NOTICE OF MEETING Prince Rupert Daily Newt Thursday, February S, 1'JbO SHIFFER-HILLMAN ner mm. W P n.. i. . ;of Edward Llpsm Ca Vancuu- ver, arrived yesterday mnr L, on the Prince George. To all Ten Pin ia tains, there 7meu will be the Bowline MloyVZ:Z t l 7 p. m. Important. (lt) 1 CLOTHING WOI.UJT!, tiarocr Shop open Alter a visit in Vancouver, 9 ara' t0 6 P m. Our own pow-.M"- Plerre Ross (35) A Bigger and Better Showing j P'fj j I K I J- . I j -1 X - of Shiffer-Hillman Suits . . . More More Patterns, Patterns, Greater Greater Var- Variety IPtv of of Shades, hnrioc Flrmr Finer Hi Quality inlltv and and Greater Greater Values. Values. - - I A K H E t FOODS fij II .1 I : IS. i . " - -rrrrs liV AlT i III .1H,. No. .U'lIO-II Hiock Tliirtv-' .si v.n (7, Cl- of ' lactnrv Pr""f ,vruln-al of Tide! ,ip of Icvl Krce-,l in tills office. ,vin that I shall! f oiu' month from i pulilir:ilim here-,ti:it cprtiticate of Rupert Bakery Ltd To Advertisers To insure publication of display or classified advertising. :opy for same must be in the office of the Daily News by 4 p.m. the clay previous to advertising. Requirements of the mechanical department make this rule necessary. It's business wise to advertise. i 3 The Fifth Annual General Meeiin of the Pacific Cwast Fiihennc-n a Mutual Marine In iuianee Company, will be held on FMUjj', February 24th, 19i0 at 10 a. m. in the Fishermen's Hall, 133 Cordova Street, Van couver. B. C. L. T. Wylie, Sec-Manager. 'Classified ads bring results. Weak, Tired, Nervous, Pepless Men,7orr.cq Get New Vim, Vigor, VILslity Say RtKlhy tn tht , elwayt ti-M feelliai; (Uin vi' mi and urrv HtiiM-m du t week, ti a ti'iirfl. (.t up fpflrip f;h. U ppy ell rtey. htf llHty of vnaittv leit '.vef t t'wimf. TsfeefJeTiei. ( oikmiim iron, vltsniiu Fsitrium, priueiihortia fur lil.Mtrt huiirtlnv. buO nriif itirnn. Ptionntaixj. Jfivi-.'orKt n'tcrn; In.iT.; epiietite. p.ipn wte In tie. .-- "e acquaint! " (Hih- mk. I ry f!rtfi( T-.Die 1 ahletn Mr new. nor ljitt! M-y, vlui.vmur. lUla very Oay. At ail arugjui. NOW AVAILABLE LOOK FOK THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL r L 1 f. .Hit' f . . J I . - L-X U V J , ' . t FbX13th" at the home.of 4th West,' from 2 - 5:30. SILVER SNUFFLE Ten-j car-old Wayne "Geer of W nnipei,' accidentally snuffed a 10-cent piece up his nostril. Doctors, amazed that it worked up into Wayne's sinus, prepared to operate to remove the dime. But the boy awakened on his operation-day with a case of sniffles. He huffed, puffed and blew the coin out. (CP Photo 1 School Valentine ! Dances Cancelled i Both the Senior and Junior 1 'High School dances planned fori February 10 are postponed until jthe prevailing power situation1 'has been relieved. y DO THIS TO Put a few drops of Vicks Va-trn each nostril at. heritimn i J " .' For O Cakes O Pies O Bread, etc THE HOME OF FINE BAKERY PRODUCTS' 19 3rd Ave. ... Phone G13 MARCH VORTEX IRON Plumbing SMITH PHONE :wssp Bit m& In advance. Please rt-fmin fn...i word per insertion, minimum Thoectut.ii 71 " r Cards ot Thanks, Dath Notices effective way to get 'relief from nasal' Eneayeminfc AnnntuifAnuinii AND OIL HEATERS OIL BURNERS FIREMAN STOKERS & Heating Alterations & ELKIMS LTD. DOUELE PRICE oiuuiness ... 10 maltc breathinK easier. Instantly you can feel Va-tro-nol go to work right where trouble is. It opens imsai passages . . . nt lps clear away congestion. Then you can breathe acain . . . can get the roctflll Clnnn .. 174 flBI II T lu" 'lllJ'"e king s f'f-McRae Store Sat. Feb. 11 11 am- ' . 