CIVIC CENTRE 1228 People Are Prince Rupert Daily News - Saturday, December 9, 1950 THE UNIVERSAL Stage Shell To Improve Acoustics of Auditorium !lS!fl iUli f MEN'S HALF HOSE I ' qualify ribbed socks in a wide assortment jjors. All wool and cotton and wool mixtures e lot. These socks are first quality. Stock psv for Christmas. Sizes 10-1 1 V2. an Flying South City Christmas passenge.-s numbering 225 are booked with the Canadian Pacific Airlines between December 18 and 23, says Clarence Mills, CPA agent here. "To handle the passengers and heavy Christmas mail, it will be necessary to have passengers validate their reservations tour days prior to leaving," advised Mr. Mills. Alan Solloway, assistant to the agent, is booking waiting lists lor the holiday rush. Thirteen extra' flights during the Christmas week will be carried by the regular CPA crew of pilot Robert Mclnnis with first officer, Charles Wilson, and stewardess, Dorothy. Todd. The of lice staff will work during the evenings to accommodate the public. Weak-voiced actors or throaty musicians won't have a chance to blame "acoustics" when they now perform on the stage of the Civic Centre auditorium. Two years have passed since sound equipment ' officials studied the Civic Centre auditorium during which time plans were drawn by John Currie of Prince Rupert. Today Don For-: I ward, general secretary of theshelli Now electricians are In-' Civlo Centre, announces the stalling a new 8ystein 0l stage stage shell as complete, except lighting I for the wiring, which will be, Direct'iy above the footlights done immediately. 1 there will be a trough of over- To pitch the voice from the head llghts that will flood the stage out into the auditorium, stage slde Ughts wm be instal. a box-like shell has been built led to cut shadow. Overhead into the stage. From the audi- j fluorescent lighting will not be torium the portable shell en- SP,4 h n t.hp hinirpH ina 1.50 PAIR- inn;; I " 1 w -a w I id "MEN'S UNDERWEAR mm i SUBSTANDARD) w H IS Hove 5J-T?r closing wings and ceiling looks , 0f the shell. The channel of Soft cream rib riD combinations with cU - i like a cross section ol an ordi sleeves Button front style. Stock up now ot this low price. Sizes 36 to 44. c mn SUIT 2 9 SHOP EARLY FOR VCUR GIFTS ! ! just the type of Table Me. wi Mi . SOcLeod. and daughters leave on the Coquit-lam 8unday fos a Christmas vacation in. the south. Leaving on a Christmas vacation, George ftiostad. sail on the Vancouver bound Coqultlam Sunday, night . lights overhead and attached to the collapsible ceiling will be uoed Instead. Ropes, pulleys and of the ceiling from the catwalk above the stage. A special prompter's box has been byllt down stage right into one of the four side panels. Apart from braces and legs the entire shell box has been made from three-ply. This will be painted a pastel shade, Mr. Forward believes. The shell has three en-i trances to the stage one down stage right, another up stage! and Standard Lamp that would make ideal gifts for Christmas this year!! Visit Our Furniture Department You will find a wide range of Household Furniture RADIO DIAL 1240 Kilocycles CFPR MEN'S ANKLE SOX Fancy ankle sox in very smart patterns. Cotton and wool mixtures. First quality. Limited ity' Si26S 1 ' " 11 1 1 V- n,y: " 1-00 PAI R nary room. ' Vu'm Mieli i what the public have asked us for because voices are said to have been lost In the rafters of the stage rather than coming out Into the auditorium." said Mr. Forward. "Other reason for poor hearing might have