" " i ii . - ' i i-r , , P ," Y Prince IXUpttt 3DaiI BVm Monday, April 4, 1949 Local News Items... RADIO STATION AT HOBBY SHOW The incorporation notice of! George B. Casey sailed las. i,iiiiiiiiuii.i,;..iHl.Mii;il.lliiii.nii.ii,iLiiH.ii"iiiHMni,iir.,u..uiiiiU FUNERAL OF M. A. KRAITZ Lakel.se Sawmills (Ltd.), $25,000, night on the Coquitlam lor Van- Messages to be Accepted Fur AU Parst of Province In one corner of the Civic Terrace, appears in the Gazette, couver to attend a conference I of the Provincial Liberal Asso- Olof Hanson arrived in thft elation as a delegate from the local Liberal Association city this morning from Smithers and will leave by , plane tomor-low for Vancouver. Final rites for the late Matthew A. Kraftz, district pioneer, who died here Wednesday, were held at Annunciation Catholic Church at 9 o'clock Friday Limberlost Lodge advises you Herbert Morgan returned to ' two Centre gymnasium during the Hobby Show this year, there will be a new feature. The Prince Rupert Amateur Radio Association will set up and operate an amateur radio station so as to show what facilities they have and how they work. The public will be given the opportunity to write out messages which vill be sent to most any place the city on this afternoon's morning. High requiem mass SPRING' . PRESENTATION SUITS and Topcoats by Fashion Craft was sung by Rev. Father E to call the Union steamship office at 568 and make your reservation for the grand opening ol June 25. Limited accommodation. (83) City fire department Saturdav afternoon subdued a chimney Green O.M.I, in the presence of X .-C CTisp' crunchY' Peanut- Ml TVr- I ladcn bar3 coated with ' H I I lllllflXl Moirs rich. creamy smooth plane from a week-end trip to Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Kingston returned to the city Sunday from Limberlost Lodge, near a number of friends of the deceased. At the graveside, the committal service was led by Father In British Columbia. Operators fire at the residence of Mr y r - -vlx-j 1 xxx milk chocolate. Ask In other towns are bein? in- formed of the dates of the Hob- JFranK Rayner. O.M.I - u""(Turcotte, 1404 Sixth Avenue trip on the Coquitlam. ast Nq damage fvQm Pallbearers were John Mc- by Show April 27 to 30, so they will be listening in on those the blaze. Leod, Charles Jetter, A. M. Bud-inich. Jack Minton, Charles Currie sr.. and Charles Currie jr. evenings. Mission Band and Explorers Easter Tea. Wednesday, April 6, 3:30 - 5:00 p.m. Presbyterian Church Hal). All parents and friends welcome. (80) By relaying messages through i Vancouver stations it Li hoped i ' ' - Harry M. Daggett returned to the city Sunday on the Coauit-lam from the Queen Charlotte Islands where he spent the last couple of weeks registering vot- to be able to deliver messages You Saw it In The News. William Baar, press expert to the principal cities of Canada and the States. 7MWAMf V- ivic v.entre for the provincial voters' from Chicago, who has been at ers the Daiiv iJews office d nrin t list. Plans are being worked out SUITS Saxonys, Pin Stripes, Plain Tones and English Worsteds ... in the colors you prefer . . in either single or double-breasted style ... a few ' suits with extra trousers. $47.50 $75.00 Af"-' Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Brown are - Dates TUESDAY the past week, will leave on tomorrow's, plane for the south I for other features of the Hobby Show. The shellcraft groups are planning a large and varied display. Imertlon, minimum chars. BOo. Birth Kovlow: tort per sailing Tuesday on the Catala enroute home. f l""j -J? Thank. Dcam mrritj" r Engagement Aninotineiiu: W. for Vancouver enroute to Call Even for double the j price you can't buy anything better than fornia where they will holiday SPECIAL uiori.ni, u . . PIpam