0 Prince liuum Dailp J3cius Monday, April ?, 1943 STEELIIEAD SCARCE tConimuec rrom rage 4) Hn-iUr-Sjt NntlS -A Weekly Record AIR PASSENGERS Editor Irene Hansen. Reporters Mar go Brown, Joan Moller, Donna Kerrighan, Mary Mollcr, Donna Kerrighan, Bob Watts. Bo-Me-Hi Hoop Champs Welcomed by Student Body This Wednesday the students of Bo-Me-Hi were' allowed to paeK up tneir could 0 down to the boat basketball team. Xow that the tp;im dooks at ll:oU so that they and meet the home-coming hnmp flip hnva will Vtnv-o tn knuckle down to their studies, because the next week rfTr , rt 7. i wbuiiuiuies Mary McAf ee Publicity Representative Mary was born here on Dec- BULLETINS The third period every morning a knock Is heard on the door. The teacher saunters to "la portc," opens It and a transparent, rattling sheet of paper is thrust into the outstretched hands of the teacher. It is the daily bulletin. Usually it starts off with a poem pleading to the students to buy students' cards and then it continues with happenings of the day or events in the future. If it wasn't for this bulletin the students would be ignorant about what is going on around the school or else they wouldn't care to find out. Advertising Brings flesults! You saw it m the News! ' u lr'""-c! iRuPCrt Generai Hospital. It was! resist the natural impulse to spread the word abroad. Fresh salmon eggs are generally considered the most ef- fffl.ivp hiiit . flithnnoh tViov Tirtc . " - KIVl.Ull-ll L.Ik- T a problem in themselves. To 1 get the eggs, one has ki catch a fish and to catch a fish, un-I less one has to have unusual ! luck, it js necessary to have fresh eggs. Those who depend on using the eggs from the first female steelhead caught of:rj have a pretty discouraging time Fopular, indeed among his ieilows is the man who lands an egg-loaded female early in the day. His contribution of bait to the crowd makes his name blessed. A notable feature of a steel-head fishing day generally Thursday afternoon or Sunday is the consideration given the man lucky enough to get one on his line In the ensuing battle, wmcn own last, upwards of an jhour, the fisherman is ed every assistance and tesy as he stumbles the rocky, stump-infested Dank. PISCATORIAL CO-OPERATION ' One notable example of this co-operation was the occasion when Bert Jefferies tagged a 10-pounder which eventully dived under a half-submerged log. fouling the line. ' Lome Vanetta "" im,, ,. , me deadhead and carried it up ana aown the stream, following the fish io keep the line from breaking. The fish was eventually landed. The steelhead's habit of trying to swallow the bait and hook contribute to another hazard and has- been responsible for U;e loss of a good manv fish.Hno to no fault of the fisherman I With the hook caught deep in ' his mouth, the nylon leader ' passes over its razor-like battery ; of teeth and often before u,e THE LUXURY TAX IS nrr, I To Vancouver T. N. lounss, ijO. Maartman, G. R. McLean. A. J. Wirick. ,1 To Sandspit B. Scott, D. ! Slader. From Vancouver W. Neiiley. ,'K. Beake, Mrs. H. Feteren, L. F. May, C. McKee. From Sandspit J. Tokar, G. 1 Hampton, Percy Priichard. (Wallace's Running ! Mate Is Jailed . j BIRMINGHAM, Ala Senator Gien Taylor of Idaho, who i was running mate of Henry ' Wallace in the presidential election last year, was sentenced, fto six months' imprisonment .for disorderly conduct here last week. I , Joseph Cheii. inspector , I schools, sailed this mornin? ' 'the Ca.ir.osun far Tori Sunoson ' 6n official business. ! RADIO STATION AT HOBBY SHOW (continued from pagp 3) Those taking rti? K?:ne Furnishing Course at present are planning on bringing down ' their ufinished lamn shades footstools and chairs. Many of i the articles are being finished off at home so in the show will be seen the result of two weeks' work of the 50 women taking the course. , - ; . : RESISTS Acids Alkalis Steam Stains Gives lasting beauty and orotection io walls and woodwoik GLOSS OR SATIN FINISH WTrnT " l IffiiTfiiiiiii'firiir tnH i ( MAKE YOUR NEXT PAIR n; AND WE ARE SO HAPPY WE'D SING IF WE COULD... Disc Discussion TOP TEX 1. Cruising Down the River. 2. Far Away Places. 3. Powder Your Face with Sunshine. . 4. A Little Bird Told Me. 5. I've Got My Love to Keep Me Warm. 6. Galway Bay 7. Lavender Blue. 8. So Tired. 