I Prince Rupert Doily News Thursday. December 29, 19-19 Saving Pri: I Kurance. But the soreness Is be-; cause cabinet minlsu-rs went about, the hustings last June' boasting of B. C.s wonderful hos- ; (pital insurance at such cheap' rat pa Report V ictoria tU'P.;"f MPTION KM1S - M Cmr. ier Wwt, jne: err Mnnm. nc: fvr Tw. MOO. By Mail, Per Month. 60c; Prr Yfr. IS 00 I A I---, s " . . .c . .3" V a ; w'-i - . ; x ? bv J. K. Nesbitt No sooner was the election over ' For Mftn 0 h Stalinism and the government safely back P,m;r Jnhncnn CKomnion Traveler HistOfV in offiie than UP wcnt ths P1('- riCII 0( CQVJ Men's S11IT: 'i lums. Of Speokersliip Those Insurance Rotes No Premier in British Columbia's history has I wool worsts A J.k James Auriel, "aed 59 of done quite as much travelling as 'Boss" go in, perfect fitss Men's TOP C0a5 Johnson. I wpel ln Vancouver. He figured In a list of eight overnight accidents. He was struck by a car Hnd suffered a lacerated face. 'vieaium Melton smartly tailored He's been head of the government only little more than two years, but the number of miles he has travelled must be staggerig. T. D. Pattullo was a pretty good traveller when he was in office John Hart liked BALAGNO Phone Grrrn "1" to stay home. Only during the Bui im Djniinion-Provincial conferences on financial negotiations did Mr Hart go to Ottawa. Perry, president of the B. C. Liberal Association and publisher of The Prince Rupert Dally News; R. H. Carson of Kamloops. who had to resign because of poor heatlh, aid former Premier John Hart, attending to his private financial justness in Victoria and often wing east for annual meetings of ig financial concerns of which he is a director. M - . i4 ! V, Men's ORESSSHlI'l Hirj sf-lection from C Men's T ! E S Qifts. Latest sho;!( I from , Mn's SWEATEpf oiillovpr onrj butt, I rtvl"s. wooK, q ti from . firess. all wool r good assortment I from ' Men's oil wool ri heovy SHIRT-JAC, good shades. Rc borgain But Mr. Johnson has been on the go steadily for two years. He has practically commuted between here and Ottawa. During the June election campaign lie set an all-time record for speeoh-rr.aking and visiting the people of the province in their home i Observers here are wondering lr - ' iirY1 iim iii j nm i n "THE CELEBRATION' of Stalin's 70th birthday I has nut lvcn the most important but certainly one of the m..- t significant event of the whole year, for it dramatically revealed the true character of the 'Soviet regime. The celebrations far surpassed in gplen;!oi magnitude and in fervor those in li47 of the ''Hh anniversary of the Soviet revolution. For today Stalin has become more important than the revolut'on. Communist orthodoxy is no longer Marxist or Leninist or, i n d e e d. Communist. It has become a creed of complete unquestioning subservience to the authority of a single man. 'Stalinism" is autocracy of a kind whcih neither the Tsars, nor the Chinese Vlmpero'-s, n.r even the Roman Emperors ever knew. Perhaps the Roman Emperors: but no one since. I or w itlun tae orbit of Soviet power, the authority of Maiin is accepted or enforced as absolute in eve'-v sphere t f action and thought. His decrees are unquestionable; his judgments are infallible. He is the ultimate authority. To do the will of Stalin, to think the thoughts of Stalin, pay him homage to low1 him and revere him: these are the law of the Soviet empire and even to question it is both heresy and tr.n'son. "The birthday homage has emphasised all this and made it plain to a still astonished outer world. Unfit is not new. The great Stalin legend which has transformed the whole character of Soviet Communism has been created carefully and deliberately over a period of a dozen years, i Evtn now the depth of this abasement before a dictator is hardly understood. His political autoc-racv h- long been realized. All power in the Soviet Union i in the hands of the Communist party. But the reh.don of Stalin to the Party is that of the Ro if the government will have the i nerve to once again raise, hospital : insurance premiums. The