Tlie n.k.u . prince Uupcrt DaUt J3cto0 Ltd. Saturday, April 3, 1948 THE MARKETS Fresh Milk Waterfront Whiffs andqwner of the. . hallbutter Five Princes, who returned this week from an extended visit to the eastern American seaboard where he visited his mother and other family members whom he had not seen for more than a quarter of a century. have excluded horses and dwelt pretty -much W fish.Tie has no interest in returning , to his native England. He does plan, however, to change his type of sport fishing from steelhead and trout at Hole-in-the-Yall and other streams and try heavier gear for salmon in the Skeena. Footballers Organizing TONIGHT EuM wiiiia Port Simpson Boat Jiurned Jim Bacon's Brother Held Unusual Post Herring Impounded at 6:45 -9:10 in "This Time F SUNDAY MIDNITE AND MOli ACADEMY AWARD WINNER CELESTE HOLM Says . . A Port? Simpson fisherman lost his boat recently a fire that levelled the vessel while it was beached the northern village. Edward Valpy's gillnetter Bellmore caught fire and burned when a can of gasoline upset in the forecastle while he was fixing it up for the start of spring fishing operations. S IIS THE CARNIVAL 14 A K THAT'S SOMETHING yh O TO SEEI , jJ '"V V -i . . r :, i . Quart .20 Pint n Cream, Vi pint j .18 t-tt Grade A:. ........ Large, cartoned, doz. .; 55 Medium, do2. .53 Fish Halibut, lb. .40 Salmon, lb. .42 Cod, fresh ling, lb. :. .25 Black Cod, smoked, lb. .. 39 Smoked Kippers, lb JZ2 in Batter . First Grade, lb. .72 at Milk Evaporated Milk, 16-oz. tins, 2 for .29 Case 6.65 Cheese Canadian Cheese, lb 49 Floor Pastry Flour, 7 lbs, .53 Flour, 49's, Ho. 1 hard wheat 2.95 Flour (24's) 1.55 Tea mud Coffee DeLuxe Quality, lb 1.14 Coffee, lb ...... .. .S9 Juices Tomatoes, 20-tz .15 40 oz .. .35 gallon - .59 Apples, 20-oz. tin, per tin ... .15 40 oz .35 Orange, 20-oz. ... . .15 Blended (orange and grape fruit, 20 oz.. . .15 48-oz ...35 Canned Frnita y Apricots, 20-oz .. . .32 Cherries (fancy) 20-oz . .38 Loganberries, ' 20-oz. . . .41 Peaches, choice ' ..." . .29 Canned Vegetables Dill Pickles, gal.,...:...... 1.75 Cut Green Beans, fey, each .20 No. 3 Peas, fancy . .20 Mixed Vegetables .1& Diced Beets, tin . .15 Wax Beans, choice . .18 Mixed Peas and Carrots .... .19 Pumpkin .20 Corn, choice . .22 Corn Nlblets .24 Baked Beans, per tin . .21 Ftoit Emperor Grapes, lb. ....;..:.. .20 Apples, cooking, 3 lb .29 Fancy Apples, 3 lbs. ........... .35, Grapefruit, Texas (white), I' 96 s, 4 for OS! 'pink. 96's, 3 for ...-...:. Lemons, large, doz. '45 25 - .49 u.dles l .25 Anjou Pears, 3 lbs. . .31 Cranberries, lb. , .35 Lr fure, id. 32 Shortening .35' Soap, face, 2 for .17 1 Laundry, cake ; i.. .08-.25 Sunlight, cake .09 89P.'. I Soap Podwcrs,' large .35 Glace Fruit ! Cherries.' .-'2lb. pkt! ... '.3C I Almond Paste, lb. 42 Coconut, lb. .63 j Fruit Cake Mix. lb. .49 'Dates ifancy), Irlb. pkt. .... .35 . Seedless Raisins," 2 lbs 47 i Seeded Raisins, lb: .24 Shelled Walnuts,, ''? lb. .49 Shelled Almonds, a lb. .49 Shelled Brazils, lb- ... .45 Jams Pare Strawberry, 24 oz. 61 Local Association Revised with Bill Murray as President Over 2Q football enthusiasts attended a meeting last night at the Canadian Legion Hal! t- or ganize football teams to com pete for the various cups that have of recent years been allowed to remain on the shelf. Among those present were sev eral membeis of the. former Prince Rupert Football Associa tion. The meeting specially stressed its desire to encourage football amo.igst the ydunger athletes now that the weather is becoming suitable for outdoor sports. As a result of the meet ing the Prince Rupert Football Association has been revived with the following officers elect ed. President. W. H. Murray. Vice-President, S. P. Woodside Secretary-Treasurer, Ralph P. Smith. Executive Commulc; i);vr- Tow Goirirtl, Stan Vrltch Ind Nick Pavlikis. The president has power to add tp the executive committee when the various teams have been