z , GUESS VKO! BABYPICTURE COMES! prin Rnptrt 83afl? I3etoa 03. "Wednesday, August- 25, 194& terton. Ex-Mayor H. M. Dag- ' Train bcheSule For the ta.iv ' Monday, Wednesday, Frlday- 8 pm From the East Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday-18:43 p.m. 1 SUalflU: So pr word per Insertion, minimum charge, 60c Birth tfottewt- the corners of inter- est at the Civic Centre Carni- val this year is that in tne mdu lobby where have been mounted pictures of twenty-two prominent Prince Rupert people in guessing contest organized by Mrs.. Willa Ray. The pictures tin types to range from tiny substantially - scaled enlargements. There is much speculation- and not a little real uzzle-ment as to the identies as the years from infancy to maturi quite advanced in some u have surely wrought t"f'tr changes. ! Those pictured in all their j n n snufir ruin x rtt , CUUCIICJ T i.iu.w nold. Police Chief Lance biJO't CHrti ul inaniw. feui-u rmm rmreiw uuudw and fciiaeement Announcements: t'i. SPECIAL DISPLAY. DOUBLE PK1CB TlfeHlfled Advertising Is payable In adanee. Plwusa retrain- from telephoning FOR SALE FOR SALE Troiiing boat with FOR SALE 5-room house, full gurdies and gear. Phone Black,, plumbing, partly unfinished; 930. ' 2C3 large garden. Close in. $1200, on terms. Phone Red 574. (201 ) FOR SALE Gerhard Heintzmen, cabinet Grand piano. Phone FOR SALE 1 canning machine, Pot-iPoveu pmai. SUN uf gett A.d GB. Casey Joe s.ott, H. D. Thain, E. T. Applewhuite. Aifreri Rivett, Ralph Smith, W. W. Wrathall, W. D. Vance, J. D. McRae. S. P. Woodside, Stan SaviUe, William Noblel Donald C. Stewart, William Long, Richard Long. Dr. C. H. Hank-inson, R. G. Hopkins, W. H. Wilson-Murray and J. H. Mc-Leod. Anohter crowd of 1800 persons attended the Carnival last night and personnel of the visiting Canadian destroyers! were mucn in eviaence. The , stage shows and dance again Baseball Scores National Brooklyn 1, Pittsburgh 9 New York 7, Chicago 4 Boston 9, St. Louis 3 American Cleveland 8, Boston 9 St Louis 0, Washington 5 Detroit 7. Philadelphia 4 Chicago 0, New York 5 Western International Sokane 9-3, Yakima 8-0 Wenatchee 13, Sulem 10 Victoria at Vancouver postponed by rain. Tacoina at Bremerton, postponed, wet grounds. Pacific; Coast Seattle 10, Oakland 2 Portland 13. Hollywood 3 Los Angeles 6, San Diego 3 to 1-1. San Francisco 7-6. Sacremen- Lemons, large, doz 4b Grapefruit. Texas (white), lOO'.s. 4 for 27 ( pink i, 96 s, 8 for .29 Oranges i Navel) 2 doz 47-.P7 Dates, lb S5 CLOSE FINISH IN WOMEN'S RELAY Canada's girls on the Olympic team won no gold medals but they are putting up a good contest. Here is ?. Jones winning the women's 400 metre relay race at Wembley Stsdium. Second was J. A. King of Australia. They are now back in Canada. WOULD BAN AIR HUNTS BURNS LAKE At the re- request of many members, a special meeting of, the Tweeds-muir Park Rod & Gun Club has been called for Thursday In the Women's Auxiliary Hall at Burns Lake. To hunting by aeroplane which promises to be a threat i to the wild life of the Central Interior, and appears to be ob lit jected to locally, it has been! suggested that guides' licenses be issued only at the approval of the local Rod and Gun Club.1 It is suggested that planes may come in and land but remain at fo their original landing and notj hunt the adjacent lakes. All j actual hunting should be done with boats or pack and saddle animals in charge of licensed coif lgd ana responsioie guiaes. From Qerlook Already the