-.Twwr ONE BOAT IS BARE LEGS z2k 1 . 1 Prince Huptrt iDaflp J!3etef " V ' Thursday, July .14, 1949 Timely Recipe NVR WAS SHAVING SO QUICK AND tr GilletteSSZ GOING OUT New Eye-Popper Styles Part of New Industry's Subtle Campaign By CYNTHIA LOWRY NEW YORK AP The men Thirty-foot Mafvlr of the Queen City Yacht Club, with Skipper Stuart Vlggers, Mrs. Viggers, Mrs. Eva Rogge and W. B. Kirk aboard arrived ln port t 10:15 this morning, too late Uonal motor boat race. The WITH 10 GILLETTE BLUE BLADES IN disf A IE who make women's stockings' for tne )udlnZ ln the lntrn-are WS8el had rouh tlme and took engaged in a subtle cam- paten to persuade women away,shelter severftl Umes' als0, be" Asparagus Molded Salad 1 envelope plus 1 teaspoon gelatine V cup water 1 10-ounce tin cream of asparagus soup 2 tablespoons mayonnaise 1 tablespoon lemon Juice 3n cup cubed canned pork luncheon , meat i teaspoon Worcestershire sauce V cup finely diced celery Va cup finely diced green pepper '4 cup chopped pimiento Soften gelatine in water. Heat Enjoy real shaving comfort, instant blade changing and douhle-cdge econimy. New Gillette One-Piece Razor and Gillette Blade Dispenser just can't' be matched for shaving convenience! The complete set for $ 1.29 is the greatest shaving value ever offered. on from bare lees. M"B "rmyeu uy iuB, uui u I board were afe. BIG SEND-OFF -FOR BOY SCOUTS British Columbia's Boy Scouts to share In the great jamboree in Ottawa, were given a smart send-off in Vancouver Tuesday evening. Illustrations in the Vancouver press Include a picture of Magnus Eyolfson of Prince Rupert holding the decorated flagon water from the Pacific to be exchanged for another bottle of water, this from the North Atlantic, and taken to Ottawa by a Boy Scout from Newfoundland. At the farewell ceremonies in Vancouver, Chief Justice Sloan, R. D. Baker, president of the B. C. Scout Associatinon and T. W. Parsons, provincial commissioner Spoke briefly. Parents and numerous friends were present. The firemen's "band played. There was a Scout Inspection and the final function was the march-past and parade to the railway station. Toronto. Tills caused more than Only boat still not In Shortly before 'noon was Robert Wall's El Com-A-Dee, of Bellingham. Look for the blue' and yellow package that identifies It has resulted In new styles and greater variety. It is the answer of a $750,000,000 industry to the fact that millions of women discovered the joys of tmre- SPECIAL LOW-PRICE OFFER Oilssn locaot Or-Pic Christie's OTTAWA David N. Gill had to ride his own street cars for a while. Mr. Gill is manager of the Ottawa Transportation leggedness during the Tvar years. 'The bars are down," said Earl RE Raevr md Glltatta aonsr with 10 Oi Mae BlaaWs Constantine, president of the graham mmmj soij in a double boiler; add' softened gelatine and stir until dissolved. Remove from heat; 1 cool. Add remaining ingredients. Rinse a 7,i inch diameter ring mold or Individual 'molds with cold water; pour in J the salad. Chill several hours National Association of Hosiey Commission and his car was Manufacturers, "because bare stolen when he left it parked in legs have been accepted anrian OTC- garage- m nothing in the world could make to l00k Dt a P" ,0okinS Pr Women believe thev m.t .r of legs ln natural colors. Tlesh long hose at all times." until firm. Makes 8 servings Of course the N.A.H.M. hopes colored tones are the bread of stockings; black and very dark shades are the Cocktails. A little that women will pull on a pair Blow-off In Sport w2-9 tSw u ' v - - It-en manufacture) with their slacks " i"" ""VT aJong ay" What about the oft-heard a few western sports writers , to unlimber their muskets for a few quick Volleys -at the bigwigs of Canadaian sports. Most writers seemed to feel SAVOY HOTEL . W. L. WOODS! Proa PHONE 37 , P.O. BOX 1397 FRASER STREET PR IN CIS RUPERT NO PARKING FREE GUELPH, Ont.P Local parking meters have found a new use. Outside a grocery store recently a little cocker spaniel waited for his mistress his leash- wrapped around the meter. He seemed unconcerned that the meter showed overtime parking. and shorts or house dresses if they must bare their nether extremities. In spite of the vogue for bare legs, a ftizeable number of pairs of full length are shipped by that any team selected to go to New Zealand at the Toronto complaint that post-war nylons dont wear as well as the prewar hose? "Very simple," answers Constantine. "Before the war th Industry very rarely manufactured anything mure sheer than 30-denler. Now one of the most popular weights is 15-denler much sheerer." As a matter of fact, the trials would be pretty well con fined to Eastern Canadian ath letes. N.A.H.M. members more than 800,000,000 pairs last year, and about 87 percent of them nylon. 