been the walls that line the auditorium they don't give much resonance. But we have just had the walls painted, so that should help. Then again, we have 4500 square feet of floor space which is a fairly big auditorium." Mr. Forward explained that the Civic Centre auditorium was built and is used for all purposes, not just expressly for concerts, but also for such activities as gym and badminton, dances, etc. While R. C. Berton, acoustic ex- (Subject to Chance) CHAIRS Hassocks Ash Stands Coffee Tables a right and another up stage left. "With two men you can get this shell up or take it down within an hour," promises Mr. Nicoll, "or give me three good men and we can do it in half an hour." Except for rare performances, CHESTS SATUHIiAT KM. 4:30 Sports College 4.: 46 Memo from Lake Success 5:0K-Music in Review 5:30 Musical Program 8:00 CBC News 8:05 NHL, Hockey 7:30 Organ Recital Our MEISS Ih'partnwnt ()MAr Oiwn la 9 p.m. FRIDAYS GORDON and ANDERSON Mr. ' Forward believes that the I 8:00 Whateha' Know, Joe pert, was In Prince Rupert two s, e shfil, wlll rpmain Ktflnriin Phone 46 Federal Block 3rd Ave. W. 8:30 Prairie Schooner 9:00 John SturgessBacitone 9:15 Armdale Chorus THE UNIVERSAL years ago on business, he was w hen either the grand or up-asked-to inspect the Civic Cen- piKnt plan0 needs t0 be moved tre's auditorium. oul on the stage, it is necessary , "Walls and ceilings of the only sllp the bolts on one auditorium and stage should ' secUon of the four on the left have reflecting surfaces for,stage wing and tne plano can musical or speaking voices," he be moved in. DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS BRING RESULTS FINE PRINTING AT repoEtedi h rne notable chanee in th old fe Rupert Florists trs fur All Occasions Ave. Box 516 Tel. 777 Communication, with Civic' ata. Dlan u that th- curtam fa IN THE Centre officials and, a Vancou will be moved to the outside of egal Pffiffltcirs ver architect, Percy. Underwood, Ill PHONE- 24j 222 SECOND AVE. News Classified. j)ally resulted, in recommendation of the stage shell plan, . NOW tO.MPLKTED Through a committee ot Nor the proscenium arch, instead, of i where it now l, two feet In from j the extreme edge ot the stage I apron. Measurements of the shell: the j ceiling tapers from 13- feet high BASKET ton. Youngs, chairman ot the Civic Centre house committee. HEATING In the front to 10 feet high at 9:30 Can You Top This 10:00 CBC MWS '0:10 CBC News 10:15 Trocadero Orch. 10:30 Riverside Rancho Orch. 10:55 Interlude 11:00 Weather and Sign O.'f SUNDAY 8:30 Reel tali :00 BBC News and Commentary 9:15 Music for Meditation 9:30 Harmony Harbor , a: 59 Time Signal 10:00 B.C. Gardener 10:15 Just Mary 10:30 Way ot the Spirit 11:00 CBC News 11:03 Capitol Report 11:30 Religowj Period 12:00 N.Y. PhUharmonlo Symphony Orch 1:30 Church of the Ale 2:00 The Footlighters 2:30 Critically Speaking 3:00 John Fisher Reports 3:15 CBC News BROADWAY CAFE and Neville Gerrard, director of the back; the sides taper from! symphony, Mr. Currie'e plans 28 feet across In the front to II its Besl HAND 22. feet across at the back; seven I collapsible sections, each fourj by 10 feet, make the three wells of the shell; the celling is' hinged Into - 12 folding panels controlled by p u I J y i from ,' Best Food weoe taken by William Nicoll yho cut out of plywood the portable pieces that comprise the box-like shell that has been fitted hi to the stage. For the past two- weeks, Mr. Nicoll and H. W. Tim ins, with the help, toward the end of this week from a above; from the footlights to Finest Cooking I broke bread with Doc Mont- ' league, be chopped apart Doc, gomery last night and, of course, it seems, has had his troubles it was just a case of passing the with his young crew and ths time of day and then into bas-' older members for that matter--ketball. While on the subject it and his plans call for a change was a definite necessity tliut 1 i the league standings In the Gordon nd Anderson, the Da.