Prince Rupert Daily News ' Monday. February 6. 1950 ers than ever t,. : is neither a con" comodation. i,-s",' ' times a vital one Ray Reflects . MR. WHALEN'S POSITION j '; Editor, Daily News: ! I find myself In 'agreement ' ; with H. 8. Whalen in his letter to '. Uie Editor, of February 3. 1 However, I am bewildered as to . . . and Rcmihiscu j why this sudden change panic- ; An 1rr!rnr1nt rtnllv nevwi-r opvi.tii tn npMivolnr nf Ptinre Rirvrt arsf ,i conimtiii.tif. i-cn.pi;. if ruiiiiinii tit British Columbia. .Aii'horlwd Pwmd Cl.i Mail. P.Kt Oft if Department, Ottawa) f Published every .'ilternmm rxrept Sunday hv rrir.e Rijpert Dally Neys Ltd . nrd Avenue. Prlnee Riipert. British Cnlumbln. ..J, J' A JWN7KR. Mnnxtlne Editor. H. O. PFHRY. Manavtns DllwUir. M15-.tBEH.OP CANADIAN "PR IOSS At'DIT Hl'RKAU OP CIRCULATIONS . . CANADIAN DAILY NFWSPAPKR ASSOCIATION ; SUBSCRIPTION RATK5 sfW'r, Ony Carrstr. Per Week. 21c; Per Month. 7Se: Per Tear. s 00. 65- tO'eTC--. ' By Mall. Per Month. 60c; Per Year. i 00 u. ; v..i , uarly whpn he sta(cs that we . It is not often that I find my- , Editor, Daily News: 1ave elKUled similar experiences ; With power off part' of each Why is It that when somebody self in agreement with Aid. Casey. Apparently your "Letter Box" in the past. twenty-four hours, being on duty mentions Soviet Russia In an ! however, in view of what Is hap- is a temperamental gadget for I t attendee! a meeting of the in the Post Office is a headache, ominous tone .the most of us ex- tven for 4, j ipening in our electric power sup- know it rejects some offerings and city Council a short time before Mailing letters by hand, Instead change significant glances and j P"ce you J ply at this time, I feel that Aid. selects otnets out 011 what prin- the last election, when Aid. Dag- of machinery, must be hard on think Its all too darned Duel. anything 1 VIlY V.UUIiVII xIIU rVWtJl (Casey's proposal 10 get technical eiple of selection I cannot gett moved a motion, that a ref- the tongue. That's asking a wee . ! advice irom a competent nyeno ror instance mere was a well- ; erendum vote be taken at the bit too much! Prince Rupert's new telephone direct-ory will be out this month. H 11 1 1 11 COUNCIL IS cm! C(l intn Ps on tn- engineer betore even considering re;tsoned, sensitive and erudite 1 next citv election to ascertain mpii i nia'h But it does not mean that tvery- to Give .consideration . . to mmiirarinn of trio ... - , ! y . , . . 'f.,. .im- i a ... e-ower ui:it-t ri ..... w. ... . wi u : s. ruwn i vu. it is is (rfinn uuuu r cuiniuuu immnn maturi.) ,e s art4 xiv uiivaic f h aim tin nprsnia uersonai r n r r n.... Pouti I r"r,.-,-rr,it-t-i,M nmmiSKion ir. losimniv entuM, iitjiii "wiiiauiuc auiiir Liiii:iuit? " uiutr hiki mm iiic uir . . .... n.m u,, . uiic wno vi i iv Wlsnes niiwico wait navv, a reic- M..,.tw T3,.;t;.,t, ri.v,:.;.. t I . uZ . """" . ".V"1' .u .one imufn (.uuiuiMM 1 uuc: lu. iui a i ene- ;ii5t, anu nut iu uc ioi, uuw in type ana the electrical energy lor tnis cuy "n u waw. iuis wijumic phone. Chances are the new- comers already here, with those ill 01 tranclne lor another tweneyiive years as well j niaiKS re"liirK ina ms "c-v"" iui uie oenem, 01 at the termination or tne exist- w, w uvk u mc- at thhev scale of charpes nrnnoswl hv tliP ' r" "l"4"y s V" w , y ... . ?.uue"ews ' aBwmenl wun tne Korin- lu ' " fT . ' r'"'. , 'io plan to locate In Rupert rep esent more prospective subscrib- j . 