HUMPHREY C0CART Prince Uupm Daily ttttot Tuesday, January 13, 1948 FAVOR NATIONAL HEALTH PROGRAM First of Series of Debates By i meets in the Civic Centre every BARBARA STANWYCK, SHIPS AND WATERFRONT " ' ihi Govt. Heel larliiun Kves. 7:0(1-9.00 Mat. Wi i. 2:3t ALEXIS SMITH Steps To Guard Atomic Secrets 08AMH8HHMX WARNERS' UlTaTOB TfieWO The kind, location or quantity of any fissionable substance or deuterium (heavy wateri not Monday night. Taking the affirmative side of the question "Should Canada Have a National Health Program?" were A. P. Crawley, Lloyd Rice and Percy Knutsen, while Wesley Manning, Carlo Hansen and Jack Mussallem spoke for the negative. :;. I ' l: Junior Chamber of Commerce Canada should have a national health plan, the Junior Chamber of Commerce public speaking class concluded labt night after the affirmative side of a six-man debating group had presented what the judges considered the stronger argu AftiepHKH Board Given Complete Power Over Publication Of Information OTTAWA (Pi The atomic Desultory fishing operations in this area at iv: moment include a limited amount of trawling of flatfish in Hecate Straits for fil-letting in Prince Rupert plants. The long spell of rough weather has been curtailing the operation in which three vessels are authorized under the regulations; methods of, rates of or capacity for producing any fissionable substance or deuterium, specifications for Substances, equipment or processes Specially ' S. A. Cheeseman and Edward ment. Concrete- Sidewalk On Second Avenue energy control board, guardian ol Canada's atomic secrets, has complete power over the publication by word of mouth, by the press or by any other means of Information relating to atomic energy. This is made clear in the used, designed or adopted for the ! The debate was the first of a ' Mussallem were judges and R. O. series which will be part of theMoor public speaking lnstruct-public speaking training pn-ior. acted as commentator and gram of the class. The group critic. operation of atomic piles or reactors, isotope separation plants for the extraction of fissionable substances; theory, design or at present engaged the Imperial I Finella and Thelma S. A few boats are also engaged in dogfish and black cod fishing. Delayed somewhat by stormy weather conditions in Chatham Sound and off the mouth of the Naas River, Union steamer Cat- operating procedure of atomic i Following request by the owners concerned for construction on the north hide of Second Avenue between McBrlde and First Street of a concrete sidewalk in front of the new Lindsay guage building, Dr. C. H. Hunkinson's clinic and tiio Civic Centre, a p'an ha. been pre-nared and an estimate tnacie f piles or reactors, isotope separa- tion Dlans or Dlans for the ex SEA CADET HEAD TO VISIT HERE Capt. A. P. Musgravc, OB E, R.C.N., director of Sea Cadets, GURVICH 1 & son rn board's regulations which be-1 came effective last April. To back them up, stiff penalties ranging to a fine of $10,000 or five years' imprisonment, or both, are provided in the act under which the board was constituted. Exceptions to the rule are information published previously In scientific or technical fitera-ture, official press releases or RECRUITING HERE FOR AIR FORCE A Royal Canadian Air Force recruiting team arrived in Prince Rupert yesterday and will spend the next week Interview traction of fissionable sub-ala- CaPl- Alex McLennan, re-stances; turned to port at 12 noon today physical properties of ( the nuclei of fissionable sub-! from Alice Arm' Stewart and Port Simpson ana sailed at 1:30 stances: or military applications , of atomic energy. j nis afternoon in continuation The reeulations define fission- of ner voyage to Vancouver and Ottawa, will arrive tn the clty cost of collslruct,,m Ci.y i tomorrow on the Prince Rupert I ..