necessity of hav- if you hear a noise like thunder ing a game warden permanent- why its just a truck out yond-ly located at Burns Lake is er" said to be obvious. The work Ripping up the lumber is devolving on an already over- on Overlook worked and undermanned po-' TLi a ty, "4 es. 1 V . LOOKING OVER OVERLOOK Theres' a little street in town Called Overlook You just go up and down On Overlook io. It's a place that's nice to stay For it overlooks the bay Yes we like it "out our way On Overlook But It's hard to get to sleep On Overlook almost makes you weep On Overlook For the planks have shaken i00se on Overlook And they rattle like the 'Deuce' sleep Oh whats' the use on Overlook Tne cars run up and down Qn overlook you can hear tne noise up town There are taxis day and night on Overlook nd tnpy take a great de,lght On Overlook To toot and honk the horn Till you wish they were never born And you get no slee till morn On Overlook i The dogs they love to bark On Overlook They start just after dark : . On Overlook If I only had a gun I bet Id make them run And that would start "some fun" On Overlook I The cats they love to prow! On Overlook i They spit and scratch and howl , you ve counted wpp And you've drifted of to sleep! Here comes another jeep Up Overlook If vyou wish to earn our thanks On Overlook If you want to' save the planks On Overlook If, you want to stop our walls Send a man with hammer and nails To fasten down those planks On Overlook COLIN WOOD 2:25 Program Resume 2:30 B.C. Farm Broadcast 2:55 Recorded Interlude 1:00 Symphony Hour 2:00 Sheila Presents n .n n 0 I I I I I I I I I I Ml US LOST" AND MH'JVtt LOST Tuesday, Brswn wallet containing money and keys. Finder please phone Seaman, Red 958 tf LOST- Baby's gold bracelet, i town, Friday afternoon. Reward. Finder please return to Daily News. (200) LOST Black boxTStyle. pur.su, containing 2 pairs of. glasses black - rimmed andt rlmles-$5 reward. Return to Daily News offica. (200) PERSONAL.. FOR BEST HOTEL SERVICE in the Interior, stop at Trtkws Hotei, 244 miles Irem Prtrte? Rupert, just half vrsy to Prince George. (tf) PERSONAL, -T- The Terminal Lunch and Newstand Open all day, every day, to, give you the best we can. In every way.- (tf) METAL WOKE. PLUMBING Installations ano repairs. SHEET METAL WORK. Tar and Gravel. Roor-lng. Letourneau & Sons, 629 Slxtb West. Phone 543.- (tf ) MXCHINERI tOR SALlf SAW better lumber more economically use the moderu; and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, B.C. (tf) I.Am REfilBTBS" AM Re: Certificate of Title No. 2704a-t to Blocks Eighteen (18) and Nineteen (191, TowiiBlte of Maaset, Map 946, excepting Lot "A'; of Block Nineteen (19), Townslte of Mas-set. Map 946. as shown on Reference Plan 1600, and Lot "B" of Block Nineteen (19), Townslte of Masstt. Map 946, as shown on ernce Plan 1601. WHEREAS satisfactory proof of loss of the above Certificate of Title Issued In the name of Nootka Pack ing Company (1937) Limited ha3 been filed In this office, notice Is hereby given that I shall, at the ex- plratlon of one month from the date tne Ilrst publication hereof. Issue Provisional Certificate of Title In 'lc ot said lost Certificate, unless In made to me In writing. DATED at the Land Registry Office, Prince Ruper.t B;C his 29th day of July, 1948, A D. ANDREW THOMPSON. Deputy Registrar of Tlttss. (211) LAND REGISTRY ATT Re: Certificate of Title No. 3:K4-I to Lot 12, Hlnek 31. Hecttfln 1, City of Prince Rupert.' Mitp Dili. WHEREAS