Street Car Houses Prinrt Rnprrt Daflp r3rtos UD. Family In Edmonton ' Beta PURCHASING DEP'T CHANGES T. T. Harm at Winnipef Heads t .N R. Department tu.viu.i n-. . v rren-iea lor j J L accommodation for hia family 1. lr. of seven after renting hia farm.' "atencn Cns B.arnason of subnrbaB j of Beverly bought a discarded j 2. w" if 1 1 -VA "' An fc-o-T'T3T:t ffr"T mpm orrmd to toe op&ollfiltf of Prim Bapwt - - " r"rr.p 't'Tijr trtra arJ cnirl Brttua Go: on-oi tA -.ijnzd u Smai Cjs Mki.. Post CiSat I-fnjrMii, btuni J-b r-. rr Kfxi-maoQ exr-p Sunday br frtate Rvprt It-.T Nnra Si Avre'je. Frutc Riipen. Bmati Co!un-b:A. j A KX'VTEB Mrjf-lnr Editor, a G PBRET. Murjii-n Director. UEXbVk OF CAKAMA W.ESB .tUTT BCT-EAT OF CIRCnAT10-"rS CAJCAIriAS rALT rrsr&FAFEE A-kOCIATIOK iVBSCF-IPnOS RATES C:y Crrr rr r ;c f-r esc: ? Yemr, 7O0; 2 2BL. i!j Ji-j. Tt JkiontiL. ue. Kf Yer, M G u s-reei car irura lijc cuy transit "unchi jut system and converged It into MONTREAL Appointments 1 3 senior positions in the pur-, 1 chasine and stores department. home The car cost him $100 The Interior waa made into a two-bedroom auite utilizing eve-y inch of its eight-by-30 feet dimensions. Canadian National Ruin-ays, Bere announced today by E. A.; 3: mlej, vice-presicieat of the, Time o be Watchful division. T P. Karris, purchasing assent Wb, locate- fc. '-lJ sup j contempt, the u ju tou. 1 T IS TO SPECULATE whether the easing of the ! tension in the international situation following i Deserter Turn Up After Sixty Years BEVERLY, Eng. Walter Campbell, Who 60 years ago deserted his regim"- in Jam ords oj 1 &?A aica, has been given an honor-1 niieieadu at; ab.e cucnarge. tie appeared "an s here a wrinkled old man to M- a 1 confess he wi wanted. The f'r,ili;Ais . austere region, moves from Winnipeg to Montreal, to be- i irr.e general purchasing agent of the svstem. j C. R. Sneii, assistant to the Tire-presidst. at headquarters, j eoti to Winnipeg an purchasing) ij-ent. western region. T. M. Pye, puncoa&ing a?ent,' Halifax, it mad' assistant to ike-presiclent; W. M. Holmes.' assistant to general agent.1 Montreal, it earned purchasm; iexit. Halifax; S. M. Smith, errerary to the chariman and president, return to the pitr--hesins department as a.-si .t- T.t to etlicl'al pui ChiiJg tigt-il, it .headquarters. ! HEADS CANADA 3 HEALTH PLAN Er F. W. Jci;kn of Winaipeg. for the pot 17 years deputy minister of health and public well are for Manitoba, who has been appointed to the Department of National Health and Welfare. Ottawa, where he will be mainly responsible 'or inauf-uratmg the federal govm-i..a;'i tZZ.OX.VXS a j-ar i:eu.h iAn. thr conferences between the representatives of j the we.-urn powers and Premier Joseph Stalin and ? Foreign Minister V. 1L Jlolotov of Russia is solid- ! ly based. We hope that to throw any doubt upon the assurances of good intentions by the Soviet j leaders is unjustified scepticism. Yet we have had j such assurances from others before and have com- ? plae;ntly accepted them, only to find out later that i we dM so to our sorrow. ' Wiii we may have wme justification of re- ' lief at any tractibiiity that may be shown on the outside by the hard bargaining and realistic Rus- j sian leaders, we would be well justified also in not i krttme down our guard. We have been fooled be- ' army forgave him and present-1 ed him with a new overcoat, g ' new suit. live shillings nd aa. honorable diachstrge. He had ' been a drummer boy. t 1 1 f Thomas Percival Harris, the tw seneral purchasing attent. ioined the pTchasui dfTart- BRITON'S WILL KAi-i. V1UU.M KITJUtJ. i Lic'riB-iN, Somoi AincM it A 20-ycar-ok! Fernando Landolfi vio'm, made in Milan, Italy, in 17i6, and valued at 400 i$1.600i, was fitoien from O. R Lloyd, who r ( ntly rarae hre from Australia. Tlie Uiief reached through a r irt!y ojwn window and took the violin ff a nsartoy table. ment. orana Trunk Raiimay. a clerk at Muntreai, in 1911. Ful- 'INVALIDATED owlnp war service. 