Henry Dixon, Hazel Tweed and ie," during the course of whl"h Pn-v Welter', Margaret Wide, she spurned the attentions of .,iul 1.1 tj'fl Peterson. Monday, December 13, 1948 Fantasy at St. Peter's SHIPS AND WATERFRONT two suitors, Ernie Br.im;m ana Frank McFadden. One of the waiters, Jim Hem-mons, sans the well loved "The Last Time I Saw Paris," In which he was joined on the sec- A the music died away, attention swims to the parted curtains at the back of the .stage where stood a lovely Par- ?,,-. l i.iu in a billowv blue An Independent dully newspaper devotfd to the upbuilding of Prlnca Rupert ud all eomnninliln compr'tnir northern nd central British Columbia 'r (Authorl7,cd u Second Class Mail. Post Office Department. Ottawa) Pir)lthl nrf nfternoon except Sunday br fltnce Rupert Dally News Ltd., 3rd Avenue. Prlnre Rupert. British Columbia. Q. A. HUNTER. Managing Editor. H. G. PERRY. Managing Director. UKMRF.lt OF CANADIAN PRESS ATOM BUREAU OP CIRCULATIONS CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION ! -4 Hit U.w.ri-H hv ("oillt'dV ..'mv..l.vin Elliott, who rai.sed onci chorus by pretty husky salmon trolli:i; gr-.tun Us Increased navigation aides, coast voiced Carol Brenten. and Musical Kxtravagana her sweet soprano voice to sing which have been close;! for sev SUBSCRIPTION RATES Cherie," then joined eral years in the Interests of i ., ptprv parish Hall was Encore City Carrier. Per Wee Mtc. Per Month, 75c: Per Yenr. 00. Si& By Mail, Per Month. 50c. Per Year. 5.00 Vaughan Tattersall s violin and the romantic son?, ' "in Dreams I Kiss Your Hand, Ma V ibices fw:: I primarily for fishermen, are being sought for the Queen Charlotte Islands, particularly the West Coast. Cost of establishing these is admittedly small and it is understood that the Department of Transport is con- conservation. It is understod ,jlled t0 overflowing Friday and villi Jim Hemmons to perform that these will be re-opened in . Saturday evenings with audi-! a graceful semi-ballet ballroom 1950 so there is likely to be con- '. mces both receptive and appre-j (U nee. . . . siderable activity ovr there, j ciative for the Young Peoples As the dancers left the stage. dame," made "Jistenable"' combination as the gaily dressed' young "gypsy" violinist seren-' The waterfront nas reached : oart comdey and musical extra-: i ni,nk McFadden deftly served ' Carol J" , f sidering their installation Brentzen, in a frothv lua written and produced Uk? -cafe iatrons" with soft Certainly, they will be needed Its lowest period of activity of vaga ever if the Queen the season and nrobablv will re-: entirely by the young people drinks. more than black gown, portrayed a captivating cafe singer "Mimi," as she danced onto stage and ob-Contlnued on Page 3) Charlotte Island tuna fbhery main inactive until after the themselves. I The lights dimmed and the becomes a permanent Industry. New Year, if herring dooa not ' The first sect.on of the pro-; curtain at the back parted On top of that, there I? the pro-! show in the district. ; gram took the form of a moc ,.,,.ain to reveal a wistful-faced ieeted re-opening ol the west d,..., ( ik, mierntor' run ' broadcast called f ania- . ml!1 iaciy in raincoat ana Der- Part'' saare 0,1 a brightly- against 1R of herring has been report si . well-known CBC program. Ji-iited lamp post, as the six the north coast yet. although it , Plf-nbins w n Hard for France to Take FRANCE is very much worried over the decision . of British and American military authorities authorities that Western Germany's massive key coal and iron industries will be handed back to the Germans to'work for Germany, the Germans to decide