Prince Rupert Daily News Saturday, December 9. 1950 Blackwood On Bridge , By Easley Blackwood Passing of C E. Cullin ' 1 'I 'i J This is another hand related to me by Mr. Dale, the old master of bridge humanies. He was in a game with three players he had never seen before. Afr n:tl knows pretty well how to situation nf this Irin take care of himself in a ' L E.J-' w t The first thing he tries to do is "case" the other players their ..... abilities, .vu.wu, their . i wooing ana praying styles, tneir I temperaments. In the several f'euiHB nanus ne naa come w? I rn the conclusion inin ncinn tuqt that his nis Toi-tnoi iiartner i ally clever fellow with an e?o inuatea almost to the Durstintj point. East-West vulnerable. West, dealer. North (Mr. Dal) 8 K J 10 8 4 H A K W 8 D 7 2 FOR PLANNING FOR BUILDING FOR REPAIRING Coll 363 MITCHELL & CURRiE LIMITED Builders & Contractors Charles Ernest CuUin, 508 4th Avenue East, died Thuisdav j night in the Prince Rupert Gen-j eral Hospital. He was in his eightieth year and had been hi j failing health for some time. i ui tjignsn origin, Mr. uuinn Icame to Canada - 64 years ago, more than 20 of wnich he spent in Prince Rupert. For many Dn - v,o !. .. o roomv,r i nf it tHo VCl'O iit T ttO U illtlllUVl J Hm Hnrk nffirp stuff Then fiv .j " - - - - some time he was identified with the accounting department at the drydock. He is survived by his wife and a son in New York. Funeral arrangements are iu charge of B. C. Undertakers. Tnhn Procor nrwi A Villi Snpl- Wn.i-a i.f t.lif Canadian Fishinz i I Co., are returning to vancouve: . i . . ... . r, i an tne uoquiuam oumiay jiigiii. 3 XMAS STOCKINGS ft XMAS CANDLES SHAVING SETS COSMFTIC SETS TOYS CARDS 3 ICE CAUSES FLOOD More than S.006 person, are preparing to move back into their CalP -"--4 home, as the flood waters oX the Buw River subside. Aa Ice Jam. 13 feet thick in places hi thl heart of the city forced them to flee their homes. In th centre 0? tws photo tlTr Street bridge, maii span in the foothills city. At one time the ice reached the lower L?T ull traffic. DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS BRING RESULTS: S 7 s 9 8 5 2 H 10 9 5 4 3 H 7 6 2 D A 4 3 ' D 8 C A a 4 3 C 10 7 6 8 2 South (Mr. Sharpf) S A y 3 H J . D K Q J 10 9 6 5 C K Q The bidding: West Nortll Suutta Pass 1 8 Pass 3 D Pass 3 H Pass 6 D All puss ? p s iiAiin riiAKniiiA iiaiii 5 London Seeks Traffic Reform By JEFFERY RYAN Caniuitn Prew stuff Writer DO I If I YOUR Vllllll SHOPPING UI lllllltlf. NOW 611 lIHf ! I . y y y y " y y y y DOLLS y y y y AiLfi Mr. uuie openeu me Dia- ding on this hand, he didn't have a chance. Mr. Sharpe took com- olete charse. bullinff his wavt into the rather silly contract of six diamonds. ! course West won his two aces for a one-trick set. East, who had expected his opponents to make a grand slam, was Immensely relieved. ! to ine evening Standard h airi LONDON O - Author HUalree problem lies with the mentl Belloc wrote that London was a lethargy of the average Briton "dying giant" and the way things who Is "Inevitably two second? are going he could be right. Ulower than American and The city Is ailing, anyway,1 French drivers in getting away from a modern malady common from the green light ' " to many great cities traffic I lams- ( Mr. and Mrs. Neville Gerrarri Sprawling London, with Its moving fom here to Victoria to narrow, haphazard streets spread wnl"h city Mr. Oerra xl has been over 117 square miles, is becom- transferred as manager for BC. lng, at least In downtown areas, Packers, will sail for the south on a place of three speeds slow, , tne Camosun next Tuesday, dead slow and wait. r. W. Doubt of Spokane, who Traffic moves bumper-to- has been on a visit at Terraco bumper, causing grey halra' Uh his daughter, Mrs. William .. ., , , , tl riM I II tt riHvafr arwl .1 1 I .