. of money when completed. It Is hoped that each member vrtl! cnujlete at least one Of these ! Frince Rupert Daily News Thursday, February 9. 1950 Sccn At . . . . Ten Pin Bowls Standing Tied for thf Hobby Fair. A new order! Civic Centre i or beads has been received so ! every member should be able to ! purchase their requirements. City Transfer's clean sweep ...... e, .enll'rrjO A 1 t I nCPf th f fl 1 t.P f 1 fl V ClrWfllR f , no vrtT Til enilo JUitUtJtt, U LA V CCVO - o OR NOT In H!e WEATHER r,e, ,1,. mct and MuEWomDs' SDlit with Thom of the inclement weather condi . 1 i.lKWont IUtti1 mir the Frfrlai" Sm. weeK or bo ih in " ' " a.ne nH the suasmodic wriotU nt r:-; the 10 Pin 1 , Leasue t In . .v... .v. t..i. tr.o.cu -M.lnn a ppnire nopvu inai liic jumui ,iC..io - -- - - of llphtln?. the Civic eii iKsm-nmii o ., , Ittorl -lth TVifWrt Stwrt. Mel nl In rMft. Cttib Is carryme on wnn wtil again snow .4.. - tneir lormer "V.V.. mf. .. tV J I Sa. f IT?- -. f ... 1 , 1 1 1 1 V I I S. rrt m IJ IT ElllB Will Ul SHlb 1 ' " 1 ' ' all the classes except me po.s m--ni fr th. the ninner.ua Dot bv virtue of .woodwork Tliis too wo u id be - ----- their ttnusual lie same win oter J Comm. Hotel 11 Pr. Rup. Plumbing 10 Savoy Hotel 8 99 Taxi 7 L. C. B 1 II your subsciiptlon Is In arrears and you do r.ot receive your paper, please do not blame the publisher, the news boy or the post office. Jus, do a little straight talking U yourself. Co-operation 0f sub scribers in this :eard woulc be appreciated. It would savt a lot of trcuMe and everybody would bs nappier. Subscriptions arj payable In iTOiitiiuni ""i" r - . . . Leftover. But u Die surnnse Igo off just as the class ock"' new lea.m.k a new wnp-1 There seems to be some un- ment of colorful leather has beeh or the evening, was the lowly Gyros clean sweep over the Para- $ - ' r ' . Royals Still Going Strong j The big guns of the Sunday , Ten Pin League, Royal Hotel, suffered their first taste of defeat as the Savoy squad, headed by C. '. I.tcEwerT btg 217, to one point' from the league leaders. That j still leaves Royal Hotel well out In front with 19 point. The W.E. j A.C. -and Grotto are tied for sec- j otid place honors with 12 points each. The Royal Hoiol squad i rolled the high three same total ; so fat this season with a whop- ping 2508, also the season's high single game total. 914, and that ' was without handk-ap. j Sunday's, results were: Roval Hotel 3, Savoy Hotel 1 W. E. A. C. 4. L.C.B. 0 P. R. Plumbing 4. Com. Hotel 0 , (certainty among the membes as received this week at the Cen-J mounts. Results on Friday were: A. E. Smith 3. Leftovers 1 Paramounts 0, Gyros 4 Cloverleafs 0. City Transfer 4 . . n fY"!. ... Okui to whetwr or not uwsc t'asse., tre and with maicmruj or con-lare contlnwlnp duiinR the cur- ;trastinf linings of English skiver I tailed hours of Hpht and tais a nPW mode of color and design should clear up the doubt in tlvsr wm be noticeable among I minds. !the oi oiects completed. This ti, rtmoon classes are still leather ts a durable Jiorsehkle iVlUgWUIIipB l UIICTL j Metal 2 popular with those nwmbers who ' embossed in an attractive design mn attend. The Junior and , which, will save a lot Of time and With four weeks bowling com Teenage girls are interested in effort usually spent In tooling. pleted tne standings are: 651 l heir weaving. beaowoi'K ami severat new wt oe i , Mugwomps 12 City Transfer 12 A. E. Smith 9 Thom Sheet Metal , 9 Cloverleafs . 