34t Mrs. P. Bone, alter visiting in 'i'T'T1'1'' anlvcd buck in the Serty T AlUr a short visit in Vancouver, Mis. E. Musto returned to the city aboard the Prince George yesterday morning. S. O. N. Wnist and Dance Friday Feb. 10. Whist 8 o'clock. Music by Mike Colussi. Refreshments. Everybody welocme, (34) Announcements Civic Centre lincge February loth. Lutheran Tea nna Home Cooking Feb. llth. c'"Han Legion Card party February 15. tournament. Catholic ;iun, rcuruary Hi. i L"oy Scout Concert, Civic Cen-! ire. Feb 17 : Ce,,tre Au(liUjl'iu'", Friday March 3ld at 8:15 P m- Tickets from members. j Canadian Legion Easter Sale , i cathedral Sale April 13. St. Peters Spring Sale April 20. S"Ja Tea May 13- St. Patrick's Tea Sale of home cooking and card party, Catho- lic Hall March 16. goes! nnnCI4 t. ZI c .iquor control Bor4 or bj the Government ot BilUeh Columbia. ': COLD or HOT! ILLJ B 111 A new home built right is never too ruld . or too ho Plan to Build NOW CONTIIAC1-KS AND Bl'Cr.ERS KH15SI i-.O. HOX7SI For Plans ami Lblimute? It's GREER S BRIDDEH P M . H ii.l T VANCOL'Vi:!; VICTORIA SEATTLE Sunday, 9 p.m., Chilcotin Tuesday, 1:30 p.m., Coquitlani ALICE ARM. STEWART AND PORT SIMPSON Sunday, 11 pm FOR NORTH Ol'EF.N CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Chilcotin, Feb. 3 und 17 10 p in. FOR SOUTH OUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Chilcolin, Feb. 10 and 24 10 p.m. ERA Nit J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Ae,ent Third Avenue ' Phone 508 I.O.D.E. Announcements Church Service commemorating the 50th of the Jmbertal Ordnr Dounhtp'r; nf tho ! TASTY & For Lunches or Cold Plate Supper MAPLE LEAF . Bologna M - BOX 274 ' 3E ECONOMICAL . .. '.' 4 ....V(.-4).A' Ml s " Empire will be he'ld at St.-Andrew's Cathedral Church pn Sunday; Feb.. 12th at i 1 aM- 1 CUy aboard the Prince Pr n, ri Ocorge yesterday morn- Special Meeting, Carpen ters Union, Friday Feb. 10th Head Office Representative ta attendance. Members please at-lnd' (34) ,thoMhd,Nl80nof Nelson Bro-hJIh ,Pta.huer,M- ncouver, arrived in the city on the Prince VaTc M r... ... 1 pnnnn wrart. manager of rf StMra co a Mrs- 'teV, Gerrard returned ll vuu - eouver 1 i """"" ' TIN- CanadlRn MfirltlmT'commi,. hold iUrby, g'vc', notl that T will .fi:-;, I contract, t . "".." . 8"bxidy i t?n,.,hip services :- cottsl111 I I,,, t.he. ul su-amship, ) For pasuners and frelL-ht "n T, Vancouver-Nonh- i lottc i"hu1, Bnd Que,n Char- i b) For pnwentti-r and frPiuht ger- 1 V"nco"W and West ; Howr Sound during the winter "iier ; monthH. 2. From the Canadian Pacific ! Railway Company (British Columbia Coastal Steamship Service) J?'1, service between Victoria and Ports on the West Coast of i Vancouver Island. ' (bi For paawnger and frciL-ht : Aln V8,icouver na ka- ; The Commission will consider the I representation, of any . InterestiK) l-urtlea present at the hearing or any ' i . written relire(i,.. , . - iMntn may . ue reached the Commission prior to the dot of the hearliiR. LEO J. LEAVEY. 1JJ .11. Secretary. j In the Siirenie Court of British Columbia In Prolmtc i In the Mutter of the 'Aitnii.o.t. I tlon Act'' i And Iu the Matter of the Eitnto of William Noel. Deceased. Int-.state ! TAKE NOTICE that bv Order or : Ills Honour Jude W. O. FulUjn. Local JuUue of thi Supreme Court of British Columbia, r-was 4.11 the 27th day of January. A. 1). ItfW. (ippolnt- eti Adinintstratdr. of the Jistate of!, ..,.,,, ' 11. 1, iMiq 01 ucaso ijiw. .British Coliuiiblii. who ilii! 