9. Red Roses for a Blue Lady. 1 10. Sunflower. ' Margaret Whitney blends herj voice with an equally beautiful ' iong, nnue me .Angelus is Ringing." - The whole family should go for this record In a big way. It has a haunting mel ody, and the orchestration, un der Frank de Val, is superb. Bells provide a very strikin"1 background. The reverse reverse side. "My Dream is Yours," is just as pleasing to the ear. It's what one might call a "sweet, romantic" song. Frankie Lane has written a song! And that isn't the half of it. King Cole (Frankie copied his singing from King (has made a recording of the sons "It Only Harmens Once" and appears to have scored another success. Backing it is an oldie "No Moon at All." This record has just made its debut in Rupert. "Sunflower" is steadily rising in popularity. Frank Sinatra's versions seems to have the biggest sales. ' Student Voices ON A LEAKY PEN Wnen tne ancient Egyptians learncci t write py scratching initials and hearts on pyramids, tney snould have stopped there. bottle of ink has been found wilh a b!ottr or shirt tail, the sistance to fincers. thcrre tsi notebooks, and on and on. Whm he resumes writing, after missing only three paragraphs li he is adept at pen fillirg. a studeat invariably finds all his 6"s and a's filled with ink. However, with blithe unconcern hn closes the book at the end of class -blotting takes up valuable Unv: This type or notebook is an u-spec tor's delight. He doesr.'t attempt to decipher the blurred outlines, which is a. blessing ' from the student's point of vie-'. ; A leaky pen is oarallf. t,, leaky faucet in annoyance po- u-ntiahty. Yes, the pre-peiv Egyptians had something and: I'm not referring to Cleopatra.-' V I tTeryibmg at Bulger's is Now Free of the Luxury Tax A watch that formerly cost you $20 with !a s now cost you $16. This illustration applies everything in the store. ALSO OUR SPECIAL DIAMOND VALUES HL BE ON DURING THE PERIOD OF LENT ORE EASTER. lish is landed, sometimes jus" ' FrSress- however, could not bi as it is being brought to th9 cJenied" Tnev soori invented shore, the t e e i h will" wear PaPJ""us. which we now use as through the eight-pound test'paper handkerchiefs, and reeds leader, freeing the fish. What with tlyes as ink- Now- even this follows thereafter is consorab'e. . miSht have proven feasible had Standard technique for steel-'not some Aspired fool decided hpad fishing is "fish the bot-!lie hadn't the patience to dig torn." That, it appears is when; ' reeds into dye- i the fish lurk and they won't rise1 The invention of the wheel1 to bait. It has to be let down was soon followed by one of equal to them on weighted lines. i magnitude, the invention of the respite the fact that this sea- funtain pen. Now, a student bun has been called the poorest may use this implement steadily on record at Cloyah,.it is un-iioT naIf an hour and need only likely that any of the confirmed refi!1 when he should b" st"eihead men will strop trying. ! writing important notes. After Said one: "After you've caught wiping the nib (presuming a 3 A- . V 1 4MK I I J , 5 5 m i - GIRLS' COATS j For all ages from baby up J J including: the young "Miss." Styled Up to the S Minute ... Priced Down to Earth! RUPERT S PEOPLES STORE: Plumbing Troubles? PL CALL v BLUE U3) 846 SAANICH Plumbing & Heating C::::.;:.,-rDG;(3 COAIPLtitEtY RENOVATED "Better Than Ever" )7 -U J Best Food and Service In City Phone 17 for Send-Out Orders Third Ave. David Chow. Mct. J . ,,.,, -i,,,,,!,,,,.,,,., iHI(ii)jllIl1llM ,,(;, ,t '""'"'"""""uiiiuiiiiaiiiiiniiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijii.iriiiiiiiii l j 1P A PICKET FENCE TO tunmj fii a JIUAKI) WALK TO FIX? ... . For Repair or Building Supplies PHONE 363 MITCHELL & CURRIE LTD. Builders and Contractors FIIOXE 303 4 iinn i!'n I'limiw inn it iHi iimip i,j,,i,. . ,.. . tiifMyllm,,!,,,,,,,, I, i, Hull, UliilB1:,UUu(Ki1ii,!j Jl Prince Rupert Florists 300 3rd Ave. 3ox516 Tel. 777 Flowers for All Occasions I: A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD. SlITLS IS COMPLETE. Oriental Walnut Butt Walnut Avndire Bleached Colonial Maple Birdseye Maple Prices from $130 to S208 Phone 775 We Deliver 327 3rd Ave. j At last " NOW THE 25 holds the beloved Easter exams The players wrote certain as signments and tests before they left. Congratulations team, for coming in third place, and you too, Ray Spring, for being placed as forward on the second All-Star team. ARNOLD OLSEN. Enid Scdgewick CHAMP. This Tuesday Enid Sedgwick won the Senior High School ping pong championship. Her victory