DISCOVERY OF COPPER-NICKEL RE GIN A An lmnorW W'scences CARRY GOSPEL IN MODERN WAY Bible Society Representa ' TP , ' llfMIWiiMMMIMnilllWIT I ll l Hill ' A . .. i.raaaf! ! l . "r " fFflnw " Ktlpwf DafT? Heta 03. .. f 5 Wednesday, August 25, 1948 '. 4 town they happen to be can- OLYMPIANS ARE vassing. The party reached j Prince Rupert Saturday and SPEEDING HOME left last night on the Princess Adelaide for Vancouver but1 HALIFAX O' Members of Miss Collerd plans to be back Canada's Olympic team are now end lienections copper-Wckel discovery, similar to the Lynn Lake development has been made onlv tives Had Interesting Trip in Car and Trailer .ufnctentlyT""? ,we't f F"n Flon ral1- i Canada and was . jt ITnitpd oaKaicnewan 8 Grasxv 't Canada,! candid to say he greatly dis-1 Uke Parked in a local garage is & ... Khp will snenri several r,i liked leaving. Evidently he has I," , w- James Michan, eclor left a mark to shoot at. Diplo-1 of mineral resources, sa be iA to said I It he , tn the man : who mats are said to be born. They ; announ' yesterday. car ana trailer covered wun V. Vv, bccu"'b iu vhouo and h 1 u dust from 3000 miles of British , areta . homes following the 'arrival of SnUSeBhiL SrW?lStnrS.JSl,S:;the first Dominion contingent ones to S Helen Collert.1 e snows arrive. During J in the 52-year history of the K-'J piiwrt : nave buw, -". "ISih. rui-, DrillCe 1 . l.l tunate the country who is serv- give a fitting touch to the front at home r felt travelling renresentative of thewlnter she travel through- modern games which failed to t-rtml -Vn lt..n Mn H nnJ uuv tur iuwci luaiiiiattu. 1 ' J X ..'V .JTi mm British and Foreign Bible So produce a winner. They disembarked yesterday lollowing their arrival on Monday. ed by an ame one and true also entrance or the museum are should it be of the country to about to be erected, this being whom he Is accredited. I done, as the tourist season Is Pttst Us peak. But it's all right Was old Centre Street, ex- anyway. Totems, taken care of tnnriine ud hill from the dock I "re not perishable, and tuoristi Advert;'' in t'ie 1nliy fcewai back in 1910, in line with the ! wiU be coming this way as long ciety. In April Miss Collerd left the Fraser Valley accompanied by Valerie Pixley of Agassiz. Unlike the ordinary tourists Miss Collerd and her companions didn't stick to the main roads. If a side road leads to people the Society's representatives are almost sure to explore it. present day fountain off Sec a yuu live, and after. They robably wouldn't have sur COCA-COLA ARRIVES vive me winter, anyway, in their reclining position. m MIIMJIlfll II V UMm The Bridge River district was visited in one of their side trips ond Avenue? A man with a lot of pioneer pictures was asking questions yesterday. What he sought was where, on the waterfront, as it Is today, stood the original location of early Prince Rupert? And that was anything but simple. Yes! Find Rupert Road, the road to Vick-ersville, Bacon's garden, the shops of Centre 8treet, the so Print' Rupert bears, as well as Prince Rupert people, have a taste for ripe berries. Sunday afternoon, a fruit lover wearing a black fur coat was sighted roaming around in the vicinity and so was Wells and old Bar-; kervllle, east of Quesnel, but most interesting of all was their trip into the Chilcothv area, mere iney were waugiiu cial zone and Arthur Little's literary inspired emporium. .Yeah, find them! oi Mcciymont Park. Whatever it was he was conveying from brush or bush, to his shaggy Jaw:;, appeared to be giving the greatest uf satisfaction. In fact, one of the girls in the party says she could almost swear he winked at them once. to dan for gold by a pioneer who had been over the Klon-dyke trails. This district, according to Miss Collerd, is the potential heart of central interior British Columbia. For marry years the Chilcottn area has been noted for its cattle WELTER WEIGHT BOXING AT WEMBLEY Canada's G. C. Blackburn, right, parries a left from J. Torma of Czechoslovakia, the winner, during their welterweight third round contest at the Empire Pool, Wembley, London. I Bronzed and looking smart ! in a grey serge suit. William , j Lyon MacKenzie King, is horn? i raising and during their 140 i WOMEN'S GOLF i again from a holiday at Sealjp .1 r, Tj : ! Harbor In Maine. The Ameri-1 jKailway Collapses, ! can press found him urbane j Japanese Drowned and non-communicative. Very.i mile trip west from Williams 'OPENS GOES ON Lake and back again they saw day to retain .her Canadian ladies' open crown as sixteen