Ptlnce Uunctf Oaflp iftetof tt6. Wednesday, August 25, 1948 ocal News Items... IWWA AIR PASSENGERS IW.T. Don't Miss Barbecue Feed, Logging Sports, Terrace, Labor SOCCER TONIGHT, Roosevelt Park, All-Stars vs. Navy 7 p.m. (It) Meeting o f international Day. (ws) Mr. and Mrs. James Hadden, TO VANCOUVER I. Aber-nathy, H. C. Hughes, S. Simpson, Lieut. Commander Boyd, Mrs. T. Richards, F. Semple, O. Quast, T. A. Clark, H. F. Montgomery, J. Judge, W. Baker. TO SANDSPIT O. Johnson, W. Park, O. Kristiansen. FROM VANCOUVER E. B. Sparks, F. S. McKinnon, A. V. who have been' on a holiday Union of operating Engineers Local 510, will be held Friday, trip south, returned home from August 27, In the Carpenter's Vancouver on the Prince Ru Hall at 8:00 p. m. (202), pert today. Terrace visitors in the city to Weather or not The sun shines, it rains, or it freezes the coat that meets all needs is the Dual Purpose. Fishermen's Dance, Aug. 27, day include Mr. and Mrs. Mel at 9 p.m., Oddfellows' Hall. Dir Hill, W. E. Drake, C. G. Howe, R. P. Telford, J. K. Roach, J.; ector, Nick Basareba. S. L. Wilson 8-piece band. Everybody wel .f-iT," fctrfit 1 1 -it 111 r f F.r "iH isr' H S- Micale, S. Sleetham. Peek-Vout, Alt Yoxall and Miss Irene Pratt. All are returning home this afternoon by car. William Terry, who has been FROM SANDSPIT H. D come. (202) Foster, Mr. Miles, Mr.- Young, Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel Wick- T. Green, Hon. E. T. Kenney man, who have been spending C. D. Orchard, P. Smith( M. O Kullander on a vacation trip to Edmonton and Vancouver, returned to the city from the south -on the Prince 'Rupert. almost a year at Tulsequah, returned to the city on the Chil-cotin last night. Mrs. J. W. Eastwood and 'Mr ar,H Mn A M Hurst. w rauwun.i i o-iii juu daughter, Bernice, returned to the city on the Prince Rupert Col. Robert Landry. Left to right: In centre of group, Col. Robert Landry, air aide to President Truman, and Urwin Finch (in civilian clothes i, director of trie Air Oadet League of Can Day mac RAINCOAT TOUR U. S. AND BRITAIN Can- CA frn Canada visited the White House tern United Staes. With their host jr rivil Air Patrol, they posed In the 'vden with President Truman's air aide, today from a vacation trip to enecuve medium oi advertising n , tv. the tv, I summer vacation in south, ada. Another group of air cadets are at present on tour of Britain, it rrincc nupcrw iu nisses your message if it's ad ertised in the News. It's the Vancouver. NOTICE MEMBERS OF Y.P.A:, HAZEL- returned to the city on the Prince Rupert today from Vancouver. Mr. Hurst attended summer school both at Vancouver and Seattle. ally efficient way of putting t over. tf. Three Canadian Destroyers jus after-. tn Van- Hotel. . TON We are now collecting $1 with removable, all- WEEK-END EXCURSIONS to TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY for our new hall fund in care of Johnny Moore, secretary, or wool plaid lining. Set For Part In Port Day Terrace and Lakeise by Kaien Arrivals Joe Smith, president, Box 41, FOR SALE One Beach kitchen Island Stages Ltd. Terrace re Hazel ton. (103) turn $3.45. Lakeise return $4.20. Fine poplins and Bus leaves Prince Rupert 7:30 one of the leading figures in the rescue operations of refugees during the Fraser River floods last May and June. a.m. each Sunday. For tickets range; one bedroom suite; one baby carriage; one double bed; one hot-plate, double burners; two heaters. Phone Blue 983. 1137 8th Ave. East. (20.M gabardines, made up in double - breasted, and reservations call 99 or 229 (tf) The Royal Canadian Navy established a premature beachhead at Prince Rupert Tuesday after giving up one on the Queen Charlotte Islands where weather and remoteness made the prospect of Invasion entirely uninviting. . . . ri 1 ti - m i i "On the whole, it was pretty Prince Rupert G. L. Miles, Vancouver; H. D. Foster, Vancouver; H. B. Small, Vancouver; A. Yoxall, Terrace; p. Davies, Vancouver; J. Par-nell, Kumealon Lake; W. Mof-fatt, Premier; R. Hewett, Premier; W. L. Johnston.Premier; H. C. Doublas, Premier; Rev. and Mrs. G. Johnston and fam square shoulder styl gruesome, but it had its amus Rev. and Mrs. George John Announcement We will be closed from . August 16 to September 3 Inclusive. CIVIC CENTRE DINING ItOOM ing with full belt, the ing parts,' 'he recalled. The three destroyers were an ston and family of Kincollth arrived in the city Tuesday on FOR SALE Six-room Wartime house, in" excellent condition. 