- K f .- (B ....II;., l He was moved to s y mW2.ZZ rar .npr I mva vn " I iirr7rr (TTnr Trim : w.n .. ' ,ht. . a n,mi. nOW On. to w Come cune w tr train w'n v . ''"L," .. ,r "'"'liriday night and not find ail S ni i riai3 - .K3J3iaiii,aj)iai9.jis,3iaiAaala,at3ia wiiiu. 4iu pnrau mils i c, aaumg Ull uie rrill- allke. It often takes up to aniess Louise Wis afternoon for Clasblfled Advertising is payable In advance. Please refrain from telephoning. Classifieds 3c per word per Insertion, minimum charge 50c. Birth Notices 50c. Cards of Thanks, Death Notices. Fun eral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements $2 00 SPECIAL DISPLAY. DOUBLE PRICE " ... . t . . CP PHOTO) that yuu can fly from London lq Paris faster than yon can travel from one end uf the city to another. One reader declined to believe that London's traffic conditions are any more clotted than those of Paris or New York. In a letter Vancouver enroute home. PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD SHIPBUILDERS AND ENGINEERS Iron and Brass Castings Electric and Acetylene Welding SPECIALISTS ON SAWMILL and MINING MACHINERY Business and A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS A. P. GARDNER, C.A. A. L. BELL, CA. 324 Second Avenue Box 203 Phone 88 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all Its branches 204 4th Street Phone 655 COLUSSI'S MUSIC STORE Agents for the finest In Musical Instruments PIANOS TUNED AND RECONDITIONED 210 4th St. Ph. Black 388 RORIE & LAIRD ACCOUNTANTS it AUDITORS Besner Block Phone 387 P.O. Box 130 HANDYMAN . HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kinds SOOFS CHIMNEYS OIL BURNERS PHONES Black 334 Red 894 P.O. Box 1070 SIDNEY GONICK OPTOMETRIST Complete Visual Analysis OFFICE HOURS 9 a.m. to S p.m. Geo. Cook's Jeweller. Ph. 213 Mr. and Mrs. William Leask and Miss V. Leask of Metlakatla are sailing this afternoon on tne Princess Louise for a visit in Vancouver. . M or tT w 1 to h .y young inesi 7. " ,"e8 uJ . Joint SUN LIFEQF u Por action us(5, Luxury? For KETl WKDNESM PRiS Profes SCOTT m CHARTERED ACC James Block fW! Prince Ruper Phone 347 f 1 oilALITY R&i For Domitr and Worn & MAC SHOE HOSF Bx 774 Buy the Best-) Famous ELECTRO Cleaner ai"1 A" 1 Small supply no1 R, W. COLL Author1 PHONE SERVICE & SUn MARGAR & Pnnm 1 STONE PMONI BLUE 655 P.O. box MATTS (jpHOLS , t.0 niue on 330 i I itTAflt DAILY r Phone BU" nndArt-1 Sll new"- haQ a nUlc hand when his partner could the bidding. Ana if Mr Dal h d ... ,,r g r ace ace oi Of Clubs ciuds instead instead of of th the king- kirur k queen of hearts, the slam would nave bea made. But why hadn't Mr. Sharps bothered to bid luur no trump and find out for sur how nuuiy aces Mr. Dale had? The answer is easy. Mx. Sharp is one of those 'know-it-air players who disdain the use oX any artificial conventions. These people think tliey are so good they don't need to check up on aces. There are lots of such "great men of bridge." Sharpe knew very well that Mr. Dale had a sound opening bid but to save lace he had to lash out at somebody, so he sub ject Mr. uaie to considerable abuse. Mr Dale remained silent. But he thought. "This Sharpe can surely dish It out but I wonder If he can take it! Hmm or ""jc u nvc a tnance io iuv out before the night is" over." Ray Reflects and Reminisces stores closed. They have cheques mcjr W1.