V Prince Rupert Doily News Thursday, February 9, 19"0 Warm R. Bamford, logging superintendent for Paeitic Mills Ltd., Vancouver, is a city visitor en-route on an inspection trip to company camps on the Queen ' Charlotte Islands. He arrived aboard the Prince George yes- terday morning. i Ray Reflects . . . . . . and Reminisce "W V. fvme. PriiifP Rn-i-rt.. British Columbia Prfar- Ruprrt Dal'v N"' 1 1. - A lil'.N rlh'. Mb l nuin honor. H. O FF.HHY. MBnaemg uirer-vv. tf.rrr.R of Canadian press at'dit bur k ah of circti.ations CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION SUBSCRIPTION RATt-3 jrWPf-. WJ Clffln, Her Week. JCe; Per Month. 15c; Per Tew. 00 'IPS" 4.'XfC'' (5.00 AIM ' By Mall. Per Month. 50c; Per Year. ' CLOTHES For Cold , ,n9 JACKET Special Men's Dress SHir Pure wool. nn;. The Chateau MucDonald. bulll country lies. They should be en in Edmonton 35 years ago. Is to cuiiiaed and ma de to beliee; kg,. Jrfri l'iht TtairWH have a three hundred room, six- that, because the ir development fcU-.--' ' S.p.'.?',1 '. A:.V,M reason at nil &22<.i VJki teen story addition . After all, Is not swift, is no all farliirt of MCl'l4fn "el',ii i.inii titvl Deoule like to be comfortable, why they are not whether on the coast or in Al- consequence in the general lit i SUrPLY berta. ' ;0i the province. Now Men's re" ore oxb; 99cst s, From mi X in- Keaulnruo Now only $1 2j ; Calgary possesses animals that n is admitted in Great Bri'am toclay that "the Liberals haven't: ionce were wild. They still may 'be but. at any rate, Calgary is the ghost of a chance." They; the owner of the whole furry lot. had when Gladstone, Lloya ! One is a goundhog. Last Thuis- George and others who might be day morning, February 2, some mentioned, walked the earth. Calgarians were up early to see hat Mr. G. H. would do con- How many, today, are familiar cerning this "seeing my own with the lines of 'Beautiful shadow" business every Febru- Snow," written a few generations aiy 2 morn. And, by Jingo, pa- ago and first appearing Jn the tience and faith were rewarded, United 8taUs? Few ever hear This groundhog shook off dull the words, unless spoken In a sleep, stepped out, saw his shad- fpirit of banter, or gentle raillery, ow Ot being Sunny Alberta and As an example of a composition later on had his picture in the, that convey sentiment without j Calgary Herald, large as life. 'bathos, choice of language and 4 Weather Again T HERE ARE REASONS for the extraordinary I I weather and some are given by men who should know something of the subject. Dr. Ralph F. DeLu- ; ry, a former astrophysicist at the Dominion Obser- , vatory in Ottawa, recently said he agreed with Dr. Charles G. Abbott, research worker of Washington ; who told an interviewer that, through careful studying of the sun, weather upsets could be forecast. Sun ; spots, he says, occur vjth unusual intensity, every i . eleven and one third years. They have just passed ; through a period of maximum activity. ; Another factor is the knowledge that, at the present time, the moon is travelling its greatest distance north and south. This movement of the moon ; carries water vapor and hot air from the tropics an ' unusual distance under these conditions, Dr. DeLury ; . reports. At any rate there must be some