VICTORIA, H. C. 131 I a 31-43 NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER TAXI Phone U3 mmiw , 1JLACK AM) WHITE CABS i Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port-"Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" VOL. XXXVII, No. 10. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, JANUARY 13, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS DQQ2(STAn1 j--Cabs : Railway Wage Negotiations Start; More Revenue Under New Deal Power Company Taxes Up, City To Pay Cost oj Street Lights r 1 o still consider a basis of 300 watts ;:al Miners M Strike Alberta Men Seeking $11 Fer ay Wages B.C. Not Yet Alice ted CALGARY (C Strike action lade idle five mines In the row'f Nest Pass region of Al-erta' today and walk-outs Ir. 16 Drumheller district of the Decision on Rate Increase This Month per standard as applicable," Alderman Black wrote. 'Xarger size lamps could be utilized at discretion of the company, unless otherwise directed by the coun Cost of operating the 19 ornamental light standards on Prince Rupert's downtown streets will be borne by the city from now on instead of by the cil. :Q "The reason for this request being made i.s that under amendments to the Municipal Act,, the company now must pay to Northern B.C. Power Co. which has supplied light free of charge to 21 of them for the last 17 years. Change in the operating setup is a result of provincial legislation that requires the power company to pay to the city three percent of its gross annual revenue from the sale of electric power and light. Prior to this DECLARES PRICE CONTROL NEEDED VANCOUVER. Oi "To bring prices back into line controls will have to be reimposed," It was unequivocally declared by Aid. J. D. Cornett, president of the Retail Meat Dealers' Association of Vancouver, In asserting sales of bacon and other hog products were down "terribly." Price of bacon has been dropped five cents a pound but will probably go down more as con SMUGGLING JEWS HERE LONDON Scotland Yard is conducting an investigation of a conspiracy to smuggle Jews from various parts of Europe into Canada on fake British passports. It is reported to have been a large-scale conspiracy. Three arrests have been made in this country and two Foreign Office officials are reported to WRATHY SHOUTS AS PROBE OPENS VANCOUVER There were cries of "swindlers" and "tar and feather the directors" yesterday as an investigation opened here Into the affairs of the Union Health and Accident Association. The inquiry has been ordered by the Attorney General. JEWS HOLD UP TEL AVIV BANK OTTAWA (CP) Renewed wage negotiations between the major rail companies and their 115,-000 employees, under federal government auspices, are expected to open in Mon treal Wednesday. Unable to reach agreement on the men's wage-increasing demands, the disputants now will have the aid of H. R. Pittigrove, Labor Department industrial relations officer for the Maritimes. Some feel the negotiations will go on cautiously while the parties await the Board of Transport the city three percent of gross yearly revenue from the sale of electrical revenue within the municipality, in lieu of previous taxes. "Under the circumstances, the company feels that the city should now assume the full cost of street lightfng, as the company is the only taxpayer in rovJlKe are "probable" follow-1 lg breakdown of wane nego-iatlons betwsen operators of the ilnef and representatives of Mitriet 18 of the United Mine VorSeis of America. Between O and 1800 miners are em-iloyed in the Alberta Crow's lest workings while the union nembcrship at DrumheUer is WO thousand. Strike action came early to-lay and the walk-out wa cle-cribed as "news to them" by Jillon officials who said that arller strike action was not a xwslMlity. year, the city has received only MONTY AND SON Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery, chief of the British imperial general staff, places a belt of honor on his own son, Cadet Officer