1' Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday. February 9, VJ'M Young Irish Is Named After Donald Gordon I" KAMLOOPS It was bound to happen somewhere 6n the Canadian National Railways system that a baby should be christened Donald Gurdon after the road's 1 ' - T , .. . . ' l - V -: o ' , S a yj ' At-G-ZV BIG NEW 11 - . x fc nun DiDDvunor S "ANtiWM I' fill I. WW, NO.lilR . 1 ON THt ikm J Pluto cs-Evenir.; Saturdaj y I . BUCKLING BUCKLING SLIDES SLIDES A A bg bg snowplow snowplow inches inches for for ward ward on on the the Canadian Canadian National National Railways Railways line line near Vale, B. C, about 115 airmiles east of Vane ouver. The slides stopped mainline transportation for two weeks. h CLASSUTED AJL IN THE DAILY NifiWS WlLi, Bia 8:10 - Here's Bill Good j"s"B"lf"7"B?: I r In ' a ... GLOVES FOR FASHIONS TASTK j RUPERT : peoples storf: :: ! Tina advertisement ih not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or fcy tha Government el British, Colombia. Pastor Here , Youthful theological stmii'n Davul Murphy, recently t'rrived from Belfast, Ireland, is in Piince Itupert and will supply as pastor of the First Presbyterian Church here until April 23 pending the arrival in the city of Rev. E. A. WiiL'ht of Sherbrooke, Quebec, who is to be the church's new permanent pastor. Mr. Murphy arrived in Canada only on January 12 and he rei'.ch-ccl Prince Rupert at tlv first oi the week. He intends to rci".r:n in Canada and after leaving here, expects to take up further tin o-logica! studies. Rev. M .A. Mark, who has been supplying here for the past month, will leave by the Prince George tonight, on his return to Nelson where he is stationed with the field service of the church Board of Missions. The congregation of the church, at a meeting Monday night of this week, made arrangements for the renovation of the Martse in preparation for the i arrival of the new permanent i pastor. ! TRAIN SCHEDULE ; 1 For the Fast I Monday, Wednesday, Friday ! 8:00 p.m. i From the East j Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday 1 :0:15 p.m. j I'ur (Jun k Relief ; Beyond llelief. . . From tlic pain A Alt 1 11 tttTI?, RMKl MA I'ISM, MCl'ltlTIS, or SCIATICA ... v a l.ol tie of DOI.CIN tablets today. DULCIN has relieved the pains of thousands o( sufferers. HOI. ('.IN tablets are 1 not harmful, cusy-to-lake, reasonable ! in coM 100 tablets for 1 $2.39; the larpe economy-size j Lottie of 500 tablets $10. 1 tf vt druggitt rnmn-t ttnl r.ift ..tuxtiS M new president. This railway centre has had the honor and the first baby to bear the name is Donald Gordon Smith born one minute after midnight January 1. This fact became known with the arrival here of a silver mug inscribed "From Donald Gordon to Donald Gordon Smith," together with a letter from the President of the Canadian National Railways. The railway president would not have been aware of his namesake but for a proud grandparent who wrote the Canadian National magazine to enrol the child in the Young Railroaders' Club of the railway. , The railway president wrote to young Donald Gordon Smith, who will be one month old on February 1, in most friendly terms. "Any boy who is enterprising enough to arrange to be the first and only child to be born in Kamloops on the first; dav of this memorable year.! 1950 Is sure to go far," wrote I Mr. Gordon. ''When on top of that he has the good sense to be born into a railroading family, his future is doubly sure. I can't think of any better start lor a boy in Canada than to be born into a family of railroaders. 