rofra! i advance. iianM Please retrain Rug hooking - promises to be The Prince Rupert Fisher able In from telephoning Uffling It pay for the next month. At Vancou an Important part of the show: as many beautiful rugs have men's Co-op Assoc. invite their members and employees to their FUR SALE ver they will be met by their U SALE annual Fishermen's Farewell .Washing Machine. FOR SALE Small Marine Cook daughter, Anne, who will ac company them south. I Bay Aparuut.it.v Stove with oven. Good condition. Cost $38.50. Sell $25.00, been made this winter. It is hoped that someone with an unfinished rug will bring it down and put in some time Sports a.m. 9:00 Bo-Me-Hi Gym Class, p.m. 2:30 Kng Edward Gymn Class. 3:30 Rup-Rec Jr. Boys. 8:00 Rup-Rec Men. 7:00 Badminton Tournament. Special Dance to be held at the Civic Centre on Thursday April 7, 10 wiin ou ourner, id eai, iuei ST DodEe Sedan, p.m., Music by Mike Colussl. In i.'inn. newiy uci showing how the hooking is m. terms. vitation cards can be obtained at your Coy Bay Store. (81) Phone (831 "" v. j V1 BRIDGE CLUB ENTERS FINALS ea 297. tank, 4 lengths smoke stack and roof jack. 1134 2nd W., evenings only. (80) FOE SALE s,4 size Bed, good condition, cheap. Green 697. (80) done. (Continued on Page 6) 1939 Austin Con- -,,- i ar aim in cs od condition. Phone TOPCOATS Tailored by Fashion-Craft, you can get the color you want from our new spring selection. Gabardines, Velours, Covert Cloths and Harris Tweeds . , . Smart Appearance . . . Unequalled for Value. The Civic Centre bridge club (7J FOR SALE 6 HP. heavy duty p.m. 8:00- wound up it's season's play Fri -Electrical Workers' Union. -Symphony Orchestra . -Teachers' Association. Easthope Wico-Wheel. Phone Black 949. (84) It Pays Off.' -full size Bed with day night with 12 top scorers new sprins-mieu qualifying for the finals and 521.00. Phone Blue FOR REM PRESENT HER WITH FLOWERS -J.t.c rublic Speaking. LUTHERAN LADIES' TEA AND SALE . Spring flowers lent a seasonable atmosphere to the parsonage of St. Paul's Church Saturday afternoon, scene of the church ladies' tea and sale which -Piano. Phone Kea.ruii ncixi wice sleeping -Home Furnishing Course. mil iuuiii.-. oju nil nve. wesi. eight others set to compete in the consolation round. The finals will take place at the Civic Centre on April 8 in the club lounge. Competing for major prizes (79) AND ASK HER TO DINNER . . . She'll appreciate your thought-fulness and the chance to leave the kitchen range. Half-ton Ford 000 miles. Phone 84) FOR RENT Comfortable Bedroom for lady with kitchen .privileues if required. Close in opposite Borden St. School. HOTEL ARRIVALS Boat Melisle. 40'x was widely attended. The guests 'hi the finals will be the follow-were received by Mrs. HarrvUng. who emerged as the lead- Doatiih boat with Phone Black 258 or inquire atl be seen at uoage Prince Rupert Mr. and Mrs. Mathie Aber Hansen, president of the Ladies' j;re co-op c-reuii o) j Borden st. (tf) FOR RENT Housekeeping room, 013 Third Ave. (tf) $44.00 - $67.50 ::1IB11BBB11M FOR RESERVATIONS and "Chicken In the Rough" PHONE RED 705 orge Viereck. (o4i Aid and Mrs. Earl Soiland, w-ife of the - pastor. ing dozen: Mrs. G. A. Hill, Mrs. Agnes Murray, Mrs. H. F. Glas-scy, H. Woodside, L. Christo-pherson, Mrs. C. Matson, Mrs. C. A. Berner, Mrs. R. H. Whid-cien, Mrs. A. H. Sllversides, Mrs. At the pouring table were Mrs. C. C. M. Bicycle, xi condition. Box .News. ( 84 ) FOR RENT-9th West. room suite, 336 (83) G. Mostad and Mis. A. Martinu- deen, Sask.; R. E. Harris, Vancouver; Mr. and Mr H. Taylor, Vancouver; M. Taylor, Van-cauver; O. Hanson, city; G. Hampton, Carrot River, Sask.; K. J. Bosworth, Vancouver; L. F. May, Vancouver; A. A. Shipp. WANTED Civic Centre Dining Room Iron enamel bed- B. Rimmer, Mrs. L. Christopher- "Real