8 Leftovers 8 Gyros 4 Paramounts 2 Hi. .4 lealhercraft with the news of the are now available which are en-annual hobby fair being held in tirely new and these include tha April when their present woik- shoulder bag as well as the draw manshlp will be displayed. string purse. The modern style BEADWORK The beudwor of these projects should appeal to is gathering interest weekly, foi young and oid alike, the Juniors who are busy mak- HOBBY SHOW The tiates for ing elaborate bead belts v.tikh tne Hoboy Fair haYe been defin-will certainly set the style for il(iy .t lor April 27, 58 and 29, Grotto 4, 99 Taxi 0 Standings up to date with five weeks' bowling are as follows: Royal Hotel 19 W. E. A. C 12 Grotto 12 t irfc Colawti. k FIRST AID FOR BABY'S FIRST SNIFFLE A sP in lim often tnven nine. So tie wie, ml take this auaik fWW l,at.y's tint mnrm or sniffle. .' Uaby a Own Tablets to clear little bowels of tin. tatitiK watte ma'eiials tint make baby fretful feverish and discourage the rest so nee.ii.t't.i keep up strength. l)eign..l espe-eiully for baby's delicate system. Baby s Own lal'iels hae a lavalive acl...n IU I tr.-ntle. yet spevdy and the relief they bi iwt a lonr way toward givmfr baby com-f..,t while nature works to cure the cl.l. Sweet-tasting, easily crushed to a iM.w.ler if desicd, Haby'a Own Tablets have been ALL SET FOR TITLE BOUT Heavyweight champion of the N.B. A., Ezzard Charles, whose title is not recognized in New York state, is shown with Freddie Beshore (leftt of Oakland, Calif., as the men signed contracts for a 15-round title bout in Buffalo's Memorial stadium on Feb. 28. Charles will receive 35 per cent of the net gate receipts. Beshore whose "cut" was not made known has a four-year record of professional fights which includes a loss to Pat Valentino, Charles' last title vk-tim. Spring. These belts are a grt ai writ n handicraft of various hi' deal of work and are worth a Lit tu,.c .tVil. be on display in the T main gymnasium ana ptans hm CHANDLER'S PORTRAIT STUDIO v Film Finishing Enlarfint Flash Photos Taken at Horn Phone Green 389 216 4th St PKINCE RUPERT, B.C. . rict convents last summer pml an extensive art exhibit are be- to organlRe for tlie intwnatimial who had pleasant recollections ing considered by the Prince Ru-iconvention to lie in'M at Banff of that journey. pert Art Club. . . C lltill jfe ,1 l,v mortiera for over halt I jRofary-Gyro Basketball t a packate today. Only 2'J. early in the coming summer. : The club will have a dinner dunce within the next couple of ' weeks or so on the Klnmor Pi-mich J Rotary Giants, led by Tom George, the dining saloon of Christie, would do battle in bas- which will be available for the ketbull with 'the Gyros to whom affair. fisliingi tne senior service ciuo has hurled a challenge for a melon-toss- jT VICKERS'IS DISTILLED IN CANADA AND IS DISTMum 0 Gyro Duncan McRae reported : on recent attendance at the Van- couver, Washington, Gyro Clu'J where he renewed acquaintances with a number of the members j who had come here to the dist-1 :ing joust. The defi was received by the Gyros at their, business (luncheon yesterday and was Thii Jertiiroent is not published or displayed hy the li()UorC by the tiovfmment of llritish (iilutnbu. AT ITS BEST SINCE 19Q1 Professional and Bum quickly taken up. Bill Lambie i was named to organize the Gyros. Time of this feature athletic event is expected to be arranged in the near future. The Gyros, through Grant Stewart, received an appeal lor support in the current drive for funds for the Boy Scouts. Gyros are being teamed off to stimulate ospTMry S.J Qood Food contributions by the members. A special "On to Banff" committee will be set up by the cluo TW JSr For Tasty Meals I mSS At Rrasonnblr? Prices I - R?wt !tJ FOR ye; ROCK & CONCSr CALL. BUS M. J. SAD' Kpw, Modem t All Work Ce I villi Chinese Dishes a SpeciaHy f.;. Bytown Machine Works Sales Service and Parts Simplex Oas Encinrs 4 h p. 185 h p. Cummins Dcpenrtable ricsol 65 h p. 550 h p, fnqulre about our long torm Warranty and Service 7 v-- :VsV CHOP SUEY. 1 CHOW MEIN t. lvitKM y A.P. GARDNT Chartered A. L BOL -Prinae Rtpri rtaarife U'" MMtJMit 2nd Ave. 