satisfactory proof of loss of, the above Certificate of Title Issued In the name of Joe Fook, has been, filed in this office notice Is hereby given that I shall, at the expiration of one month- from the date of the first publication- hereof, issue a Provisional Certificate of Title ln'lteu- of said lost Certificate unless In the meantime valid objection be made to me in writing. DATED at the Land Registry Office, Prince Rupert, B& this 9th day of August, 1948, A.rr. ANDREW THOMPSON Deputy Registrar of Titles. (215) IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OP THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" AND IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OP PETER CONRAD SHEREMETA TAKE NOTICE that by Order of His Honour JudRe W. O. Fulton, made the 17th day of August, A D. 1948, I was appointed Administrator of the Estate of Peter Conrad Shere-meta,, deceased. ALL PARTIES having claims against the said Estate are hereby required to furnish same properly rerlfled to me on or before the 30th day of September, A.D. 1948 after which date claims filed may be paid without reference to any claims of which I then had no knowledge. ALL PARTIES Indebted to the said Estate are hereby required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. DATED at the City .of Prince Rupert. In the Province of British Columbia ,thls lath day-of August, A.D. 1948. GORDON FRASBR FORBES, OFFICIAL ADMINISTRATOR, PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. (207) Your Best Eating Place FULL COURSE MEALS 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Banquet Hall for Luncheons, Dinners and Parties Chinese Dishes BROADWAY CAFE 608 3rd Ave, W. Phone 200 FOR SALE complete. Takes 1 lb. tall tins. $10. Box 386 Daily lished News. (202) FOR SALE Radio phonograph, combined. 308 7th West. (200i FOR SALE Baby buggy. Phone Green 780. (tfs FOR SALE Bedroom suite, 4 pieces; -single bed: dresser: -vanity and stool; lamps; washer; small tables, dinette table and chairs; mirrors; miscellaneous articles. Phone Red 273. 201t FOR SALE Contents of four-705. roomed house. Black (200) FOR SALE Wartime house cook stove. 1349 Piggott Place. (2021 FOR SALE Scrap lumber, random lengths. $10 per truck TO load. Phone Blue 836. (205) FOR SALE Must sell. Owner leaving city, .Reasonable terms. Furnished or unfur nished well built, five roomed house, bathroom and pantry. Oil heated. Quiet location overlooking harbor. Ideal for Cold Storage or Dept. of Transport worxer. Call at 1955 5th Ave. East, after 6 p. m, or phone Red 728. (205) FOR RENT I FOR RENT Seven roomed furnished house. Phone Red 183 (202) . ..' . , , , i Tn-.t nr-w t-, FOR RENT Furnished house Keeping room. Nice, clean and a warm. 1142 Park Ave rrccn ' 224. (202) FOR RENT 2 room suite, furnished, Washington Block, Second Ave. Apply cottage at rear or phone Black 490. (201) FOR RENT 4 room furnished flat. Central location. Phone Red 912 (200) FOR REN T Two-room semi-furnished cabin. Apply 200 8th East. (200) FOR RENT Sleeping rooms. 80 Borden Street. (tf) FOR RENT Flat in Rand Block. Apply Max Heilbroner, Jeweli.