VICTOaiA, 3. c. urn i n Witt Unite nil 1 1 irs ji ii yjefc Halts Cosnsu as Moscow Reacts Sharply 1 . MWl '1 PHONE A DRUGS 3ml mm To Expulsion of Russian w i r m urn w rw liver)' N. York Representative r 01 PAR5 NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWKPAPEK Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port-Trinee Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest." VOL. XXXVII, No. 200. PRINCE RUPERT, B. C, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 25, 1948 j PRICE FIVE CENTS EM y l Brings End to Problem of Refugee Teachers Effects of Latest Kremlin Order WASHINGTON, D.C. (CP) Soviet-ordered halt Murphy Not j 5 . SulietittJ HEY to all consular dealings between the United States a ifpjrtmrnl Being Fired Defies Ouster By C.C.L. of Miners' Union VANCOUVER : Five thousand hard rock miners and smel and Russia wrote an apparent ena today to the case of the refugee Russian school teachers. The Kremlin's decision came suddenly but not unexpectedly. The Russian government, reacting sharply to the 5 ,023 fprwi- 3? Department j is usually busy i Soviet consul-general from New inpy from t:i.' ter workers were automatical!; track d.-n J Ur,tn removed from the Canadian Choosing Miss PNE York, has chopped off all consular ties with the United States. The action entails closing of Russian consulates In New York and San Francisco, closing of the United States consulate at Vladivos when the rfl i I al 11 . .v.:i -A "T VIA i i: Or c . vt 1 !. - - tok and the voiding of an agree ' iw and ,,f Mine, Mill and Smelter Work-i CIO. money ro-'m Despite el- Along with the suspension of the Inconi" tnP union, Harvey Murphy of jbie to i Vancouver, 1U western regional director. Is barred from C.C.L. ment granting the United States the right to open a consulate In Leningrad. MARSHALL NOT WORRIED WASHINGTON Commenting today on the withdrawal by Soviet Russia of its consulates to the United States, Secretary of State George Marshall said the action was "regrettable but not serious." Formal diplomatic relations were not involved since consulates dealt only with commercial waters. The closure of the United States consulate at Vladivostok would be accepted. It had been subject to so many restrictions that it was not of much use anyway, Marshall said. REWARD FOR MINES OTTAWA Department of Transport has announced that a reward of $100 will be paid to anyone locating floating mines and remaining by them until the authorities can be contacted and the scene reached. Body activities for two years. Murphy is also vice-president df the British Columbia Federation of Labor, a C.C.L. affiliate. Reason for the ouster as given by the C.CX. executive did not mention communism but labor leaders here reported that the ucUon was known to be a climax to the batthp of C.C.L. leaden; VANCOUVER (CP) Selection of Miss P. N. E. at the Vancouver Exhibition will be announced at 4 o'clock this afternoon. Margaret Brain, as Miss Prince Rupert, has been proving a popular entry and showed up well among the other British Columbia beauties. The Exhibition opened today with a 34 mile long parade through city streets. Acting Premier Herbert An-scomb, Attorney General Gordon Wismer, Minister of Agriculture Frank Putman and Minister of Education W. T. Straith are among those in atetndance. THE WEATHER ed ARABS INSISTING ON JEW PEACE CAIRO '(P) Commander of Arab Legion forces In Jerusalem has notified the United Nations that his army will not brook further alleged violations' of the truce by the Jews. .id Urines lt fet -Tiie east-1 WHERE MRS KOSENKINA WAS FOUND This photo-dia gram of the rear of the Soviet consulate at 7 East 61st Street, New York, shows physical surroundings of spot where Mrs. Ok-sana Koskenkina was found after she jumped from third storey window. Arrow shows the open window and cross marks spot where she landed. Notice broken telephone wire leading into the house, leading to speculation that she may have attempted to climb down the wire in an escape' attempt when the wire broke. brought thr Churches l i : er three day 1 Two More Berlin Zonal Shootings BERLIN O) Two more shoot .peeches, th' to brass tak ; ; . Synopsis the chnrchi's ing affrays at the zonal fron to rid the organization of com-rmmi::t Influence. Murphy said he would appial to the