'on 6r (about the 6th day of July. 1(M3 at - 1 W hltehorse. Yukon Territory. ' mi uersoii.s lniii'O id t. fi.n. c.i.r ' estat are required to V: pay . the Binount of their Indebtedncis to me forthwith and all persons .having .claims against the .aid estate are ' required to flic them with ' me properly verified on or before the 28th day of February. 1950. falling which distribution will be made having regard only to, sueh claims ol which 1 shall have been notliled. I IJated at Prince Rupert. B. C. this 271U day of January. A. D. HI50. F.rnest Earl Allen Ailmlulslnitor of the Kstutc of William Noel. Deceased C'O Brown A: Harvey , Box 008, I'riiK-e ItUH-rt, B. C. (35) " I I I. AMI ItK.IMItV AT 'HE: Certificate of Title No. 31007-1 to Block Four 4i, BulKllvlsioii ol Ixt f our Thousand Oni Hundred ! and RIcIiUh-ii (41IHI. Kam;e Five tTi). Const IMstrlel. mild to contain One lXK linal HI Nine (1.00) ; neres. mole or less. Map 1402 W1IF.I1KAS witlslaitory proof of Ions of the ahovtr Ccrtlltcale of Title Iv-ued In the name of Milton Al-: llwm ha.s iH-en f llel lu Hits office. ; notice Is hereby jilven that I shall, at. the expiration of one niimlli from tlie date of first publication here-herctif. ls.sue a Provisional Certifi cate of Title In lieu of tuld Lost Certificate, unless In tho meantime, valid objection bo made to iho lu wrltlnt. DATED at the Lund Registry Office. Prince Kupert. II. C, this Kith day of January. 1050. A. D. Andrew Thompson Deputy Ucyisliur of Titles (40) in the Supreme Court of lliitlsli ColuinblH , In l'robate in tlie Mutter il I In' "AUmlilblrn-tlun Aet" And lu tlie Mutter ol t'.ie Katiite of Ju-roh njorlnubo. UcceiiMHt TAKK NOTICE tliut by order of Ills Honour Judge W. O. Pulton. Loenl Judyo of the Supreme Court of British Columbia. I wus on the 31st diiy of .Iiiiiuniy. A. U. lSO. iippolnt-t-d Admlnlstriitor of the estate til Jacob Cijnrlimbo. late of Prince Ilu-pert. British Columbia, who wns lust known to be living on Murch 2nd, 1H42, und Is now presumed to be dead. All persons indebted to the suld estate are required to pay the Dmount of their indebtedness to nu' fnrtliwltli and nil persons havim; claims ttnalnst the said estate uie requirei to file them with mo properly verified on or before the Iftth day' of March. 19SU. failing which distribution will bo made having retard only to such claims of which I have own notiueu. IJA'l'KO ut Prince Kupert. B. C. this 31st day of January lllfiO Gordon Fruser Forbes Official Admlnistrutor Prince Rupert, 13. C. (40) II III : II III ;is: hard; to beat I I'l Jubilee Tea, Mondays- Mrs.'Jens Munthe; 431 6r Quality and Savings .'Buy' Bologna by MAPLE LEAF "A PRODUCT OF CANADA PACKERS LIMrTFn I EVERYBODY WELCOME A special broadcast on the History of the Order will be heard over Radio Station CFPR, Mon., Feb. 13 at 12:05 i 4 1 ; ! b i . I i 1 FINE PRINTING at REGAL PRINTERS id lost Certificate, limit valid objec- n 111 UTtlilli;. Und liipi'-try Of- B C. tills mtn SO. A. D. umpsull :Urur ui TitlcH ( isiriK is pavaoie Lssilicds 2c per t h Notices 50c, M,im:ipp and JECIAL DISPLAY. INOTKK to Mr. and un un reu a - Oi. (lti NOTICE the city Sun-' Giusrpiic Uo-;c 78 years of West. Requiem i e suntr bv Rev. at Church of 9 a m. Friday it to fulluw in v where urav- w n-T. Frtiiit-r C. Undertakers arraimeinents. assemble for emiile Court . Thursday ev- 1U.E iler Ace Mar-J Him seasons nenerator and I ts Aunlv Box Pt.BC. (35 POWN NAMEf- Uttitfui'd Hrns pi M.iinienance 'n Clani.hel Jok Uraoaies; 'Crete Mixers: frucKs: Nelson - for Stuckpue al: Riee Poi l... '1 Pumas; Na- ariapers ,ma mal All Ku-ei ;s'. National NalHiiml ma Ouiivevora n frum Na-r1 Cu. Lui . 