- , . I t ,. nttrt Engineer C. B reported ... u ua,5 W uC l (o cUy C()Unc;1 ,,is, Cemfei I'nder I SprtiiK '' VAKC: a-ble substance as "any prescrib-1 dyPolms- ( j m I melon - i I iM.ijw i nun ui lilt- ni vui.,. ed substance that is, or from Accompanying him will be Lieut. ing young men interested in as, which can be obtained, a sub- approved publications such official reports. iian Ka i HASK.MKNT Commander George Manson, R. ON. Ri of H.M.C.S. Discovery. HOW CAN I ? ? By ANNE ASHLEY BUILDING DECREASES SAULT STE. MARIE, Out. Value of building permits stance capable of releasing sub- lir reset But under me simple headings statial amounts of enero-v hv staff officer of Sea Cadets for making a career in Canada s peacetime air force. The team consists of Flying Officer J. H. Hoult and Flight Sergean; c. T. Taylor, who arrived he e Monday afternoon on of "security" and "disclosure of nudear chain reaction." Deut-1 Q. information" the regulations list erlum or ..heavy water., is used work How can I clean needle-that has become soiled British Columbia. The visiting suea nere in -mi an.ppea oy officers will confer with local j $758 361 from 1946's record -Navv Leaeue and Sea Cadet dlr- breaking $2,371,672. In 1947. 1.- Qt OAHOH H3 W6AMH6KHUX HaHHH r DESTINED FOR RUSSIA Investigators for Rep. Ross Riz-ley's (R., Okla.t war investigating sub-committee said more than $17,000,000 in machinery manufactured for Russia and "earmarked" for shipment to the Soviet, Is stored In war assets administration surplus property depots in the east and middle west. Here is a shipping tag obtained by congressional investigators in the Cleveland, O., area. Rep. Rizley told newsmen that more than $2,000,-ged for Russia is stored at 000 worth of machinery tag-W.A.A. warehouses in that information covering me enure ;in the atomic process. 071 permits were issued, against 1,180 permits In 1948. ectors on Wednesday, and will review Captain Cook Corps be fore leaving for Vancouver on Thursday night. ueiu ui atomic energy wmcn no one persons, corporation or any body may communicate except as permitted by an order from the board. Clearance by the board of any LAKE MARINERS RETIRE MONTREAL (P Captain James Reoch and chief engineer Charles Leriche who sailed the the Pri.icess Louise. They have set up i recruiting booth at the Prince Supert Hotel where they will interview candidates for the next veek. Applications are being sought lor th permanent air force, and the t'-rm of enlistment Is five SOME MOUTHFUL DOLBEAU, Que. ffA woman with 52 teeth. j more than the normal number, was reported by Dr. Paul LaCrolx, dentist of thi.. Dike St. John district town. LETTERBOX HHj.M).TI()S he floor 1,1 lalome Mo. t th hi wreck LAM) CLKAIUNili Trim MH'K WORK Pnt. Divers a bottom TRUCKS I Rope ippeara r it. ror Hire iriine fan Apri lifteen i PHONE 32 Ted! or RED 511 firing," Ills fine fchewed SIXTH STREET first lw 'piece I aboa rd . matter submitted protects grain freighter Donnacona to-against prosecution by the jus-)gether for more than. 10 years tice department under the regu- have announced their retire-lations. . ment bringing to an end long through handling? A. By greasing it with a little pure, clean lard. Allow this to remain for several hours, then rinse well, starch and iron while wet. Q. How can I avoid having to scour sticky pots? A! Drop a teaspoon of soda into the sticky pot, then fill with boiling water and place hi the oven for awhile. It can be cleaned without scouring. Q How can I bring out the delicate flavor of salt fish? A. By soaking the fish in sour milk before cooking. Q. How can I prevent black Kttil LATIONS careers in inland shipping. LIKES DODGE COVE Editor. I Daily News. I came t$ Prince Rupert In the spring of 1920 and Stayed there PARTICULAR ABOUT WATER Most Hindus carry their own water supply with them Because years Basic air force requirements re for ground crew, but there re opportunities for air crew l n men with a wartime background of flying experience. Flying Officer Hoult and Flight Seigeaiit Taylor hopes to inter- ARE STRICT The regulations provide that no persons shall "communicate to any other person orally or by any document, drawing, photo- SOURCE OF WEALTH HALIFAX (P The estimated until 1932 when