-.I IU CXLIiailge IOr gtKlOS. The feeling will be mutual. After all, what's a fellow in business for? There's a heap of cash out Watson Island way. Lots of weddings in British Columbia Now and then, it takes most of a newspaper page to give details of the ceremony and print the illustrations. It all makes 'interesting reading. But. of course, all are not so elaborate. And then, there's another side to the picture. A Vancouver dally, this week published a at nsi oi divorce decrees awarded in the Supreme Court.'' There were twenty -one divorces and four annulments. There was once a time whin by Russia saw Nazi armies spreading by over her wide territories and had to fight like sin totetop the Invasion from beine ne'manpnt. Once, Russia had no iron curtain and never mentioned sum to a thing. Once upon a time. Russia refoiced in the aid of what was called lend-lease from the Allies. Incidentally, the latter the loaned Moscow 557 naval era': including Ice-breakers a frig ate, 11 mine sweepers, 148 sub- for cnasers and submarines and 88 miscellaneous craft. So far these valuable ships have not been returned. Nor will they . "George Washington ' could broad-jump twenty-three fete a record In those days" Newspaper filler. Today, observes the Juneau Empire, we have politicians of who can side-step farther than that. if Anvone In Prince Runert or A anywhere else Is liable to hear something that sounds sensational and with as little delay 8' notable, reneats it. If the stnrv is be true, confirmation comes. If the varn U false, there's plentv of by trouble, waste of timecon fusion and cussedness proving it so. by There was an example of the latter In Prince Rupert this week. Remember, Davy Crocket, pioneer of frontiersman and scout, - and his pet advice: "Be sur you're right and then go ahead." ent Science Professor: "What always results when a body is immersed the in water?" Co-ed: "The telephone rings," up Prices keep climbing if not soaring and what are you going to do about It? For more than sixty years, the fivo fent. cup of coffee at the Horn Hardart cafes in New York remained an institution. But now, no longer. Today, the price has doublets. Two nickels for one shot! So, in these perplexine times, plentv may have to drink tea if it's still five cents LAND ACT NOTICE OP INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LAND In Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, B.C.. and situate adjacent to Lot 1983, Ranee 8. Coast District. TAKE NOTICE that Armour Salvage (1949) Ltd., of Prince Rupert, B.C., Intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted at Northerly point of Lot 1983, Ranne 8. Coast District, thence North 10 chains; thence East JO chains; thence South 20 chains: thence West 10 chains; thence Northward along shore to point of commencement and, containing 20 acres, more or lesi. Date of staking October 6th. 1960. ,., "J M. Fields" ARMOUR 6ALVAQE (1949) LTD. For Action, Advertise! CAKD OF THANKS Mrs. A. wish to thank ,nknm their many friends iur aces oi Kindness and expressions of sympathy in their recent bereavement including the beautiful floral tributes and the services of D:tilbeai'ers t-a'-ticn-iarlv thaiiked are Dr L M yiccue anu ui. J. JViaCDOnR'U ' lor their ministration to Anton ' Halversnn n Viin finoi also the nurses, orderlies and neneral stall of the hospital (Up) FOR SALE . j Lins-belt Speeder Shovels- yragiines: Adams goad d Graders: Littleford Bros.! Black Too Read Maintenance! Enu) ninent- rwo rinm0i,Aii i Bucsets and Rock Grapples- T L. Smith Concrete Mixers : i Clark Forklift Trucks: Nelson' """ei -Jiaciers tor Stockpile and KnnuL Ppnmwai- T3;n xf, able Ci'Mrifuiial Pumos; National Draaline Scraners and Bickets: National All Rtjpl Gasoline Hoists: National Portable Sawmills: National I Rotarv Screens -and Conveyors 