1 I ' "in "'iic:ies drugs Daily Delivery NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Published of Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port PHONE 81 "Prince Rupert, the Key to rh. Great Northwest' VOL. XXXIX, NO. 33. PRINCE RUPERT, B. C, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1950 PRICE FIVE CENTS Aid Japan Aire-To 10 k eep b oats Away ssia Australia Is Setting Pace Canadian-American Seiners Are Barred From Salmon Waters 0t AVI i 2:' A 'A ia W7 '-f : . Operatic Delight Revel Of Harmony Hoisfall Miners Bring Keen Pleasure to Local Audience An audience of some 353 per- Rain To Break Heavy Snowfall Tile heaviest snowfall Prince Ruprrt has experienced in year has fallen during the past four days, measuring 23 inches. Last year, 20 Inches was registered for the whole month of January. City street are heavily banked and Third Avenue Is piled high 1 VANCOUVER (CP) A virtual "keep-out order was issued yesterday to, Russian and Japanese fishing fleets by the International Pacific Fisheries in liie middle, making it a well-defined two-way thoroughfare. Slush may come with predicted rainfall for today and Friday. Lone expected rain oceuniedi Commission which governs the rich Pacific sockeye yaimon grounds off the Fraser RiveK The Commis- . f , iV A A . , L . ., r, AUCKLAND With Canada ; failing to make further headway jof consequence, Australia forged i ahead today in the British "em pire Games by winning six moiii l firsts and setting up four more ; j records. ! jfeated Eddie iiadad. Canada.; how m boxing by winning a do j Dr. George Athens ot vancou-1 vr came a close second in ' sprlnghoard diving. ! i Court of Revision- i i Valuations ! I Discussed Few Changes Made in Assessments Only One Personal Appearance sion ruieu mat lerriioiiai waters on me rrasei River extend beyond the three mile limit 'indefinitely , westward.''. The ruling not only ' oans threatened competition of I I TAUT llP3fl I foreign nations but specifically 1 vUl ICUU - , forbids big Canadian and Amer- ff If I ! lean seineboats from entering with heavy winds at 40 miles per incJudj,d cu iumed , f by the late evening today finally hialnigiu numbers from famous bringing the continuous heavy ( nlit. oneras. The wljole p.ffair snowfall to an end. This was pre-i wai a cif lilit io the ears ard the dieted by th weather office on eyes what with the fii.c voices Digby Island this morning. of the participants and their col-Maximum tcmpciatures dur-'orTul custuming and delightful tng the snowfall were above p ri'jiialities. freezing with minimum levels vue oi t.n .-uov was tne narm dropping to between 27 and 30 a( o viy&i u.u., Vvnuiiicea nui above. Highest reading so far.witn her enwiuiiastic mezzo-s,o-this year was 39 above at 4 p.m. i' J "me ar.u hcsluuiu uut cue l It ;is a limg grim battle restoring communications iaaiur the heavy snowfalls in the B.C. mountain area. " revelled nit hi at the Civic Centre auditorium in a I fe:.,si ot operatic music grand I Lent presented by Basil Hfl I nil . vitn.... 1.. .-. 1 t-i P.v it .. ',, ,.i .... icjiaiiiiaig lnue soprano, Vera 1 uij'oon, was ai.so iiariguing. Hu- 1 L I I-1. Lol.ll. -S . I I'i lailln t n v mitf.A la line iiiiprc-sion with ins virile j.juglns anu pos.sioiy the out. I ounuiug numUer as his drama-! u-.;' icnuitioii ol famous harlc-iciiiia theme Ana of Act 1 lrom I' ll Pa?liaeci. ' Dependable tenor awcett v.lio with Miss Hutt ; J,ad bf ,n h'!re belore- at'y look ;suci as "Quaker Gni, "Dollar Pcc-ss, -Maoame Sherr y,' ("Spring Chicken. "Sang of Noi- ' and "Belle of Ncw York." '', addition to -Faust " and "II Pa.thi'cct." the singers presented Only minoi alterations in the ! eighty feet to his death from 1950 municipal assessment roll Burrard Street Bridge here, were made' yesterday when! Vancouver's 1950 traffic fatal-Court of Revision with Aid. H.Uty toll rose to five with the death ikui Iui.k liours dealing diifu from the