David Montgomery, during a tour of inspection of the Royal Armored Corps officers training school, Bovington Camp, Dorset, England. Cadet Montgomery was awarded the belt for being adjudged the best cadet in his unit. business licence fees and land and improvement taxation from the company. sumers remain quite indifferent about buying at inflation levels. Under the new taxation sct-uo. the municipality which is subject to the new tax. The amount payable to the city is not in any way proportionate to ordinary or ! the tax on the sale of electrical j energy will yield '.he city $8,114, have been suspended for alleged complicity. Six aliens have been taken lira custody in the Jewish quarter of Toronto. Royal Canadian Mounted Police are collaborating with the bains of Scotland Yard in in- JERUSALEM r Armed Jews, according to a tentative state- s':" payaoie oy NEW PLANE SEARCH ON I Including several women, yester- ....,t ., i ,.,. ........ .i u .. ' taxpayers anu anu is nit-ui.iv ,n verdict on the i day held up the Bank of Tel '. commissioners' Aviv during the rush hour and companies' application for gen vocf lcrntiniT urVtaf le HaliavaH tn escaped with money estimated Lral freight-rate increases The ' k . ,w;,o,i n mini., wmiriw, ia.ll jrttl Lilc lilv received only $1,146 In the way!cxcesli of Ptevious taxation on of business licenses and land company properties." the aldermen esti-that and improvement taxes from Actually, source , mate, the city stands to gain in about J7' a under thc informing council that the , -vear - u - - - . u niuvojJtau oiliuggliilg JJI'JV I by Jewish sources at worth $40,- decisioni which affect rail to bring the aliens into Canada out). The miners are seeking wase! ncreases of $3 per day for both n!de and outside employee, a aslc wage of $14 per day and in increase of $7 per ton from Lhe present 3c a ton for the miners' welfare fund. British Columbia coal mines ire not as yet affected although the Vancouver Sun said today that miners on Vancou rer Island and the mainland way revenues, is expected tnis : irom displaced persons camps Army Barge In Distress new taxation system. month. ' power company wishes to be re the power company lieved of the cost of maintaining ' n 1930 VANCOUVER Search operations have been resumed by the Royal Canadian Air Force for the TransCanada Air Lines transport which was lost April 15 following report of a fishing vessel captain that he Rad picked up a large piece of plane wreckage in the Gulf of Georgia between Galiano and Salt Surinz in Europe, it was learned Mon- day night. Scotland Yard officials confirmed that they had made one arrest with further arrests pected. the 21 street lights, Alderman undertook to Install the orna-T B. Black, manager of the mental standards at their own ' Northern B C. Power Co., wrote expense, and since that time. ' ... . - 1U. .It.. nniJ lUUtini flrtr 4 C l Sporadic shooting has been occurring throughout Palestine. A British constable and two Jews were killed since Sunday, raising the total deaths since the United Nations vote for partition to 688. VANCOUVER WEATHER Five Million Asked Of Canadian Jews OTTAWA, 9- Canadian Vessel Which Was Going to Aid of Freighter In Aleutians In Trouble Wednesday.111 l('Uer t0 Alderman A. S. Nick- , " ! would go on strike rrson. chairman of the civic u" ",c 5l"u",us'! Newspapers reported the twoiIsland, ten miles ... PorUer be a Ion? Unless It should the balance being borne by tne SEATTLE CP C oastguard Foreign Office employees in.thePass where the llghthouse keep. strike. Vancouver coal dealers utilities committee j.j Jiffi,..,ii il "In requesting requesting tr the city to now Power company. passport department suspended Jewry has been asked to sub- scribe $5,000,000 to support Jewish claims in Palestine. The call was issued at the twenty-ninth annual convention of the Zionist organization of Canada here during the week-end. '. VANCOUVER Dense fog and icy roads caused accidents on Vancouver streets