A jprfiue Rupert Dai!? flews' Monday, December 13, 1948 WEDDED AT -CATHEDRAL Miss Dorothy Didorak Bride of William Clark at Beautiful Ceremony HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert FORCHER ISLAND LOGGER PASSES Victor Markland, a veteran coast logger and fisherman, died at hts home at Humpback Bay, Porcher Island," Friday at the age of C2. , PAGO PAGO P -to Pago is the capital of EaE'ern Samoa in the South Pacific. J. H. Hitchcock. Queen City; W. Varga, Holly- amc CENTRE " f ' ' MONDAY Sports - p.m. 4:09 iris Organized Games Hour 8:00 Rup-Reo Women Special p.m. J:30 Jr. Boys Craft 7:30 I.O.D.E. HMCS Haida 7:jCh-Kinsmen Executive 7:30 Mixed Leathercraft ' 8:00 Band Practice 8:0ff Stone Flower Film TUESDAY Sports , a.m. 'wood; J. G. Valiant, Broo.kville, f Ontario; Angus McLeod, Van-t ... -. rL ir; r'.mj Uoninnvpr' last Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock, St. Andrew's Cathedral was a setting of beauty A resident of the coast for the 1 rince Rupert Florists 30 3rd Ave. Box 516 Tel. 777 Flowers for All Occasions .. , . I.1.J V n) L A ViV J.,, C"" -TV. M.Tanohlin Vancouver. Hast 30 years, mr, nwriu'o when Dorothy Didorak, second J. : conducted a logging operation ! on Porcher Island for many FArtv c . f'v finArNS ivenrs and also eneased in the-; It is btiievea that primitive : ialmoi. trolling Industry during pnitivatitn of barlrv. wheat and' the years. i . 7 i- v- l- I -"4j '-run he! millet was nractised in many! Born in New Brunswick WRATIIALL'S PHOTO FINISHING Developing. Printing Knlarfrinsr QUICK SEHVIC3 Amateur and Professional Supplier Mcii3 rich, creov There are not locally. The? parts of the eastern hemisphere! was unmarried. 10.000 15,000 years before the! relatives known daughter of 'Thomas Didorak of Sturgis, Sask., and William Bryant Clark, third son of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Clark of Victoria, exchanged marriage vows in a double ring ceremony before Rev. Basil 3. Procktor. Given in marriage by her , brother , In-law, Metro Mln-i tenko, the bride was exquisitely attired in a beautiful floor-length satin gown with Victorian neckline and her long trailing veil was held in piaoe by an Enelisli bridal gown. The only milk duy,i,. remains nave Been Drousnir iu Christian era. si j;0O Bo Me Hi Gym Class p.m. 2: JO King Edward Gym CUs y S:30-Rup-Rc Jr. Boys 8KX Rup-Hee Men School Basketball League 4;00 Borden it Utah 4 4:43 King Ed ii Righ 1 .Prince Rupert where the fun era! will take place. MRS. PRINCE IS W.A. PRESIDENT both carried little noseKftys of j Thursday evenlnsr after which iuu ..,,1) Basketball Leagve Games carnations and wore bracelets, the bride and giouiu kit on the ;30 Junior Kinsmert an Jewelry worn by the bride was a beautiful eavneo necklace and . a Riu i'"m ine groom. Prtiu-c George for u honeymoon Nerth Stai1 CilyMenti b " " " 1 " ' trip to th bniitcl Stales. Women's Auxiliary of St. Peter's Anglican Church elected officers as follows during the pasv yeefe: Honorary President, Mrs-. E. D. Hudson. President. Mrs. J. Pierce. 