- - Classified Advertisko . Classifieds 2e per word per insertion, rnlnitnutn -u Oc; Cards of TUnrifc,. Dmith Nntires. fa7i- tj nd Bnioicement Announremen'i V,'1CM lrinrr Uupm ail) rectos LtU. Saturday. April 3. 1048 fin . m '- D D Radic Dial CC III 1240 Kilocycle ; iSubiect to change) I IFF in th'S Prince RuPert - by nwmr: 'jkks PROSPECTORS TO COPPER RIVER FOR SALE-31 ft. trolhng bout ! FOR RAliZir Room 18. (82i cnrNn.li TELKWA , D. C. Mawhinney , had been in Telkwa for a week afid G. Llewellyn of Copper River j assembling supplies and equip -left this -!v?ek for the headwaters 1 ment for a dog- team to allow or the "Copper River, travelling j for snow travel. They are taking from Telkwa up the Telkwa in supplies for a three month FOR SALE 6-room house an j I like my country. Just as it is, with its wide miles of praire that blisters in the heat of summer and flicks the skin white with the cold whip of winter; Us lakes that lie in their beds, frozen and pal?, or bright under the ministry i. another Presbyterian r.rid the other Roman Catholic. But it had all b?en ca -t away, though they granted th.it iaith in God became real to people but only as a faith in anything can fc?come real. They hinted that some greater, better bath; excellent condition, fully AT whol(,,ale " m :i, - ' River and across the divide to initial trip. Rupert Realty Co. Uft viieimie spread ta 4 ingle bed iCTs. In SATURDAY P.M. 4 30Here-s to Romance 5 00 Tea Dance 5,30 Laying the Steel 5.45 sporw college 6:00 CBC News 6:05 National Hockey Broadcast 7 30Organ Music 7:45 This week, Wpg. 8:00-Sat. Night Serenade 8:30 TB.A. 9:00 Dancing Party 9 30 Chamber Music 10:00 Cv, News . 10:10 B.C. News tuiuia, iasl f.yf the head of the Copper River to build cabins and prepare for a season of prospecting. They i summer skies: the mountains, -nenii!A Spreads M FOR SALE-Plano. $200. Apply j 223 4th East. Plione Green 633. ! 80i I FOR SALE Wartime house OB; in centre. $7. . D. C. ' Mawhinney is an old timer, having prospected in various parts of Alaska and Northern British Columbia far about forty years. Mr. Llewellyn is a veteran of the Spanish War. They are both very capable men In the hills. This part of the country has been neglected for a good many hiding their native goats in gull- thing mvrht be substitut?d. ies and crags, lur.ng men up This was a shocking thing to their sides while the rest of us me. But I did not fully under-ga?e in the quietude of full won- stand the gist of it all until header upon thsir rugged, change- ing Mr. Hladun. He f revealed less, yet ever changing beauty, j there is no pluca for religion i'-t I like my country, just as it is. the CommunM movement. That Habitant Hand Hook, tightly made. 18x36-T: Piggott Ave. Newly decorated small four, including all furniture, with electric rang?. MINE CARS W.uu. These artlclei t! much more. Sent C.0I 1015 Legislature Reports and CAGES postage. Money II have always liKeu n since uie . zeui, uuu " 5:30 Music In Three Quarter Time 6:00 CBC News 8:10 The Old Songs 8:30 Familiar Musi 7:00 Stag 48 8:00 Readers Take Over 8:30 Music by Eric Wi'id 9 00 Cassics for Today 9 :50 Vesper itour 10:00 CBC News firlfr B.C. News 10:15 Canadian Short Stories i ti-:m Prelude to Viwnight 11:00- weather and sltm off ann MONUAY A.M. 7:30 Muslca Clock 8:00 CBC News 8 15 Morning Song 8:30 Music for Moderns 8:45 Little Concert 9:08 BBC News 9:15 Morning Devotions 9:38 MflOTiing Concert 9:5 Thue Slenal !0:80 Morning Visit 10:15 Moin4ig Melodies W 30 rtoundnp Time M):45 Scandinavian M!odles 11 :00 Elevenses 1 1 : is Remhiidcen 11:39 Weather Forecast 11:31 Message Period 11:33 Recorded Inter' ude 11:45 Ethel and Albeit P.M. 12:00 Mid-Day Melodies 12:15 CBC News 12:25 Program Resume 12:30 BC. Farm Broadcast 12:55 Recorded int. 1:00 The Coi-cert Hour 1 :3C Afternoon Recital 1:45 Commentary & "Here's' an Idea." 2:00 -B.C. School Broadcast refunded if not years although it is very rich ifirst 6ay x fplt t!