V prfnre Rupert Dallp Hctos Thursday, July'14, 1049 TERRACE TRADE BOARD (Continued irom Page li - ATHLETE'S Jinx PATHLOW. Bask. tFArthur Terrace Board will place before 1 the Associated Boards of Trade i are : ... Bennett, catcher for the local1 baseball team, ha. a recurring rp annrnvpd A f t. P r 1. That the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation establish radio relay transmitters at Terrace, Smilhers, Burns Lake and Vanderhoof to provide Cana trouble. A linger on his right hand was broken twice when hit being read by resolutions corn-by spinning balls. When it mitu-e chairman Duncan Kerr, healed he went back to his posl-, More than a scole of guests, t The Experts i I Say... By KAY REX Canadian Press Staff Writer PRESERVING FRUIT "Putting down" fruit may aim be a puzzle to the new homemaker but she will find plenty of guiding rules in the last edition of the agriculture department bul tion at the pate. Now his finger ' inclUUng many summer visitors dian radio service for that part ls broken again. and five from Prince Rupert who of the central Interior, motored to Ttarace for the oc-! 2. Removal of control and casion, were introduced by the licensing powers for broadcast-president and members. Guests j ing from the Canadian Broad- Yon Saw It in The News' Outstanding Quality Delicious Flanur of honor were E. T. Applewhalta, casting Corporation and placing Member of Parliament-elect for n m the hands of a government letin, "Home Canning of Fruits (about one hour). Bring to boil and boll, uncovered, to Jam stage (about 30 minutes). Pour Skeena and Mrs. Applewhaite. body which Itself is not a competitor of private broadcasting stations. Mr. Applewhaite gave Terrace and Vegetables." The booklet, which Is Just off Into hot eternized Jars. Cool and seal. Yield: about 6y2 cups. people cause to think about the Implications contained in future 3. Establishment Of a farm Plumbing Trou introduced by Mr. Little. Dr. McPherson is the first dentist ever to establish a practice at Terrace. expansion of the district when illustration station in the Ter- CANNING QUESTIONS The he asked them to consider the' race district. 4. That the Dominion gov the press, is the last word from ! home economists of the department's consumer section, on recommended methods of canning for different kinds of fruiu and vegetables. In addition there are 10 pages of recipes for a tasty variety of If Prince Rupert guests, in addi- agriculture department booklet also endeavors to answer ques ernment take appropriate and Hon to Mr. and Mrs. Apple- call; BLUE 846; tions which crop up in the course Mr. and Mrs. J. You're absolutely right, it Is vacation time now .' . . but In a few months cold weather will be here again and you want to be prepared with a safe warmth-givkng COAL supply. CALL 651 TODAY! PHIIPOTT, EVITT & CO. ... LIMITED Lumber Building Supplies effective steps to curb commu-1 whaite, were of -canning. Harry Black and J. K. McLeod. nlsm in Canada. possible result if they were successful in obtaining federal approval of a new post' of rice building in the village. "If you are successful in persuading the Dominion government to build a federal building in Terrace now, will it be too It gives several treasons why marmalades, Jams, and for 5. Removal by the Canadian , The heaping dishes of straw-and American governments of berries and cream, which were controls and obstacles to the accompanied by cake and coffee, pickles and relishes. I i )eUy sometimes fails to set using over-ripe fruit or fruit lacking In pectin; too short a boiling time before or after Saanich Plumbing & Heating PICKLED CHERRIES Pickled small six or eight years from cherries Is one which many a free flow of goods and travel were served by a ladies' commit-between the United States, Can- tee which had previously ar-ada and Alaska. ranged the social. The commlt- Rrif t rpnnrts on district high- tee consisted of Mrs. C. J. Nor- now? If the 500.000,000 alumi housewife will be anxious to try adding the sugar; using too much sugar in proportion to the pectin and acid m the juice. "V, num development comes to this district, any building which is One of them was "Highway Six- Select and wash three pounds firm, ripe, black or sweet white - agriculture, - rington, - chairman, Mrs. C. M. de , teen," ' a color travelogue oP the ' & SONS adequate lor today wm oe vuu ,.. . . Vsra ; . Sugar crystals in Jelly my be cn'.rnas. racic unpiuea, witn .. ,rf ...par; infractors email at that time " he declared, i raaio anu huuhhis uc 6"" j ..0 . - - - . uui umu uaiio-uimu that' attempt ! the respective committee chair- Mrs. William Osborne, Mrs. Dud- way from Prince Georget to "T l aiiPTPst SUg0e!i, uidu vou juu a " M,Jrf,m. Hnrrv lev Little and Mr8. James Stev- Prlnm. Runprt. nnwkfmmii la. ' FOR Safety's SAKE tr find mmr KOlUtlnn lor tne ; i"ct jcu& . , --, , -s i,tems attached, in clean Jars. TOmirncietlt acid; over-cooking Cover with the following cold of the jy. Uj0 great a delay ; vinegar mixture, two cups vine- 1n -.