Ease' mat- WANW.D Havfc vnn a hn-jsp t sDrniR, in Dcrieci, large i,.r rnouh n,...,h ' for f,- i three- chil v,ii son, Mrs. A. Turcotte. The next eight high scorers $50.00. Hot air fur drcn. We have children and jd as new. with ac- furniture, but no home to Prince George Miss R. Gygtr, who qualified for the consola- ior complete In.stal- scn, while serviteurs were Mrs.! R. Giske, Mrs. L. Oisen, Mrs. H., Stangebye and Mrs. Chris Berg. At the home cooking table were Mrs. Bcrnhoff ' Petersen, Mrs. I. Eidsvick and Mrs. L. Nelson." In charge of the tea room were Mrs. R. Webber, Mrs. 4 A. Dybhavn and Mrs. A. Husoy. Cashier wis Mrs. K. i tion round, are Mrs. A. J. Cur 00O Black 511, 714 (tf) ii-iii,. ii vim ran neiu pn.-aM; phono Chief P.O. Pclen. at H. M.C.S. Chatham. (tf) Smithers; Miss A. Emerson, Smithers;-- Mrs. M. Sollons, Ter- ! zon, R. E. Johnson, Mis. R. E. i Moore, Mrs. R. E. Johnson, G. R. Chandler & Cowgill PORTRAIT STUDIO Film Finishing Enlarging Flash Photos Taken at Home Phone Green 389 216 4th St. PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. Sew ami Used Fur- wanted to rfnt 5 or j wee; I. M. Markwwd, New York; irmra nim ii tma 1 , i idware and Office room Suite or Large House- Mr. ana Mrs. c. uoneriy, ron, keeping Room for young mar THERE IS ONLY ONE CORRECT,, PRESSURE'. Over-infJation and under-inflation shortens tire life. For maximum service from Hull, Miss Pulmira Astoria, Miss Mary Astoria, R. W. Whidden. Since no substitutions will be allowed, Garnet Hull, director aditly Used Arti- I :r;ifld Bed, Wood: and Oil Ranges. El-rs. Corner Enam ried couple. Box tU3 iaiiy News. 81) Edward; S. Simpson, Masset; Miss Jocelyn Simpson, Masset; B. Andre, New Westminster; Basins, Office Chairs. HELP WANTED C. Maartman, Vancouver; W. for Dupont, Victoria; J. W. Bryant, WANTED Full time girl uirs. New Articles 'rme. Toasters. Cups rs, Axminster Ruuj of the competition, urged tJiat anyone who finds himself unable to compete in the finals, notify him as soon as possible. In cases where finalists cannot Civic Centre Pining Room, HOW CAN I ? ? By ANNE ASHLEY Port Edward; A. J. Wirick, Van ! than regular price, your tires let us check them couver; A. M. Scrimgeour, Victoria; H. J. Brown, Port Simp experience not necessary. Apply Civic Centre Dining Room ,V . (80 PERSONAL tne turn up, those on the next elig Q. How can I remove for correct pressure. son. marks of an indelible ink pen JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST ... John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue uier bets, Tea Sets. '' the lowest prices. JB.C. Furniture Co. -1942 ChcvroleTSe-;ery sood condition, wned. Can be .seen Molars. (tfj IL0DY" New sonc. cil from white material? A. By soaking in a fairly Announcements All ndvertiiwOttxiiB a nils column will be charged for a tall month tt 36 Mill wurd BOB PARKER'S UPTOWN SERVICE STATION strong solution of ammonia and ible list win oe asKea to lauc part. Those eligible for substitute play are Mrs. W. J. Moore-house, O. Ness, and Mrs. G. R, " - Hull. Winners of last night's play were Mrs. G. A. Hull for the ladies and Oscar N. Johnson for the men. water. This process- may have' THE Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-op Assoc. invite their members and employees to their annual Fishermen's Farewell Dance to be held at "the Civie Centre on Thursday April 7, 10 p.m. Music by Mike Colussi. Invitation cards can be obtained at your Cow Buv Store. . (bi tune. Send 35c to to be repeated. "ca, Brown's Mi PHONE 791 Second and McBride or DA,, (ill l Jiou.00 Down fur It Pays to Advertise! 'Mine on (lanhlr. 