-e full warmtn th? c-eepest and best part of a 10cwoody Herman mineral, timber and coal. It Ls, . across a lazy human being must be supplants HOIST. SKIPS Handicraft Dirtriljut. SUNDAY A.M. hoped this will lead to develop- hmtop. but arier hearing John by faith to "The Cause," which j Immediate possession. $2.000 , cash. GARAGE on McBrido j ' St.. as going concern, including land, building, all equipment.! stock and spare parts. $9.0fl.! Ha-lf cash will handle deal. Splendid opportunity. S e j H. G. HELGERSON LTD. 81i Sherbroolce 8ireet Wp.- I AERIAL TRAMWAYS ment anu rvrmuauj rn-rtHn ?v-Commun st. sneak i'; 1 i lead its caiKiv? mw iana .- real Que the Civic Centre, I like it tod-y . ciw. -ReHeion is an opium ofi a:30-Sundiy Recital 9.00- BBC News and Commentary 9: 15- Songs and Stivers 9:30 Harmony Harbour i better than ever before. ! the n-?opie, is the slogan of nm i lrom Telkwa to Terrace which will allow much faster progress in this section. BONY EXTREMITIES H,al FOR RENT-Furmsi 1142 Park Ave, Giv FOR SALE OR RENT Walk-in Hereto, my feelings on the Buck. Canadian leader, and the o subject of Communism Ver'(u no doubt where he learned it. ; based on the susp'.cijn that sur- A most startling feature of r.i.nrfe an iVivpat ! n .some lona ' ' rnmrnnnism. world wide and at 9:59 Time b.snai 10:00 B.C. Gardener 10:15 Just Mary FOR RENT Warm, cos Refrigerator, 18 ft. by 34 ft., in four compartments. Red 441. Uf) The human hand contains 28 ..tahHsh.d nart 0f Canadian life., work within our bord?rs, is iU room, very leascna it ni & bones eiaht in the wrist, rive Fraser Street. Prnm varied and c or.tradictwa lone-siehted stealtn. While we io:ju WESTERN BRIDGE The Way of the Spirit ta; News News svw? KAi.R--S!:nnlex Eneines Mi;nlD0 n-r:ttn.t (111 I'-A snhie.t. ! ii.pr. thpv overtime. Whue U:00-CiC 11. tn 31 H P. air cooled: 30 to FOR RENT- 2 rooms, ! in the centre or palm of the hand and three in each finger and 4he thumb. 11:03 Capitol Reports Ott. W STEEL FABRICATORS LTD 338 9th Ave. West. VANCOUVER, BC 11:30 Religious Period which all of us read and take to. we live a happy-go-lucky lit-', our hearts the ones most in lir.c they cooly analyse usand direct with preconceived ideas. From their ead?rs: "Give them just, 'Out of the Night" as much us pnouah truth to start them FOR RENT- One sleep;; 185 H P. Marine Straight 01 Reduction Drive; also Stationary-Industrial. Northern BC. AgenU. BYTOWN MACHINE WORKS. t 801 Borden Street Business and Professional P.M New Vork Pntmarmonic 12:00- I could bear to read -which was building dreams. Their nnagni-sheathed in the ciy of "Propa- ations will build for them somv- FOR RENT-Sleeping working girl; close Thompson Street ganda." j thing idyllically beautiful thatl Then, before the last electio ii they will foreswear every precon-j I got a closer look. Three sue- celved or ihgrain.'d idea to make FOR RENT--3 2-room- ments. W) 1st Av? FOR SALE Used Kitchen Ranges for wood and coal. Kitchen Chairs, Electric Sewing Machine, Electric Ironer, China Cabinet, Electric and Battery Radios, 5-piece Bedroom Suite, Frigidaire. New Kitchen Ran DRESSMAKING Children's Clothing Maternity Wear a Specialty Be smartly dressed with hidden expansion features PHONE BLACK 687 84 Apply 221 5th Ae a Orch. 1:30 Church of the Air 2:00 Musical Program 2.30 CBC News 2:33-John Fisher Reports 2:45 Weed-end Review 3:00 Alan and Me 3:30 Weather Forecast 3:35 TB.A. 4:00 