last night but none were serious. Trains and buses are running but all aircraft are grounded. assume charges for 49 of the In many instances, 500-watt : standards lone has recently been lamps were used In the stan-i removed near the Capitol Thea- dards and thc city was charaed j tre on approval of council i the only on a basis of 300 watts Northern B.C. Power Co. wouidfor each light. er ad reported hearing the motor of a plane on the night in question. There were fifteen persons aboard the plane which was never found in spite of widespread search. , headquarters announced today that a self-propelled army barge, the BSP 1927, with nine men on board, was reported sinking near the Shumagln Islands off the Alaskan Peninsula today. The Coastguard said that the while inquiries continue. ' A police official here said that the aliens smuggled Into Canada were mainly Jews of various European nationalities. Some "jumped ship" at Van meeting orders as there is considerable reserve supply. i:0T FIT TO THE TRIAL couver and Halifax, police said. , They were mernoers of the crew3 EIRE ELECTION ON FEBRUARY 18 :: TODAYS STOCKS :: VICTORIA - A Supreme Court courtesy s. D. Junnsiou C4. Ltd. " ADMITS MURDER OF LITTLE GIRl "All I can Cel is Death, so What?" A.ks Moronic Cleveland Killer barge ran into trouble while en-I route to the aid of the freighter I Aleutian Mail of Juneau which I ran aground yesterday on ths .southwest tip of Unlmak Island. I The cutter Clover, which had j been dispatched yesterday to I pick up the crew of the Aleutian Mail, was ordered diverted j to the aid of the barge. Consol.f Smelters . Assize Jury here yesterday held j DUBLIN The Parliament of that Mrs. Edith Etluiline Davis Eire has been dissolved and a was tfot mentally fit to stand general election called for Feb-t rial f ir the murder of William vuary 18. There are already up-Andripw Davis on October 9 last. ; wards of 400 candidates in thc Tfci was the decision after ex-, field for 149 scats. of foreign ships calling at port cities. , As soon as the illegal immigrants are rounded up they will be deported to the country from which they entered Canada. The passports used by the aliens were, apparently, genuine British documents except for the particulars written on them. 98.75 .14 .92 .80 .80 .65 Buffalo Canadian Conwest '. Donalda Eldona Elder initiation by physchlatrists. Mr. BALTIMORE. 9 Harold Beach jr., slender filling station attendant, told police last night; that he killed eight year old:o anJhiWill Fast Justice A. M Manson ordered the ifoman to be kept in custody pending instructions from the Atbrney General's Department. President Sean O'Kelly of Eire made the announcement Monday night that, on the advice of Premier Eamonn de Valera. he had dissolved the Dail and ordered the general election. Giant Yellowknife 5.90 Hneua Ann luiey wun a niicnen RAIN AND MID DISSOLVE SNOW BLANKET HERE A prankish wind which hurled a record 2.17 Inches of rain on the city overnight, kept up its violent sport today and before noon was sweeping clouds of dust down Prince Rupert's main thoroughfares. Hats which leaped merrily from owners' heads were the weather's main victims. Coming from the southeast in gusts, the wind reached a maximum velocity of 36 miles an hour at 10 o'clock this morning, recording to the Digby Island weather station. Yesterday, borne on an equally strong wind, the rain dissolved most of the snow which had heen lying on the ground since God's Lake .88 ! knife in Cleveland on New Year's day when she resisted his advances. "She began to scream and I lost my head," the 23-year old Beach said. Detectives said that Beach, bespectacled 140-pounder, stand Buyer Resistance Sends Price Down CALGARY Buyer resistance has resulted in a drop of lc to 4c in the retail price of bacon here. WASHINGTON AIR CRASH WASHINGTON, D.C., CP Five persons were killed and four injured today when an Eastern Air Lines plane crashed in a heavy rainstorm while coming in