1 Full inloimalion from National Machinery Co. Limited. Vancouver. B.C. (tf ) .303 BRITISH calihre Rpmlno span, forcing the re-routing of Decompression Tests Succeed TORONTO m The R.C.A.F. has successfully completed new compression tests at its school aviation medicine here. Two compression chambers were employed. From one cham ber air was exhausted to stimulate atmospheric conditions existing at 60,000 feet. From the other conditions prevailing at 20,000 feet were created. The question the R.C.AF. wanted answered was: "What happens when the metal skin containing a Dressur- lzed high altitude cabin Is punc- lurarfl An instructor supplied the answer. He pierced the partition separating the two chambers, allowing atmosphere from the "low altitude" chamber to rush into the near vacuum of the other. Although it was like dropping 30,000 feet In an Instant, a!r fore officials said bodily effects from the sudden change were negligible. Air crews Sn both chambers wore oxygen masks, since without oxygen to purify the bloodstream the crews would fall unconscious and die when flying high altitudes. When tire chambers v. ers pierced Jiitivcu the fciirj ail air lurie force's 3 new lieW de UC- f vice came into nlav. A simnip ! aneroid barometer was activated ! the changing pressure caused j piercing the chambers. It automatically mU U mollon ! the oxygen-pumping apparatus, j The crew remains conscious' and is able to get the plane down ! a safer level. j XOTICK SEALED TEKDFHS arlrirmuvvl tn undersigned and endorsed ''Tender for wharf repairs at Sandsnlt. B.C." will be received until 8:00 D.m.. Thurarlnv nnvmhiv 9nf luwi wharf repairs at Sandsplt. B C. nans, form of contract and specification can be seen and forms tit tender obtained at the ,.ffi, , the District Engineer. Pont Office Build ing. P.O. Box 290. New Westminster. BC. and at the Post Office ot New Westminster. BC, Vancouver. B.C.. Prince Rupert B C and Ranrtmt BC. NOTE: Upon application to the undersigned, the Department will SUUDlV blUC-Urlntjt nrirl arMtf ift i the work on deposit, ot a sum of mvuu in ine iorm oi a certliled bank cheque payable to the order the Minister of Public Works. The deposit will be released on the return the blue-prints and specification within a month from the dale of reception of tenders. If not returned Within that nerktrt Lh rliu,ait u,m forfeited. Tenders will not be considered unless made on nrlnted fur-ma m,t,iiri the Department and In accordance with conditions set forth therein. Euch tender must be accompanied a certified cheque on a chartered bank in Cannrtn nnviihla order of the Honourable the Miniutn. Public Works, equal to 10 per cent uie umuuni or tne lender, or Bearer Bonds of the rw,mir,i,, r Canada or of the Canadian National Railway Comnanv anri it -nn(Itit.. companies, unconditionally guaranteed o to the principal and inures by the Dominion of Canada, or aforementioned bonds and a certified cheque if required to make an odd amount. By order, K. W. Morton, District Engineer. Department of Public Works. New Westminster, B.C. REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED, R. E. Mortimer 324 2ndj Ave. (Neat CFPR) O TAILORING fof Ladies qnd Gentlemen LING, the TAILOR 220 Sixth St Phone 649 I, a mimii !L - 1 ,3i3jiiS,a,,siaia,,aia,aiita.ai9,a,ilia13ia, FOR SALE K SALE-One Yukon sleeping hacr n x 90. Box 845. Daily News. . FOR SALE8-piece oak dining room suite. $75.00. Phone Blue FOR SALE Solid oak extension table. 3 leaves. $14.00. Phone Black 396. . (283p) FOR SALE Large 4. partially fiirnishprl Varan) Flop 17 Blue 954 or Box 501. (288p) range with new Silent Glow Sta:1 StT,dS and connections. $70.00. no 315 , 2nd West. Box 1155. City. (287p) " FOR SALE Admiral portable: A.C.. D.C. and battery, brand I new. onap at $4U.uu. Pnone ween eai. (290p) FOR SALE-.