Music ir! Nature 4:30 Everybody"s Poetry 5:00 Record Album ROOM AND I0A1 cessive, individual calls were: it come true, made on me by thres separate j Hladun was one of these, hon-electioneers, all sworn to "The est in his desire- to serve his ; Cauve." They said they were not j eoonti-y Canada who built Communists, but L.P.P.'s. They, this dream world and worked and several others had been sent hard to make it real. His firjt into Prince Rupert from head- training was given in Winnipeg, quarters, wherever that mignt Then, as reward for his success hf It, could have been Moscow, anions the miners in Letn- ges best quality. Other useful 1 ROOM AND BOARD-a SWITCHED TO POETRV John KeaU. the English poet. was intended to be a surgeon JOHN F. L. HUGHES Chiropractor 21-22 BESNER BLOCK P.O Box 894 Phone Blue 442 ASTORIA'S LIGHT DELIVERY & MESSENGER Prompt Service Baggage Freight Express Phone Blue 209 322 Sixth St. Night Calls Green 882 articles at real savinij prices. double; $48 sine rooms for rent. Tab; Come and look ttvm over. but left Guy's hospital to devote Mrs. Lawley, 622 Tw4 GEORGE L. RORIE B.C. Furniture Co. Blaqk 324. (tf) his time to writing po?try. Public Accountant, Auditor, etc.ifor eacn spoke with filial fervor bihiae, he was sent to Mosco.vj WANrtD WANTED TO RENT of the Fatherland, so glibly, so for further, detailed training :0ne Canadian, once a student readily, that back lanes and sid : but actually, to ultimate disil-'. uke himself, whose passport dis-J . . ; . .... 1.;.. 1., . FOR SALE Scrap wood, random lengths. 1 cord. $6.00; 3 cords $1600. Phone Green 977. 186) Income Tax Returns Compiled Besner Block Phone 387 SAW SUPERIOR FIRST The first white man to db M streets of Moscow mignt have lusionment. appearea wim 1114 iiuui m vu. five-room house, ury his cover Lake Superior was Etien'.: T,fr, 4 Tf ' been the setting for their child ! This process started almo.,t munism, and who never saw . quired. Phone X Brule in 1622. FOR SALE 7,000 feet 2x6 fir flooring, 4.000 feet corrugated JUISto ISrjVVb I 1 AiN U 1 nof)(j jrmne, Run-Sheep-Run. But rrom his arrival in Moscow where Canadian home again. We handle Eastern and WesteYn no; none of tllem j,ad been ou- jservs howj concern for his person-.u WANTED -Ola coppe1 aluminum, tin. vst FOR SALE galvanized roofing, doors, window and timbers. Apply R. C. Mutch. tf) isida of Canada this land that badly d- essed were it.s peopl.;. : ?aicty brinps a grim smile to M.-. ! wllf nllv wrnnes and suDDresses "Worse than the slum section of ; Hladun's lips. He has received Papers Swedish-American Tribune lead and old storaa GEORGE McWHINNEY PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING P.O. Box 1426 FOR SALE Tenders will be re Northern Ew.tcrpnp ceived by th? undersigned for; Enterprise Grocm. and Western Miner Sixth Street Red 808 .'FOR SALE Attractive home, 7 ho nnrrhiiiio nf the followin West, one block fron 831 Bacon St. Phone Green 394 Ar-A r,rnn,.rtieK tocether rooms, furnace. Centrally lo- Phone 343 cated, water view. Two lots in with improvements and effects,') its people, but is nevertheless sj Canada in cities," he thought in- his share of 'notes.' and toss?a ; free with its freedom that these voluntarily. But he cast . the, them in the waste basket. Says , and other Communists ars thought faraway, but it return- he: "I am a Canadian. Telling trained while nurtured in its ed with force when he saw the me what 10 ao in Canada is th? : very bosom. hordes of homeless children, li' -. wrong thing." I I These men were completely ir- erally hundreds of them, wno; More than that, he knows: religious. There was no God.' roamed the streets of this so-'; every trick of the trade. That