1913-19. h lore and very brazenly and treacherously. Maybe if, while hoping for the best, we are not too en-thu ia. t:c. v.e may be pardoned. As a matter of fact, the record of Stalin in h'erin? promise? has been none too good. There have- b'-.eji others in the jiast who made promises and l rent k ? which they respected only fro long as thev couid Irfr exploited in their own ends. BATTERED BARREL the New Westaur.sier Roiary Club uses in its i.-..-.uiI Barrel Contest down the Fraser River from Lyt-ton on Labor Day tincergts ipaa-s a: the hands of Chairman Free! T Ya:es. head of the Xrir West3r.:nK- B C. Electric Co. Granuhi'.eri core, should Eeep the barrel afloat if it were ripped op'TJ .during its 171 rr.ile trip. :e spilling out of the keg Fi?:es: t;.i.r eTer made by the barrel was 64 hours. 36 minut. ihe contest kj to the chil- returned to the company and ?as promoted to chief cleric to general purchasing ag-Bt, hi 1924, and lour years later became assistant purchasing tent In 1938. he moved to Detroit as purchasing agent ami, ;n 1642. merit to Winnipeg in that capacity. Cyril Robert Sn 11. new purchasing aefnt for the western 33 3-5 -?orids in 15-43. TTj-rfd of drer. s c; n-.o fund. Family Gets Monev l.ert fur "SerUr Good of tncland" LONDON. 9 Tne wiil.of a man who left the whole of his property to his country, directing that it should be used by the British Exchequer -lor the secular pood of Lneiand," was invalidated by the ProbaU-Court. The testator. John Rertiey TAKE A BOOK NOT SO RAINY ON YOUR VACAT Vt'e nave a wide amm. bMjks for your summtr 1. RUPERT has enjoyed 740 hours of PHINCK )?ASCK 1 bright si SHIPS AND WATERFRONT W haler yvr pleasure , unshine since the Tirrt of the year. 5,,,.. j"" ... Buckle, of Blackpool, died in 1D1D n c- limine nt-b In U n J , Bwi-ficliuQ yuu'U find it U " i lr-niber IMS. His will was ciepartment, Toronto. .A few. Itrop in Twlii di.ted December. 1921. His nenhcus and r.iwes al- months alter he became clerk ENGLISH IS MORE COMMON LONDON A newspaperman who had learned Arabic clurir.g the war addressed an Irar.ian Olympic athlete here in halting Arabic. The Iranian's reply was: "Speak the lingo. I can Ux'.x. plenty dam English." He had similar experiences with o;her aliens. Practically all had the same reply: "luined it frm Yankee sojers." Crry;ne 95 passengers. Uaion ' "d in U2S tranrterred to Mont- that Buckie was nLrt ol 1 IeSkl B cWrk in Ue i Steamships cruise boat Chilco- purchasing mmd memory and ua- tin. Capt. A. E. Walsh, docked department. He was named df,rstandin wh(,n lhe wiii wt8 here at 2:30 Monday afternoon, assistant to the general pur- made Thp courl at,.eed. Coun- I mi w nort.noou.nd lor Alaska. Ail the , seiu n mi ana iour( said Attornev-Gene al Sir' pa5em;ers were round trip ?''ars later appointed as- Harty shawrross wh.-j had tourists and with int to the vice-president, i only a lew' jnd 4n the nit. was sup- excepu.jns were Americans. 1 ' stores. i 0.-ain, the wiU as made bv Etickle. La Salle, the great French explorer of North America, was For a city where, according to oft repeated Kb'-ls, it rains all the time, that's pretty fair weather. But then, the old wheeze is commencing : to (I.e. And no one believes it, anyway. They have other subjects of conversation. .Value of swimming " ARE THE PARENTS who teach their WISE children how to swim not only is it a good sport, but often it is a means of avoiding a drowning tragedy later on. Many summer drownings occur annually in Canada. A little time and a little practice beforehand could prevent such,hear-breaks. For your sake, learn to fwim; and for the sake of others learn approved methods f life-saving and artificial respiration. POPULATION GROWING Buckle, it was said. v. as a teetotaller and non-smoker and FORMERLY UNDER SEA BUSINESS AND PROrH murdered by his own men in Millions of years ago much of left investments of about $;) 1C37 wr.iie on an expedition. Australia was beneath the sea. kjo. TRY A CLA3oiIED AD' MARGARET McLEOD OPTOMETRIST In Kew Office ROOM 10 STONE BLTLDINO f: ROCK A' c.q M.J.; KBC' Turj-4 V r. New Phone BLUE 593 IF EVERY NOW AND THEN, local residents, through choice or circumstances move some -..' f r- :f?fe ii '3'li7- DR. P. J. CHENEY DENTIST SUITE S. SMITH BLOCK "hone 795 f. Ba 1401 JOHN F. L. HUd'HES Chiropractor 21-22 BESNER BLOCK J O Box 864 Phone Bine 442 ,,!'