1 1 1 ut appiovea qj uumies uora- uiixei. oui tin iaier mere pin B. C. Power Co. This mo- uulc tuuaa incy renect uiey naa ItV-view of the current power shortage, what ; mission is true enough but the have been letters as shallow and tion was seconded by Aid. Casey, contributed something regularly 4ith Sharp curtailment of service imposed hv the ; approval does not mean that the thin as the paper they are print- The result of the vote was Aid. to the State. ! Warm!? 1 mi In the average home there is invariably one drawer that con ru"""'"'s'",''"'"""tl'""J "" uaggeu ana akl t,asey ior uie ctmn-iTiv itself -ind the not inoonepivihlp nnsihilitv ciiiiun usai ano int noi inconcciaoie possiointy ,lhe best 0I. even lnat it is ade. Fos such an instance an an. moUoili Ald Blark and Aid.'For- tfllder certain circumstances of a complete break-' quate. , onymous rambler, or pardon, man abstaining (which was what down'the situation is little short of a grave emer- ; 11 would seem t0 me that llle "rumbler," complains about the would be expected i and Aid. Mc- j company has scrupulously, ful- profits made by bakers of bread Lean, Aid. Stone and Aid. Whalen - filled the minimum requirements and wedding cakes, suggesting atai'ist. : Every citizen is Suffering inconvenience, some ; of their present contract. That that the Co-op fishermen and the yours for some action tains almost everything except the washer, bolt or nut you hap- ' pen to want Quebec Chronicle- '' For Cold 100 Pu,e1 1M "' ; Journal. Or was it a.handy sized screw driver you needed lust mg JACKETS Special Men's Dress Shi t..-. .. i . GEORGE E. HILLE. then? rure wool, pi0i. VtTO 111 a State Of more Or less discomfort While mariV j Ulube """"num requirements are L,o-op uahermen are cneating - ? , , . , ii, i totally inadequate to nieet the themselves ,or each other, or be- itfp business and Industry IS being ! 'Slllr money. needs pf this city is amply proven lnB cheated by the high cost of 'Curtailed in its activities and unemployment has by the present failure of power labor, or whatever other inter- Ijt-cl-Lvaused. isupply. pretation you may choose to give j -f , . . , Ml- Casey stands in perfectly the anonymous roarings or rum- ei e ji ill j)lte Ol the Seriousness Ot the Situation, the i sound ground when he insists blings ,or squishings that you tjaily News ha? refrained from critical comment ' that only a fully informed city have chosen to publish. for the simple reason that we have not considered !council is able t0 Pass Judgment edward j. g xetchford. ", . . , , , on -the merits of the Northern 1 ' Below iff One of many written Statements by women wlio were given a sflmple of Heinz Soup and asked to make a comparison with other well-known brands. Try a test in your own home and taste the wonderful difference. REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS I'llKPARKD 11. E. .MOIITI.MKU 324 2nd Ave (Ni nr ftM'Ri regular y Now Men's Dress g OXBigge From LlnpH MITM Sgt. C-. D. Mead, with the B.C. v, , , .,illv. tl ,JLi V iwiwi men ji tuiiiin.-i.uii m Miy- British Columbia Power Co.'s C'uSLjvhether the power company has failed in its ; present proposals. tnti' Reoulnriir Police district office here for lM'snon-'ibilities under the existing contract or wheth-1 The Peole of Pvlnce Rl,PRrt - Now only $1 J5 1 Kairc a nni-rnni .ivi-.i. i. l .. m q ii u venre snllert nhntirri thp 1 "In the past we have been buying another brand of soup, but this sample will switch us to Heinz in the future." ltiiiaww - OVERCOATS J Ji. 1 11 ,, i , , , , "O'l UC1I5IU Ml S1IUW Will j--.