j They, spoke dispassionately .of re-' eaikd model eapitol. in uncared-! knowledge is his safety. ligious faith of God somehow for bands. When he spoke of. "We are not too late to stop WOKK WAVM garden. Por quick sale. $5,000 cash. G. P. Tinker and Co. Ltd. (tf) etc.. located theron, up to noon of Mondav, May 3rd. Lot 1355, Queen Charlotte Dis PIANO TECHNICIAN Tuning, Voicing and Repairs MIKE COLUSSI Phone RED 739 1361 Overlook Street MTDDLE-aged womac STEPHEN ERICKSON PIANO TECHNICIAN TUNING AND REPAIRS Black 195 411 West 7th Ave i FOR SALE 1944 Fargo 22 ton after children ever. Oreer. 5W. trict containing 42.7 acres N E. '4 Lot 2374, Queen Charlotte District Terms: Strictly cash truck. 160" wheelbase complete with Gallon Hydraulic Hoist HH P WANTff as one might survey a piece of th;m. officials shruaged the:r Red advancement into Laiwr Tlinf CTIITIT'T nffT A T 1 furniture and say, "The uphol- high ranking shoulders in indif- Unions." says John Hladun." inUJl OriCUl lUtilALj . . ..... , 'fwrwii nf thp adminlstrati-.v and 12' x 7' Flat Deck Body Completely overhauled, in first WANTED Reliable niKiim ui tin? irnw i V. j. siery on umt uuu iircuo a nvtjt icicucc. , vu. . ... mending." . It was the beginning of the irritants that make working peo- This tt-ns not. a nfirt of an 'end. But when that end was pie prey to Communi-m. and class condition. Price $1925.00. Write Bux 323 Dii essartly accepted. GORDON, T. FORBES. Official Administrator Apply Rupert Motors Ltd. i tf SUPERIOR DECORATORS PAINTING :: PAPEHHANGING Phone Blue 952 or Black 245 Len Hitching Bill Thornton LTD. 253 East First Avenue ERIC SPEERS, Mgr. 701 East 8th Avenue early training. One had been reached, Mr. Hladun was too wise keeping awake to the threat is of the Estate of Karl MorrU'FOR SALE-White enamel En raised a Baptist, 'three brothers to talk about it to anybody but all we need, and his father are even now in his own conscience. He had met I And those words sounded good! rt,.pQasH cnnrt; terprise ranRe. wun Severson, rapher required B. C. House. Prince Rupert Nearly 83 Queen" . pot burner, new. Black 482. Accountant's ofIi 1 88 1 DR. P. J. CHENEY HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP experienced Apply Stone Building. f AGENTS -Make DENTIST SUITE 5. SMITH BLOCK Phone 765 P.O. Box 1401 FOR SALE Complete "Wea"-Ever" waterless cooking set, hardly used; original co-.t $109.35. will ro for $85.00. Call at 642 8th Ave. East after 6 the fast selling in Permanent Wavig Beauty Culture in all its branches 204 4th Street Phone 655 sumer line of nre. J-j- - f zJ as -mk' rV 7!i p.m. 0CEAI1 VIEVi HOTEL lea there! te ciwiw quai.ty. low price, value. Write M0L SMITH & ELKTNS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers MODITY SALES. ( FOR SALE Tuxedo suite, good condition. 38 40. Phone 345. 8:30-5:30. 79 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS BC. FtRSONAl Phone 174 P.O. Box. 274 FOR SALE Boat Tceland I", 42 ft.. 1 1-ft. beam, Chrysler motor. $8,000 or nearest offer. Phoue Green 612. 83 FERSONAL- Building and Repairs of all kinds Roofs. Chimneys and Oil Burners JOHN MOSTAD CARPENTER AND CABINET MAKER PHONE RED 752 (Formerly Knox) A Quiet, "Pleasant , Place to Live COMPLETELY - RENOVATED Room.v Redecorated Sprint-Filled Waitress New Management Proprietor, years a depend-"1" edy f"r skin i&-asis, Eczema. P-Boils, Pwson W Hives', Burns. I Two stren?'-hs -strong. T I At al! drugget. PHONES: Oreen 486 Red 894 FOR SALE-Tenders will be received by the undersigned for the purchase of lot 42. block lfi, Section 1. Townslte of Prince Rupert, up to noon Thursday Anril .15. 