5'iih McClurv RanRp. ' PERSONAL DRUG SUNDRIES r Balance in easy ! (rubber goods i twelve samples Women of the Moose spring lea and sale of home cooking, April 7, at Moose Temple. Card Party, Catholic School Hall, 8 p.m., April 7. Prc-Easter Concert, Lutheran Church, Friday, April 8, 8 p.m. foments. Apply for 50i: postpaid in plain scai- 'wuniador Ltd. R3i ed wranner. catolonue m- r.ii: vTT eluded. General Novelty Co., FORACLEAil.COOLSMOOTllSMOKE "."'M and Dent. 'PR'. 71 Maior St.. Tor pmplete to engine onto. Out. (79) F-.iun. i h nn i- EASTER CARDS . MAKE YOUR CHOICE FROM OUR LARGE SELECTION EASTER NOVELTIES Cl'DDLY PU SH BUNNIES EASTER CANDIES EGG DYES WAXED ARTIFICIAL LILLIES and DAFFODILS Orange Spring Sale, April 13, H.P. Marine 2 to 5 p.m., Oddfellows' Hall. rW Apr. 14, Borden St. P.T.A. Sale and Tea. if- ""u Mian. "k, . 2clwCr,t0 Wcd- 80 1 A- ESTAlt Queen Mary I.Q.D.E. Tea, LOST AND FOUND FOUND Ladies' Wrist Watch Owner may have same by callinir at Daily News otiii-o and paying for this ad. (80 FOUND Bv C.N. Park, upper false teeth. Owner mav have same by palling at Daily News office and paying for this ad ( tf i April 18. Presbyterian Spring Sale, lmS furnished April 21. hp m. V; i"11 in u- iiittfi"i i- "iuc wj. Anglican Spring Sale, Satur 1" r r - a room . ii, ,,.. oil heater. N 991 day April 23. Legion Auxiliary Spring Sale April 27. LOST Enamel Link Bracelet. Reward. Valued as keepsake. Finder please return to Daily News office. 1801 80 : ''S'm house uartlv Phone Red 400 518 3rd Ave. W. 'une Black 419. Rotary Club Daffodil Tea (79) Civic Centre, April 28. FOUND Keys in case. Owner mav have same by calling at the Daily News office and paying for this ad. (tf K1V n SAI.K St. Peter's Y.P.A. Musica Show, "Spring Fantasy" Civic- METAL WOilK fts!Utmhbcr mo" Nate Ji18 modem ' Cmi N'onal t b.: "'Hi man,, in.. Centre, -April 29. The United Church Spring Sale, May 5. PLUMBING Installations and Repairs. SHEET MET A I. WORK. Tar and Gravel Roof-lne. Letourneau to Sons. t29 Sixth West. Phone 543.- (tf) (U) Gyro Kloiulylic Night, Civic Centre, May 0. C.C.F. Spring Hale, May 7, Sons of Norway Hall. 1P.M. The Lightweight ONE MAN POWER CHAIN SAW 1 LIGHT STURDY COMPACT For All Types of Operation in the Woods Experience proves the dependability and fine performance of the P. M. CARRIED IN STOCK AT PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE 712 Second Ave. P.O. Uox "72 Porch Paint Presbyterian Missionary Tea Church Hall,, May 12. Eastern Star Tea, May 19, Mrs. L. W. Kergln. H.M.C.S. Hftlda Chapter I.O.D. E. Tea, May.;21. Sonja Ladies Tea May 28. IV simp matior (,. i . , i.. f WOK ing Pi. . v' "u ep your sieps aim veiauun SMOKE 20 STATE EXPRESS Taxtr all tin lliivimr of rirh Virginia ti.liaccoM . . . rollcil firm anil smooth in vi-l-pr'K)f iiajH-r. SMOKE 20 STATE EXPRESS n ,.;"', using- WCO PORCH PAINT Hardware Co. Ltd. TOO I ATE lO CLASSIFY i FOR- S.ALE . 1!)47 Far?;o 3-ton Kill" whoclba.se truck com r.njuy unmkiii'' (ilrasiiie tuat 18 clean. HiitKilll all tlit way. 1(1 Types of PrinlhiLr Kr. J - SMOKE 20 STA1E EXPRESS Ami in every 'pack you'll discover 211. month M...kins reaw-iw f'r Mvit. hmg lieiinaiieiilly to Mate Lxpre. plete, with Gallon lioiso ana Coiubinatum Wood Steel Dock Dump Bodv. 5-sneed Transmission. 8.23-20 tires front, dual rear and spare. Exr client condition. Driven oulv 11.000 miles. Price $3,200. Apply Wassend Bros. Phone Jiiluc 836. i:.L!!i POR SALE Marconi Automatic Record Player radio conibina- tion, mantel style, like new. Vcrv reasonable price. Apply lNl,pEN0lLS OFFICE SUPPLIES HOME STATIONERY WANT E. D AI PLICATIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED FOR THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS FOR 1919: CAMP MANAGERS liOAT CREWS ONE SKIPPER J. CLAUSEN & SON RUPERT MARINE REALTY Box 54g Trince Rupert, E.C.' ilili pricei - EEE ft iiiiiiiif Co. Box 504. Daily News. lock GIRL" for local office inuncdl-ately. Apply Box 504 Da. v News. Phone 231