scientific '. explanation to help make clear why, in January, ; there art butterflies in the east, and below zero ! REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED OVERCOATS Soeriol j) fVorjp Vuntifh .Um . :rr, Ice 4 It. E. MOItTIMEK 324 2nd Avi. N-Hr (,KPK now PANTS -wool cloth, good S'r.es Boys' and Girls' h "Who threw that spitball?" j moral tone, it Is not surprising . We wish scientists wouW st()p that there was once a time when ! HOTEL ARRIVALS ltrymii0 verse is constructed, flnd1?H0W comments the ,,n!" : SdepuSf wlut- popuiauiv. and m enjoy ; an Ontario daily. Sometimes, lis- j Mrs. Carlson Dies Suddenly wool. Rsq. $995 ' Now only Classified ads. Dring results. Prince Rupert .tenmg lo a conversation you clis. cover, at least one man who Mi's. Const anrp Carlson r-nrp-1 W taker of the City Rest Room and , A. Rosback, W. A. Kinney. R. , knows far more than that. i for many years a well known Bambiord. R. Nelson, W. E. Drake, . I - readings in the usually balmy Pacific Coast. j HIDDEN TAXES and devoted Salvation Army Boris Horsfall, Boris Fawcett, K. A greater sale of fish in Can-worker, died suddenly in the Loth. C. N. Shears, Miss W. Hutt, ' ada is needed if Canadians are Prince Rupert General Hospital 'Mis V. Bryson, George Scott, Vern ', to make the most of their oppor-iin Wednesday. " 'Miller, W. Page. W. D. Wilson, M. tunities is the substance of press Although having been u sut- S. Young and James McMillan, opinion in the Maritimes. And ferer from heart trouble,' Mis. Vancouver; G. Kearly, Prince it goes on to say that to those Carlson attended a Saivalloi. George; Miss L. Byjork, city; Mr.1 who know tastf fish dishes, the Army meeting Tuesday night and and Mrs. Happell, Aero. eating thereof is no patriotic WE CANT FIX BROKEN HEARTS BUT Pn. rince Rupert Fi TAXES always exist and they help HIDDEN very materially in the providing of national revenue. Many and bitter are the complaints today Hiiv 1 For Complete Sheet Mefal Work o CALL BLACK 884 o SERVICE WORKMANSHIP DEPENDABILITY THOM SHEET METAL LTD. imrrs fur All 0, oni 300 1 3ru Ave. BoyjH i appeared to be in normal eondi-! W. Gibb, Masset, A. Hodges, duly but a true delight. Indeed tion. Soon after arrival home, 1 North Pacific; H. Helin, Queen it might well be asked who finds concerning the cost ot living. Ana wmie some I however, she was stricken with Charlotte G. it an unpleasant or unwelcome thought. 1-Anrrht Ot nf nfrPitv necCSMU, -must murt a appi n nl v td tO taxation taxation the Uie City; Norbury, at b bf,lievec) ,Q haye been a. Vancouver; Vhomas Brown, experience to consume salmon Weight of the thought does not worry consumers in j cerebral hemorrhage-and was re- i Vancouver; M. Hyde, Smithers; mayonnaise, broiled mackerel WE CAN FIX BROKEN RADIOS Call Blue 002 00 Day Guarantee ,l.,,r flvnonco rlnuc ! niovru in me amuuiance 10 uie , j. Dun od . Smithers: Mrs. R. "un lemon ups, or a line nan- the sense that thinking of every : lino-lit ;il Shp f n ilprl tn rpffiin run - : c-a i i a . u hut. xlpak i i For Friendly S: And Advice in Building, Insulot . - 4 ""K . . v. . -,.-.