-t . (tf) FOR RENT Four-room furnished flat; bath, toilet and oil range. Phone 422. (200) FOR RENT One sleeping room. 650 7th Ave. East, phone Red 471. (tfj WANTED WANTED TO RENT Respectable woman and boy; 8, require 2 or - 3-room apartment, fully or partly furnished, close to Civic Centre. Red 378 before 6 p.m., or phone 107 after 0 p.m. ' (201) WANTED Bedroom dresser ; also second-hand linoleum :n good condition. What have you? Apply to Box 378. Daily News. t WANTED A reliable housekeeper for a short period, for small family. Apply Geo. Little and Son Ltd. East Kwin-Itsa, B. C. (205) WANTED Car batteries, car radiators, brass and -copper; paying good prices. See B.C. FURNITURE CO.. Black 324 WANTED By working mother, good home for two little girls ages 7 and 4. Phone Gree,n 693. (202) HELP WANTED HELP WANTED Taxi Driver. 112 Taxi. (tf) HELP WANTED Girl to learn trade in dry-cleaning. Experience not necessary. Apply Deane's Quality Clean ers. (201) !BOYS WANTED Boys desiring News routes should leave their names at the office as vacant cles may be occurring any dav m 1 Chandlr ' "5c Pcr no7!,n Paid rr Empties Phou This Hrivprtlwment Is not published or " I llsplayed by the LlquorCoiitml Hoardot byth'- t'overnnient of British Columbia Box 645 422. (200) FOR SALE Housing accomoda-. tion is going to be hard to. find. Buy. now! Six-roor-.i Wartime house on 6th East with brick chimney, good condition and close to school and bus. Good buy for cash. Can be seen between 7 and 9 p.m., at 1345 6th Ave. East. 200 FOR- SALE 6 room Wartime house on 6th Ave. E .near Mc-Bride, in excellent condition and on a 50 ft lot; 4 room, house on excellent view lot in See 2. Cement foundation and half basement. Full price $2800.00. We have many listings suitable to every need. For. information call Robert E. Montador Ltd. (204 k FOR SALE 3-piece spring-fillod chesterfield, ;i00; McClary Es cort oil range, $150. Green 816., (200) 1 FCR SALE Flooring, 1x3, 2x4,; 2x6,. 2x8; wincows. doors', . wood lath, 8-room prefabri-j caiied , house. Ciu be seen . near Catholic School 5th, Ave, W. or phone Blue 939. I (tf)1 FOR SALE 1941 reconditioned International panel delivery truck. New Motor. Call Red 666., (202) FOR SALE 1 double bed, single bed,. 1 cot, wicker porch furniture, 1 dresser with mirror, 1 McLary range, 1 bridge lamp. Phone Blue 367. (202) FOR SALE Bedroom suite dining room suite, stove, radio, single- beds, occasional chairs, carpets, and many other things too numerous to mention. Everything must be sold by Sept. 1. D. Elio residence, 1018 3rd Ave. West. (200) FOR SALE 1945 -ton truck, low mileage, excellent condition, has special Panel Body with Roller Type Rear Door. Can be seen at Lindsay Motors Ltd. (203) FOR- SALE 6 room Wartime house with brick chimney on fith Ave. East, close to Conrad Street School. Has phone and can give oil contract. Phone Red 876 (204 1 FOR SALE Just the thing for the wet season. Metal Pram-'Type baby carriage. Large wheels make easy rolling on ; rough streets. Newly over-;. hauled and cleaned. Phone i Green 213 (205) FOR SALE New and Used Furniture and Hardware. Slightly used Bedroom Suites, Kitchen Sets from $12.50; Bed, complete $15; used Carpet In good shape; Occasional and Kitchen Chairs; enamel Wash Basins $5; Underwood Typewriter In perfect shape; Office Chairs; npw unpainted Book Cases. utner useiui nousenoia ar ticles. B.C. FURNITURE CO., Black 324. (tf) FOR SALE Bed, dresser, writing desk and chair, all in walnut, all in first class condition. Phone Black 961. (tf) Watch the Classified Ads! HOUSES FOR SALE 1st OVERLOOK Big four., newly decorated; view. Bth EAST 6-room modern dwelling, 3 lots, oil range and heater. $1800 will handle. 9th EAST Near McBride, 5-room house, concrete basement. 3-room suite, modern. $1500 down. 7Mi WEST 5-room bungalow type, concrete basement, hot air furnace. $3300 cash. Also . 