VICTORIA, B. C. Lwli A 131 Ju-,2 31-43 NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PROVINCIAL i : ' Blue I :: Onr.lES DRUGS 'CTOflA, n r: is: ma ' Daily Delivery PHONE 81 Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" VOL. XXXVII, No. 70. , PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY,, APRIL 3, 19948 PRICE FIVE CENTS ted States Readying raJ !KLOHDYKEKATE 1 j. Crisis Over Attempted Bl War With Russia (:ii!GTON (CP) For the first time in its com- By Russians Tense; Counter-Actions i ii'itv of wi I1 war in which this country would be an ul".y . nn. ,i:i.,f i n : i READY TO BOMB UNITED STATES ;i WASHINGTON General George Kenney, United States chief of staff, yesterday declared that Russian bombers, from already established bases, approaching through the polar region, were capable of bombing any part of the United States. The Soviet, had huge armies and air forces ready including thousands of bombing and fighting planes. General Dwlght P. Eisenhower, uring the immediate re-Imposition of the draft, offer h-Higurem. nuiiiiiiinuauuii nnu vungressionai News of the remarriage of '"Klondike Kate" (Mrs. Matson of Bend, Oregon) will be receiv- .ed with interest in Prince Rupert where she was a not infre- 'quent visitor during past yean. Old friends of the gold rush days are still living, here. Mrs. Mat-son's husband, It will be remembered, operated a mining property in the north, and it was j while doing so he was overtaken Bein'3' Taken By Western Powers both lu paiues iiaimiy anu puuuuy accept me that Communism's bloodless conquest in Europe the choice between totalitarian enslavement here a glubal scale first time the Admlnls- nd Congress are trying "We Will Not foreign policy Mai ac- inevitahility or this BULLETINS FOREIGN AID BILL SIGNED WASHINGTON D. C. (CP) President Truman today jfcoming Involved when ed to defer his own retirement ice is threatened. fW this rok is can be and remain in uniform if needed. ed when it is compar- hat played by the Uni- Be Bullied-" British Say BERLIN iff United States authorities, using troops, kept in the two world wars by fatal illness. The one-time "Belle of the Yukon" took a second husband at Vancouver Washington this Thursday. Now 68, the former beauty of the northland, Mrs. Kat Rockwell Matson, was married to W. L. Van Duren, Bend accountant whom she had known 18 years. Her first husband, John Matson, she did not marry until she was 53, died one and a half years ago on the frozen Yukon trail. BULLETINS LIBERAL ORGANIZER VANCOUVER Dr. Jack Mc-Dougall, president of the Vancouver-Centre Liberal Association, has been appointed Liberal organizer for British Col esent century. New Cost Of Living High OTTAWA, CP' The official cost of living index climbed to 150.8 during February and shattered the all-time hih of 150.6 but the advance was only seven-tenths of a point the smallest in seven months, the Dominion Bureau of Statistics reported today. Fruits and vegetables showed a decline, outweighing small Increases in some other food groups. The monhtly increase came from advances in clothing, home in isolationists and the most in its entirety re- ' I " 1 signed the history-making gigantic $6,098,000,000 foreign aid bill into law. Yesterday it had been approved by a large majority in the House of Representatives, the Senate later in the day endorsing it without recorded vote. Swift enactment of the measure by Congress has come 914 to believe that the ar of conquest was any !l f ,, p f Pr .":i. of the United States. it Roosevelt and a few jers saw the danger In twenty-two Russians out of a Soviet building in the American sector of Berlin today and announced that they were blocking off the sector from the Soviet zone. They said that a temporary road block would be set up on the main highway leading from the American sector to .Potsdam in the Russian zone. Hitler stalled his but it needed the Jap- umbia. NOVA SCOTIA SURPLUS HALIFAX Premier Angus Macdonald, presenting h i s budget yesterday, estimated a surplus of $1,300,000. MAYOR FEELING BETTER KELOWNA Mayor Charles Jones of Vancouver is still showing improvement and says himself that he is feeling better. Oxygen, in