i Prince Rupert Daily News S;iturdny, December 9. 1950 IN THE BASKET ntimi(l from pace 5) ! again. Like Sev Duminato he is Inn coarhe's dream but he lias Today 6:S0 9:00 I- , n , . hi ' " ! " La tigx-wl-- ' '" i I1BEIIIII1IERIIII Waterfront Sunday Midnite .. Mondo - I that color and color sells at the plans but I find, if I don't write; box office. what people tell me. I just don't Word reaches us from Calgary wrii;' ;iiul there's no sense wi it- that our Doug Shier, the fireball ihl; if yo.i don't rite about what of the Brownwoods Club for the people le!l you. ! past two seas'ons, is setting the According to plan we are to Pace in tne Calgary senior league That Smi!e Tells the Answer! ""UBS, Whiffs - - see tonight Kupe Holkestad back J"1"1" ""uc " "fai, xoriy- at his oid stand at centre after nlne points in the first three . WM. LUNDIQAN VIROINIA BRUCE "STATE DEPT. FILE 649" uoinj; ij; a a spou-v spotty job joo at at guard guara since since Rf8 his team . k"j"-u. P'ayed. Doug wub U us season started. With Rupe Plaln8 fr Calgary Tech and the For a will po Jim Flat en also and there RIVER" Croat Herring: Harvest in Ogden Channel New Cannery on Ocean Dock Proceeding Within one period of 24 hours the herring fleet has been christened 'Dangerous Doug" by his buddies, according to mess reports. i Brownwoods are to lose Don Hartwig after the Christmas BOYS' GIF we must admit, we see scoring pirn h where it is most needed. 1 he.se moves will be well ap-plauried by the many suppor'ers MONDAY AND ot the 0&. a lads who have been ;SPas! and, after the way Don fishing in Oeden Channel had taken a bumper catch TUESDAY A lusty, hrawllnr advrntnr. i iL. . . win benBreatiyngmisLdeamwith of 251)0 tons according to the Department of Fish- RUPERT MEN'S AND BOYS' STORE crying for points since the season began. Ti fi'l in for Fiat.en and Holk pierce sun on the sidelines, Alex eries. Eighteen seines were used. Total herrincr catch Bill B1U will W.H1 be be on on 8 a btt btt of of a spot It and and ,. .1 " , 1; . - . ' estad at criii.rd will be Smith and ior me nonnern suD-aisinci so iar was oiisy tons up HELENA CARSnNALD C M:,:th,. nnd hi Mr ;w denntely concerned. Jim For- 'The Store for Dad and Lad" Mv.t thews, a newcomer from the' , ,ue for a Iew to z p.m. lnursaav. r or tne southern sub-district a catch of 3200 tons was recorded "SOUTH SEA SINNER" liniiiiRiMIEI,IIIIIE3,g!S..utli, has shown a definite : L " "' Jhs T Las already en sieA by the l:r...Aj. f e f the game and I up to Tuesday, while Thursday, j Installation of boilers and elec-' Shoemen before leaving for using 11 seines, 1200 tons were "c "nes will be started in the school new year. Preliminary work on coUiii easily become tne play-maker for his team if given su-llicient time to work into shape. Ansiiis Macphee will show the caught. To date 19,200 tons of herring is recorded for the cen PORTRAITS Films Developed and Printed PROMPT SERVICE Heclrh Officers Visiting Islands water lines has been completed! 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. SHOWS AT fl?( il I tun ana tne can making machine Installed. Twenty men are now employed In construction. The f.ri cn.nn crew tnniht for a rhan'-'e nnd thry will still be favorites to U.ke their younger Rouhu quart riv iri.vp,t:.,'",. of the Queen Charlotte Islands district will be made by Dr. CHANDLER'S S'lTDIO 216 - 4Ui Street Box C45 Phone Green 339 Prince Rupert Future Stars Department Anyone who sat In 011 the recent High School series will readily admit that young Derrick Lrtttf-neau will provide many thrills for ttw customers in the years to come. It's hard to predict whether he will ever be outstanding due to his stature but his overflowing enthusiasm will plant, when completed, will have A. J. MacLean for Ocean Fall-, double the capacity of the Car- j. W. Lombard. Miss Mary Mad Uale plant, which It replaces. It Mlllan. Mrs. J. E HooTer i w Is expected about 150 employees j Good, Mr. and Mrs W Leask I will be needed to operate It. (Miss V. Leask, W F Doubt R-! Applications for employment E. W. Grey, P. Peterson E Sll-wlll be received after the first lett and A Rrnnl frU v...... tral sub-districts. Herring ha3 : been pouring into Nelson Bros. : Ltd. reduction plant all thus 1 week but has had to be turned away to plants down coast be-1 cause the Northern B.C. Power i Co. was unable to furnish power I to operate the Port Edward j plant, involving a serious loss j to the company as well as em-! ployment for workers. The big 1 run is exceptionally early this ; year. 