4 to 6-room Wartime houses, and others In good locations. ARMSTRONG AGENCIES 307 Third Ave. Phone 342 Eves., Green 297 (203) THE MARKETS Vegetable Radmhes, 2 bunches p Carrots (New) 2 bunches 25 Celery, bunch 23 Cauliflower, head Swiss Chard, lb '5 Turnips, lb 07 Mushrooms, lb Bo Head Lettuce, bunch 15 Cucumbers, each 11 Green Onions, 2 bunches 11 Australian onions, 3 lbs. V-3 Cabbage,- lb lu Rhubarb, lb ' ipinach,. lb, Bets, bunch, 2 for " Tomatoe, No. 1, lb -23 New Potatoes, 6 lb & Canned Vegesable Dill Pidkles, gal l-3r Jut Green Beans, fey 17 5 Peas, fancy H Mixed Vegetables Is )iced Beets, 2 tins 25 Wax Beans, choice 2! Aixed Peas and Carrots .... .18 Pumpkin 16 Corn, choice '? Corn Niblets 24 riuit Cherries, lb 30 Apricots, lb. " ( Bananas, lb 2i Apples, cooking, lb 10 Football Schedule Moblev Tub Aug. 25 All Stars vs. Navy. Aug. 27 All Stars vs. Navy. Aug. 29 Battery vs. Legion. Sept. 1 Battery vs. High School (Stuart Shield . Sept. 3 Battery vs. High School iGllhuly Cup Replay i. S -mVYV j J ' gi JlJU f mm r9I f'lJ fLmr" M M Jfg mVt r WW" , . " : ; ; -i WEATHERPROOF YOl'R ROOF FOR WINTER First protection agaiiu.t winter's cold blasts is to se' that your roof Is in tip-top condition. For expert repuir or for a whole roofing job, call 363. ' For estimates and materials consult . . . Mitchell & Currie Limited Builders and Contractors VENETIAN BLINDS Strongly made with steel or . aluminum slats, In a variety of smart colors with harmonizing tapes. Ask to have .our estimator call. We measure your windows and " instal the blinds. n li" -'-rrd I, rt&Ltf'? But miles w! I I) -TSfclYV ) to bra movie 1 if y ' y-s -i VAN AND INTtnJ EACH 1 AT 11 For K HKDH5D I and FisnM ention lice force. Hunters and fisher- men aie arriving uany uub un- fortunately no game warden is' available. The demand for li censes and information is great but the game warden's office which was centrally located in the "Review" building is now untenanted. Kaclio Dia CFPR 1240 Kilocycle (Subject to change) WEDNESDAY P.M. 4:00 Eumuni HocKritrgt 4:15 Stock Quotations and Int. 4:30 Music by Goodman 4:45 Wanderaway Shoes 5:00 JHusic in a Mellow Mood o:uu eong f estival 6:30 Musical Varieties 0:40 Rec. Int. 6:45 Plantation House Party 7:00 CBC News ZU 5 Arthur L. Phelps (Kingston) . 7:30 Mary Syme 8:00 Dreams 8:30 Gregory Miller conducts Tor 9.00 The Inspector-General Tor. 10:00 CBC News 10:10 B.C. News 10:15 Our Changing Morals 10:30 Dance Orch. 11:05 Weather Forecast and Sign Off THURSDAY A.M 7:30 Musical Clock 8:00 CBC News 8:15 Morning Song 8:30 Music for Moderns 8:45 Little Concert 0 '00 BBC News 9:15 Morning Devotions 9:30 Transcribed Melodies 9:45 Modern Musicians 9:59 Time Signal 10:00 Morning Visit 10:15 Morning Melodies 10:30 Roundup Time 10:45 Scandinavian Melodies-11:00 Bernie Braden Tells a Story 11:15 Songs of Today 11:30 Weather Forecast 11:31 Message Period 11:33 Recorded Interlude 11:45 Let's Waltz . P.M. 12:00 Mid-Day Melodies I 12:15 CBC News RUPERT MARINE (J. CLAUSEN & SON) We Take Listings rsf . . . ROATS FOR SALE OR CH TRY RiTProT MARINE Km itd rif'Yrir KAI.ES OR CHART"! Box 548 Vacationing with 1 Points to check before you carefree holiday- m'lw H i:t.ivp Ti'E-iTP Maximum encine failu" -Insurance asainst Co BRAKE INSPECTIO-a" ' " fon WHEEL ALIGNMENT . wheel for long distances-rrrvi And last but not least a thoroiifin and know that every part ot yur i....--... i includes un LINDSAY MOTOR! j McBride Street Phone 311