7;15 Women- High School : matching earrings, a gift of and Peoples the groom. He-r bouquet was . : 15 intermediate -Morgans o red roses. w..iw i.v,..,... ...... XL; ""I For goUa away the bride and Stones Mrs. Bessie Cowgill, as matron pule o(e a prey gabardine suit wit hi matching accessories and a cor-! ae of red . roses. J After the honeymoon, the! Couple will spend Christmas j 9; 15 -Senior-Savoy & Co-opJ()x honor, wa gowned in acted as ushers. Th organist was Peter Lien. After having their wedding photo. taken, a reception was Vice-President, Mrs. W. Efcv- blue net with brocaded top SpeclaJ m iuture to have eop-display adverthcnw'i the Dally Newi offi, p m. of the day pn their pubticatloii. a.m. .. idson. ' ' Secretary Treasurer", Mrs: II 11:60 Clvto Centre Staff vauersai. Meeting held at the Valhalla Hail with. WIth the . groom ' parent (n 150 guests lit attendance. f Victoria.' Later they will take Mrs. Metro Mintenko, sister up residence in Vancouver! of the brkte, received the guests. where the grot trt t employed ' and sweetheart neckline. Her bouquet antf headdress were of pink carnations. She wore a rhinestone bracelet, a gift from the groom. "The bridesmaid were- MU Dorcas Secrelary, Mrs. G. ' A, i nis eo-operatinl greatly assist the mA Hebb. A'j ' p.m. . 4:0fr-" J i! . 7:30 Junior teathereraft dupartrnwit in kr. Prayer Partners, Mrs. Mixed Leathercraft ' regular hour lur p, Prince. wearing a blue crepe evening. by the Canaciau Pacific Rail dress. Assisting her at the i way. rtnw wni Mla C Dhnrfai r.vnp.'l i " " 1 " 8:0ft Symphony Orehestra Beth Sedgewick.i gowned in yel :00 J.C.C. Public Speaking iow flowered net and carrying a Thank Offering, Mrs. fc D. Hodson. :00 I.O.D.E. Cambrai In black and pink net evening t m bouquet of pale pink carnatlen, and Miss Elsie Mintenko, gowned1 in mauve net with brocaded Tlw CONSOLEW. CHIEF CAUSES OF DEATH Cancer- and heart disease are the nation's No. 1 and 2 killers. FLEETWOOD dress. Their corsages were Of ; pink carnations. jjj The toast to th bride was J proposed by Rev. Basil prof ktor. j Dancing was enjoyed with ' Andy McNaughton at the piano. Refreshments were served ' 6 before midnight. , , By LOOK AT THKSE FEATritF, it- top. Her bouquet waa of yellow carnations. The bridesmaids each received a compact, the gift of the groom. The flower girls were little Beatrice Cowgill and Judith New Shmk-Proof rick-op New IS - Record Changer. ScraleMeM Re- ; 8:00 Public- Meeting Elee-r . tion. v TRAIN SCITKDtllE fTom the East L- Tuesday, Thursday, Saturf 0:45 p.n. . . fo the East Monday, Wednesday, Frldaj', 8:00 p.m. ; TOBERMORY. Ont. I A local hunter has been meeting with more than average success on his trapping expeditions. Alfred Carver, recently trapped four wolves near here, bringing him $180 net in bounties. IT PA YS TO ROLL YOUR OWN WITH Mintenko, both wearing short; A going-away party wa held f dresses of pale blue taffeta j at the home of the bribe's sis- ; jj trimmed with white lace. They ; ter, 228 Ninth Ave. East, on ; 5 I cord reproduction. English Cele-tion Speakers. Powerful Siiper-Het Radio. Brautifully Finished cabinet in Cigarette Tobacco car.iuuA fans walnut or ma-hoRany. LOOK at thb Price!! S159.95 I A. MacKENZIE jj I FURNITURE I BARGAINS IN RF( ONDITIONKD RADIOS MUD, SWEET, BRIGHT VIRGINIA mm 1 LTD. " s . WA Good Place to Buy" 2 . ... .