'Duncan Black, director of the opposition by a few points. . Prince Rupert Health Unit, aim Humor has it that Boyo Gur-1 Miss Freda Hilton, senior public vieh" will be turning olit for health nurse, who sailed on the Brownwoods soon after January Coquitlam last niht. . 7 which is Yugoslavian Christ- Ihe week's trip wi'.l includo mas. Boyo has to lose some- 5"d 10 go a long way. DOLL'S tv,. . r "'ivuu-i I J fl . rvi IH n I tl 1 1 I I M mtW Ulylnln i 1 - visits to schools and baby clin- where in the neighborhood of! ics at Port Clements. Charlotte", thirty pounds before the shoe! E. A. Nickrron sailed Thurs-City. Sandspil and M.isset. 1m- concern can rH him fitted for. day night on the Prince George munizations. tuberculosis tests a uniform. Then they have to : for a trip to Vancouver and Vir-and food surveys will be marie unciertake to whip the lad intOitoria- CLOTHES ZZZZZZZZZZIZZZZI-- 'f ' . K 0 li Work on the new Prince cannery of Canadian Fish- Frank Waterhouse freighter Chilllwack, Capt. O. Pengelly, left here Thursday for Skagway, Alaska. Carrying general cargo, she came here from Vancouver via Masset earlier that day. JjB Come c"d $1-95 as wen as lmormauve neaiui . shape which will take until the lalks. ! Irishman's Christmas which is : March 17. Mind you it will be News Clasmitas Make Sales, j good to see Boyo in the show THE STORK SHOPPE Blue 810 303 3rd Ave. W. Miss Mary MacMillan of the ing Company on the ocean dock Columbia Cellulose office here ; i-s progressing on schedule ac-sails on the Princess Louise this cording to A. Van Snellenberg, afternoon for Vancouver to mechanical supervisor forv the' spend the Christmas and New! company. Construction of the Year holiday season. She is be-' cement floor for the building Is ing accompanied by her mother, well under way and should be Mrs. J. E. Hooker, who has been completed by Christmas Mr. cn a brief visit here. Van Snellenbertr said vpstprrfou' GRAND J:M? IMMlLLiim ! SELECTION OF I Wit. A. . Ciotic Pool Ear Write lor mt BROCHURE Hollywood, CtlifT Sure Results! 1 ' ' r Want Ads, XMAS a Listed on the passenger list of j the southbound Prince Oeorse' Thursday night were E. A. Nic-kerson, Carl Hunt, R. Kean, Mrs. Ingram. J. Oable, P. E. Peterson, J. M. loan. F. Albertl. Miss Booth L. Todd, Miss A: Allnor. R. Watson, P. M. Ray, Miss D. Booth, Mrs. J A. Braun, Mr. and Mrs. M. Turovitch, W. O. Batten, A. King, Mr. and Mrs. W. LaHuny, W. White, T. A. Moore, T. R White, Mrs. A. Savllle, J. Evans, O. Graham, E. Tanlus, . Noka- Greetin Cards Priced from 25 for Jl J I You will be plecse; with our jmara. J, Miller, N. 8tromd3hl. Y. Tanaka, M. Morosklta. K. Usu:, Dr. and Mrs. Romar, D. Oawger. p. M:Arthur, T. C. Carter. H Leask, C. C. McKenzle, R. &aundrs, Mr. and Mrs. R. Moir 'and son. J Eaves. D. Birkinshxh, J. Kelley, M C. Been, P. McGar- ity E. Panton. R. Coslln, A. Mc- E-Achern. , - Gili Stationery too! ic Wc hove just received a shipment of ENGLISH GENUINE LEATHER WALLET! (which wc will gold initial five of charge 1 SHEAFFER FOUNTAIN PENS Completing her final voyase j of the fall on the Alaska route, j CPR steamer Princess Louise,! Capt. William Hubenet. Is ar-, riving (n port this afternoon from Skagway and other north-; ern points en route to Vancouver. Next voyage the Louise will be replaced for .the winter by the Princess Norah which Is at present relieving on the West Coast of Vancouver Island run. Passengers sailing from here on the Louise Include Miss L. Mas-Lean, Mrs. T. O. Falconer and Bfsnft KnA Srd Stnrt Phone 234 DUE TO YOUR CO-OPERATION T " I V"" XM.rTfl r N I I (OVEI? TO THE BUMSTEADff 1 A L K F. ttSSI I tXAtD, VOU ) ; v' AND SHOW YOU A B (& HEPTS HIS MOMS-j i II 1 f " ' ' ' I I I M I II Ml W. V - y W v? ' I 1 ka3 ai V- SsX 13 &s 1 ; UO)X I I J1 XX ft "JWS CEUOTJ3 N " 1 ' trULfril - ' J ' J 3 1 ' I j iyfe Iff ; J 'Jl fe . 1 M .i "JutM i r 4j his Shirts amp JV- I TO RU8 Our T "'j (" - TMERS XXJ SEE THE CONTENTED HUSBAND s I ( II. (III , V FIFT CENTS '-' ' --S'! 1 - TrJ?) C VONEV tSNT ' " A Storting this year, members' patron-oge refund will be applied toword their following year's premium. INSURANCE AI COST 3 Pacific Coast Fishermen's Mutual Marine Insurance & VANCOUVER, B.C. 627 DENMAN STREET Phone TA. W SANTA'S Walked Right In with ' i' f GIFT -. For Every BOY AND GIRL!! Overflowing with .. . ' SLEIGHS BUGGIES TRAINS GOOD His Bag is DOLLS CARS WAGONS c SHOP NOW FOR THE BEST SELECTION! i LOADS OF TRICKEY LITTLE TOYS! THE SPORT SHOP Cope. tj Kin fcm SypJlote, he, WorlJ rifM. Wrwd V'-'-; i ; . I ' ! "r i ' v" "" '. : i : . - ' i ; '