-1935 Master Chev sedan in good shape, radio, t heater, fog-lights. Can be i seen at Superior Auto. (288pi i FOR UK SALE SALE Used Used doors. doors. 2'6 2'6" x 6'6". . Call u 629 o 5th West weal, x-uuiie Phone . 543 (tf) I Black Black 829. 829. Grant Grant and and Newton Newton' tw" rru,ce Ku,,erU inio, -I ILCST-Black leather wallet con-i taili ng sum of money. Re-! waru- iave at Daily News of ' f ice or phone 755. 2KHi. I I PERSONAL I arf you hirH nf v,p - ,ro! Af enar hvae fHer yhe? i me almost invisiDie vibra-i phone, no troublesome batter- I les. cords or wires. Onlv $15.00 ! Phone Blue 414 between 6 and j 8 p.m., or write Box 'Ml j Prince Rupert. B.C. (300p) CASH for scran east. hra . per batteries and radiators.! rnone 043 cal fi29 h w City. (tf) I NORTHLAND Dairy milk deliv-' PrpH 9d nar It 1.. "... more? Phone 18 for dn - liverv service m-pqi wne Diauing. its true tap. snarpe WANTED WANTED Two business girts uraentlv need furnished apartment or furnished rooms. Call Miss D. Reddie, Columbia Cellulose, or Prince Rupert Hotel alter 6 p.m. 287c WANTED TOP MARKET PRICES PAID for scraD Iron steel, brass, cooper, lead, etc Honest gradirr Prompt payment made. Atlas Iron St Metals Ltd.. 250 Prior St.. Vancouver. B.C. Phone Pacific 6357. (tf) HELP WANTED CANADIAN WRITERS NEEDED , ,1 111 A 1..H.U 1 1 Aj t j t You ran learn to write nrof itable fiction. Home study course gives you personal instruction bv a successful Canadian author. Let us tell you how. Bonded and Government Licensed. Canadian Writers' Service. 2904 West 28th Ave., Vancouver. B.C. Also manuscripts given careful revision at moderate rates. (25-2-9) WORK WANTED rTTTT i EXPERIENCED typist wants po s,tior, sition Box Rox 84B 84fl! Dailu Ilailu News Npws (287p) rtYe- tdM'- (ZB7p) 'SLEEPING room for rent-ouiet r woman. Kitchen priv- lleaes- Green 270 after 6 p.m. (287p) 1 1, r TLl v 1 , nrklm ' .... preferred. Private home, steam heated close to town. Box 844, Daily News. (tf) "LNTANTSi - PTOANT7e Ar o. -. f urK Btone Building. Red, 593. . (20m) BlTILDFRS Pt-'"l'-t & 1 rnwpirr ONTRACTORS PLUMBING and H E A T I NfTZ n'fiiv. j. xi ailU f ravel roofing. Call 629 6th vvc.m, rnone D4J. jLetourneau and Sons. (tf) MODERN Painting and Decorat- Uir ,"enCP, ana Matuik. Phone l.Back Black 215. 215. evenir evenings or "uu" "uur- box mi (tf) f'cient service George Cook '"'. oauaiacuon guaran teed. OTT, BURNER SPECIALIST pl'y,e service and repairs. O D Ronson. Black 503 (tf) SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES riTirtT fnn EX A MT NATIONS PREPARE NOW FOR Fall E- am nations whu x n n hool, 301 Enderton. BldK Winnipeg. Man. (h( YOU CAN RUN A HOME Kindergarten with our help. Canad- Kindergarten Institute, 301 Enderton, Bldg,. Winnipeg, Manitoba. (H) hour at busy times to travel from tne bottom of the Strand to Piccadilly a 30-minute Journey, on foot. It's even worse around busy Waterloo Station. Traffic trouble is nothing new to London. It started when the horseless carriage began appearing in streets originally designed for horse and buggy. But it seems more crowded every year. Two British newspapers are carrying dally stories in a campaign for traffic reform and have thrown their 11 wn,n tuiuilllli columns open to comments from readers Taxi-driwrs blame the buses, bus-drivers blame the taxis and Private cars, and the pedestrian Names everybody but himself, PARKING A FACTOR Parking is agreed to be one malh factor. Authorities tried a Parking ban on most central roads, but motorists still had to park some place and the Idea isn't making much headway. Police Issue as many as 27,000 summonses a year for street obstruction. Here are some sidelights on the I trainc situation: I. Lord Lucas, representing the transport minLstry, said he Is at his "wits' end." "If you slowed up London traffic any more, it would come to a standstill, he said. "And things will get worse theres no doubt about that." . 