- .. . - . n RC.t 1 lube Maiilel, 5 bands 4 short wave spread tads Marconi 5 tube Mantel, short and Ion RCA 5 tube Mantel, Wory plastic cabinet .Wetting house 5 tube Mantel NOBLE & Wit BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL n HO. REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED tin mo. at JUST ARRIVED McBrine s g J Baggage Twin Set single Jj S pr in sets. i I mi 201 THIRD A YEN IE WEST MARGARET McLEOI) OPTOMETRIST ROOM 10, STONE BUILDING . PRINCE RUPERT BOTTLE COLLECTOR AND MESSENGER Beer, Soda, Perfex and Ginger Ale Bottles PHONE RED 751 rf ,e'Txn''lct'e'rcff1e,',l',t'w,' R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFPRV Men's Leather Gladstone J Travel Goard Baggage. J - ' si - - Something new in design J and covering. See these. ' ' x A large assortment of Floor 2 Lamps, latest design. A J splendid, choice of Lamp Shades. MATTSON'S UPHOLSTERERS AND FURNITURE REPAIRS Commodore Calo PHONE BLUE 593 P.O. Box 1184 GENERALELECTRIC In the popular 51122 sizes are back again in full supply You can now buy as many General Electric Photoflash Lamps as you want in these three popular sizes. SEE YOUR DEALER TODAY Dunlopillo Mattresses Drapes Curtains Bed Spreads Cushions, etc Second-Hand Furniture Wa have a few Collarettes tn walnut arriving. m la i ' HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in all its branches 204 4th Street Phone 655 and Phone Blue 818 P.O. Box 52(1 830 Second Avenue PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. "tricycles, Wagons Pedal Cars. m A large stock of Furnishings and Bedding. COMPLETELY RENOVATED "Better Than Ever" Best Food and Service in City GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Iniome Tax Returns CompiW Besner Block Phone 387 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS We are here to serve you Phone 17 for Send-out Orders j Third Ave. David Chow, Mgr. ; Watch our Window Display CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC PAPER HANGING AND WOOD FINISHING I. est Shades, Styles and Colors Phone 775 3rd Avenue jjj Building and repairs of all klndi HEAD OFFICE: TORONTO TRY A CLA&SIFTSD AD! Roofs, Chimneys Oil Burners J. P. MOLLER Phone BLUE 155 BLONDIE By CHICK YOUNG PHONES Black 687 Red 894 evenings ' P.O. Box 1670 DR. P. J. CHENEY DENTIST . SUITE 5, SMITH BLOCK Phone 785 P.O. Box 1401 A I DON T KNOW .V - ( IS it ncfr, h vswa G ft Zl ME TO GO CM ? lj1'"' - ONE? MISSINS-Jl tY ELMFf? DIDN'T Aa-V l' A f -VOU COUNTED L-V Wf?ONG THEV (?g , ALU IM AMO (SOUND ASLEEP) FOR YOUR ROCK and CONCRETE WORK CALL BLUE 939 M. J. SAUNDERS New, Modern Equipment All Work Guaranteed $54.25 il fHMuNIT I BEEN SITTING UP FOQ Jf ' TW HOURS. WAITING PIANO TECHNICIAN Tuning, Voicing and Repaira MIKE COLUSSI Phone BLACK 756 972 10th East If Vk. " III III w - - - . Itl DISTINCTIVE SILVtKri' Wells Cartage Ltd.! Complete Moving Service QCALrnr repairs For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles MAC SHOE HOSPITAL G.od ncwa for 'those lho have liad to pwlpw purchase of flatware! We ure nU n"w 10 , a proup of attracUve cheats, filled with Caw L-aullfnl fltu,arr.flM.lllVITv! W Ur ffatrin0 Crating Packing Cartage) BLUE 780 BLUE 980 Box 774 ' .. .. ; .. ....rna-" Second Ave. mo nun inosi universally mv y" and "Ijady Hamilton". iJKT IT'S GOOD FOp f C':.C1?Ety TO GET A UTTflr exPCKlE-NCE J VWE GET A HUNDPEo) THOUsAMO DOLLARS ) f t VJHEN VOU DE r-' I N 1 I speak) ' i M u ; tKr; (CH-fllBLOMTEIM A metal moulding for home-craft use. Simple to cut and easy to instal. Supplied in eight practical shapes to suit every home need. No special tools required. THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. ' tms(?t?s ni CANfT ao ) IN9UAMC6 MANV t5OWN-.Y0y OOWNSTAIPS TO J C TALK TO &:M )