1 That includes full-fashioned (which means a real seam up the back) and seamless, ravonj FLIGHTS TO THE POTSHOTS Tommy (Regina Leader-Post) QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLA!fjc Western Irked Over Trials Going: to Toronto By DAVE LEIGHTON Canadian Press Staff Writer REGINA ffi The Canadian sports volcano, dormant for the last few weeks, has erupted again. Major victim of the latest explosion has been track and field, one sport usually noted for its absence of .squabbles In the old east-west traditions. ; Occasion for the blow-off was the decision of British Empire Games officials to hold the Canadian track and field trials In silk, cotton and nni h,,r , hosiery noslery manufacturers manufacturers of of the NOW Melville took one of the opening potshots. Said Tommy: "The fact that there will be no zone trials in track events "means that most prairie hopefuls will have DAILY few of the last four categories 1 naUn W0Uld aPPrec'ate It very " WOmen would sU)P in" Constantine cites as examples TCh of the persuasion campaign tl.-t"lg n gossamer-sheer 15-revival of clocks ("they certain-1 de.n'f for every wear-ly make a woman's ankles in,.iri Women should buy and wear 13 rV to pass up the chance of com peting for berths because it To Masset, Justkatla, Cumshewa, Q.C. City, i) stockings with some relation to more attractive), lace Inserts costs too much to go to Toronto. "Even British Columbians and insets, heel reinforcements u,c wiSKS lne re oing to per- Salt Lake Ferry Daily Service Except Monday SCHEDULES Tuesday,.. Wednesday ..a n d Thursday Leave Cow Bay floats, 4, 5, 7 and 8 p.m. (Extra trip Thursday afternoon, 2:30) Saturday Every hour starting at 11 a.m. Sundays Continuous service commencing 11 a.m. Last boat leaving Salt Lake at 10 p.m. Phone GREEN 391 or BLACK 926 For Information or Reservations C with double points, flares, square torm' "antlne gays. Queen Charlotte Air Lines L ends, and stockings without heel or toe reinforcements or lacking one of them for use with sling-back and open-toed shoes. which is one of the hotboxes of track; is finding It difficult to raise money for the team it would like to send." The big trouble, Tommy said, is that track people, unlike their brothers In other sports, have little chance to raise funds through gates. WHIM OF FASHION V.t " THE ADVERTISE IN THE DAILY NEWS FDR BEST Last year, when hosiery production was getting back to m id ur ward normal (which mpnnr.' 1 RpM j "The Amateur Athletic Union should know what it is doing but the criticism in the west will be strong," Tommy added. THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL there wasn't a shortage) women suddenly discovered the smartest thing in the stocking field was very dark colors and Business and Prof ?ssi 41 )!. .?r?!'S-':;.'.''-.!'''!.'-.--'-' DELIVERED FREE Tommy declared it was a mis-brightly huecrstoeklnits to motj h toA DEM ERAM Mar4 V" laulei teflHe J If wrVhiTminri!1 em take ever trj do away with Bone gay dresses. . trials. "If iDon Pettie of Cal-' The dark colors went over Dig, gary can burn up a track at Red but the colored stocking lad Deer no doubt he could whip up didnt take. a pretty fair time at, say, Wlnni-j The Industry does not admit peg, and if that time should be this .was anything but a fashion better than one made by a run-;hlrnjt was almost lmp08S,,jIe rter at Toronto well, let Pettie go to palnt iegs black or navy blue, "eZe,nd; jThe result was that lots of bare- y t W , de Z "r I00 a.nd leu wmwi had relied on m most athletes rM are too poor for .u, fnp