x s)P t. rrsct . r i n Gingersnap Judgment! ;. , j . oocxie coif) ! 1 !':: R '''rjjiulj.iiuiiiiifr ! f - v j HOV tXVN-'-SU7ti ) i - s v ' ,v-,-vfJf j 3 1: -! cvf? in Ti I Uwecr, AHtt?5I rrs voce fun to S- v ' vvss, airsi BuwsreA? ). . 14I. a- ) iT.-TM" with vou -.v .-"'N 8 mad at each V V ths cookies vojise ) . " ""t lft i r . i.f MARCHAND OIL HEATERS VOltTF.Y nil. BURNERS IRON FIREMAN STOKERS Plumbing & Heating Alterations of starting point: Thence 300 feet South West to the starting point: and containing a total area of approximately 15801 acres. , COLUMBIA CELLULOSE ANY LIMITED. A NEW HOME . Plan to Build NOW For Plans and Estimate: It's GREER & BRIDDEK ' SMITH a ELKINS LTD. . - . - .. - ne ASKea roirir; .-. , i 1 SOX 274 ii 4 OCA raiWK 171 H. Yynum, Agent. I I'BINCi: HITI'.HT l..n lll'.l'OKII-WVIIEICT TAKE NOTICE that the Columbia Cellulose Company Limited of Watson A i Island. British Columbia, occupation t U'i'.V-V-; u:' 5 THEPe VV v .;- fl thought cp , LiwXi3JIS5.' J I The Men Who Know CONTRACTORS ANU BIHJDERS RFO Sl l n. BOX 721 E3 V manufacturers of cellulose products Intends to apply for permission to lease the following described lands, situate in the vicinity of south of Indian Reserve No. 9. on the Scotia 1 PHONE 363 For Estimates and Supplies . 'hKS'' . . jut M I IS'"! Mitchell & Currie Lid. River; comnu neing at a post planted i at about Eiht Hundred feet ri 4.r of N W. comer of Indian Besreve No U; thence southerly, south easterly.! and south westerly following the high-water tine on the west bunk of the cutla Hiver a instance of, approximately One Hundred and Twenty chains: thence north easterly a distance of noproximiitoiy Three chuu.. to Jie high water line on the East bank of the Scotia River; thence uvMierly. north easterly, and west-irly foUowiiii! the high water line on the east bunk of the Scotia Iliver to the south- boundary of Indian IteservB No. !i; thence westerly a distance of Builders and Contractors : i He's on Urbone Suburbanite! '"' ' T"- tipproxliuately Three chains to the 1 : '"ANT D T VJIC.H , im .TPviNa TO i i m vn rffftt ic ill', vm .'or- r.-nr ; . i.- vr ... u x VOJ'O STOP PiK A OUAR(PL EfJNG 50- with you r bWEET 1 V ORMES D R U G S point ot eiiininencetni-nt, anil eon-Uilnlng Forty Eight acres, mure ur less. LIMITED, (h) T. A V. Trcmblay. Atent. COLUMBIA CELLULOSE COMPANY 4 I ( w- AWFULLY tAT?) Ri3Hf AS UOJAl) KftCX'T h rrAvy-' N4 -rfe ceV --?vi DRUGS t I I -? ir I-v. it -i ) a vie"-".' .1 . (jcetl IDiftRe For a New Year filled with gladness and contentment. Manson's I'Hivt i: in i'KR-r i.m iti: oitii- li IIISTKKT TAKE NOTICE that the Columbia Cellulose Company Limited of Watson Island, British Columbia, occupation manufacturers of cellulose products. Intends to apply for permission to lease the following described lands, .iimbI. tHn omth Hirl nF the PRESCRIP1ION CHEMISTS ; STORE HOUP.S WEEK DAYS, 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS-12 NOON TO 1 P.M. 1 7 P.M. TO 9 ; j Skeeim River opposite Kwlnitsa Stn- iir.itLii f nlntvi hin ciiiim"ncitl Emersency bicycle delivery 1 at a post planted at about Seventy- Dally car delivery service, from 9 am. till pm. -Why Mothers Dye Young. from 7 p.m.- till 9 o.m. j and Sunday lwo cnains soum astrununuu ui inr northeast corner of Lot 5839; thence north astro, a distance of approxi HOLLYWOOD cafe Your Friendly Jeweller mately j wenty-rivr ciitinis 1.0 vm. , extreme low water line on the south; bank of the Skcena River; thence; westerly and south westerly following the extreme low water line of I the Skcena River a distance of ap-; proximately Seventy chains to a point at rock bluff near slough out-1 let; thence southerly a distance of approximately One chain to the high water line of the Skeena River; thence easterly, south easterly, and north ....... r.iinu.irxr ih hfrh wflt.pr line lift vouft 7 But t'LUTpy J jf I MOST UP-TO-DATE CAFE IN THE CITV OPFN FMM S:30 PM tn 8:30 A.M. A . r r; We Specialize In Chinese Dishes I along the south bank of the slough V M want to (( 1 cys - . !;- ii KH,-,-.itoM.. "iii". I' -"- CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN X..' r fv mf iii a distance 01 approximately dcvbhij-Five chains to the point of commencement, and containing Sixty acres more or less. COLUMBIA CELLULOSE COMPANY LIMITED (hi T. A. V. Tremblay, Agent. For Outside Order PTJONE 13J , OR: te uij4 ant i laniE If U