-. - Ol , It Should, in View of the record, be entrusted With the Power Company is not now Chilcotln last night for Victoria1 a renewal of the same. ' j meeting the terms of its contract where he will take up new duties, i j TJiere are a lot of thincs, we feel, ' upon which 'whlch caIIS,for( t&e,supp,y ot aU - - - .: J ;,.,,:f.f :l necessary electrical energy and ,. ,.i t. , , , styles. Soecial Boys' PANTS Mrs. S. P. MO For Friendly Servjce "And Advice in Your Building, Insulation and Decoration Problems s-.rv-ISLAND CITY BUILDERS' SUPPLIES General riuildcrs" HiitViilles rm Mcl'.riile SI. I'.lue : j wool cloth, goed! "KV wwy- 's,-9"' ' : sites ; Bovs' onH -4 ' ? i ' p ft ' i's"! r' - i'i' j rr SNOW I wool. Rq m Now onlv rQMAT0l gmrnintT) hi ner SOUP vw.i.pvuruL rtiiuic Miuuiu uf uutHiiico, OOIU irom tne- the people most certainly should Eegal and the technical standpoint.. There is a lot of know lf tne company's present expert information which we believe should be as- ,Will, euarTe ?at 8 : , . . . similar situation will not arise semhled and presented 11., with expert interpretation, again in the future. ; Quite possibly the members of the city coun- j To s'Rn a twenty-five year con-;il themselves would agree that, with the possible i rm""2y would te utUe 8hort exception of the members who are identified with ; ' Mr. Hainsworth notwithstand-the power, company and therefore, in a possibly bi- ing. i do claim to know sufficient a sed-position, none of them are really able to judge human nature to say that. ,, . , -. , . . ' . J. the people of Prince Rupert Uai.iM the technical angles of this question of which, jtake the present power failures there are many and could do little more thanlound-' as an Act -t God without wanting erfpfcmt attempting to do so. - f. lf kno,7 a" ysuand where- lif . ifors, then the Northern B. C. ff! In view of that i w e agree A ith a view already ex- Power Co. and its apologists on 1 3 Jessed by Aid. Casey, and supported in a 1 e 1 1 e r ithe cRy council wil1 take it for JK,m Mr Faure published today, that the first 1 W)Ve.)f the COUllCll should be to arm itself with this twenty-five years of fulfilment of MEN'S 10" LACED RUBBER Tills advertisement is nut published or displayed by the Liquor Control Boars r hy the Government ot British ColnmoiR. v MILLIE SNACK E I y ' " NOW x Bigger and YJjeesjsary inf drmaion and advice before attempting ; minimum requirements that is ;l!!!i!lliil'iii-.i!;n4iiii; jli-iijiiiiliiiillli'iir lJXLRJ Sl'KAMKlt MILLI minimum service. tftprpveed to any great length with this highly vital H. E. E. FAURE. jSioblCm that faces it in dealing with the company's ... ... . i a 1 a i -w n - tJJPllCatUm. Jn laCt It IS .'OmethlnP' thflt. thP Pltv. as In thP Supreme . Co-..rt of British unibia kit i. . Coll i ir , In Probate hambur: Better and AND Full Course M' 5-7 pir. -jiany to tne original power agreement, might well In the Matter of the "Administration Act" Sf)cinl Sale, of English (In Its and Saiuwrs 95 cents We have just received a large shipment from England and in order to get a lower price we had to order more than we want to keep in stock at one time. We are offering the surplus at a low price to reduce stock. All are English bone china in various attractive patterns. SEE OUR WINDOW SALE LASTS ALL THIS WEEK five done long 'ere this. The power situation also And to some extent with the city's water problem. In the Matter or the Estate of ja- I 1 , cob ,Citorlngbo. Deceased . $575 FAMILY SHOE RTOKK MMITKI) Chiirliu Roberts rd AWp. Unit M. I'h 357 I i ake NOTICE that by order of His PRINCE GEORGE SAILS