whether there will be private or ublic ownership. Titles would be transferred to German trustees but a return to the old owners of the Nazi regime is forbidden. Britain and United States, after the bitter experiences of the past, could and probably would see that there would le no tendency toward a concentration of ?K)wer. However, it will take a lot of assurance to satisfy France. To have France and Germany lie down in peace together while the former still have the sinews of war is something that will not be accomplished in a da v. i n lurs h! S2Ln " ; T f0fwas T" i , . Vm 1 as the "star" of , the show, wav 3lenen.s, as Lili, aroused pa- H.O.D.E. SALE SUCCESSFUL . t., ; , ,,1(1, UIO ., V 11 1 II.. I ! Ihiw, sonw; local, ion- mg- CHIROPRACTOR John F. L. Hughes, D.C., Ph.C. 21-22 Besner Block rtiiMie BUT 442 for Appointment noi K 10:30 am to 14:30 p m. and a to i p m. t: i.m;k Monday and Friday. 7:30 p m. foi thoje unable to come during th rtny PFFPTfONTHT In attmU-ince fternooi. wisecracks and his subsequent tu,ie to table, examining each ,Overseas parcel fund and other ..u,.., .,vU lauahs in appreciation of UicPi ln search of the lover who COTTAGE nit reduction at Port Eriwar U UI1U . . , t. ... his own humor. never came. Butedalt. New Creamed - p, VALENTIN I)A Your l;y ALL-WEATHER SEF Four "sisters" piaved by With blight lights gleaming Anne Whiting, Margie Thorn- on her scarlet gold sequinned ton. Hazel Tweed and Shirley p. own. pe.lte. eracetul Anne Hudm delighted the audi- Whiting performed a solo dance, ence with their rustic rendition "You're Too Dangerous, Cher-of the current hit, "Buttons and - - - O.C Football TRADITION CARRIES ON j Aldershot 1, Chester ). Bristol Two J, Swansea Town 1. For an Economical Civic Administratis SUPPORT EL M. Daggett !MEPEMf Nt CAMHDATE tm AM)K;mX Bows,'' and later on, a iavorite ,tf yesteryear 'Christmas Dreaming." Richard Tweed as the crooning cowboy, sang two touching western ballads during the course of the "broadcast." Last but not least were the '0MMEXTIXG on the retirement of Premier :'C Mackenzie Kine; and his lengthy tenure of office Crewe Alexandra S. MUiwaii ; 2. ! i Darlineton 1. Levton Orient fl ! Exeter City 2, Hereford United j1 Kernels of Korn," a three-j . m; piece orchesi ra. loud if not j: Gateshead S. Scarborough 0. fowl, wnicn was lorever DreaK-Hull Citv 0. Reading 0 extrai'"3 into what was obviously the projects of Duchess of Edinburgh Chapter, I.O.D.E. profited Saturday from the chapter's rummage and home cooking sale held in the former Fairway Foo j Market premises. The sale was highly successful with practically all articles being bought. Convener of the sale was Mrs. H M. W'ightman while those assisting in the morning were Mrs. D. H. Stewart, Mrs. Neil Mac-donald, Mrs. D. C. Stewart and Mrs. MeGow. Assisting in the afternoon were Mrs. J. Micholuk, Mrs. John Ewart, Mrs. P. Whid-rion, Mrs. Alex Davidson and Mrs. Alex Varton, chapter regent. Aid also was received fron Mrs. Harold Muneey, Municipal Chapter Regent, Mrs. C. G. Ham, Cambrai Chapter Regent and Mrs. William Noble, Honorary Regent of Cambrai Chapter. IN THE SUPKLTin; COURT Of BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE Ih thr M.ittif if Hip "AlilnMratliii Art" Anil In ttw- Mai Iff mf tut- I ut Crank ( ItlllillKM. llHtTttMHl. Intrsttttf. TAKE NOTICE that by Order ol Nis Honor JinK-e W. O. Fulton. Local Judw of the Supreme Court of British Columbia. I was on the 24th day of November. AT). 1S48. appointed Administrator of the i:-,tate o! Trank Chudlntfc. late of Ocean Falls. British Columbia, who died on or about the 3rd iY of Septemlwr. 