1 hope you will follow in he footsteps of your father and your grandfather and go into , Canadian National service when you have finished school. Of course, that is a long way ahead, for as I wrote you are only three 1 weeks old. 1 "I was very pleased,, you may be sure, to hear that you have i been given my name. I hope it will bring you luck. Perhaps before the century is out you will be sitting in the chair I am now proud to occupy. In any event, I send my congratula-I Ions on your arrival to your parents and your grandfather and to you, my namesake, I send you my warmest wishes for a long and happy life." The grandfather, T. P. Swift, is a World War I. veteran who i lias 30 years service with the investigation department of the -C.N.R. Arthur Gordon Smith, tne latner is a 23-year old navy I 111:33 Rcc. Int. 11 :45 Personal Album ll2:00-Mid-Day Melodies 12:15 -CBC Kews 12:25 Prog. Resume 12:30 -B.C. Farm Broadcast 12:55 Recorded Interlude 1:00 -Afternoon Concert 1:30 Bemie Braden Tells a j . Story i 1:45 Mr. Prime Minister I 2:00 National School Brdcst. j 2:30 -Records at Random MUNTltl'AL, IVb. 9th One t inottoei I know for a c ''lie Prrjnm il"! lie prepared SI.OAN'.S LIXIMKNT f,lr t;, pain?? of rc niucle; rliw. ralgia ftilT neck or (-priiiii-. h;, hpc- il-t relief. IU comliirlit!?. 4 .1 ! 'i ; i brings woinlerful relief in jut a few luinulr Just pat it on anj you'll feel ko niueli better! It-trating lieat goei ri:;ht to the seat of tl.e 11am! : Sloan's is a ineilieiiHwaliirx t, "tnu-l" in m wm homes! It's economical, too! Ju.-t 10e 0 bntile! 1 Didn't Hur To Be TolJ k-.t l.'.-rei.m I I. v .1. pli3 for I KK.IDMliK I; 1 .1 H 1 1 . 1 ,': A i'()i;.S 0n. CFPR Radio Dial 1240 Kilocycles (Subject to Change) THUK5LAT r.M 4:00 Musical Program 4:15 Stock Quotations and Interlude 4:30 Captain Dick 4:45 Young Man With a Song 4:55 CBC News 5:00 Rendezvous Room 5:30 Recorded Album 6:00Canuda at Work 6:15 Musical Varieties ti. 45 Smoke Kings :l'tl CBC News 7:15 CBC News Roundup 7:30-Eventide ' 8:00 -Citizens Forum 8:40 Ctizens' Forum News 8:45-Talk 9:00 Winnipeg Dram:'. 9:30 -CBC Van. Concert Orch 0 00 CBC New? 10:10 - CBC News 10: 15 -Open Hearing 10:30 -Dunce Vith CJJS ll:U0 - Weather and Sifii Off FRIDAY A.M. 7:00 Musical Cit K 8:00 CBC News 1 lIlGlDAIi;!. IHK. Jl..(.I.S, jiki h 1 was rmpootibie for the 'Viii ilc 11 1 ,11 Ih au'y of !he reJrij;orateii.4 :iu1 i nifi tli in-cS ' Tlie ! -im 1 y nf I lie tmneitluieit fiy "J!:i niond l.msy" nil oir. ll'it lliosc I ii;4iil:ii:r n.'nn ;'l..l kiv .Miii'-ilnuK omcllHiiK iirim 11 Iv nmrc imj'ri :mt. to yun ;,s a liuvcr. Ihrx s.iy tlKit h'.ie ait lioilH-luilii aj..li nuts T built ini ba k' J by ilie t:rr.'iic.H j( --.j'rn. mini' i nn flliil mfin if:,i mi im fiu'iliiie in imla-li v: lliiw1 iifijio ';! Mjiii Jiri" I woiiM like n corr'i-t. a iwiinl.ir ltiw'imcr n ij.iin " iix.tcs any riu-liii' I'd ic nitor., ll iln. ft la.:e is 11.1J '-ii'T'k (iwivtl b (i'-iicrnl Mn'(ti.. If. pri.vjud built by t iliwl.i:-t- IVlK't ul Cwli, L. Uiil.inn. cm bc-.a Hint lrail'-m:irk. W lial'i A 1 ounfiin V,'f,"f' ne 6:15 Morning Song 8:30 Music lor MoCeri.s A3 Littlt C' r.Ltit j 9:00 - BBC News and Comfy 1 9 15-Morning Devotions 9:30 - Morning Concert 1 ' 9:59 -Time Signal ! 