'Hi i uiiuiiiiilcd wr. slliThllv "18 Miiehlnes;' "'l cunditlon l"L'i-'iM;r tacks "tli'T arlieles. .I'i'iees. U. C. k 3:4. (ID "ln boat. 30-1 tl'.ODe. Fllllv yiiim. Phone (3i s r.xi'K ! x, ai, owm. J'llv liirulshed, Jwner anxious 1 will hike .I'iisv n;iy- I 'Hi lllSIM':ini-i': I'oasl. Dis- iie.i'es tim- ? Point. Por-!,'er known as u'"tre of sal. !- b fit. shell-i ''"r and w in-1 !' ouen wnl.i.i- ! I!1'11 to 'V's to make 111 m-ttir.4 tav itur rHii i-. ! '''bo, priced to 1 SlaOO.U) down easy, mon-, in Sec-1 mui, priced .'urnt ' ire return "wis. For Pi'i !'nve or in-1 : les See Ro-1 Llm'tcd. (38) -ii See. Us First FOR BOYS WEAR " " SNOWSUITS PARKAS JACKETS and corrtplttc outfits fur the scl tool boy I , - LWJW Lloi' LOST-Gold Cai).(0 Bracelet, Reward. Finder return to Dailv News Olfice. (3a) WANTKII WANTED Scrao cast, brass, batteries. radiators. Phone 543. call 613. Sixth Wes . (55 WANTED Good home for ba-bv cirl vear and half old. Box 648 Dally News. (36) FOR KENT' FOR RENT Electric portable sewinii machines. $500 a month. Cull BU4 Sniuur Sew-inn Centre. (tf) TtltSONAL SPECIALIST Oil Burner Specialist. Service and Keuairs. ' O D. Ronson. Phone Black 906.. (30) PLUMBING and Hatlnir -Sheet Metal work. Phone 543 or call 629. Sixth Ave West. II Letourneau and Sons. (tf) JUST riilOK to the accident which occurred on Third Av-rnue near Ormes Druu Store on December 31st. 1940. about 3:45 in.. I had htouped at the intersection to allow pedestrians to pass on their wav to the Post Olfice and also' to allow two cars to proceed West. Will anv of the Dedeslriaii.s or oecunants of the cars remembcrinq; this Incident neasn communt-calc with J. P. MaeDonald. Box 1511. or uhonc Blue 408. (38) IIM.P'WANTKM HELP WANTED Part ilme lan-itor. Box (i4t). Dailv News, tf HELP WANTED Tlie B. C. Civil Service requires a stationary Engineer. Oradc 2 and a cartienter (Malnten aneci tfor the Home for the Aued. Terrace. B. C. For Sta-tionarv Enclneer. Or. $22d ucr month inchul-iim current Cost, of living bonus and Sneelal Living Allowance. OiialilicaMon.s: Must hold 4t:h Class Steam Engineers Certificate und have some experience in Dhimbing and steam-filling. For Carpenter (Maintenance) Salary $258 ix-r month including current cost of livlna bonus and Special Livinu Allowance. Utialilkations: Several years experk'iice as Journeyman Carpenter. Candidates must be British subjects, under tlie aire of 45. except in the cane ot ex-service men who arc uivep ureference. Auplica-tion Forms ootainable from the Government A e e n c y. Prince Rupert. 'to be com- uletied and returned to the Chairman. Civil Service Commission. Victoria, not later than February 2Ulh. (It) Ui:siNESs"orroim!NITlE3 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY for Sale. Taxi with Post Office and Grocery Store showlm: uoiul ncolit. store on two lots with furnished livinii quarters attached. Priced reasonable for ennck sale. See T. 'Nor-lun" Younus. Real Estate and Insurance. Phone 4!H. Insurance. Phnoe 451. (34) ! i THE SPORTS 5H0 21 222. Second Ave. CHIROPRACTOR Jehu F. L. Hughes, D C, Pta C ' 21-22 Besner Block Phone BLUE 442 for OFFICE CLOSED During Cold Weather Open Again About End of February S3 PHONE SAVOY W. L. WOODS, Prou 1'IIONE 37 P.O. UOX 1397 FRASEK STREET - PRINCE RUPERT G22 ' The New MONARCH Is Here! I f wrier orAiiTirin -" A 1 ill I r:V- fJ9 3rd Ave. 3 M 1 . i V.. TfN I J I DON'T 1- THAN EVER! SSSrSTK. ' I 8Lir'Jv. vl u -MunEHnraasianuHBnnimnBBiMBB t-UKloti TUUK LUMPLtit ASSORTMENT OF VALENTINE j -AT- i IT- W