-hm it . : , i : . I ., li.. Ct ..lit. TIj .il . REMODELLING NDATIONS mmediate future, saving yourjrauiips, nai., mB, enson. terest in scenes of Terjaoe, Following the social, the gath-j Prince Rupert and many other gar; two cups water; two tea- big request for the time when j Jelly "weeps" sometimes be- help you plan you are sure of the trend of An- NEW DENTIST WELCOMED ering trooped to thai Terrace scenic spots along the route. A warm greeting was given to theatre, where lheywere guests The second film was a Canajliain spoons salt; one-nan cup Drown cause , mueh BCld jn the sugar; two tablespoons whole lulce may pre- v home under velopments." 1 nr MoPhPrsnn the new resident of theatre manager Charles , Chamber of Commerce release eloves; one-quarter ounce stick vente(l toy mixing a Juice high I FIVE RESOLUTIONS .A. en 883 Box 5W hen he was Aciams wnu snuwea iwu uuhb. cuulicu ah uaiuiiLa. cinnamon. in oi-iri oHh imp m m acid. The five resolutions whicli tne dentist at terrace w ft : j Tie whole spices in cheesecloth bag. Mix all ingredients to gether and boil for five minutes. Nfftr payrolls" Cool and remove spice bag. Pour cold syrup over cherries in Jars and seal. Yield: about four plnu . CANTALOUPE JAM Cantaloupe and peach Jam may be t i 8H00SE THE come the family's favorite break I A J ir-MiTT- fast "sweet." Ingredients: five cups peeled, diced cantaloupe, five cups peel ed, diced peaches; three medl um oranges, grated rind and Wfestingliouse WASHER Only in a Westinghouse Cushioned Action Washer will you find the extra safety features you ar looking for . . . safety fot you ... for your clothes ... and 1 1 Juioe; five cups sugar. Mix all ingredients and let stami until sugar is dissolved wives continually use Pacfilc Milk in all their cook- j idr It's so popular IF BABY n't buy a better . . . and remem- iduced in B. C. IS CROSS tor your investment: EicIui-"Sntinel of Safety" 0 Lovcll Fcithu Touch Safety Heleaie . . Wringer A Exclusive "CuthioncC Action" ' - WcMinghnuM -- FIND OUT WHY FIC MILK id Vacuum Packed uicAl THV niBlKS r not crodt'. YhuT fttiby jhimltl Kot 1 criiiw. It ht i", thtl jmhin in hi liulf tyit -m il "out ot orlr. probably Dependability Cammmit Ttrmi $154.50 diil.t." Mm. H . ot 1tih.ii hmib. d the ixiH-rieuee. She writ!: "My tittlt eirl wat Irn-tnl.lt. (ewl and oionimM tick at hrr iiomaeh wliat K-Uef tt Ml, tt itnt htr baby t Ow Tubtew, Ml K ho miivk belict Swet-tsting easily crushed tn powaer, If dnirnl. Ni) " slw.y" tufl noMkne oliect. Promptly ettectivc in simple tpvers, topraupi- in. t entiling trouawa, uimc wwnw. nor ilfo. . Never be without a full box of Baby'a t Own w 1 allien. u tne an mien .iri.r. , I ,,. none ill 11 25 teml. Munry back u yuu an kot aausliett. iMcBride Street 7 " ' modore A?j'Wi 'i Cafe r Th-n Ever" and Service In City. Better Watches Are Impossible r Send-Out Order. David Chow, Mgr i k ri ii a rf C VAILADL.I: It isn't possible to buy better watches tuan we sell. They aren't made. No matter what you may believe or what told have read-it's a fact that you have been or this store is able to sell the highest grades of watches at the lowest possible cost. After you decide that you need a watch you should come to us and see our varied stock. We believe we can convince you. Prices range from $10.00 to over $100.00 tested on our WATCH-MASTER All our watches are machine. i a- . . . If At1c in K FOR TUB RED AND HITE SEAL LABEL There's quick appetite appeal ior your wiuu x a ? little jar of Libby's Prepared Mustard. Made from choicest spices according to our own exclusive recipe, libby's Prepared Mustard is truly extra special - smooth as butter, nippy, yet it never bites. In your picnic sandwiches, on your cold plates, mixed in your salad dressing, Libby's that lifts food out of adds that extra touch of flavour the ordinary. Get in the habit of using It, as a condiment on your JADWAY Lllill UP uaA ' "CAFE f PICNIC DAYS AHLAU ? PHONE l RED 441 5 FOR YOI R table, as a seasoning in your cooKmg. xm. -.rr-. invest will be well worth the awakened appetites, you the compliments you'll capture. Order a jar of Libby s Prepared Mustard next tint? T FOOD SUPPLIES FT COOKING you're shopping. Wishes A Specialty Ft 1 E-HOME ORDERS HONE 200 I FREE DELIVERY 7 a m. to 1 a.m. FREE: standard size recipe cards featuring 20 delicious ways to use Libby's Mustard in your cooking. Just send your name and address to Libby's. Chatham, Ontario. IMA-49 MNG DIFFERENT! DOUBLE YOUR MONEY BACK if you doni agree that Libby's Prepared Mustard is thi Uit you have evtf tasted. J Try Our ZED COMBINATION STEAK INNER TODAY L 'ZZZZX