-1 short future. He insists that he third- carpenter, Alfred Skaland, ! the up stage back wall measures assembled the pre--fabrlcated a depth of 20 feet. Hours: 7 a.m. to 1 a.m. For take home orders Phone 200 HOLLYWOOD CAFE ; HEATERS- venient, Domical h mechanical riency. EX wtic Burners I saving in heating Sims arranged ii!h&Elkins J LIMITED Itiihlni and Heatinf ftti P.O. Box 274 ment dwellers of the senior , nid to go right down to fundu- j mentals again with his entire' I crew and now everything is be- W Specialize in 1 ginning to show results such .results that tonight it appears TUESDAY IS THE DAY!! The New Cj and 5 DISHES Gunnar Anderson may leave the : gym smiling for a change. ' i The good Doc asked me not to say a word to a soul about his ' (Continued on page 6) 10 CHQf SUEX CHOV( MEIN Foi; OiUside Orders PHONE m OPEN FROM T:30, P.M to. 3:30 A.M. foungHfea GOING 7i4C 1949 Special Deluxe Plymouth 1700.00 1941 4-Door Plymouth 900.00 PHONE 566 RUPERT MOTORS LTD. Second Avenue and First Street . oar v.rAlVAV.v."..lV..vN-.".."...-..'.v.v..v.v Sunbeam Appliances 1 LI ' 'ftr Waffle Irons 3:17 Clearing up the Weathei 3:27 Weather Report 3:30 Vancouver Symphony Orchestra 4:30 My Uncle Louis 5:00 Startime 6:00 National Sunday Evening Hour 6:45 The Four Gentlemen 7:00 CBC News 7:10 Week-end Review 7:20 Our Special Speaker 7:30 CBC Orchestra 8:00 Stage "51 9:00 Chamber Music 9:30 Vesper Hour 10:00 CBC News 10:10 CBC News 10:15 Canadian Statues 10:30 Evening Song 11:00 Weather and Sign Oft MONDAY A.M. 7:00 Musical ClocK 8:00 CBC News 8:10 Here's BUI Good 8:15 Morning- Son 8:30 Music tor. Modems 8:45 Little Concert 9:00 BBC News & Comty. 9:15 Morning Devotions 9:30 Morning Concert 9:59 Time Signal 10:00 Morning Visit 10:15 Carson Roblsoa and His Buckaroos 10:30 Melody Time 10:45 "Robin Hood's Musical Kitchen" . 11:00 Kindergarten of the Air 11:15 Round-up Time 11 :30 Weather Report ' 11:31 Message Ptrlod 11:33 Recorded Interlude 11:45 Scandinavian Melodies P.M. 12:00 Mid-day Meioaiea 12:15 CBC News 12:2 Program Resume 12:30 B.C. Farm Broadcast 12:55 Recorded Interlude 1 :00 The Concert Hour 1:30 Musical Program 1:45 Club CUnic Comty 2:00 B.C. School Bdst. 2:30 Records at Random 2:45 Solo Guest 3:00 The Music Box 3:15 Don Messe and His Islanders it Irons if Toasters r; Kettles it Silex Electric Coffee Makers if Records and flayers RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC on cur next FLIGIITa CHARTER ) .. ffrU- : . mi ffllafiste Cfor Rolling Your Own feC Try 0LP VIKOIHIA fiHl CUT Jf "So Beautiful ... and with; 27 Fine ! Features" The New ... McCLARY "27" Washing Machine See it, and you Will say: "W the washer ttia has EVKK.VTHJN&!'' CHARTER FLIGHT PLANES available for- O Aerial Surveys O Actio Photography O Private Chart! O Timber Cruising, etc. ALL INTERIOR AND. COASTAL POINTS for RATES INFORMATION RESERVATIONS. PHONE 476 OUIEII CHARLOTTE AIRLINES LTD. McBrlde Street. Phone 311 , . n ri I 3:30 3:oU Listeners Listeners Choice vuuicc "v",PPia use 611)' eviewopv ings nm ,yj i Mwas & unnsropner c;ag. fc' v ! V Air Freight on all Flights