belting i is that it won't, that any further , deficit will be made up from the VANCOl'VIK VI('V(KIA SEATTLE Sunday. J p.m., Camosun Tcesony, 1:30 p.m., Comiitlam A tVV. ARM, STrWAKT Al PORT S'MPSON unuay, 11 p m CUT TURKEYS DOWN TO FAMILY SIZE Everyone talks about the size of turkeys but no one does anything about it ; no one except W. Otto Wigcins. Ir.glewooct. Out, Here he holds a full-size gobbler while Donna Marchment holds one he developed by patient cross breeding. It weighs only eight pounds --just right for '.he average family. v In SDtember of 1r"R li" "lit to London to attend the Empire Parliamentary Conference and tries. Now he has accented nn-ether invitation to London -this time to be puest. sneaker hnd principal guest at the annual meeting of the Timber Trade Federation of BHtiin. The session of the Legislature lrofWv on't be u lv h"" hut the Premier can 'cave th" House In rhf of F'nance Miinstr Herbert Anscomb. Men's SOX b' selection, new Hr good quality, from Boys' SHIRTS shades, from 5 Boys' SWEATERS- rich sales tax, which Is rolling In ( more than $18 000.000 a year. ; Certainly the government is worried; It knows toe money must come from somewhere. But j there's no doubt the public is sore : at the increase some months ago. not that it still Isn't cheap in- .,'?s:'iilXS ! I.IXIK1 STF.AMFlt FOR SOl'TII to:n CIIARI.OTTK ISLANDS ' ss. Camosun Dec. 30 )0 p.m. j FOR NORTH QI F.KN I assortment from S! Ray Reflects . . . ... u nd Reminisces Mrs Nancv Hor?tes is B.C.'s 2?nci Etjeakcr since the province joined Cnnfdicin Con'ederfltinn CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Camosun Jan. 6 and 20 FRANK J SK1NVKI' Prince Runrt f.vr.. ThUc Avn- ! fao4ie ".-6? Boys' SUhi ,r g dine CiOth, d o 1. 1; breasted smartly 1 1: ed, bargain for $', Boys' PANTS, c worsted, all wool t. smartly tailored j ' from ! j p.ood motorijtg between this city Advertisina in newspapers re PRINCE GEORGE ; RAtl fs Ff)H VANCOUVER i rid Intermedials Port Fach Thursday at 11:15 p"m. mains tops. The radio, the and Terrace, but since then, late '" . B"fo- t n-i b screen, and other publicity sour- snowstorms prevented motoring Hicken was the 'rm"-tim n"d ces try to b? substitutes but they any .diaiance and Friday it was most, famous coioni il Rpenlcer in get- nowhere. During the first ten finally declared closed. So we B.C.'s history. First Sucker months of this year, national have another winter without a after Confederation was Um. lineage increased 11.1 per cent, highway. James Trimble. Some famous I Boys' ond Giris' ST j INGS and SOCKS i from names in the province's story of Th? Christmas season burglar- politics are on the roster of man Emperors to the Senate "whose decrees (i n Total advertising was up by ten i-M.i : i -.1 u r...t.,nA .-,,.,1 Pt percent, The business world find F O N E Vitl."uii ill HI "iii:itei mc uiiidirn -..m Mir i u . nui . : 3 5 it pays. ies were something rare here, speakers amons them Hon. D. featured bv explosives, most of w- Hipains. Hon. C. E. Pooky. or KETCHIKAN nisrsDy midnight or Reservation Write or Cui: A U how hiVi u-pr hnrrpn nf pain Hon. How come? And again. ' Soup'' (so called i however, has ''ara been made use of before in this arp Fr come? Prince Rupert is being slighted. Her renowni as a wet The woi kmar.shm did not speakers Mr. Justice A M. Man CABS Stand: York Hulrl, 3rd Ave, even the Senate met and debated. The Communist party of the Soviet Union has not been allowed even to holt! congress for a dozen years. It is simply a highly-disciplined, highly-priviliged body carrying o u t t h e orders of a central committee nominated and controlled by the dictator. There is indeed no limit to the abasement, no limit to he sveophancv. And it is not onlv in words CITY OR DfcNli OFFICE BC. weather hub is ignored. The dis- city. Unction goes elsewhere. Ketchi- iniUo kan has been front page news te amat?ur or novice either. son and Mr. Just'e? No-nia t Whitt-nker nf the Supreme Court; .