I moved to Os- their religious law does not per- land In the spring of 1946 I : nut them to drink water drawn capital investment of the fish- the',nioved ta Dodge Cove. or looked at by a man of a dif- est men who saw service in j-econd World War. although an-1 DodKe Coe &cross e har- ferent caste. graph, plan, model or otherwise eries of Nova Scotia is $15,750,-howsoever any information 000 and the number of employees News of Pr. George plications will be accepted from bor from Prlnce Rupert. On the , wpst side of Doie Cove alon? any who have the necessary phy- sical thp waterfront Is the settlement. ' qualifications. j I Across the entrance of Prince whatsoever that, to his know-land share holders in the occu- spots on boiled potatoes? ledge, discloses, describes, rep-pation is estimated to be be- A. These spots will not appear resents or illustrates" the fol-.tween 11,000 and 19.000 people, if a teaspoon of vinegar is addling: according to latest figures. ed to the water bout t foot th GREER & BRIDDEN BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS A Midwinter Carnival to be staged here February 10 and 11 AIR PASSENGERS Rupert harbor, facing Dodge Cove is the, noted Prince Rupert: T An a EishernK-n's ! Outbound. todav-E. A Alex- Co-operative. by the Kinsmen's Club will be rmp nf tip mny? nmnltimis nnrl I D. J. Stephenson, T. C. ai1er'' ever held in the his- In Dodge Cove settlement are eight different nationalities but ' Ringham and Miss Dolly Woods. ' . presaur . hcr " Construction Alteratiom today section J. Williams, for Ule nlairlly f lh people are ; Repai rs for Vancouver; Sandspit. ! Norwegians. I have found this ' ,,Iace as fine a rommunlty as 1 ! M o n d a y W. H. tory of the town. Many events 1 will be introduced. William ! Jamison is chairman of the com- j mittee in charge of arrange-1 ments for th Carnival. He out RUPERT MENS AND BOYS STORE Your BOND Suit, Sir! Inbound toast Phone RED 561 Sweeney. Mr. Vu.ig. A. P. Fast. lv" "l'a '" j Amo the first Kptt" bor" E. A. Alexander, D. J. Stephen-! v;as Edw ard Wahl 8tartpd wno I son. Mr. and Mrs. Hollick-Ken-' ' hpr' as a boatbuiider. Now he yon. T. C. Ringham and Mrs. N. P.O. Box "21 rei lures u ing we port oi lined the elaborate program at a meeting of the club last week. . (UlU III MA llUVIf U MttpyaiU; Peters, from Vancouver; N. S. Campbell, A. McKechnie and J. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Perry, wlni havp hppr wlintr q fw Made to Measure FROM $29.50 cero at loV. A Vancou by nooi tonlgh' Ui t British lor Men and Boy$ RUBBER BOOTS Hip-LetiKth. Vl..TU;!h Knee High. Ankle Hmh TO Tailored to Perfection $42.95 I of their own and also a store,! sawmill, bunkhouse, cookhouse,-etc. His four oldnst ions are first class boatbullders and his two j youngest sons are becoming mill- . Wrights. This Is the biggest fam- ! Ily affair I have yet seen in Brl- ! Columbia. I Here in Dorie Cove you can ! anchor your boat and It Is safe 1 for the winter. j I was born in Iceland July 3, 1 1371. and am still trolling with j the boat T. . Emerson. RUBBEItS IN ALL STYLES "( Whalen- from s- weeks in Victoria, arc expected back in Prince George shortly. HEAVY LOOT Forty members of the local VANCOUVER ffBurglars in Danish community sat down at'Vancouver sU'al anything, the annual banquet last Wed-1 il seems- ln one recrnt tliett nesday night of the Prince 500 1'ound.s of scrap iron, valued George Lodge, Danish Brother-' at $100, was -lifted" overnight hood of America, ln the Prince from the premises of a local George Cafe. Sam Stevens, the business. newly elected president, was In I the chair. Committee in charge1 FOR WARMER HOMES of the event consisted of Mrs.) Storm sashes cut fuel con-Tom Christenscn, Mrs. Karl An- sumption for heating up to 30 derson and Mrs. Alfred Miller. ! per cent, tests show. GEORGE HILL & SONS LTD. lottes : todav kinds. v id - if rite? T.O. Box 737 621 3IU AVI ture. Ask your neighbor. He knows! Yes Sir. Dozens of Prirce Rupert men are wearing Bond Made-to-Measure Clothes. The price actually is no more than the price of a ready made suit but the style and fit is all your own. Dozens of Cloths 6-Week Delivery -tomori and 42 Rupert PHOTOGRAPH!" Colder Drvchiping. I'nntinr nd h Qeorg EnlarRing, picture I rim'";nti Protect Your Car i CITY TRANSFER i taarltblflr The banquet was featured by speeches appropriate to the occasion and was followed by s Vic Menzies McBride St. and First Ave. 19th CENTURY LUXURY About 1870 "Golden Tip" tea from Ceylon sold for as much as $100 a pound. dancing. 