1948. Hieh- A "A 1 i t ' est or anv tender not necessar- , buyers Oi ily accepted. Terms cash. Prince i af t as your psj quaxitt repairs For Downtrodden Beels and Worn Soles. MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Box 774 . Second Ave Serrtnf the Fisheries Indastry Wells (P.R.) Ltd. Cartage, Labelling, Weifhlftf Bl.re 789 BLCE 9M Rupert Fishermen's Co-op i Prince Rupert, B.C. i8l'i TOM PESUT PHONE 71 ing a;eni. mav wish P,: home, office, m mill Addre.ss m JOHN F. BRAPV . . 4h u riiyeRS AGENT SECTION II 4-room bungalow, basement, furnace, 2 lots, harbor view; needs some repairs. Bargain for cash. Armstrong Agencies. Phone 342. 83i Ave.. Clevet i i U.S.A. M1TAI. DEVELOPING PRINTING ENLARGING Sl'PERPAN PRESS KOD AC H KOME and "KODAK FILMS Chandler & rowg'ill Fourth St. Box 645 PRINCE RUPERT. B. C. PLUMBING -1"1; repairs. BB' WORK. Furn eavestroughinf PHOTOGRAPHING CANADA Men and machines of the Air Force's photographic squadron are awaiting suitable weather which will allow Atyial photography operations to commence. Discussing the coming season's photo coverage are the oflicers shown above, at Rockcliffe, just outside Ottawa, officer commanding No. 22 Photo W ing, points to a northern area to be photographed while other officers connected with the job look on. They are (left to right t Squadron Leader 1. 3. Wiseman, AFC, of Port Hope, Ont.; Wing Comander J. A. W. Schwartz, of Halifax, officer commanding No. 1 Photo Establishment, Roekclilfe: Squadron Leader S. H. P. Lewer, RAF of Exeter, Eng., at present in Canada on an exchange posting,1 and Squadron Leader R. F. Milne, DFC. of Windsor, Ont. The RCAF's aerial photo coverage of Canada ls one of its biggest peacetime jobs, having been carried on since 1921. In all, nearly two million square miles have been FOR SALE Three 80 H P. Viv-1 lan Diesel Stationary Engines, : 63i bore, 10-inch stroke, con-nected with vee belt pulley, j j fresh weter cooled, fitted with j IWinslow oil filters. One only 80 i H P. Vivian dlesel engine gen-1 i erator unit with panel board. I 50 kw 440 volt A C. generator, i vee belt driven, fresh water o NOTICE o Attention is drawn to the number of piles of old lumber and timbers stored on City Streets. Apart from being unsightly, many of these piles are comfortable homes for rats. By removing this material it will be a major step in cleaning up the City. Please take notice that such nuisances must be removed before the 1st day ot May, 1948, or the City will take such steps as are necessary to have same removed at the owner's expense. C. B. HOWE, City Engineer. (53i Sixth West, m orilfMlLS Ap,l (RCAF Photo t covered by aerial photography. kxajd'aTI' By Chic You- The Walkie-Talkie System. ntf !: ONDIE cooled, fitted with Wlnslow oil filter. The above machines have been operated for two seasons and are in A-l condition. For further particulars apply Prince Rupert Fisherman's Co-op, Prince Rupert, B.C. Box 264. (82' aminatlons- J ninr.u, C1VU or.-" ff clprton Bias- toba. 'I I ..ITOV,,!! ...pUH hello- I .!.!- .!i;:l , PASWOOD--J (8UMSTEAD5' RESIDENCE (ITS FOB YOU, 1 1 ll-v A . A ( NSW6I? THE ) ' V ...-r . ' ' 1. OEAC? , S f T T tea LING FOR SALE Hearing Aid, almost new. Also dark navy blue summer coat, with fox fur col-i .. no vnt lurt.trulars (80i write Box 322 Daily News. ! machine economy, e : PorUbK I tared j com?1' B.C. "' " 1,1 in you HEW ROYAL HOTfl A Home Away From Home 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold Water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Bo 199 FOR SALE Cheap-Beautiful walnut flat top defk lamp, :iv.i nhpir jfe blotter. Ph0" THE TAILOR We are faking cleaning tod pressing and steam pressing while yon wsf PHONE 649 220 Sixth Btrert i8H Red 516. Advertise in trie Daily News.