organized. been organized. It is hoped that Fishermen's Co-operative, Canadian Legion; Navy and Naval Reserve, Army, and Reserve Army and High School will be able to field teams. The executive committee has instructions, tc interview the necessary city authorities with a view to getting the field in shave at the earliest possible date so that practice games may be started. In the meantime players who have had football gear on loan since last year are requested to return it to the Canadian Legion. A further meeting of the Association to which all inter ested in the encouragement of the game are beins invited, has been arranged to take place at the Canadian Legion HaU on April 16. Advertise in the Daily News! NOTICE The Daily News wishes to draw attention to the rule that classified and transient advertising is payable in advance at the office at time of presenting copy for advertising. Those desiring to advertise in this manner ln the Daily News are asked to assist the office and respect this rule by refraining from telephoning classified Apparently the rising tide changed the level of the vessel which had been beached, causing the tin of gasoline to upset onto the galley stove. Mr. Valpy was outside at the time, otherwise he would likely have been burned in the fierce blaze that followed. i B. J. Bacon, better known as Jim, who has been on Prince Rupert's waterfront since 1907, has learned that his younger brother Bill, in London, has retired from a position which he has held for 50 years. It wasn't any ordinary position. Mr. Bacon, on his retirement .and tor many years Deiore it, was superintend .it of the King's Mews the Royal stables. Since joining as a boy, he served under five monarchs. and has always been with the riding horses. He has accompanied members if the Royal Family ln their learning stages. In his long years of service he has received many medals. Among the foreign royalties who have rewarded his service were the kings of Belgium, Denmark, Romania, Italy and Afghanistan. Part of his duty was to ride es '"pacer" to royal processions, leading on a white horse. His memories 'can bring back three coronations and the Delhi Durbar of King George V. As for Jim, whose interests The Popular S.S. 1 tnu PRINCE RUPERT Sails For VANCOUVER AND INTERMEDIATE PORTS EACH THURSDAY AT 11:15 P.M. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT F"r Information call or write City or Depot Ticket Offiew PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. ' SON6S- MATINEE MONDAY 2:30 EVENING 7:00 8:50 p"i f..Mr ijiFm lewt i la Bettitiir W ..... "e .. cite, . a -in UllIKip 1 cd at th ' ' wurt.J eek. The mi harbor work. 21 Pany'i tun H jobs. ,m!or " - Jut 11 or K(ps' I ADDED FEATUEi Tim Holt Nan W in - - -"IM)I It TIIETOSTO YOUR BEST EATING PLAu I'l IX-COlBSE MtM H a.m. to 8 P BANQUET HALL rt'l LUNCHEONS, DIR AND P.TIES CHINESE MM BROADWJC CAFE 608 3rd Ave. W. Po: r ..riiillim W'l MALCOLM CAMPBELL British racer coming to Kelowna ln effort to set new speedboat record. PROMOTE UNDERSTANDING WINNIPEG 9 Headquarters of . the Manitoba associated boards of trade have urged boards and chambers of com merce throughout Manitoba to set up educational committees tO help teachers and business 'each other better. STUDENTS ARE DISTRACTED BRANDON, Man. ff Too many outside attractions are se-iously affecting the work of early-'teen-ayed students, T.' A. Neelin. superintendent of city schools, reported to Brandon school board. Raspberry, l'i-oz .56 Blackberry. 28-oz .53 Cherry, 24 oz 60 Peach, 24-oz 51 Apricot, 24-07. .53 Soups Canned Soups, .13 to 19 VegetaDles Potatoes, lb .05 Parsnips (unwashed) lb. , .01) Turnips, lb 05 Mushroms, lb 75 Garlic, lb 75 Cabbage, new, ic 09 v Beets, 3 lb RADIO SERVICE Make Movies In Dominion OTTAWA 0 Four representatives of the American moving picture industry are due here Monday to discuss with various j people wie quesuuu ui nucii, where and by whom Hollywood movies will be made In Canada. Their arrival is the latest development in the government's move to conserve United States dollars. Four representatives said, however, that negotiations are not in the final stages. The government is planning partial or full-length productions. m $ ijfir-- SVt'V ' : III' H ! Cottage Sets and Curtains . 