'Opp. Kupert Hoie, Feb Apnrnx. I: l-'l5-Omr Be'i 15-April port, Terrac Feb ; tittimmm 7:0o ,m. to 3:3o a.m. " tgr Jlfl or aisny by tn liquor control , Phone 173 for Outside Orders i 1 . w'JrX WWW Boat! or by tho OoTrnmn of i, KJr.Vi WW A'' WWW Ptltlsh Columbl. . , i J "''' SIDNEY GONICK 6PTOfETRIST Complete Visual AnalysU OFFICE HOURS 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 23 ft 24 Bcsner Block Telcpnone 212 Kvenlngs by Appointment MARGARET OPT0MT5 RoanK STONE BC " Matured and IM Bottled W jDEMERARA. -RU M ,pH0n; DR. GARNET E. II. MONTGOMERY DENTIST Buite 7, Smith Block Phone 525 P.O. Box J218 BLUE P.O. BO! fFORGE ROF Public Aceounur tors. Income T ' This advertisement is not publisnea or displayed by the Liquor Control Hoard, or by the Government of British Columbia , ' HELEN'S BEAUTY '.SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all Its branches 204 4th Street Phone 655 compii O. L. BOHIF S. B. LAIRD F Bcsnpr Block mm PIAKO TECHNICIAN Tuning. Voicing and Repairs - MIKE COLUSSI HANDY HOME SFJ mmm Phone BLACK 758 972 10th East GENERAL iw BulldlnR ""1' kin nors -f . OIL BUS DR. P. J. CHENEY DENTIST surra b, 6mith block Phone 785 P.O. Box 1401 full-hodied Yen, zosty . . . tii llnw a PH0 Blnck 334 p. 0. B - Princeton Roval F.xHrt lias time-proven quiilitii'H . . . qualities lii Ii muke it K.C.'t most diwlinclive lwcr . . a beer for the most diMcriminat iriK palate. A a beverage, beer Is best and Prinrrlnn Koyal Export U the best beer! Trv it todav! CAtVERT DISTILLERS (CANADA) LIMITED, AMHERSTBURG, ONT. dir1ayl H' the Liquor Omtrol Boari or This advertisement is not published or by the Government of Uritish Columbia. I i ii i 1 f B t ci-; rnn WXl QUALITY REPAIRS Tor Downtrodden Heels And Worn Sole .: MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Box 774 Second Ave. Kindling NO-CO-RODE is GOOD for Life There'i a whole lifetime of trouble-free ervice in no-cohodb ftocrr-PROor pipe. Son iettlement won't crack or break It, freezing Mr thawing won't affect It Tapekcd joints prevent leaks, keep ut roots. NO-co-KODi uvea you time, work, money. Ute ho-co-podi koot-proop pipe for House-to-Sewer or House-to-Septic Tank Connectiona, Downspouts, other underground fion-pretaur utea. Get no-co-rode perforated pipe for Septic Tank leaching beda, foundation footing drains, soil irrigation, field drainage. Both typea are backed by a 40-year record of outstanding tervioa. PRINCETON TUIF. ING CO. LTD. Princeton, H.C. j KAtEN TP P R I H C E70 CJ FOR RCM'K BASEMENT CaUwrine Laurie PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER 401 Third Ave. West PHnc Rupert Realty Co.) Phones: Green 667 Days New Residence Phone Number Red 964 FUEL SALE FUR COATS Cleoring ar the Lowest Prices in Years BUY NOW and SAVE 40 EVERY COAT GUARANTEED F0WLIE & RIITTLE Limited Plione B1W CALL 651 "mat? . ninf (I PIIILPOTT EUITT & Co. Ltd. LUMBER and BUILDERS' SUPPLIES 41-1 Newspaper advertising pays off S30 Se Tliii advertisement is not published or displayed bv the Liquor , ,,,, A.n.. Control Board or by the Govern merit of British Columbia. ln enq' pr'.nci tiirinrrm uni in miiiiiim