lesser ack on Pearl Harbor later to drag the Uni- into the shooting war. furnishings and services, fuel the situation is crystal and ligh.t TRUMAN SIGNS European aid bill gets final spedy enactment . General Lucius D. Clay, States military governor, declined to make any statement "I the best and sanest the I'nited States. If to be another great about the blockade but It was amounts, is still being admin istered. IN .if,' the near future it will interpreted generally as a counter move control measures rtn the I'nited States ASKS WITHDRAWAL! Parley on United States Coal Strike WASHINGTON D. C. President Truman and his top advis MUSKRATS LOODED OUT GALT, Ont. F Spring thaws have made the muskrat trappers happy In this district. The season opened March 1, but cold weather kept the muskrats holed instituted by the Russians. VICTORIA Premier J Fifty United States military keninsly clear to any son is asking the federal v-mtelllsent American ernment to withdraw the in policemen barred entrance to all but Germans employed in the ers on coal labor problems ommuni-m's ambitions up., "Floated" out of their win building. Soms Russian officers i inciiicnt Involving almost two weeks ahead of the deadline set for April 15. Following the approval, the I'nited States government is 1 working at top speed today to convert the measure into a dike against communism In Europe and Asia. Must Stop Communism And CCF'rs PORT ARTHUR 9 Rt. Hon. C. D. Howe, minister of trade and commerce, said In an address In his home town here last night that the Liberals must see that the C: C. F. party and their communist "associates" do not get any stronger nor gain control of the Canadian government. Speaking at the annual meeting of the Port Arthur Liberals, ter burrows they now are mak-ng for higher country. talked over the 18-day soft coal strike concerning the pension dispute but made no announcement. The White House said thr. crease on railway freight rates to British Columbia until the government has had a' chance to appeal the mountain differential. FIGHTINQ GOVERNOR Gruening of Alaska, political storm centre following remained Inside the offices and American guards permitted the Russians to bring food for them. President had arranged the con The first necorded abdication of a sovereign was Sulla, the Roman dictator, in 79 B.C. ference to get full information on approwhes to the problem. Among the Russians turned back were two Soviet generals. The railroad building near the United States-Soviet sec CLEAR OF ICE Naas River' let broke up a THE WEATHER Synopsis , Western Canada is presently week ago and the river is now tors, had been occupied by the Lewis ReDiuliates Coal Striko: being navigated to and from VISITING WEST Dr. Hugh L. Keenleyside, deputy minister of mines and resources. Trip will Include visit to Cent- rai b1. V: ' i)l miiitary force there no countries strong i hold the line until ry makes up its mind. ;ng President Truman rctary Marshall and ,rs have been telling in recent months has .:ti to condition them iract. - easy task for a great drmucraey with deep-as of independence "s to accept and plan ntinsency. tlv, a hitli anil ahle ration officer, in a Aiyansh, reports Johnson Russ, ChftTreortmcfflcfr" 'or-Oreerwllle-, i 7 Tells " Followers To Do As Like engulfed by a surge of unnsa-" who, with Mrs. Russ, arrived Russians under the 1945 agreement. . Similarly ; the , Russians occupy a Berlin radio station in the British zone. Major-General Neville Brown-John, British military governor, said today in commenting on ally cold air. Associated with this Arctic outbreak is a band of low pressures over southern British Columbia. Snow or rain are being reported from many Friday night on the way to Sunnyside cannery to spend the coming season. There was an unseasonably cold spell up the VAHUN(TON (CP)Jahn L. Lewis, leader of the United .Mine Workers of America, told striking coal miners today that they can do as they please about returning to wtrk. Lewis thus left nearly 400.000 miners free to ao back LOCAL TIDES Sunday, April 4, 1948 High 10:17 16.6 feet 23:27 17.1 feet the Soviet traffic control re It Is our lntentior, jNaas just as they