C.C.U convention in Toronto next month. "I will continue as .organizer and worker for the mining industry' employees. Mother or no Moshei'," he said. (A. R. Mosher Is president of the C.C.L. He had been attacked by the U.MM. and 6 W. ifficial paper). The weather remains excep w world si ii- ! tiers punctuated the east-west TYPOS IN tionally unsettled in western in tug-of-war Germany, police STALIN FOR PARLEY MOSCOW Premier Joseph Stalin is reported to be proposing another four-power conference on Germany but what restrictions he might impose upon it are not known. VISA FOR BARBARA TORONTO It was announced today that Barbara Ann Scott, Olympic skating star, had been granted a visa to enter the United States. Her manager said th,at she had had several offers but hone had yet lieerTdeYinitely accepted. Canada. The temperature a Stalin Meeting Was Nearly Five Hours MOSCOW W The latest conference on Monday night be reponeo. uraay. doui victims were Germans, COHTEMPT! Snag in the Yukon fell to 16 above during the night. Cold air flooded southward into ccn- 'lied up us u in Berlin fid's leasing qo behind it a eun'.pii'ie j leant church t the mt-fst i tween the western envoys and Prime Minister Joseph Stalin Court Order Against l.T.V. Asked By U.S. Labor Board i tral sections of B.C. and Al BANK HOLD-UP berta. brinKing snow to the lasted four hours and forty minutes. WASHINGTON, DC. ff-ir.e Pcacc River district. Prince Ru-I -. Unitcrf- -Stat-NaMwiftl Labor nert in the a'asIThree" dai's TKs! I BKPf-AlHl Tr -i a s via mm Mmw m mm an mm 9 recorded five and one-half HiNOSIA STATE INSIDE PARIS lr uuse N.Z. TOWN IS HIT BY BLOW AUCKLAND, New Zealand W iminC Bimc to A nciv Inrirtwnrlent Relations Board today aakud that the International Typographical Union (A.F.L.) be held in contempt of court for insisting on closed shop contracts. The Union is under a five-month-old injunction against negotiating such agreements. WHAT MIGHT HAVE BEEN Had there been no World War II and no abdication of MONTREAL VI Three gunmen today held up the Boyce and Mont Sabre Streets branch of La Banque Canadienne Rationale today. It is the same bank that was heldup last Friday. Today's bandits escaped Exceptionally ' state, Unosla. Is being born In "h has bn n ' the capital of France. The tiny opr. out the sovereign state will cover ten is b.amed fur acres of land and will number ''"h'iiura in- , about 4,500 Inhabitants, aroupht about Unosla Is to be the fall home At least three persons were killed by a tornado which rip1 ped through the town of Hamilton today. Six other persons were believed buried In tne with about $2000. inches of rain but is now clear there. Cold weather is expected in the interior tomorrow and there is a risk of frost tonight on low-lying areas of the Cariboo and Prince George region. Coastal sections will remain cloudy. Forecast Queen Charlottes and North Coast Cloudy today and Thursday. Clear tonight northern areas. Light westerly winds. Continuing very cool. Lows tonight and highs tomorrow At Port Hardy 55 and 60, Masselt 40 and 55, Prince Rupert 35 and 55. debris., kwiitBxiuii , of the United wiuch will tato shortage Sjt n general sessions from Scp-, tember 21 to December. (Standard Time) Thursday, August 26, 1948 High 5:10 16.4 feet 17:25 18.3 feet Low 11:04 7.8 feet the late King Victor Emmanuel, and had there been no dissolution of the House of Savoy by vote (taking the crown away from ex-King Humbert!, then Victor Emmanuel, pictured here, third of the line, may have been fated one day to sit on the throne once occupied by his father. Seemingly the least unhappy about the turn of affairs Is handsome blonds Victor Emmanuel now at Geneva, Switzerland. Like other more plebian youngsters he has somewhat of an aversion to study, plays hookey occasionally to go bike riding or play with his miniature "navy." He is shown winding up the propeller of one of his craft. i ?1 IS MISSING ON URANIUM HUNT Possibility of nather Tragedy In Bridge River Country Is Seen VANCOUVER IP) A 60-year-old surveyor was missing last night on a wooded mountain in the uranium boom area In the Bridge River district as he?vy grub-staking continued throughout the entire region. Prospectors have joined with police in a widespread search for John Munroe, one of a four-man crew who were lining and staking out claims of radioactive slies of Tommy Creek and Mount Bob. FLOWER SHOW IS DEFERRED Boisterous weather of the past few days caused such damage in local gardens that commencement of the Prince Rupert Horticultural Association's Flower Show in connection with the annual Civic Centre Carnival, which was to have commenced today, has been postponed until Friday and Saturday. Placing of exhibits has been set for Thursday night with judging to follow soon thereafter. RAIN POSTPONES Attention In Canada Heeded Otherwise Alaska Highway Is In Good Shape, Says U.S. Official WASHINGTON, D.C. 