- . , ilirWd.1 L. nillTt? nilil. II. lVldL" As the Cincinnati Enquirer emphasizes what is sciousness. , ! Donald, city; r. e. Homewood, makes even direct ! . Lall!,un was a muvc "M Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. C. Big cities are important but it known as the withholding tax KEN'S Decoration Pre; RADIO CLINIC iumaj -' i jonnson. aiewari: jacK Mariin. is nm easy io Deueve inai me iu- taxation. a practically painless process. But far be- j husband Emil Carlson of Dighy iTen.ace. m. D. Dahlquist, Cedar- ture of a country is in having iIslanci- and a son, Emar Carlson. 1 . 1 them become j larger and H-,,'. .l,m.n V,a 1-,,-rl,! ;mnn0o W,nh oniD1. H Clwtrier, Ketchikan; larger, thl, there aie o,.Q the hidden Which entei !She jond imposts had lrved in ?rlne- Rip?rt;c Cameron victoria; O. c.'Small cities, towns and villages ISLAND CI since 1928 For Satisfactory Service ?18 2nd Ave. W. Klue so intimately into what people pay tor. there is con BUILDERS' M Gordon, Winnipeg; W. J. Dunn, are also important. It's In that ,vul beiSmithers; Mrs. A. Coutts,' Van-, dlreetion the true future of a c( aled taxation in almost every article or service j announced later. couver; Mrs. L. McPhle, Watson Island; S. Madeson, Edmonton; " "" " ' ' . ', MEN'S 10" .' ficnciul Dnildfts' ','. Mi r.i Mil- st. ' one buys. V Mrs. Mrs M.-Kpnyie McKenzie. Edmonton Edmonton. - y I rT-'3Vv i r... - m ,. "-v iTn . . . . BRAVE NURSES j J i Walter Johnson, Osland; Vic j i iA4(rlrjaV u ""8glaiJ 1 "l ' 1 1 J i - r.( " ! fyitriM, ! lf I ? 'af h" VCilGIO '' - K i r I Wiil I MILLIE'S IkVST I . J:vw '" f,V -fiJ Sl J i ?L !'!'' ' Ck.iriPf ! UaT ' SNACK J S" 5!' i X W$m i . H I N THIS WINTER of hardship, caused chiefly by I conditions natural, yet nevertheless abnormal are thousands of examples of endurance, and all tor tor Dupllsse, uupusse, osland; .'siaiiu, William milium Glass, Gss, Vancouver; Vancouver; Hans Hans Stoilen, Stoilen.; lNeW New Westminster; Westminster; R. R. H. H. Irwin. Irwin. Vancouver; Vancouver; A. A. C. C. Goetz, Goetz, Vancou- Vancouver; ver; D. D. Mantle, Mantle. Vancouver; Vancouver; R. R. W. W. Berryman, Sandspit. round devotion and usefulness. And one of the finest is the case of nurses Bond and Wilson who ..fought a killing disease in an Indian camp 180 mile ; ' ; north of Fort St. John. une migni tninK inai to euniuai luness is uniy u i. i - t i. i.i i Jiurses uuiy, anyway, very true, oui mere it; always the circumstances to think of. Sometimes, '.a service is performed in a well equipped hospital, vr a comfortable home. On this occasion, they found 'in Halfway Valley, far in the midwinter wilderness, destitution and death, from 40 to 60 below zero, and no accommodation. For three weeks, in the midst of fear, filth, freezing cold and an outbreak ! CTtTI Wf 1 1 Wyrtf Vpfy'A -LUNCH or SUPPER 1 ' 5 7S ' c-m, Iran im HI MH3XuI3IiBiX9 treat1 i I ' yilillMLLI r..4,.w i ! 'm r i o.!l FAM LY SHOE fi USiWlK Ltemm I ST,tl,;!Z,,l, ZZZZ i $$i4 V nf'f"' ' . . JDe-' -g o: ' . TlJ A Tf This advertisement in nt pubUihvd - nBMBIMHli-aMMMlM ' - - ' ' , j t j v jrn. 11 J- (,r 4iP'ayd by tbe Iilquor Control i W ; I - NNFv.Xfe Bo" VtUi-r" 01 Hi -r-r., v..-. i5 . il john h. ii bm of diphtheria that cost five victims they carried on, finally overcoming an epidemic against which ' M(bzJ7 A rKY K )H 1 f ... i F1W1 primitive natives were helpless. !K '7 4 - ! Contractors I 0 (Z 0 i DuLutK ! IfWmtcrcorr ONE STRIKE NEEDED 1JU i L,111 U IOr Oil 111 lirillSIl tAl'LAMiliNU Columbia continues. Quietly, steadily and facing whatever vicissitudes a memorable Winter ...H Vfa Si I "ia,,cw ",HI,r I CABS I ... Ml i nompson ..