golfers- from Canada and Uu United States swung into thf second day of match play. Sur- in fact! He declined to tell i TOKYO O More than 150 ! where he was staying or who ! Japanese last night were re-hls hosts were. Just as if thev ported missing and believed RIVERSIDE GOLF CLUB Saint John, New Brunswick W extensive evidence of prosperity. The end of the Chilcotin road is not far from Bella Coola and some day the people of the interior hop to see the road 18-hol iriid not know alreadv! j drowned when the railing nf a ' Long-hitting Grace Lenczyk ofivivors of of yesterday's yesterday's j I concrete bridge collapsed over' Newington, Connecticut, remain- match include twelve Canadian? j The two- large totem poles to,Niigata Haroor. ed the top heavy favorite to- and four Americans. r $ completed thus giving them an outlet to he seaboard. Miss Collerd and Miss Pixley were joined by another Agassiz girl, Marion Hall, at Quesnel and since then the three ladies nave visited practically every settlement, village, town and city between there and Prince Rupert. While on the road the party do their cooking on a small gas oline stove and sleep In a tent which is often pitched In friendly rector's yard In t' J wartime taxes UU and order l. Ask for it either way . . . both trade-murks mean the tame thing. TERRACE HONORS Authorized Bottlers of Coca-Cola, unler Contract wtth Coco-Cola Lid. NORTH STAR BOTTLING WORKS Prince Rupert Phone 132 PARTING GUESTS TERRACE-More than 50 peo pie atended a Joint congregational farewell social last Wednesday evening for Mr. and Kitchen Accessories Get yours at the VARIETY STORE Our assortment ranges from Salt and Pepper Shakers to Curtain Rods Visit us; you are sure to find many items you have been looking for. 1 Mi) I . ' L T? GONG S jf BOS5 AND THE OlJT-Cf-Tc3'v-N l Ali ItHkl C "vl-Sl TO BED"Z J CONTRACTORS FIRST THtNG nv-K.-s fl I Vjk If W r W WHY DlDI X I CANT T-Wv-rr IM THE MORNING .Jft ;ht )W wit: pBg W 'B T -N VTWy TUSLEEP--REMeMBE, ) I ZJ-lL-A LJi i.4. f " l CLOSE J T VOU WAVE TO BE VOUR v" ' 7T-T7A I i-."SS2 ( MV EVES BRIGHTEST IN THE r-' . ' t MAVBE. IP I J I : Jt.v J I f1 1 wish the I feJ I , 1' : V up mp ) .yf4vxNOW--IRNALL-V 1 t tf.MCW-1 NEVER WA5 J - O J LY YL Vwn. Mrs. J. McAllister and Mr. and Mrs. B. Barr who will all be leaving this week for different points in the Dominion. Mr. McAllister will be going to McGill University in the fall and Mr. Barr goes to Cour-tenay, Vancouver Island. Games were enjoyed during the evening and the ladies provided a delicious repast. In presenting Mr. McAllister and Mr. Barr with table lamps, hand carved by F. Gavan, J. H. Smith expressed the regrets of CARNIVAL VISITORS Put Variety Store on your calls-to-make list. You will find an interesting display of merchandise here. jail present at their departure Both had worked hard for the I - ... !.1J Phone Red 400 518 3rd Ave. W. church in tneir own neiu uj endeavor. Mr. McAllister had done a lot to make the manse more habitable and in the Phnrr.h musical circle Mr' and jMrs. Barr had been invaluable. Mrs. Barr had been the church organist since coming here sev-t eral years ago. - . - i . -3 HjT-n TV -. t r I Mrs. McAllister anu uo. I were each presented with gifts IN TERRACE . . . A Modern Department Store Nationally-known lines In Ladies' Wear, Yard Goods, Men's Clothing, Shoes . . . by Mrs. Van Stolk on behait oi the choir and Mrs. F. Gavan, on behalf of the Ladies Guild, presented them with a hand-carved pin. plus a new Self-Serve Food nt"lS!2Lfc(4 Section with a Free Delivery Service. THE SKEENA MERCANTILE IN TKE 3 Cr-f-,' l " i r HANG MV HAT UP 0RvouLLioses4 Tom, NO, PLEASE -) C GENTLEMEN IrmIH 4. VOUR JOB J& I JUST GOT ., V f ARE VOU READY " "I 'f'r" Seabee Amphibian Plane Y Non-Schedu'e Charter Service Commercial Hunting Fishing - Sightseeing SKEENA AIR TRANSPORT LTD. PHONES Terrace: W. H. Martin, 23; E. T. Kenney Ltd.; 35 Prince Rupert: Prince Rupert Hotel, 466 TTlf T ( we did the I y' y. ( A J Tvl: i 4 Z TfTf TOWN LAST T(! RAISE) 7.- V City Merchants City merchants are asked In future to have copy for all display advertisements into the Daily News office by 4 p.m. of the day previous to their publication. This co-operation will greatly assist the mechanical department in keeping to the regular hour for publication. FOR THE BEST IN AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE . . . j See Your ,' ( GENERAL MOTORS DEALER Chevrolet Bulck Chev. Truck Pontile OldsmobUe G.M.C. Truck! MACHINE WORK A SPECIALTY Terrace Machine Shop & Garage TERRACE, B.C.