for a landing at the national airport. The crash occurred on the Maryland side of the Potomac River a few miles from the airport. Three of the killed were passengers and two members of ing 5 feet 4 inches, was arrested i Vancouver Bralorne 10.75 B.R. Con 04'4 B. R.X 10 Cariboo Quartz 2.55 Dentonia 15't Grull Wihksne 05 'a Minto 02 '2 Pend Oreille 2.65 Pioneer 3.35 Premier Border 04'l4 Privateer 30 Reeves McDonald 1.30 Reno 10 Salmon Gold 21 Mi Sheep Creek 1.12 Taylor Bridge 50 Vananda 20 Congress 04 Pacific Eastern 05 Spud Valley .20 Central Zeballos 01:4 Silbak Premier 50 Oils Calmont 53 C. and E 4.05 Home 6.15 Toronto Athona ! 09 Aumaque .24 Beattie 78 Bevcourt 51 Bobjo 15 C3JECTI0N TO I.P.P. AUSPICES VANCOUVER -Two scheduled speaker failed to put in an appearance last night at a meeting of the Consumers' League So protest high food prices. Thiy were Lt.-Col. Cecil Merritt. V.C., MJP, and Mrs. Ethel Daiblile whJ 'declined to appear under the auspices of the Consumers' For India's Peace DELHI Mohandas K. Gandhi. Hindu spiritual leader, has commenced a new "fast unto death" as a protest against the continuation of conflict between Moslems. Sikhs and Hindus. He will not eat again, he says, until the contending sides have laid down their arms and peace is restored to India. TRUMAN IS INDIFFERENT PAWTUCKET, Rhode Lsland Speaking here last night, Howard MeGrath. chairman of the Democratic National Committee, reported President Truman as saying: "I don't care whether I am president again." yesterday at the filling station where he worked since coming to Baltimore Saturday. Asked if he understooQ what he had done, Beach shrugged his shoulders, grinned wryly and replied: 'The most I can get Is death, so what?" Hardrock 17 Harricana 07 Heva 20 Hosco 39 Jacknife 05 Joliet Quebec 40 Lake Rowan 11 Lapaska 10 Little Long Lac 1.32 Madsen Red Lake 3.00 Lynx 0934 McKenzie Red Lake 60 MacLeod Cockshutt .... 1.42 Negus 2.38 Moneta 36 Noranda 50.00 Louvicourt 1.35 Pickle Crow 2.25 Regcourt 08 San Antonio 4.15 Senator Rouyn 58 Sherritt Gordon 2.99 Steep Rock 2.26 Sturgeon River 20 New Year's. The rain ceased at 4 o'clock this morning and, by EPIC RESCUE ON ATLANTIC H A L I F A X Another marine disaster was closely aveted laic yesterday with the successful rescue of forty-six survivors of thc United States Army transport Joseph V. Connolly who had abandoned the vessel for the lifeboats after she took fire 900 miles out of New York while on League which they said was .backed by the Labor-Progressive 'party which Merritt dubbed a 'menace to Canada. Mrs Mona 'Mbrgan, president of the League, denied that it was identified 'with any political party. the crew. AMERICAN RELEASED . BERLIN Russian occupation authorities arrested Dr. Herman B. Wells, president of Indiana University, just inside the Soviet sector of Berlin and held him three hours before releasing him. United States Army police said today. 10 o'clock, clouds of dust were whipping down Second and Tliird Avenues. Rainfall for the past 24 hour period up to 4 a.m. today was 2.17 inches, believed to be the heaviest so far this winter. The persistent wind caused houses to shiver and windows to rattle most of the night. THE WEATHER Synopsis I Clear cold weather will persist r -.11111 , wm m psfssw fMri! an the wav to Antwerp with cargo Over the southern portion of the j of 5(100 caskets in which to bring LOCAL T IDES Wednesday, January 14. 1948 In spite of snow and rain conditions, traffic is being maintained normally on the local line of Canadian NaUonal Railways. Tonight's train, due from the High 3:32 19.3 feet Contributory Old Age Pensions OTTAWA (T A contributory system of old age pensions is expected next on the King government's over -all program for a high standard of social services. The plan i.s now being worked out by the highest actuarial authorities and may be ready for the present House session. CAR SALES FALLING OFF OTTAWA Owing to the "austerity program" Involving higher prices, car sales are dropping in Canada. In October 23,640 cars were sold in the Dominion but the figure dropped to 20,809 in November. 