5 Replacements for that, K Spring House Cleaning job. Fresh Curtains give that ' New Look to your home." CURTAIN ROUS CRANES - EXTENSIONS j Wallace's! of Course! '' ' A. MacKENZlE FURNITURE Limited . "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY'' Inlaid Linoleum with Burlap Back and Printed Floor . Covering Table Oil Cloth, all colors Carpets . Phone 775 327 3rdAve. 2 W JBIkI- ) THE NEW 1948 WALLPAPERS MrBridc Street Phone 311 LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL MAXIMUM PERFORMANCE Is ensured when you take advantage of mir tui The Hunt's Inlet herring pound operated by Martin Johnson is reported to have been filled with live halibut bait. It is understood that several hundred tons of the small fish are enclosed behind the wire netting at the Porcher Island pound, ready for the opening of the halibut sea- . , . . i r Til l nHArnM ami uii may i. riaucuiieu tcit the live bait to the frozen stuff, and consequently as they head for the halibut grounds, they sl0P ln al lne unis xniei pouna and taKe on tneir requirements as long as the supply lasts. Usually, It is gone early in June, i The police boat P.M.L. 15 returned Friday from a routine cruise to the mouth of the Naas River. They reported rouh water between the Naas and Metlakatla Bar, despite the calm that prevailed In Prince Rupert yesterday. Fellow fishermen are welcoming back Jack Prince, skipper Golitfi Steady SUPREME i 1 Movine, Packing Cratinf, Shipping and General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Established 1910 Phones 60 and 68 Prince Kupert Florists 300 3rd Ave. Box 510 Tel. 777 Flowers For All Occasions . Two sailings per week for VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesday, 1:30 p.m., Coquillam Fridays. 12 midnight. Cardena STEWART and ALICE ARM Sundavs, 12 midnight QUEEN CHARLOTTES FOR MASSK.TT AND PORT CLEMENTS April 2 FOR SOUTH ISLANDS April 4 FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Ruoert Agent Third Ave. Phone 568 Now to the time fur ull guuti men to go to the aid of their property, See us for Repair or New Building Material. Mitchell & Currie Limited PHONE 33 A. Builders and Contractors Authorized Repair Department. , SEE PHONE WRITE RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC PHONE 644 BOX 1321 313 TI1IKI) AVt U . Place your order NOW for the New Electric GLASTEEL , Water Heater It's Glass-Lined It's Economical It's Automatic-It's Dependable. Saanich Plumbing and Heating Cor. 4th and McBride-Blue 840 -VSJMB! V--- fffl f y" .S ' ' , A' Sf sS SEE US FOR ALL REQUIKKMENE OFFICE SUPPLIES Consult us for your needs in all typ Everything in high-class sUiMwQ tain , 1., r.. , .....viwinn l''llUll aita iuiu tiij uJ' .1 DIBB PRINTING COMP THIRD & BESNER BLOCK FOR THE BEST IN AUTOMOTIVE SlKVHE ' Bee Your r.PNCDAi MOTORS DbW 1 cO rhrv. TrtCB I lit" n . . M..1..1r ' ' Chevrolet Pnnfion OldStnobllO ILTY MACHINE WORK A SPBWAL1 In the controlled rural belt, which defines the limit of urban expansion, space is provided for an. anticipated population of half a million people. The map show the built-up area presently occupied by the 250000 Inhabitants of the urban part of the 900 . square mile national capital region. " . terrace Machine Shop & NATIONAL CAPITAL OF FUTURE A proposed solution to the railway and industrial area problem ln the Ottawa and Hull area moves the railways to the outskirts of the national capital, freeing valuable downtown space for government, business and-residential use: The new industrial areas, .piled on the re-located railways, are ample for all future requirements. With- : - ,jt WW5!J.P- :