Canadian yesterday. Road Accident Causes Death A highway accident earlv tlii.s mnrnlnp ulng in the central interior .niy-lrwn Fraser River. F Glasscy as chairman and enn-Ki.inif also of Aid G. B. Casey, Aid. Don Fitch, Aid. Wil- frid McLean and Aid. G. D. Friz - zell was in session With these rai.L, thJ, mil an - -r.v,i nrt the enrt. enneiurieri look the life of George Thoinp-i""- "-""' 'i v-son. aged 30. Thompson and h's i W;'He the prand operatic wife, v.ho was not injured, tvere i "un'.D' i:i v1'1"'-' Impressive, it was driving along the highway ni,arjfM'-l,1y'I'(;m tlle several groups Decker Lake and the vehicle ap-; ul Lyiil operatic excerpts that its session i tf n ,ne abandoned death car The sitting was interrupted! Ped "P " suburban Sur-when the court went to the , Municipality Mrs Tony ,.i u., i nrnr,eriies!Vvick was fatally injured when parently careened wff fhe road."-"e ""firncc aenved me more B. C. Police here were Informed. I Pleasure. There were songs in so-The accident occurred al 12:30 "' c,,,rt' ll'iu i nti ciuartctte from ruck by a truck on the Trans-Only S in the view of nature of appeals. one personal appearance ! Ul"a ,K 'a,y' , ., ., ,rt iht. hPinJ Martini Tl1" bntl"e plunge victim was rJmi . n" feai.urpig Mli . , . 1 ,....1. 4 T Z, in a $6,000 . valuation of , his dence on Fourth Avenue East.' This, he claimed, was incon- sistent with valuations placed . on iielghborii)' properties, sev-. crai of which he cited. He. was; critical of the method of valuat- j ing und held (hat new construe-; tion w-as at a disadvantage. I City -Assessor II. D. Tliain pointed nut that the Municipal i Act required that property be assessed at its true value but' there was not the stuff here to! conduct tiie unuraisals which U vi V w iviviivv U elite ( VANCOUVEk -Violent death s claimed four persons Wednesday on British Columbia's Lower j Mainland. Three died in traffic accidents. The other plungtnl j ol ueorge Kempt, bb. wno was nn 1 collision with a truck. ! I Rartler Alfred Sernntnn 43 was ; ! killed when struck by an uniden- tinea motorist, ronce are sun ! seekins the driver involved al- i 1 .though what is believed to have VVIllltlOl tVOi5, IV. ixio iiill Viun broken by snow and sand He! forylhree hours after the! . 1 ' ; . . , 1 Verbal Duel rnq -' "! Election 3f W- III LONDON 0 -Former Prime uuibeu oi.uw.- m , nu , cepiea vnuiuuu pii-ion of grautuac. The Conservative leader warmed up to the cam- Jf'S" for general election of J. I'Ul UUI J J "-i"'b promiso of an early ending oi gasoline rationing if the Conservatives are victorious at the polls. Meanwhile Prime Minister C. R. Attlee called Churchill's oratorical assaults upon him "wild whirling words." He said that the former Prime Minister had slipped the collar of the mild party leash. umii.ir,, ,, i nl.prni l.irmill TVl..li tliiuun"u"." ' representative 01 uic American Federation of Labor; William Page, International rcpresenta- live of the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners, and James MacMlllen, Internatloal reprcsetative of the Machinists Union, are visitors in the city on union business. They ar- rived from Vancouver on the Prince George yesterday. I the area ,0ioI Hason of Prince Rupert a,mem0b ,r of th International Pacific Salmon Commission.) George Drew Blames Gov't LONDON, Out. Unemploy- men t is KrowltlK in Canada be- cause pf loss of markets in Ureal aim m""- om.