1948 lime being played . Washers with vmv (dm the Christian Science Monitor says a man has stepped down in Canada, and a two-fold tradition carries on. French and English interests are fused . and, in international affairs, Canada has its own '(diplomatic corps and national aspirations. Says the Boston newspaper: "Mr. King never forgot that law of Canadian politics formulated by Sir Charles Bagot, an early Governor- General, 'You cannot govern Canada . without the French.' "This was a lesson Mr. King learned from his . own mentor, Sir Wilfrid Laurier. "'The second French-Canadian so to govern is -Mr. King's hand-picked bilingual successor, Louis MADE BY the H it ny CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTR only piece it knew, "Turkey in the Straw." This unit was composed of Vauthan Tattersall o-i the violin, Richard Tweed on the guitar and Helen Marchil-(ton on the piano. MI SKWI, ROMANCE The second section, which comprised the major part of the proa ram. was a musical romance called "Le Cafe Parisi-c-ttiw?." This tableau retained a French atmosphere throughout Irom the music to the setting. The curtain went up on a dimly lit stage arranged as the interior of a French cafe. Six yowng couples sat chatting around six candle-lit tables. eronomiral nature. Monacal LASTS I.ONCER on my Leytonstone 3, Newport County 3 i extra t'nie being played". Mansfield Town 1, Northampton Town 1 (extra time being played!. Notts County 3, Barrow 2. Scunthorpe Unitd 0, Stockport County 1. Southport 1, York City 1 extra time being played . Torquay United 3, Norwich City 1. Walsall 4, Gainsborough Trinity 3. Walthamstow Avenue 1. Oldham Athletic 1 lextra time'be-in played i. Weymouth 0, Yeovil Town 4. "AGAIN IN STOCK' ONLY $149.50 SEE Mephen St. Laurent. A successful corporation 4 The Northern B.C. Poweru walli ind reiliiifi. Prove the old laying the better the quality, the len it rotlt. Save ne time and work too. ... I'd rather im a rood job ttilb Monaxal Lrraus I know It will Uy hrautiful lonirr." Phone 201 LIMITED Phom at Oee;in Falls British Columbia until tlve strains of music float- Bradford City 0, New Brighton extra time not being played J el from oft stase. All rose to 0 owing to bad light i. All persons indebted to the said estate are required to pay tru amount of their lndebtedm-as to nw forthwith and all persons having claims Run Inst the said estate are required to file them with me perly verified on or before the 3 1st day of December. 1948. failing which distribution will be made having re- lawyer, Mr. St. Laurent joined Mr. King s cabinet in 1941. The solid foundation of Mr. King's policies 7 awaits the further building of Mr. St. Laurent." ; PREMIER MINE THAT there is strong likelihood of the Premier mine reopening next spring is not at all sur-"' prising. This was heard suggested 'frequently ; when the plant closed down. Most of the men who ; -had been employed tliei-e are believed to be still in ; ; British Columbia, possibly within convenient dis-, tance of Portland Canal. Some are in Stewart, " ; Prince Rupert, Vancouver and other communities to which mining men are drawn. The highway linking the mine and the town of Stewart will be kept .wopen all winter and at Premier everything is said to be in readiness to resume at short notice. Four , maintenance men are on duty ah the time. This does not look like a long and indefinite suspension. Second Division Brentford 0, Blackburn Rovers 1. nance a prcwy picture lnaeea with the girls in their varicolored formal dresses and the bdys in their dress suits. The dancers were Joyce Peterson and Dick Gilker. Marie Skal-merud and Cnarlie Graham, Shirley Hudson and Richard Tweed, Doreen Bateman and From a i-B auriey. 