15:06 20.3 feet Low 9:14 21:37 8.3 feet East at 10:45, was reported this 3.9 feet ' afternoon to be on time. back American war dead from Europe. After several hours In peril from mountainous seas, lashed by a 40-milc gale, the survivors were picked up by the transports Union Victory and General Callin and arc now on their way to Halifax for medical treatment, three being seriously injured. The la-st heard of the Joseph V. Connolly was that she had heeled over in the sea, an apparent total loss. province today with an increase i Id cloudiness and milder conditions rxperteu for tomorrow. Intermittent rain along the north toast and snow flurries in the nwthrrn interior are expelled to cop (i nue today and Wednesday rit li little change in temperature. I Prince Rupert - Intermittent tain I today and Wednesday; :wind, southerly, 30 miles per -Itour today; southwest, 20 miles ,-per hour, Wednesday. Tempera-'jtures Prince Rupert 35 and 45. sMassett 38 and 45. ' - m If 'III ' "i ------ 1 --"V !- 4 ' ' "'X '''V .ia..y:. A,.,,.tA.fa JSyv- ,,a. .' m,,,,,,,! -- -V ;TTt f ''....itoiiMi ffil Four Local Naval Reservists To Sail In Newest Canadian Vessel Four local men, members of H.M.C.S. Chatham naval reserve division, will join the crew of H.M.C.S. Cayuga, latest destroyer to be added to Canada's fleet, and will sail in the vessel from Halifax to Es-quimalt where it will join;the Pacific division of the Royal Canadian Navy, j : The men are Chief Petty ner tr'P to tlle west coast i Central Interior Overcast ; vwith snow flurries today and fWednesday. Temperatures; Smi-Jtheri 25 and 32, Prince George 20 and 30; Telegraph Creek 10 )nd Jo. mrough. tne Panama canal, sne I will be manned by more than 100 naval reservists, drawn from Swans on Oliver Lake and Geese On Acropolis Hill Grounds Snow Stormy weather of late is believed to be the reason of the unusual proximity of migratory birds to the city within recent days. Harry Robins, manager of Nelson Bros. Fisheries Ltd. cannery at Port Edward, a regular motorist to and from the city, reports thai, white swans iiave Deen staying on Oliver Lake between the city limits and Galloway Rapids bridge for some days. It is not the first time that Mr. Robins has seen swan between the city and Port Edward but they do not always stay so long. Doug Frizzell tells of seeing geese on the snow of Acropolis, Hill grounds rrom the w.naow of his home nearby. His attention was attracted by the nearby honking. Officer Douglas McGillivray and Able Seamen Howard Lavigne, Peter Petersen and Neil Shep-pard. They will leave here for Halifax on January 19. returning sometime in March. Lieut. John Quinn, executive officer of H.M.C.S. Chatham announced today. H.M.C.S. Cayuga isthe newest and most modern destroyer of the Royal Canadian Navy. On divisions across the country,. The Reserve complement will make up the biggest portion of her crew. It is expected that the voyage will take about two weeks. The four Prince Rupert men, who volunteered for service on the Cayuga, will be away between a month and six weeks. fcpUBLICANS IN itUDGET PROTEST I WASHINGTON, DC, Repub -llcan voiced cries of protest Jyeterday at President Truman'A tS3.50C.0GO budget and declared vlt would be cut. .They did not, however, object to the national Jdfcfenco phases of the budiret. MAN AND BIRD Human seafarers have wished often enough that they could change places with the nonchalant seagull as it rides out the wildest waves, but this centuries-old situation did a right-about-face on the first voyage of the Canadian weather ship, H.M.C.S. St. Stephen when a storm-tossed gull sought shelter on boaard the vessel. Among the close friends the bird developed in the ship's company was the commanding officer, Lieut. E. M. Chad wick, R.C.N., on whose shoulders it rests In the above photo. . iR C.N. Photo)