FOR i VANCOUVER ! and IntcrmcdiuL, Ports Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN rtl;i.NKSI).y IMIDMGHI a I : nonour jnnge w. o. Fulton, Local I orr.N r. a.m. tn i i Just, nfr Tliirf 'mnihSt. rh.flr k mm-ra iminia ravnoui X JlBe of the Supreme Court of Bri- lish Columbia. I was on the 31st y of January. A D. 1950, appoint- Administl-ator of the estate of Ja cob G.1oiinbo. late of Prince Ru- .for distress 1 gmmtm PfJB I OF CHILDREN'S .lfbr JlSsfi I 1 v i pert. British Columbia, who was i Lust known to be livinn on March I 2nd. 1942, and is now presumed to be dead. All personR indebted to the said estate are required to pay Ihe amount of their indebtedness to me I forthwith and all persons having claims against the said estate are required to file them with me pro-i perly verified on or before the 15th I day of March, 1950, falling which distribution will be, made having re-, card only to such 'claims of which I have been notified. Fur Reseivalioiu Write or Cui; t lTY OR DLI'OT OFFICE .-K1NCE RUPRRT, BC. Mother, you know how effect ivp Vicks VapoRub Is when you rub it on! Now . . . try this sjicc'itd way to use- ViipoRub. too, especially recommended toi croiipy cotifihs of chilrln-n's cold:;. It's Vojjoftub in sift-nut tor alriiost instant relief! Jii'-t int a suoonliil ot VapoKiib in a bowl of boil-in;; water or n Then . . . let your c'uld i'ihale tlie sooihiu,; VkpoJ.'-kIj if? Stcvn. Medicated vapors instantly penetrate rlcep into coid-con-:ested bronchial tubes to l-rinj; relict iritH every A If Winter cor Spring be far Use Boptone I decorate JOHN H. BULGER OI'TOMKTH 1ST ' John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue i ftC& . iApnR8 ThomDSon Hcj tirenlli. Tlvn . . . f ri.-liel"vhile the Co. W DATED at Prince Rupert. B. C. this 31st day of January 1950. i Gordon Fraser Forbes ' Official Administrator Prince Rupert, B. - C. (40) bo .3ure to rut) it o "Um- WVAPORUB J w .J : HOLLYWOOD cafe MOST UP-TO-DATE CAI K IN THK CITY OPEN FROM S:30 P.M to 3:30 A.M. We Specialize tn Chinese Dlshet OFF . FUR SALE FUR COATS Clearing ot the Lowest Prices in Years BUY NOW and SAVE 40 EVERY COAT GUARANTEED FOWLIB & RUTTLE Limited CHOI SUEY CHOW ME IN Vt TO Va OFF REGULAR PRICES For Outside Orders PHONE 1J3 i . NO-CO-RODE is GOOD for Life PHONE 79 PHONE 79 h OR! There's a whole lifetime of trouble-free service In no-co-rodk oot-iroof piPB. Soil settlement won't crack or break It, freezing or thawing won't affect It. Tapered joints prevent leaks, keep Out roots, no-co rode saves you time, work, money. i tfse no-co-rodk root-proof pipe for House-to-Sewer or House to-Septic Tank Connections, Downspouts, other underground noivpressure uses. Get no-co-rode perforated pipe for Septic Tank .leaching beds, foundation footing drains, soil Irrigation, field drainage. Both types are backed by a 40-year record of out-itanding servlc. ' . CALL 651 pjarmanj DRUG . DRUGS JxStvWw' McCrltlo St. Phone 311 ' PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS STOKE HOURS WEEK DAYS, SI AM TO SUNDAYS AND IlOLIDAYS12 NOON T0': '7 P.M. TO 9 P.M. HOURS Weekdays 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sundays . . 12 Noon to 2 p.m. 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. SIXTH STREET AND THIRD AVENUE Headquarters for WINTER SPORTS EQUIPMENT Skis and Ski Equipment C.C.M. Matched Ice Skate Badminton Racquets and Shuttlecocks Sleiqhs Emergency f HILPOIT E1IITT & Co. Lid. - LUMBER and BUILDERS' SUPPLIES till from 7 p.m. Dally car delivery service from 0 am. till pin. and SuwW