were leaving strictions iu worn in me mines. show we are not going to be.Mr- Russ reporta a bountiful run Low , 4:36 to 10.3 feet 6.5 feet sections in the southern hall of the province. High pressures Mr. Howe said that communism was a threat to every freedom-loving nation. of oolachan fish this spring. Lewis' unusual message to the miners came hist hpfnrp Prp- 16:58 iind press runferenre, fled that the trcmen- across northern B. C. have been sident Trum-an was reported to causing clear skies In the Queer, be about to ask the federal court d si" Play of world knls had been almost Charlotte and Prince Rupert for an injunction to end the jullied. We are not going to change our view not In the present circumstances." An armed British train set out through the Russian zone to run the blockade and fight, if necessary, against any Russian interference. ARE READY nd baffling for the Litie chanee in the , niree-ween oiu worn swppage. areas. tales to grasp. !T0 STRIKE ien transition of Rus- American Aerial Armada Passes Northern B.C. On Way North FORT ST. JOHN (ft Commercial pilots report an unusually heavy movement of troop and supply planes to the north. Airmen say they saw thirty-six United States "flying box car" I Lewis later announcea that ! President Truman had directed j Attorney General Tom Clark to (seek such a court order to end i friendly and trusted a common foe, to a weather is expected today but fair weather will spread south ward tonight and the forecast is for generally clear- weathei Sunday. Forecast the strike. s FINANCING EXTENDED By Canada to Great Britain Pending Marshall Flan OTTAWA, (0) The federal government announces that present arrangements for financing of British purchases in Canada have been extended to April 14, providing Britain with funds until approval yesterday by United States Congress. Britain will be permitted to continue to draw from Canadian credit to pay for foodstuffs and raw materials she is buying from Canada. J"1 suspicious neigh- 'I the leaders of this state of desperation FRANCE WINS OVER ENGLAND Lewis disclaimed any responsibility for the walk- t ion. Prlnce Ruoert, Queen Char- out but a three-man fact-find- troop transports fueling at one base. McCord Field In Washington State said that twenty-eight planes had been sent on "routine" training flights, sixteen to remain for three months' manoeuvres and the others to return. t? nw being formed & elfcct is, in brief: ' fnaiiic uf peace If it ILFORD, Essex, Eng. 0 France defeated England two to nothing today in an amateur game. Both goals were scored ? anil humrablv dos- lottes and North Coast Clear ing board, reporting to the Pre- today and Sunday. Northerly sident blamed Lewis for the winds (25) continuing cold with strike. frost tonight. Lows tonight and . it is presumed that the next highs tomorrow Port Hardy 30 step will be action by Clark to and 42, Massett 30 and 40. apply for an Injunction against Prince Rupert 28 and 42. Lewis and union members. in the first half. "lc tu light if at- :: TODAY'S STOCKS :: Courtesy S. D. Johnston Co. Ltd. to attack if that be- ATOMIC TEST essary. ROME C)The lUlian government said today that it has 330,000 armed men, Including a shock force of 150,000, ready to strike swiftly against any attempt at election violence. Mario Scelba, minister of the interior, disclosed the preparations in a radio address to the Italian people. "Do not fear ghosts which have been called to keep you away from the polls. Freedom of the vote will be guaranteed," Scelba sadl. Appeal On New Rates, Date Set CONVENTION LEADERS FORCE SAILS HONOLULU 0,- The United States Navy remained silent to- wtliate preparedness 0 any emergency, 'hat, of course, Is the Program of shar-mWi wealth and re-!l" the fw countries n "n c-rfrt to help sh economic condi-llch 'ill discouraae Bevcourt 40 Bobjo 10 Buffalo Canadian 10 Con. Smelters 100.00 Conwest 85 Donalda 65 Eldona 67 Elder 51 lay on a story In a Honolulu newspaper that an atomic task mm iii i MMigi"iwjjy!wyf t ' ; .mi . . i ., .. ..... , ,n , iuiuc ima sauecr March 8 lor a j super-secret Inlwetok testing ground in full view of a Russian ship. The story in the Honolulu P Administration nnri Giant Yellowknife 4.25 j God's Lake .55 Hardrock '. 