10. ( handler and Cowci' .Tnrlf Wirhnlsnn ' finnnrp AWI .1 Prince George was victorious by a score of 9 to 1 over Van- riprhnnf in n.i hnptou by (.kkamm; and 1.1 bkicating DAN'S SERVICE STATION McBride Street (ireen 05 Phone 950 For QUICK N. Keller, board of works. Aid. i 216 Fourth Street Box i Aco few Munro; arena and ambulance, j Aid. John Assman; light and;J TJ game nere last weanesctay nigni. Faster skating and closer teamwork paid off for the locals. !SLU K- K Aid. Hadden; health, parks and j -oing cemetery, Aid. Wisendcn. JWMVWWAvmW COMPANION PRODUCTS Winter Clearance Specials MEN'S OVERCOATS , 6 S14-99 MEN'S SPORT JACKETS ZfSXS?! $12-99 $3 BOYS' ZIPPER WINDBREAKERS $1.95 BOYS' SWEAT SHIRTS 99c ALL BOYS' COATS AND SNOWSUITS REDUCED Forty Prince George boys, members of the local air cadet squadron, had the opportunity of going aloft last Wednesday THY Rex Cafe alternoon when a party of Royal j Canadian Air Force officers vis-' ited here with a DC3 aircraft. The visit.-np party, headed by j Wing Commander E. H. Evans, j came in from Edmonton and j 365 BEARDS A YEAR and ONLY ONE FACE Be Kind To It! COLONIAL CLUB SHAVING CREAM h hind lo lnd ikim, llk 111 cKoaari II bat. on4 IN rich, atony lafkof. Q-m Mil boid. and lion aoM 'NI U i Col iwbo loday Shaving Cream (( Hair Tonic $1.00 Cremr-Oil Hair Dressing .... 7rf Hair Oil 7,"o After-Shave Talc IOf Deodorant 0O . FOR TASTY MEALS Chop Suey Chow Mein CHINESE DISHES OCR SPECIALTY OPEN 3 A.M. TO 2 A M proceeded to Vancouver. There I were to have been three flights I for the boys but snowfall prevented the third flight from being made and, accordingly, some I PCI SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE PRINCE RUPERT HOTEL of the boys were disappointed.! McCUTCHEON PHARMACY LTD, Sixty-eight in all gathered, hoping to go up. (E. C. Wallace, Manager) Tliird Avenue at Sixth Street SEE IS AliOl'T THE i'hom' The Popular Standing committee chairman of the Prince George city council for the year have been appointed as follows by Mayor New "AKITiCO" Rubber On SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 511 FRASER STREET , Prince Rupert LING THE TAILOR We are taking cleaning and pressing and steam pressing while you wait. PHONE 649 220 Sixth Street S.S. PRINCE RUPERT Sails For yd 9 1 J I F FLOOR TILE : IF IT'S CONSTRUCTION WORK Easily applied Lasts a lifetime Comes in a wide range of colors, solid and shades. Will not break or curl. Announcing our new HOLMES TOWING AND WRECKING TRUCK SERVICE FASTER SAFER LESS EXPENSIVE WE 1)0 IT Your Remodelling, Addition, Repairs pK's Finishing given prompt attention Our new Wasop Rock Drill and Floor Sander at Your Service CALL BLUE 610 VANCOUVER AND INTERMEDIATE PORTS EACH THURSDAY AT 11:15 P.M. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT For information call or write City or Depot Ticket Offices. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. For Prompt, PLl'MBIXG AND HEATING SERVICE esc Tsui !Mlsi fthe Wi With this new equipment we can do the job with the least possible effort and save you money by cutting down labor charges to a minimum. RUPERT MOTORS LTD. P.O. Box 634 Prince Rupert, Bi' n IT IT'S MADE OF WOOD WE MAKE IT Itln- PHONES 631 - 632 PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. Coal Lumber Paints - - Building Supplies - PHONE 108 Prince Rupert Plumbing & Heating . "Complete Automotive Repair Service" Vo.VoVoVJ'.VWJ'.VASSoVZ' f ar NORTHERN AND CENTRAL. BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPA" Day Phone 566 (Nights, Black 320)