2. One London newspaper saged a "tortolse-and-hare" race among a taxi, a p-ivate automobile, a cyclist and a runner. Over a Sti-mile course from Liverpool Street to Piccadilly th man on the blcvcle w rirt. u.,,i the private motorist last. j 3. Another newspaper noted WRATHALLS PHOTO FINISHING See our Kodak Camera Line-up. Flash attachments for all Cameras. Kodacolor and Kodachrome Film. Developing, Printing and Enlarging. S20 - 3rd Ave. W. Moving, Packing, Crating Shipping ami General Cartage and, Storage Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service. Also agents for Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd., for Oxygen, Acetylene and all welding supplies. LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LIMITED Cor. 2nd and Pnrir AUAn..n. I Est 9'0 PhtMiiM 60 anrl fig JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST t . ' John Burner ler Ltd. Third AvAjiua Anu ton, Savane and Winchester LOST j ' P-14 bold action 6-shot sport- . FOR RENT ina rifles with 2G" barrel. Ex- j LOST One 9-foot Lite-Kraft. ' ;VWT " 'IT T7 cellent condition including! painted blue, outside Skeena OR RENT Room and board for nicely fiiikhed walnut stocks: ! River Kiver entrance entrance. Reward Reward. Con- Contact i working men. sharing, in pri-select qualitv. prooi-tested. ! tact Vic Vic Grant Grant, telephone telephone vate home. Red 140 or 1333 6th Price oniv $27.50. If not satis- i fur full refund. Imme- j dlute delivery will send COD . Write for catalogue Canada's Mail Order House.' Boa 852 I Ottawa. Ont. (tf) l 1 FOR SALE New eHexterfiplH uiticiiiiie; Kiicnen stoves: neat- ers; hardware: coffee tables, ' Affi " m..v.,, ia ui win uuiiua, ! brand new carpets Axmin.ster sizes 2' x i',' scores of other useful furniture at lowest! prices. See B.C. Furniture' Black 324. (tf) FOR SALE B e a 1 1 v washer. Chesterlield suite, china cabi- net. lamps .Phone Black 480 rnT? rati? and wood! - li.&ljlj -Coal j aim wuui 1 heater. Wartime house front room s V e Phone Hlne lf5 U'f)l FOR SALE 1949 Vi-ton Fargo oickuo Prir-pd for ftnirlr snip Call 701 5th West. 289p) FOR SALE Girl's winter coat, size 16, cream buffet. Red 471. (287c) FOR SALE 77 Grev marine engine. 2-1 reduction, like new. Marine General Repairs, First Ave. East. (291p) rnB fili Lrnit uri.brion,.. 00 1 automatic pistol, also Colt .38 special tarpet revolver, factory I condition 300 rounds Colt 45 1 nmmnnitlnn Pnlio rptriil-i- tions complied with. Box 848,, Daily News. 287p I FOR SALE-Firewood kindling, , 50c per sack. Get vour winter supply at a big saving. Kaien Transfer. Red 9C2 7p) FOR SALE Monarch coal range and baby bigy. Phone Green (288p) UNWANTED HAIR Permanent! ! C9Mf LETE builders' supplies, lv eradicated I with Sacl-P?lr, in fast eServ ?e- I1,and CUv Build-The mnSt rTXlJ49-1 Supplies. Blue 820. ( 18m) ery of the age. Saca-Pelo is, REPAIRS guaranteed to kill the roots. of any hair and contains no . WATCH REPAIRS Promnt f. drugs or chemicals. LorBeer' """'vine, vancou- ver, BC, (h . KfcAL ESTATE FOR SALE -Wartime 4 cheap' for cash rurnisnea. pnone TaA HQ nrfnH c aio I East. (287c' . ! rvn on-nuuse. d rooms and bath. Cash or- terms. Phone ureen 020. (289p) WANTED WANTED BonrHina v.nm. fnr 7 small children. Box 846. Daily 1 News. (287p)