6th Ave. East. Prince Rupert chored at Virago Sound during me uuuua ui uiree destroyer, the Camosun to spend a week here while one of the child DAYMA C the storm on Monday night anc JE Realty Co. 202 ren receives medical attention ily, Klncolith; A. Schipp, Prince Tuesday. They decided tha A L L-W EATHEK since it was impossible to hold Tt They expect to be in the city a week. training exercises, they migh SMART AND RAINCOAT FOR.' RENT Two-room apartment, and . single sleeping room. Apply 221 5th East. (205) Cayuga, Athabascan and Crescent, made a quick run from Virago Sound at the north end of Graham Lsland and slipped into Prnce Rupert harbor shortly before noon 24 hours before their scheduled arrival. They are here to take part in well come to Prince Rupert. They left their anchorage COMFORTABLE Miss Aileen Trimble of San Angelo, Texas, who came to the George; C. D. Orchard, Victoria; E. T. Kenny, Terrace; F. Montgomery, Vancouver;' W. Pashley, Sunnyside; H. F. Clark, Victoria; F. S. McKinnon, Victoria; Mr. and Mrs. W. Hudson, PorcTier Island; Miss I. Pratt, Terrace; Mr. and Mrs. C. Andren, Alice Arm; Mr. and at 4 o'clock yesterday mornin is the ideal coat for fall and winter wear. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES making the 100-mile trip m coasi a year agu wiui yauy ui seven hours. I Texans and made the round trip The Canadian destroyers will to Alaska on tne steamer Chil- Port Day and have been away from their base at Esquimau since August 16. The 500 men jt Hlft Mrs. W. Tennant, Kamioops; ST. JOSEPH'S ACADEMY Commercial Classes. Day Class Tuition, $ii per month, opening Sept. 7. Night Class Tuition, $7.50 per month, opening Sept. 16. 205) and aboard the three ships are most be joined by three American destroyers which are due to arrive here on Friday for a short visit. A. V. Hill, Vancouver; Mr cotin, was here again on the same vessel this week. With her was anohter party of ten, all of whom were very enthusiastic about their trip. ly R.C.N. The season is so late that few reservists made the cruise. ill. I I . I I I I Mrs. M. Peeke-Voute, Terrace; Dr. and Mrs. V. Stewart. South-gate, California; J. Dunlop, Smithers; J. Lord, Vancouver: W. E. Drake, Vancouver; E. Millard, New Westminster; F. Collins, New Westminster; F, I B. Sparks, Vancouver. Aotc Available! 5 7 S NOTICE The Dally News wishes to draw attention to the rule that classified and transient advertising is payable in advance at tne oiuct at time CE Their arrival here was vlr-', tually unobserved because of a pall of rain that shrouded the harbor, giving the vessels an Sx-definite outline as they slipped in with Athabascan, commanded by Commander J. S. Davis in the lead. They will remain anchored in the harbor lo'r the duration of their visit, according to Commander O. G. S. Robertson of I the Cayuga, senior officer of V Announcements All dverliaemptio n thlt column will b. charged (or k lull month t 2b ceou word of presenting copy for advertising. Those desiring to advertise in this manner in the Daily News are asked to assist the office and respect this rule by refraining from telephoning classified adver Using. BLOUSES Sizes 12 to 44. Special excursion train leaves Prince Rupert, 8:30 a m., Labor Day, September 6, for Terrace Barbecue and Logging Sports. Return fare: adults, $3.50; children, $1.75. tax Included. Tickets at C.N.R. ticket office and station. Orange Tea. Proceeds Pro fV jWj f Grand for IjoT Jss Summer Z-b Energy LA LOOK FOR THB NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL CARDIGANS Sizes 12 to 44 SKIRTS Sizes 12 to 20. Moore's 206 6th Street the flotilla, because the larce rise and fall of the tides here make it difficult to moor the low-built ships alongside the wharfs. At 3 o'clock Tuesday afternoon. Commander Robertson, vice will testant Home. Oddfellows' Hall, Commander Davis and Lieui.