'fcTh(? Alaska Highway is in good shape AIR CRASH IN HAWAII HONOLULU fli Sixteen pet-sons were killed last night and four were critically injured when an Okinawa-bound United States Air Force superfortress crashed into a parked plane at Hickman Field. It crashed into a parked transport plane. : TOD A TS STOCKS : : v vfi---" ' 1 h except for the southern approach Courtesy S. D. Johnston Co. Ltd. in Canada, William Warne, assistant Secretary of the Interior BASEBALL SEMI Rain interfered last night and the first game of the best of three semi-final series in the for the United States, said to THREE SETS OF TWINS IN 27 MONTHS At Akron, O., nurse Pat Donely introduces Mrs Charles E. Summers, 30, to her twin sons, . Bevcourt JJ Vancouver Bobjo HVi Bralorne fi-'5 .03 Charles and John, the third set of twins born to her pre B. E. Con B. R. X Cariboo Quartz .09 Vz 1.05 maturely in 27 months. Mrs.' day. Two or three sections between Dawson Creek and Edmonton were "pretty bad." If properly developed, the famous war-built highway might channel tourist trade of almost $100,000,000 annually into Alaska, Warne said. Buffalo Can -OB Con. Smelters 114.50 Con west 1-23 Donalda -60 Eldona 107 East. Sullivan 2.56 Senior Basball League play-offs was postponed until Thursday evening. Moose and Merchant? are meeting .in the -semi-final round and the winning team will play the league- champion Savoys. Dentonia 01 Vi Grull Wlhksne 033,4 Summers, a former Wac, met and married her husband in New Guinea where he was serving as an army sergeant. They now have four boys and two girls. Hedley Mascot 3D 4.65 .56 Minto Pend Oreille 3.80 22 t V1 .0614 fan4" Pioneer 2-36 Giant Y'Knife God's Lake Havdroek Harrieana Hcva Hosco Jacknifc i Premier Border 02 Vi 15 Privateer Reno Salmon Gold .08 .11 's .A, - , . .s; tommmmummtrmm L- 11 " W'"" 'mijf J , AND "MYSTEKi"" WITNESSES Victor Per-med by Elizabeth Bentiey as the leader of a n "-American Y'shington, is shown on the witness stand Activities committee. Pcrlo, who ; ",!nt payroll as an official of the N. R. A. In , Cullnnittee whether he Is or ever has been w refused to say whether or not he knew ,u "f 8tuod UP to face his accuser In the com-wimed the protection of the constitution's m "is rofi,s;li ,., ., ., Joflet Quebec -4fi Lake Rowan 07 Sheep Creek ' I-15 Taylor Bridge 45 i m Lapaska ., 30 28' ,03 a; Taku River Vananda Cnncress alien Y"rkRr whose testimony in con-... . - Sl,vi('t wartime snv rtnir is exnected to Pacific Eastern 05 Hedley Amalg 05 Central Zeballos ! Sllbak Premier 27 TONIGHT at the .... rCARNIVAL 7:00 Gayway Opens. 7:30 Barney Potts Stage Show. 7:30-10:30 Photo, Industrial Exhibits. 11:00 Nightly Door Prize (Winner Must B Present). 11:30 Stage Show and Dance Narrows Supper Club Orchestra. Horticultural Show Tohlponed to Friday and Saturday Entries received Thursday Evening and Friday Morning ADMISSION: $1.00 TICKET GOOD FOR ALL NIGHTS. ADULTS 50c NIGHTLY ADMISSION. ; STUDENTS 25c NIGHTLY ADMISSION. H, Ciisp. is shown as he took the witness tl waT n'Amel'ican Activities committee. His nnt it v rt" howevtr- He asked, and was grant-11 nis testimony until his attorney could Little Long Lac Lynx - 06 ''2 Madsen Red Lake 2.25 McKenie Red Lake .... .32 Me.Leod Cockshutt .... -85 Monela 32 2 06 Negus - Noranda 48-25 Louvicourt -5B Pickle Crow I-80 Regcourt -04Vz San Antonio ' 3.10 emit ir R.finvn .44 Oils A. P. Con Calmont C & E Foothills ' Home Toronto Athona Aumaque .17"2 .49 5.70 2.90 8.10 .06" 2 .15 .61 Competition 1 '"'Nb(.)N TROPHY !larS vs H. M. C. S. Crescent and Cayuga Sheritt Gordon . 2-35 Steep Rock 2 00 Sturgeon River 15 Miller 35 Silver - ' uuAY, 7 P.M Admission 25c (2001 'Beattle 'i