10:00--Ellen Harris j 10:15 Carson Robison 10:30 Melody Time 10:45 Rita Martin's Musical Kitchen 11:00 -Kindergarten of the Air 11:15 Roundup Time 11:30 -.Weather Report K)KEIGN AFFAIRS EXPERT CJorcloii Orayrlon, a lawver from a small Ontario town, is the foreign affairs expert of 1 he rronressive Conservative parly. A resident of Brampton, Ontario, Mr. Graydon has represented Peel in the Commons since 1935. From 1913 to 1915, he was House leader of his party and leader of the Opposition. He is a fonner national president of the Progressive Conservative party A member of the Canadian uUc-gation to the San Francisco Conference in 1945 which drew up the United Nations charter, he has, frequently been vice-chairman of the Commons external affairs committee. Mr. Graydon was born Dec. 7, l.TiPi, at Snelgrove, Ont. 'CP. Photo 1 GREATEST SHAVING veteran who joined the LIMITED -Toronto 10 Ontario way s bridge and building de- partmcnt three years ago. i'ti 111th i.'l'V e .1. tirioll- M.I W III' I " .11 Ll ,S ..:j 1 or I im'i'. ' Hare 1 ou .1 Mnn In Mintl wlien you rook'.' Mii'l, of ih fin- inelmi-.l lo )'l-in o:ir lnal.l to the l.i !o of our 111' Ul' ll,i !i:t' win- K l! A F T JllN'M.H n Mi-li f.i'iinii' in m many ii.iliiu limn' ! A'vl Mjrr' nnollir-r I'.bl f t."!!, loo! ' Kr.ifi 1 limi'V i tt rl. on lh- fo'wl I'll'lc' I ! Ji n.ut 'hi you tn. Ir lhi r;frMni'' t'Hj i in;i'nrnni-;m'I-' it"'' f fnnhin1 i"ii 1 . . M-ininni ! it ' ;i .-"( mi nt! In every pro Ujc of "Ur .fl Ilinu-r" m a ,pi-( i.!l f. o"l. 1112: in e-.roni tliH rooks lo flulTy li;'i ie - in only 7 in mMl e. Ami. in I In- came p.nknge rheil.hr rhrcv, ;i)H-a'ly gratni, to cpriiikle in for i H checo fl ivoui ! Knoigh for four nnil quod rnuutlt lo nmke imy inan you kuow a.-k for muitl 'Mnrririi Women 1 , Tlif'r Otcn flmifc Atrmm' m ol im finu.i' ,-i frn ml-, l.i-l u . . k f.' I ofl'll U f'l t' ieue -U'i! nrr,J., ., lrw iii-. or -Ii1" - "f I .on re t nlnay cira nc-. 'ImmiI.I. w 1 lo h.i e rnuuii leff over fiolil niv ii nn-e lo p.-y for Hn-t: llii:is l 1 Tl.-n 1 liii on a olut ion . . 1 n ' ' A.in.ml at (lie 1!.NK Ul' MUNTltliAl,. I l. -H dul'ar or lui left ovpr fr im inv houvi hotl riii-- I"' 2:45 CBR Presents 3:00 The Music Box 3 15 Don Messcr and His Islanders 3:30 International Comment. 3:40 British Empire Ganu'o and VICKERS' GIN I VICKI.HS' IS 0ISTI1KO IN CANADA AND It OIIIIIIUIID irCdlVrit , J. . Tins .v rtisrnienl is w 'iilli-.:, 01 .lis-pljitil bv llif Lmiuoi' tt r .1 1,1 I Uf tin; jOcinnnnt (it ltriti .it (.ulunilm. Muvini;, Tacking, ( ratine, Shipping anil (.encral Cartage and Storage Complete Reliable and Efficient Service, also agents for Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd., for Oxygen. Acetylene and all welding supplies. Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Limited Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Est. 1910 Pinnies (ill and (18 VALUE EVER OFFERED! 1 r r r r n 1 Cillntte Ditpcmcr 3 M &7 how quii kly inv hiilaner g;.trr. Ami mi in inv oi li" 11 " 1 run now afT'H'1. nr Itiel-rl run- mti'-li inove :n'l.ei ' - Julia in the rij;lH fianm oi inni.l fur a lw-..y hu-l " Sumlnr Your Hay Tor An h.normnut ttmhlmti ' lo cook it...aivl your fjmilv rerlainlv Ink' - li"' time lo rat H d-vnv U. -t lull win n the iiemi 'li-!i ' I Mie-trrl I-;,-, jn ;i', C'l!liM .i !' 'I'UMA I'J I M.M I'! M-nimni! , . . llncj how (or four: ' Uii'inr tour inillviduDl bikini d;im. rt'i-ak S te a lull cuo and m'.o curli raa.Ti-oli. A!