w . , Phone 654 MARGARET McLEOl) OPTOMETRIST Room 10 STONE BUIDINO ' HANDT HOME S! GENERAL CO! BullrlinB and f ROOFS - ( PNCE..RUPERT OIL BCf one-centre trials unless a middle rl hnir ,. ' in solid comfort ; : t in less time . ; ; for less money; PRINCE RUPERT S5c per dozen paid for empties labeled by ny B.C. Brewery PHONE BLUE 593 P.O. BOX 1184 uai.n uiiAj Liicii iiyiuus. now site is selected.' BOWLING ALLEY OPEN DAILY FROM 3:30 P.M. TO 11 P.M. Saturdays 12 Noon - to 12 Midnight PHONE RED 709 Bowl in Clean and Pleasant Surroundings PH0 BlacJt Cff7 R' the color trend is toward lighter stockings. , fit P.O. Bw ENERGETIC WASPS A South American type eci f'rt'Th010!"' W"!.8'Way8 be ThivioWisement is not publish J H,Ti irJTOl0red' Constan-1.or d,Spled by the Liquor Conn i..T..ivii'.p;r.W'iv.,,.vY,,.s,.'.lllf.;K'.VUAii:Vlf.' Thu advertiment n not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board at by the Govemmeat of British Columbia. wui. vnuiauia. Board or by the Government ol wasp build larg neests, some times three feet in length. f "The reason is that men like British Columbia. WELLS C UMI" FOR YOUR ROCK & CONCRETE WORK CALL BLUE 939 M. J. SAUNDERS New, Modern Equipment All Work Guaranteed .. II. S. Whaler Complete Mt Crating Pack BLUE 780 To make jAMSand JELLIES like an Expert 1 hue: BEAUTY Take your Choice of ER QUALITY REPAIRS Tor Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Box 774 Second Ave. Permanent Beauty Oil! JCiven beginners make jam and jelly like experts with the help of Certo Fruit Pectin or "Certo" Crystals. It's the efficient and truly natural way . . . because both Certo and "Certo" Crystals are nothing but fruit pectin the natural substance in fruit that makes jams "jam" and jellies "jell", extracted and concentrated for easier, quicker, BETTER jam and jelly-making. It doesn't matter whether you choose the liquid or the crystals. Berth end guesswork and tedious long-boiling. Both will give SURE results if you follow the instructions -exactly, SAVE TMf and WORK Jutt a ONE MINUTE lull tolling boll for loth j.mi end i Its bra: GOBW&asfals 204 4th Street BYTOWN J' WOK- GEORGE L. R0RIE Public Accountant, Auditor Income Tax Returns Compiled Besner Block Phone 387 Agents Inr Sff and CUMMINS DIES' Sales Service Boat owners anc dustrial Engines 4 1 to our showro KEN'S RADIO CLINIC For Satisfactory Service CALL 53 718 8econd Avenue West various engine jemra. mat s an you need -When you uw Certo or "Certo" CrystaU. It'e so quick and ey. INCREASED YIELD Since very little juice has time to boil eiwiy, you get an average yield of 50 more jam or jelly from the same amount of fruit. fRESH-f RUIT TASTE... COLOUR Cooking time h so short it does not epoil the fresh fruit taste or dull the lovely natural colour. They stay right in your jam or jelly. JAMS AND JELLIES TURN OUT RIGHT Follow exact the kitchen-tested recipes you get under the label of every bottle of Certo or In every paclrage Of "Certo" Crystals and youH mlwayt make delicious, parkling jama and jellies. Carlo it a trade mark owned by Cenorol Foodi, Umltad equipment p ALL FARES ONE WAY A. P. GARDK CHARTERED A 1118 MdvlII' PIANO TECHNICIAN Tuning, Voicing and Repairs MIKE COLUSSI Phone BLACK 750 972 10th East For Information and reservation VANCOUV or Your grocer ha, CERTO or "CERTO" Crystal, ready for you . . . lake your choic rodtKta of Canaral Foodt Consult your CP. Travel Agent , ' , MATTSf UPHOLSTfI HOLLYWOOD cafe Dry Kindling Wood 50c Sack Delieved Scrap Wood Random lengths $10 per load PHONE B it W TRANSFER Green 188 MOST UP-TO-DATE CAFE IN TITE CITY Phone Blue 818 330 Second ' Prince Bupe;; . OPEN FROM 11:30 A.M. To 3:33 A.M. Wp Rnpf)n1l70 In mtnnriA M.b.. tP TASTY MEALS AT THE Rex Cafe Chinese Dishes a Specialty cnop SUEY cnftw mp iv JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue ni? P J. ( "chop suey-ciiow mein TRAIN SCHEDULE For the East-Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 8:00 p.m. From the East-Tuesday, Thursday, 8atur3aj 10:30 p.m. For Outside Orders PHONE 1SS SUITK o, o Second Avenue opposite Prince Rupert Hotel ' 7:00 a.m. toS:30 a.m. Phone t78 for Outalde Ordere f ! mono iu" viwyjl-'iji,,gTw rr