4 Bard only to such claims of which I shall have been notified. DATKD at Prince Rupert. B.C., this 24th day of November. 1948 CORDON FRASER FORBES, Official Administrator. Prince Rupert. B.C. (296) Bury 1, Nottingham Forest 1 tie i . Chesterfield 3, Barnsley 2. Coventry Cilq 2, Luton Town 0. Leeds United 1, Queens Park ti n St Deluxe Shaving Brush . itli preeihion-halitnee lianille the idciil pift for miy imin. Made willi lincl 1 1 1 a 1 1 1 y pure Silx'iiiin ltadiT ll.iir . . . t lie Siiiinn Di'Ltixc Sinning Krusli i liatwiMinM-ly facka?Ml for 4 ;lirilniin in lU-.l uikI (oll PU-tii pift cae. See our full line of SiiiiniK Sluiiii lSru.lie. " ' From 50 lo $2.".(rfl. g Leicester City 2, Cardiff City for . . . the JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue MAN .about town if y v i- V 2 (tie). Lincoln City 1, Southampton 2. Sheffield Wednesday 2, Bradford 1. Tottenham Hotspurs 3, Plymouth 0. West Bromwich Albion 5, Grismby Town 2. West Ham United 1, Fulham 0. Seamen's Amenities fund and the British and European relief fund. Plans for distribution of Christmas hampers to needy families also was discussed. 'Duchess' Chapter ! Makes Donations Donations to three separate causes were voted at the monthly meeting of Duchess of -Edinburgh Chapter, - I.O.D.E., 3,t;3d at the home of Mrs. D. C. QE.MES DRUG Final plans were laid for the Chapter's rummage sale, held Saturday in the Fairway Food Market building. One new member was welcomed into the chapter. The meeting concluded with "Stwart, Eighth Avenue, at the ' "week-end and plans for other ' wtivities discussed. , ZTThe meeting approved a $23 1 donation to the Wilkins family j refreshments, served by Mrs. A. uuuA and contributions to the : Stiles nd Mrs. D. H. Stewart. .F,J m LET 'ER 4t 4i i ; Ask any fellow who knows! He'll tell you accessories 5 ! t& 7 &Jf rate first for Christmas . . . riht for a strike! Hit or miss, jonll enjoy bowline with your frw-nds.on our alleys. Rex Bowling Alley Open to general public Saturday and Sunday afternoons and evenings. Monday asv aaaaaaaaaaaBaaaawBBBiaaaaaaaaaa gifting. K if : x : r . k . ' : V . , ' V ! St&idSM. ,i ff a i From Tuesday and Thursday eve nings after 9 o'clock. Initialed Belts to Functional Sweaters TIES SCARVES SOCKS BELTS HANDERCIIIRFS A Beautiful Assortment of Pen and Pencil Sets ranging from S5.95 up Pallets by tilley $4.75 Bridge and Cribbage Sets in Leather Cases Zipper Brief Cases Zipper Writing Cases CI FT STATIONERY Christmas Cards, Tags and Seals Fancy Wrappings Times a'fleetin3! Santa's on his way! . . . And to help you with your gift problem here's a handy "check list" of some of the wonderful electrical applatices now on display. He sure to drop in and look them over: ft K H A Last but not least, Tie Pins 2 and Clips by IIICKOK ACME libli Printing Co. Besner Block I CLOTHING Phone 234 Blankets $ 42.50 Toaster from 5.ys Washer from. 144.SO- Irnner 129.50 Vacuum Cleaners . . from 81.50 Silex and other Coffee and Tea Maker .. from tt.25 If""' from $ 4.95 Radio from 29.95 Range from 195.00 Heating Pad from 695 Kettle 14.50 Shavtr from I8 00 KXXXXXXXXKXXXXXXXXXXWZX O ASK THE MAN WHO $ BUYS ONE QUALITY NEW ROYAL -HOTEL rv Your Best Rathig Place FULL COtltSE MEALS 11 a m, to 8 p.m. Banquet Hall for Luncheons, Dinners and Parties Chinese Dishes BROADWAY CAFE.- UUlXia 1IN I ArVK.0 . . . AND QUALITY YOU GET WHEN YOUR TANK IS MADE BY BY THOM SHEET METAL LTD. A Home Away From Home SO Rooms, Hot and Cold Water PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. Phone 231 P.O. Boz l wrap Mp 253 East First Ave. Phone Black 884 808 3rd Ave W. phone 200