-Commander John Charles c" the Crescent paid a formal ) our in the September 1. I Boy Scouts and Cubs W.A Grand for Economy WJBfa ft3' pn , LOWEST ! unlets . . . . " Mc Bazaar, Sat., Sept. 18. Conrad WRATIIALL'S PHOTO FINISHING Developing. Printine Enlarcins QUICK SERVICE Amateur and Professional Supplies visit to Mayor Nora Arnold at the City Hall. The call was returned later in the day by Mayor Arnold, who visited Cayuga. Cruise of the vessels was relatively uneventful, except for the sequel to landing operation at Naden Harbor. The vessels put two companies of men, num JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST ' John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue MBISC0 COTTAGE CHEESE , New Creamed Fresh Made 111 Street School Basement. Cambral Chapter LODE. Tea Fashion Show, September 23. Moose Bazaar, Oct. 14-15. Evening entertainment. Queen Mary I.O.D.E. Bazaar, October 20. Sons of Norway and Sonla Fall Bazaar Oct. 22. Canadian Legion W.A. Bazaar, November 10. Presbyterian Fall Bazaar, Nov. 18. I VALENTIN DAIRY Your Daily ALL-WEATHER BERVICB ur needs printing in high-Cards for Shredded Wheat bering 150, ashore in the harbor. They marched with full pack tn the head of the harbor, where they were taken aboard again. However, the small boats put out toward the beach at low tide and some were damag'd AMTiCO RUBBER TILE Salvation Army Home League It's cool cold drinld Fresh as a bre! Delicious golden-good nourishing NABISCO Shredded Wheat with fruit . . . perfect summer breakfast dish! Containing food elements. NABIsCO Shredded Wheat is pure husky whole wheat ... to help keep you feeling like a millioa. Serve sunny, hearty NABISCO Shredded Wheat, with plump peaches or luscious berries, tomorrow. HI, FOLKS! t When you visit the Civic Centre Carnival be sure to Inspect our display in the industrial show. If you are Interested in a comfortable home in winter you will be interested in our furnaces. on shoals and rocks before they returned to the ships. "That is why we are short of Sale, Nov. 23. 2:30 p.m., Sons of I Norway Hall. ! Cambral Chapter, I.O.D.E. Sale ! November 25th. 'n3 small boats to teke liberty parties ashoie," smiled Commander Robertson. The tug. Marysville. of H.M. - c phoiham was loaned for Orange Ladies' Bazaar, December 1st. SofcJ by CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT COMPANY, ITD. NIAGARA FALLS, CANADA swa You'll never tire of that The idral floor coverinc for office, kitchen, hall or bathroom; any place under your roof where many feet tread, is the spot for AMTICO! Easy to walk on, easy to clean THOM SHEET METAL LTD. Black 884 253 East First Ave. FAWCETT DEALER SALT LAKES FERRY SCHEDULE Natural Flavor liberty use by Lieut. John Quinn, executive officer o; the naval reserve station here. By anchoring In the harbor, the three destroyers will be abl.; m nut on a really spectacula; 1 NEW ROYAL riisnlav on the evening of Port Day, which they would i ... j.. tVint Tirnro not be able io uu u SEE IT AT Saanich Plumbing AM) Heating Moving, Packing Crating, Shipping and General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues . Established 1910 Phones 60 and 68 Daily except Mon. & Tuts. Leave Cow Bay Floats Wed., Thurs., Frl. 2:30, 4:30, 6:30, 7:10. Saturday Every hour from 10:30 a.m. Sunday Continuous from 10 a m. Last boat return 9:30 p m Adults 50c Under 16, 25c Return All schedules weather permitting. Inquiries 123 Taxi tied at the wharves, Command er Robertson said. Plans for the navy's particl HOTEL A Home Away From Home SO Rooms, Hot and Cold Water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 2S1 P.O. Box IBS were ais nation in Port Day ,cpri bv the commanding of McBride Corner Fourth and BLl'E 846 ficers and S. G. Furk. Port Day chairman, at a conieremc Gotham Saturday afternoon KEEP THE PIECES YOU LOVE Don't discard your favorite pieces of furniture! Let us bring them back to new life and new beauty at little cost. ' f ,,.r Robertson was U F ek for It's th e ,5'CToniA Camosun Kaicn Co-op Rex Cate A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD. A Good Place to Buy f ,,rE ARM ... for Tasty Meals ChouSuey O Chow Mein We'll reupholster them, put In new springs and cushions. Besides UiVholstering and Woodwork repairs we make up Drapes to order and recover car seats. about our Plastahide seat covers and sponge rubber cushions. I.OTTE PS JUST ARRIVED ... OF GOLD SEAL Kl'(S AND A SMALL SHIPMENT Him MATS. CHECK Ol'R STOCK OF MO.RE BV THE YARD. LINOI.El'M, AND JASFE INLAID in Table Oilcloth. See the New Patterns UTRTTF DROP IN PIIONE ,,,, 251 3rd West ue- io, 2i Fhone 818 Chinese Dishes a Specialty Second Avenue opposite Trince Rupert Hotel 7 00 a.m, to 3:30 a m. . Next to CFPR L MAPLE, OLD COLONY DINING SUITE, Refractory Extentlon Table. Atmosphere of distinction to live with. Phone 775 327 Third Ave. (Now operated by Mr. and Mrs. A.. Mattson) Went 179 1 "-" Phone iim n lllTTir1