-i brings, the work advances. While encouragin'g re- ; 1 IbtJrJ&i . : !.Nrr - ,MJ. cioonMfc cum 1 i IIJrJIN 'r i 'I I ureen una noi in 1 1111 (I Avenue - , ' ? ' : :,r -gas ; .-i - .jta ports have been received at Victoria, nothing has developed to justify expectation much beyond that '. point. But the chief factor is this! On a wider and more thorough scale than ever before, oil is being sought in this province in the Peace River region, in Cariboo (Quesnel), Queen Charlotte Islands, Gulf i Always Prompt and Courteous1 HOLLYWOOD cafe i We're Here to Serve YOU WOne blanket on your be) to keep you in "Just-Right" sleeping comfort all night long automatically no matter how cold your room gen. That's the amazing feature of the new 1 MOST UP-TO-DATE CAFE IN THE CITY Islands. Eraser Valley, and in Kootemiv. Tf thpvp g-e Automatic Blanket. SHOE SALE EVENT OPEN FROM 3:30 P.M to 3.30 A.M. We Specialize in Chine.se Dl.inrs ft . , ., -j . i ' ii i On chilly nights too you can enjoy sCommodore Cafe "Hospitality and Good Food"! Phone 17 for Send-Out Orders'- 3rd Ave. David Chow, Mgr.!' i? lu ut Mime, ur m ei cti. it is umv in rnis wav OFF that it will come. AC A single important discovery iTOlV I ( 'HOP SUEY CHOW MEIN 1 would he of immense advantage to the coast. Balanced against it, the losses involved in unsuccessful drilling would appear small indeed. For Outside Order PHONIC 13S Vi TO Va OFF REGULAR PRICES !i!li!I!:ilililll!i;illl!!!!I!!!!lli!!i,!i ROWNWOOB "Bcs.t for Ihc RKST of Your Life" PHONE 79 PHONE 79 IOXTJM STEAMFlt PRINCE GEORGE SAILS FOR r VANCOUVER the luxury of getting into a prewarmed bed with the safe, easy-to-wash G-E Blanket . . . the only blanket that gives you the warmth you want without the weight you don't want. Come into our store and see them on display. Three models to choose sj from in three beautiful jf&Tjft shades, all with rich satin-Bt& bound edges. GENERAL ELECTRIC AUTOMATIC BLANKET 1. DOUBLE BED one control 30.50 I. DOUBLE BED two control . $49.50 J. TWIN BED one control $37.50 ea. NORTHERN B.C POWER CO. LTD. Besner Block Phone 210 TOaUarr OKI Modern Furniture' ran unit your rnnm ami liiiriiionit wiili walln, runs anil oilier furniture. Hfl morr furniture Hylri l'v and you can lite vilh them. and Intermedial. Ports Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGIU For Reservation! Write or Call tarmanj DRVG Your fiirnilurr ilc'aler tins Reslmore SiiUon, BoiI, Hwl Springs, I'illos, Mat trcoscs, Cheslcrlields. See his lis!ay now. PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS SJ'OItK HOURS -WEEK DAYS, AM. TO SUNDAYS AND HOI.IDAYS--12 NOON TO'' 7 P.M. TO 8 P.M CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. HOURS Weekdays 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sundays 12 Noon to 2 p.m. 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. SIXTH STREET AND THIRD AVENUE Emergen'' dw" ran i PHOTO FRAMES Frame Type Mounts See our fine selection of glass and metal frames WRATHALL'S Photo Finishing Dally car delivery nerviee from 9 a in. till p m from 7 p m. v and sunw Jurnititre for &very 'Room rmniTf"WW"