-iiib iueas, Progressive-Conservative Lead..r George Drew Bait! here last nigh He claimd that the Liberal gov ernment had failed lo tell Parliament and the people that seri ous losses would come in overseas markets although Miiiist.e'- ct Agriculture Gardiner had known of the situation for two years past. CPvISIS IS SETTLED WINNIPEG Political sources ail today that settlement has been reached in the blow-up over - cabinet representation which had threatened to shatter Manitoba' rnalition government. There Will be three Progressive . Conservatives in the cabinet and eight Liberal Progressives. Git A IN EXPORTS HIGH : VANCOUVER Grain exports from the port of Vancouver dur'.nir January climbed to a four-year peak and have almost doubled last season's shipments. The Vancouver Merchants' Exchange report for the month shows 31,117,677 bushels of grain have been ex- ported from here since July 31 JERSEY JOE WINS PHILAPIXrillA - Young Harold Johnson collapsed last night without betan? hit and was counted out in the third of a scheduled ten-round bout -against Jersey ioe ' Waleott. The verdict was announced as a kayo for Waleott who twice met Joe Louis for the heavyweight title. Dr. Joseph Levey, said that Johnson suffered an injury to an tfitevertebral dick located in the small of the back. . City ambulance responded to two calls Wednesday. The first was to take Lars Nilson, 522 Eighth Avenue West, to General Hospital. At 8 n.m.. Mrs. M. Reiil, 334 Thompson. Street, was taken to hoopltal. ve Tin- !;!;: ,1 ;i!i(l i W ( - H J , 1 1 (iiesi'l in b: j - itctl in lv:-A run liaiiling a ji.ii! Railways' 'mia in Broek-i: '!'.-'iu!iir unit. , I'.iui Lm-oinot - III illUl "(I to the, ili'rm l.lK'llllKll- MM) :J' irci In I VH'C III'- i WMinipi'i; j i lest to Hi the; 'I lu. a lower j b I1' font rust " ;:n'' i.i service ilnwik v.l deli; iMrM-piA'.rr. h lo't 8 inrhes J vifh :hi:i ooo and ; ' yjiiims or ' Wli'His ol fuel I kno'.vn ji "A" ! lui w.ii 'l '' "itlt'l J'"l l r S -J 1 1 1 y I 'I 5' are poucrci'. ' y'iiKlir turbo- mtics. i '' '! Bamlord. V'T 'Wnluesilayi J r Stevenson. 1 'Wi'ilnesdavi . 7t e .-i f tf if I 5' "S 1 i between Vancouver and This photo shows section National Railways line. On the (C. P. Photo) i Water and Power- Jaycees Want Protection Vrfiini: Oily Council to Oct ' Expert Advice Demand Immediate Action The Junior Chamber of Commerce will undertake the circulation of a petition requesting the -city council Xo uhtutn -. m(.-:lde technical advice with regard to guaranteeing city ci!i:vns tvith an adequate supply of both water and eleel ileal power in the future. The Chamber placed no blame for the present emergency dctdred lo ensure an adequate supply will be uvuilable In future years. i Such was the decision at a . : regular monthly dinner meeting of the organization in the Civic; .Centre Wednesday iiiidit. j The petition lullowed passing 'of a resolution, prepared by A. P. I I Crawley, dealing with current j 'serious situation, which Is to be j presented to the cit y council. ! The power and water shortage j was lengthily and critically dis- j cussed by the members who all I agreed great financial loss was ibeiiiK sullered by local business j establishments. In his resolution. Mr. Crawley expressed the I desire of elimintit ing power usage of water from Woixhvorth dam, as the supply there was not sufficient to cope with present day water demands. The resolution Mr. Crawley pointed out. was a long range plan, which could not be put In eiicd Immediately. "Not only are business concerns losing huge sums of money, but hundreds of workers have been laid off because . of the power shortage." a member stated. Another resolution by Alf Wor ! thin: Ion was passed. It stated ! ilhut the executive of the Junior I Chamber of Commerce be empowered lo Hike immediate action on the power and water crisis even If It is necessary to have the city council declare a state of emergency and have the Dominion and Provincial governments I -ike Immediate action. The Jaycees felt that any aj-tion taken by either themselves be immed ¬ or other organizations iate. "Who knows, but maybe In a month or two when power and wuler is in a normal state and people arc patting themselves or. the back, the crisis will bo for-eollen." a member suggested. Frlor to business uiscu.-siu, movie entitled "In Bolaiice" was shown. It dcpieu-ti me oui- anced business methods m iro.e enterprise. Friday, February 10. 