was over Dorcen Paul. Doreen won one game, while Enid won two. Enid Sedgwick and Leona Webster (who is the junior high champ.), played two games. The first was a slow game and was won by Enid with a twenty-one to fifteen score. The second game was fast and also saw Enid the victor in a twenty-one! to ten "skunk." , Congratulations Enid! Classified Adj Bring Results! Deluxe Delivery Phone 383 Prompt and Efficient Service AFTER 6 P.M. CALL Anything Black 419 Anytime - '283 Anywhere 892 VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesday, 1,30 p.m., Catala Sunday, 10 p.m., CoquiUara ALICE ARM, STEWART AND PORT SIMPSON Sunday, 11 p.m. FOR SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS s.s. CoquiUam, March 25, April 8 and 22, 10 p.m. FOR NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS s.s. CoquiUam, April l and 15 and 29. 10 p.m. FRANK i. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 503 NOW AVAILABLE LOOK FOR TOE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED . ' , 24U'fl- MORTIMER.' 2nd Ave. (Near CFPR your first steelhead, you f pel a- f tl.ough you had never really fished before You're caught amhni- 9fl 1011 4 1. t Vw, .IJ condemned soon after. A good' deal of her time was spent at Georgetown but Ihu didn't pre- vent her from the onslaught of Borden Street School. Eventually she was promoted (or demoted! to Booth, which explains why the plaster frequently cascades from the ceiling. Her fav- orite sayings are "Vous etes un chere" and "once more unto the breach dear friends, once more." This seems to indicate either that she is enamored of Lawrence Olivier. Mary's scholarislic activities include inciting Mr. Sbrochi to murder and selling milk at lunch hour. As an outdoor git! she enjoys skating, boating, halibut liver oil capsules, badminton, basketball, and fishing. Furthermore. Mac belones to Job's Daughters and the United Church Choir. At the present writing she is contemner with! the Prime Minister in an attempt i w nave a ten-day week instal led. This would give her lime) for everything. i Mary will probably storm the! halls of University of British! Columbia after graduation wnere sne win doubtless gain recognition as an advocator of the "Education by Osmosis" school of thought. After graduation she will return to become Prince Rupert's first apple peddler, complete with monkty-shmes. j Prince Rupert's Finest Eating Place BROADWAY CAFE BEST FOOD BEST COOKING JB -ft a Specialty CHINESE DISHES FOR T.IKK-IIO.ME ORDERS PHONE 200 603 WEST THIRD AVENUE Exhaust Pipes Mufflers Halibut Shutes ..Y. I PROMPT ATTENTION TO ALL WORK Printers P.O. liox 1 for!mK sPreaas without human as- Ormcs Drug DRUGS Reserve Your Seats Early For KENNETH SPENCER The Great American Uasso iSr iIIhI $13.50 Much Civic Centre, Thursday, April W PHONE 81 Boat Owners jiie ana vour future niii h haunted by wet and half-frozen sessions every time you get a half-day off. Poor fish!" You saw it in the News! ATEH'S 1 or 11 row n to EE E f ! ' $16.50 i ; GEORGE HILL & SOUS, LTD. P.O. BOX 737 ; INFORMATION P.O. BOX 1676 APPLIANCES FOR YOUR COMFOK IF VOIR BOAT NEEDS AINU CONVENIENCE . . . New Stacks , Ventilators : Tanks THE CLOCKS Electric Kitchen Electric Alarm mFFKK.M Ak'EI!Rrrv PHONE BLACK 8K1 WE ARE EQUIPPED TO DO ALL TYPES OF METAL WORK THOM SHEET METAL LIMITED 253 First Ave. E. BLANKETS (I.E., Dual Conlrol LAMPS Trililc CoinpJelc with Silk Shades - Torcherics Table Lamps . HEALTH - LA MI'S Infra Red Clear Infra Red Itubv $C.!I5 Sli.95 $5.75 to ; $1W5 S17.75 $7.75 jl.55 . SIM . SI4.5 $8,93 Skeena Construction & Cabinet Co. Builders and General Contractors FLOOR SANDINO AND CABINET WORK CONCRETE WOR KAND REMODELING Houses built under ihc N.II.A. Plan-20 down navn.ent-balance in easy monthly payments over a period of 13 to 20 years. ' Free Estimatees """ FOR ALL YOUR! PRINTING REQUIREMENTS ('' Ilegal TOASTERS , Westuijrhousc Autocrat General Electric. 2-sliie General Electric, Turnover FOR FURTHER PHONE BLACK 221 Northern B.C. Power Co. ED. SAUNDERS) Second Avenue PHONE 21 Irrl Avp mirl 3rd SI PHONE 210 or 209 we can give &m? Customers a break! SAJE at LUXI SB9S OFFERING SMCOUNTS OF 10 TO 20 ON NEARLY -ALL KEMEMBEK-AH UE THE EARY new slockK arriving will have the new 10 tax apphed which will mean increased Vice later C BIRD AND SAVE OFF ALL DIAMONDS ENGLISH BONE .JMN'A Cups and Saucers 95c and 1 25 each "YOUR FRIENULY'JEWELLKI Expert Watch anrl Jewellery Repaid