.v Ptc- ii. 2(H lit S'. hnw tt ' mih Hw DtM where else, persons from the outside, and for . similar reasons, come to Prince Rupert to dwell. This city is growing. If some families leave, arrivals new to the community appear before long. "'A gradual increase is noted. There should be, say a year from now, by which time very substantial developments at Port Edward may be expected, distinct evidence of further growth here. LIQUOR ADVERTISING IN SOME OF THE MOST widely circulated of I magazines, more particularly in the United States, the proportion of liquor advertising, .while not heavy, is nevertheless sufficient to be of decided value, from the standpoint of revenue. It is not that the number of different liquor advertisements amount to nhjeh. It is the size and lavish treatment of each. It must be admitted that outstanding artistry is given publicity of this nature. It is liquor, and all a matter of dollars and cents to get the business, but yet, it is art. ha: 'JEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant. Auditor, etc. Income Tax Returns Compiled. Besner Block Phone 387 HOE GENEHt . . ASK YOUR FRIENDLY HOME DEALER ItV a lirouil liniotone arth (manning one ,f the l.:i;.. Building n: Roofs. Chi: cMoMroit on the furiouH Ki kinE Horne River. Set in a )4ihlfnl wooiW irlen n-ar Field. H.C... il.i . r. MERCHANTS Do y lut that the Dally New tt the nost effective medium of advertising n Prince Rupert? No one nisses your messajre If it's ad-ertised in the News. It's the eally efficient way of putting; t over. tl. Fi tion usually ultra. t moloriMK from all over the continent. Provincial beauty ,,t are a ho l.l.v vmU, v,,r ! rietully IWe Dealer. Near or far, he has the hole Mor. Set- him, ln-fi-e vou hlarl. f,.r lw...f..l ;f,.... 0!W A ' ' . , . exjxrl ncrvice. VS't.-S.V. "Si 1 w, & lot 1 i I . . . WEFJz Serrinf the Fisheries Iadiutr Wells (PJ?.) Ltd. Cartage, Labelling, Welching ForH ml P h 1 -w the establishment of the Hotel Prince Rupert. He was a charter member and lirst vice-preBident of the Prince Rupert Club. His family numbered six. For many years now he has lived in Vancouver. EKSOXAUTIES BLUE 780 BLUE 980 COTTAl New CT1 I t ' ' : i A t ' VALE Chandler & Cowgill Photographer Developing, Printing Enlarging Box 645 218 4th 8t. NOW USED FOR SPORT Skis were first devised for utility by Norwegians, Swedes, Lapps and other northern inhabitants who had to travel over snow. . . Summer llrivin df-i;mntiH It-Hn, pr..-rlv rtfiihil.-.l fu,. p,vl.m. Home "uiu-Ut" HiTvit-r inclmlcH Hif(-i ,t-tntitiori ! .url,.ir.ti,r ami fuel .nnip. GEORGE V. MORROW George W. Morrow, vho strolled over Uie townsite of Prince Rupert long before a tree was ever felled, would not know the city today. Ranking "among the very earliest of the settlers, he lived near here before the Grand Trunk Pacific was heard of. Mr. Morrow, who hailed from . . . Your Home Hralw BperiliJ!e, Tanlory .ppmvwl h. k-1,art l.ul.rir.- '7' for "h oummrr travel, fso .r,, i. , routiue t KrieiuII Home Station. 1 r, V 4 " 4 ' I I Just ask yr Trivtulh 1h,m IWIor t. - i t , n.c ,!, un-iu-tu.-n.;....,, : : ., Jr, rrJ"1 n " r Prince Rupert Floristo S00 3rd Ave. Box 516 Tel. 777 Flowen For All Occasions nerlum ttmpH. Ormes PRESCRIPTION CHB' STORE HOUR8 WEEK-DAYS, 9 N00N SUNDAYS AND HOUDAY8-12 7 TU. TO 9 F M HOME OIL DISTRIBUTORS LIMITED THE 100 B.C. COMPANY SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone tl P.O. Rx 44 , the Maritimes, served for five years as Collector of Customs' and Indian Agent at Metlakat-la. As far back as 1904, he accompanied the first G.TJP. re-connoitering party to Tucks Inlet and Kaien Island. He was in business with George Frizzell at Port Essington from 1900 to 1905 and following this established the first retail business in Prince Rupert, a meat market on Centre Street, In 1906. He took an active concern In local affairs and business generally. He was identified with v x Emergency from??1 temwmtvs Daliy car delivery service from 9 a.m. till 6 p.m. FRASER STREET Prince Rupert ; PHONE SI - Mi 1 iillTili iwr uriri irrrn