1!"50 High 6:40 19.7 feet 20:08 13.5 feet m Low 0:21 8.4 feet 13:50 6.2 feet would be necessary. However, Minister Winston Churchill to-the effort was always made to day blasted Great Britain's Labor be equitable. He asked Mr. government as an ungrateful Erickson if he would take $10,- regime kept alive by "dollops of 000 for his property, the reply dollars': from the capitalistic Kl'yf I K IN NOKTI! W IH I I IIOK.SI-, Y. T-Trn men were lnilay huddled in biting cold around a wrecked aircraft nn a desolate mountain tup northwest of here an a Rri.und rirrne party and a del. ieoptcr eonverjed on a 7,000-fiHt peak whkh hat Imprisnn-ert tbem for 8 hourx. Tlie tem-I'criiturc liovrx around -1 below. The men, five member of rriiicrw I'atrii-ia's Canadian I in'it Infantr) and five I ni-led Staler airmen, rre In a tHo-motored plane whii h came down on the mountain tn) while eiiRaed in the search for a inissini' I'nitcd Stales transport. Three are injured. 'I hey may he picked up by two by the helicopter. I.IIHK.MS WIN NOKTII RATI I.KFOKU, Sa.sk II. James Maher, 39, carried the Liberal banner to victory yesterday IhrmiKh a Saskatehew-wan provincial by-clcrtion in the Ualtlefords. His election was conceded last nigliUiy Alex l. ( iiiimiii. ('( K candidate, and .Matter's nearest opponent in a three-way fight fur the seat maile vacant bv death of ItifV Liberal. I'aul I'rvve. Latest count was: IMaher. 3-01; 'un-iin. 31181: 'lyson. rrosressive-t'onservative, 372. Due to late connections at Jasper, the train from the cast is five hours and forty minutes late. Due to arrive In the city at 10:15 p.m., lime of arrival is now set at 4 a.m. am. Coroner J. W. White is nolding an Inquest at Burns Lake. Tlie victim and his wife, for- i nier residents of 1731 Frrml-Un j Street In Mount Nebo. Kskat - ! liean' .hud been rwldhm at Dcker Lake for the past month. I i Tributes Paid Tommy Church OTTAWA - "His great heart. 1 universal kindness endeared him to all" was the tribute which I Prime Minister L. St. Laurent paid yesterday when advised of the death of T. L. Church, vet:- j eran Parliamentarian and Pro-4 gresslve - Conservative member j for Toronto - Broadview. George Drew, Mr. Church's own j party leader, described him as a great Canadian who would leave his mark upon both community and country. If THE WEATHER Synopsis Four to six Inches- of fresh snow have fallen in the Fraser Canyon and adjacent areas and six to eight inches in the Koot-enays during the past 24 hour;. Cloudy skies are general in almost all regions of the province and overnight temperatures ranged from 5 to 20 above In the Interior and from 25 to 35 ubovc at the coast. Another active storm now 800 miles off '.he Queen Charlottes is cxpecU'8 to bring more rain to the coast dur ing the afternoon and tonight, j Gale force winds wld develop In the waters of the Queen Charlottes and w est coast of Vancouver Island by evening. Additional snowfall is to be expected in the Interior tomorrow as this disturbance moves cust- North Coust Region Overcast ward across the province. Forecast , with occasional mixed rains and snow, becoming continuous rain during the afiernoon. Cloudy with showers. B'rlday milder. Winds light increasing to southeast gales 40 miles per hour) during the afternuon, then shifting to southwest and decreasing to light Friday morning. Lows tonight and highs Friday at Port Hardy and Prince Rupert, 35 and, HOCKEY SCORES I National Detroit 9. Chicago 2 Toronto 3. Boston 1 I Pacific Coast New Westminster 4, Victoria j 3 Portland 0. Seattle 4 Fresno 5, Los Angeles 3 San Diego 6, San Francisco 2 Y'S STOCKS "V 11 GyPy "er. the -ort o fining in which .she e.speoi ihy excels. Of coiuse. it i Mr.' Horsfa.il liim.sclf who has much to do with the making of th? whole .show, a. .smooth-runriiig program hat reflects such masUTful but .such unostentatious directum. The audience expressed its keen appreciation vnen Mr. Horslull took his o-.vn baw. 