-n I" curn firh otH nhmil. c'm llnnr. Crcim of Tonu'e K .oitn. unrll!lil-'l. K.ikp in mod''v;(r ovn n..u (lr : f-' "" v "''lies arc htm lavout 11) mm.). Ton tM bacon slnps. r- ' j-a ront'iii) . I "!. ( 1 e,r ,i. . ., . '.-.., ii i-' - I l: ,i I,. I ,1 .,l ni 1 I. Uvil Ir a 1".',1 I WimiiC M ev 4 li s lopiil ru !i ce-:ini '. T.ic '..inch "f a 1 ic f.e-- ' Wn.-T ' Clnf f pirkri'r ;'; ' 1 -.Tlr-in.--.' of T V.'iic.Jt Cot porjl JiL-::if.... -w to I'-rp lei'ls . Uliloolll. Wlllll i UnH iHiiii'il'dj In;.1 Nj 1 niat Irr li'- ' 'JimiJ -worked" vour liaii'l ' one I.I! yo.nl'" raie and lr"ii' ;' i-kin nmy-v'"" 1-1 ilir le .Im; I A 1.0T you'll ' 'HI .In l l.. i ,:r. W ll''1 th. i. 'l.i'ly-"i-!,i ,il bo: lie of ' 'I' ki .-In n mi'1 i" ;"' ,--:l.an.i rlfeeled u" I""' . i ...,n fQ0fOae-PteceR2or WITH 10 GIUETTE BLUE BLADES IN DISPENSER Why More People Prefer $tty&-! . . . Tltrrr .f ' '$ For Drtu r $ A 1 1 r.-i-l i r, Aopralinj, Apj.: Jing whrn ynu make tbrm wiih JLi.t-o I'lnniNos. Smooth, mellin-. h !i.-iou.-ly flTorei1 Jolt-O l'U'hIini lnakes (lc-sert ll" hieli fpot ol any nieal lie it cliil'lien ., limn Fnac k, or bo it "tbr Imi.-'. nislil to rlmo ill, our hon e.'' Vial f imply can't ro wrons tiii'. Jr!-( ruclHims . ..melluTT-rirh Onalm l or Hnttpi-'rotfh. smooth, "ch-rr-flclight'' Vanilla and tWt H-irk heiiuly Chocolate. And t!i n fle-e lire I ho?c wonderful ,MI-U Tsni'-i I'liddinss Urance Coconut." Ye-nilla and Cliorolatc. linjey Jdl-U l'liildinjs ol'ico. That garden-fresh flavour is unmistakablejust like a juicy ripe tomato plucked fresh from the vine. That's (because Libby's select only prize tomatoes, then "Gentle Press" them to extract their sweetest juice no bitterness from seeds or core. Libby skill retains, too, the vitamins A and C of which Libby's is an excellent , HA M dietary source. These vitamins are needed for growth, for the development of strong straight bones and healthy teeth. Children especially need their daily quota of vitamins for radiant, glowing health. Keep a few tins of Libby's in the refrigerator and encourage them to help themselves. Combines Instant Blade Changing with Superior Shaving Comfort A Crand Opportunity to nnd for t!.i- 'l"!,r"'" ' toxin ppiH-prnof . , t Jrfl-over juic.i. Simply mil the jui'-e you , , rovilainer in your ir box! ll. ",-enl.i in" il'r v '' r.arl.aia liirnt, 1111 C r.renl Si.. Mimlwal. I , 11 '&$AurZA 3jr. PoMnl I fVo( or ponto'.r mntf '"' "'r ril torHial or fwrntriHr lnr. 1 from a Hotril FIRST IN FAVOUR-FIRST IN FLAVOUR label funic oft ea.--ily when i.oak.'il in i.tn ,,, ten or lifvrrn minute..) And. remember. : ' nut only makes a wonderfully Miriiiu h"l 1,1 eieiiinly tlavouriul in meal di.-hn of all km1'-1 Modern Srjrnca has eunlribuicd brillifuil.v lo a : 1 : v. o.v - i. L II f? "it III 'Midi mmmm and Double-edge Economy Enjoy extra shaving luxury change blades presto... with the amazing new Gillette Onc-Piece Razor and Gillette Blade Dispensur. Makes shaving faster, easier, far more convenient. Buy yours now! PFflfll inuDtiirr Gillette Rocket 0nc-Pic(e Razor and v: eeeir -ne-d in voni n in' n"-' ZuMTtMI S i JKW rl Mrwtc 1 l.f .ll'.l UL I n-oi-t. tltlitaelory ,,.ti mm it ;rr.:rt-hf.---laml-'--, " ...il. '...iiilnr-. all' ... , powerfully :iii'elal.r( , . tiwjf l or iranli lavw '"" . feinmiiH'hvienc jimpv nr'lr to me Harbaia ' Menu-rid, r.Q. and I'll cnd voii a free book"