15 Vi nal leaders nvn-rin .nuveruser aiso speculated on initial phases of the tests whiqh I enlA I i r to sell the people f H'al Clangors in the v soiu uou uccu uiiuer way ior two weeks and that they might involve guided missiles . with atomic warheads. , there seems every a wll-supportcd preprogram 311(1 n ivmu. Vancouver Bralorne 8.75 B. R. Con 02 '2 B. R. X 07 Cariboo Quartz 1.30 Dentonia 01 'A Grull Wlhksne '. 05 Hedley Mascot CO Minto 03 Pend Oreille 3.00 Pioneer 2.85 Premier Border 04 Privateer 19 Reeves McDonald 1.60 Reno ! .09 Salmon Gold 20 ' Sheep Creek 1.00 Taylor Bridge 43 Taku River 55 Vananda ., 15 Cotigress .: 02 V4 Pacific Eastern 05 Hedley Amalg 03 Spud Valley 12 Vi Silbak Premier 31 Oils A. P. Con 15 Vi Calmont 39 C. &. E. 4.05 Foothills 3.00 Home 6.15 Toronto Athona 06 Aumaquc 18 Beattie 64 1 urld rv,.nU lhn,cl. t. HALIFAX (Pi The Transportation Commlsion of the Maritime Board of Trade served lotice to the federal government today that it intends to appeal the decision of the Board of Transport Commissioners increasing freight rates twenty-one pcrcen.t The appeal will be made under Instructions from fie three maritime governments either to "His Excellency In Couicil," the JOE LOUIS IS NAMED Harricana 05 Heva 10 Hosco 30 Jacknife 40 Joliet Quebec 32 Lake Rowan 10 Lapaska 05 Little Long Lac 1.04 Lynx .08 Madsen Red Lake 2.70 McKenzie Red Lake 52 McLeod Cockshutt .... 1.10 ' Moneta .32 Negus 2.06 Noranda 45.50 Louvicourt 60 Pickle Crow 1.90 Regcourt 07 Vi San Antonio 3.95 Senator Rouyn , .41 Vi ? YANKS udicial commute or ..he Privy F. II. STEPHENS VV. E. COCKFIELD II. C. GUNNING Council or the Supreme Court of Canada. In Ottawa a government legal expert said today that the Mari time Transportation Conimis-sion's move toward appealing 1'" '''owiljilitv In a' n"" United states 'on- universal U'ousanils of ;,,'r.c;sreSaiathat tnh, '.6.100 American CHICAGO, i(P -A$aOO,000 damage suit has been filed against Joe Louis by Rev. Matthew Faulkner, 32-ycar old negro minister, who claims that Louis stole the affections of his "beautiful model'' wife aged 26. The writ charges that an "Illicit" affair was carried on while Faulkner was in the Army Chaplain Corps. It says -that Louis, through an agent, gave her $15,-000 and other gifts making a totaj of $35,000. Louis and his wife, Marva, are at present in Europe and Joe, in. Paris, denied today that he had stolen the affections of jthe negro minister's wife. "There's no truth in it," the heavyweight boxing champion said. I Sherrit Gordon 1.80 , Steep Rock 2.10 Sturgeon River 18V'a Silver Miller 28 freight rates increases would not mean automatic suspension of the Board of Transport Commissioners order granting the Prince Rupert to be Represented At Mining Institute Gathering Pi i nee Rupert and fornirr Prinre Hupert men will be among those taking part in the Jubilee convention of the CfliiHdian Instit uU of Mining and Metallurgy to be held from Vancouver throughout next week. In addition to the convention sessions themselves, starting Monday, there will he two important excursions for the delegates one to Britannia Beach on Thursday aboard the steamer Coquitlam and the Cockfield, vice-chairman, with Fred H. Stephens, a Prince Rupert boy, as general secretary of the committee. Sheriff M. M. Stephens and Charles Graham, inspector pf mines, left this week to attend the convention. Former Prince Rupert men participating will be Don Matheson W. H. Patmore, W. H. Tobey, Dr. H. T. James, F. R Barnsley, and E. E. Mason. wi irain "'ng for the railways a 21 percent hoist. ars. BOXING Tournament Canadian Legion International Tariffs based on the Transport it!,.thal, the Commission's authorization of the freight rate Increase will be CIVIC CENTRE, APRIL 10, SATURDAY 10 Bouts MAIN EVENT . 10 Bouts SHORTY CONTREROS, 160 vs. BILLY CLARK, 160 " Ketchikan Winnipeg filed by the Canadian railways Mitlca, t n embar-ke: ,as can- ither a train trip to Princeton, Dr. H. C. Gunning will be con-Trail and Kimberley. ivention chairman and Dr. W. E. next week, to be effective Apiu 8, it was learned todajt . ""oieni plans.