'The whale two-hour urogram provided a mast entertaining evening of music, understood and acclaimed by all who turned out to enjoy it. Summarized, the program was as follows: Faust" iG trden Scenei-Fausf Hubert Loth; Mcstiphole.s, Boris Fawcett; Marguerite. Vera Bry-.son; Sicbel ia youth) and Martha "a village gossipi, Winni- red Hutt. "Carmen" (second act scene Panm n, Winnlfred Hutt; Fras quita. Vera Bryson; smugglers, Hubert Loth end Boris Faweelt. "II Pagliaeci" (Act li-Canio. Hubert Loth; Neddji. Vera Bry-jn; Silvio. Boris Faweelt; a villager. Wlnnifitd Hutt. Light Opera Excerpts 'Quaker Girl" a Quaker Girl. Vera Bryson: Barbizon Win in Hutt; Tony from America, Hubert Loth: Come to the Ball. Boris Fawcett. "Dollar Prl'iec's" "Drama o; Invc", Hubei't. Loth; "Dollar Ptinet;.ss. Vera Bryson, Winni Hutt. Hubert Loth, Boris Fawcett. "M1 id a me Sherry" 'Every Lit. tie MovcmerV Vera Bryson. Winni Hutt, Uuoert Lolli "Spring Chicken' "Oh So-Oenlly". Wmni Hutt; "Sprins- time". Hubert Loth.' "fioug of Norway" 'I Love You' Winni Hutt; "Strange Music", Vera Bryson. Boris Fawcett "HePo f f"v York" 'La Belle' P:irisienne". Winni Hutt. "When We Are Maivied", Winni Hutt end Boris Fawrctt, "The Be'lc of New York", Boris Fawcett. Vca B'-yson. Winni Hutt. Hubert Loth' Boris Fawectt. George Dawes resided at t'""-door and uslvjrettes for the ev-rnina were the Misses D'nrir rennodv. Rert.v Thrlt'. Nin? Y,n,ntmn and Trm M-'Kinnin Posting at the Supreme Court registry announces ' that the name of Reld L. McLennan, for-I mer local barrister and for tev- eral years In Vancouver, has been disbarred and struck off the roll by the Benchers of the British Columbia Law Society j Wednesday at 9:15 p.m. the fire department was called to extinguish a chimney fire at the j Seaview apartments. No damage w as done. V. Joluistou C'u being that it would be imprac- Menhir- to do s .1 The Laflechc appraisals of 194 7 were still used as a general basis. The property of Mr. Erickson UI..U -t. ...iivit that, of W. and J.M. Spark of Hays of W. and J. M. Sparic of Hays Cove Avenue who complained at an improvement assessment of $!00 being too high. After the inspections the valuations in each case were sustained by the court. ' The following appeals were allowed l Fred M. Hill, lot 6, Map 1848, allowance lUV.itlV of VI $600 fUUV lim.1V made on v. val- ... uauoii ot 5u wane property is being used as public thorough- tare. W. M. Wernerlund, lot 5, block 35. section 5. improve- ments reduced from $800 to $300. (original clerical error 1. Karl Markl, lot 4, block 12, section 7. improvement figure of $1500 wiped out (clerical er- rori. T - - j, s tU' B'lbjo 13' Builiilo Caiiiidian 08', Consol. Smelters 1)8 65 Conwest 1.13 Donalda 54, EUlona 30!i Fast Sullivan 4-60 . 1 . .' - ' . ' , ...-.Hf , , . . s. . ?i ; "" .03 ' t) i0 02 Vi or, 1 25 ..r, .26 .da 3.35 .03 ! . .13', .0;i 1.11 .3t! .11 .0(.'-.0; 4.0" ' ' Va 1.4., ..r : 1 n..n .10 2.i :) 4 i I ,:'7 w . ','')' Giant Ycllowknifc C.20 t'od's Luke 34 I.ardrock 35 Iiarrlcana .36 lleva 07 liosco 03V. Jacknire 05 Joliel (jucbec "' Lake Rowan 05 Vj Lapaska 0 1;' 1 Little Long Lac 48 Lynx 13' 2 Mad.sen Red Lake 2.80 McKenxle Red Lake S3 McLeod Cuckshut 2.G7 Mom-La -34 Negus 1.45 Noranda G8.25 Louvicourt ..." Pleklo Crow 1.87 Regcourt, M San Antonio 3.75 Ketiutor Ruuyn Slierrll. Gordon 227 Sleep Rock 2.4il Sturgeon River '. 22 Silver Miller 02 Upper Canada 3.15 ,i. - -JL xmtu NKW HOMK FOR DRFWS -This is "Slornowiiy," n house in Ottawa's fashionabL residential suburb of RockeUrie and the wartime home of Queen Juliana of the Netherlands. It wus bought by a committee representing a group of Canadian citizens who feel there shuuld be a permanent home, for the Leader of the Opposition in the House of Commons. The first occupant will be George Drew, Progressive Conservative leader. The purchasing committee was headed by M. Grattan O'Leaty, vice-president of the Ottawa Journal. ' (CP. Photo) ."G t