-t in 'h'. r And now from Vancouver comes news that the five important points i:i British Columbia are: The library committee of tlr? F. A. Pauline, now an o'.d man, Women of th Moose met at t but still active, and living i:s r- lMn:e of Mrs. A. Ritchie at the tircment in Victoria: J.W.Jones, ei.d of last week. Refreshments in the stock and bond business BROADWAY CAF! mm but in net. Russian literature, music, art and science coquuinm Lake, annual rainfall ,. , , . , . , . 135 inches: Stave Lake. 137; Big a short busi- in Victoria: C. F. Davie, practising law in Duncan; H. G. T. were served afUr ness session. o T jf Ma Best Foe must aa coiuonn to me laMes, uinin?, cruue uiuih.-ing, fesrs, and hates and personal prejudices of the titan. The result is considerable technical achievement (riainly imitative and unoriginal) but spiritual deat'. Falls Creek 145; Seymour Fails. 147: Ocean Falls. 166. And yet for forty years Prince Rupert with far less precipitation, has had unfit, fame as n-.; city has before or since. Finest Cookiie 5 vVy Hours Hours 7am 7am t( t( i t -Phone 200 ON GKITINd KICKED OUT For Take Home Orders- ! F. ran see r.o good or necesarv reason whv w the citv council, after hearing the appeal of From Saturday last until yesterday newspapers in Prince Ru-jriert. both local and from out-side, paused for a while. Tuesday, the reading public had become a bit restive. What was doing1 What had happened? Stray ; . reports floated around, ar.d no ' one seemed certain of anything. : ThM-e .. a 5trana. sorxO.ative two local taxi men on such a minor matter as rein Values for You i O Lunch Kits Pyrex Wore 9 Hcrcoiotcrs Q HocKet Kmvcs Covered Roasters O Thermos b sort of teeiing. But then, you will hear folks say: "Oh well, there's nothing in the papers anvvav." THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. 11 tB'HifhuyrEm statement of t'.-eir drivers' licences, should have found i necesary last night to po into complete se- cret session, even subjectinjr the press to the indig- nity of ejection, ;o consider its decision. There might : have lx-en a reason, of course, but certainly we can think of none in the public interest or in the interest ; of any kind of security why the public, to say nothing of the press, should W barred, hearing discussion of such matters as the dying council retired to secrecy to debate last night. The council or any other body for that matter, should remember, when it excludes the press, it is not oivy subjecting a mere reporter to an affront which Reserves the resentment that it gives rise to but is, in effect, snubbing the public which the press in a iYie and democratic country represents and en-tWavov5 to serve and which, to some degree at least it is exited to keep informed, on acts at the hands of the ,Hople it elects and to whom thev are responsible It ?s when p'lllie bodies and elected representatives adopt such methods as excluding public and BAKED FRESH DAILY Delectable Party Pastne-and Cakes That Everyone Enjoys The warehouse on the waterfront, built during the war for the accomodation of the United States army, ar.d which was reported sold by the War A-sef; Corporation Friday, is said to be the largest of its kind anywhere. Since the war. the building h.is been unoccupied, although nego- ' tiations. looking to i's use, have been carried on from time to time There had been pousibili-ties of its demolition unless the property became definitely disposed of and utilized as a going concern. The American forces had not been stationed in Prince Rupert long before construction started and the job took the better part of a year. It began in August, and finished the follow - nil x i ( Sk1 y- He' o 365 days of Health, Happiness and L 1 Prosperity . XJ RUPERT BAKERY LTD. 619 3rd Ave Phone t For The' New Year labor was press trom its ueuoe rations mat so-caned oemoera- in? sprir.g Loral tie organizations lay themselves open to suspicion., lar?e:-v employed. SI 9.95 to S26 G E. Radios $14 ' t t ' 9 , : i : . '. The state cf the highway between Prince Rupert and the interior country keeps one Not so long ago. there was $29 G.E. Floor Polishers G E. Washers with pump 6 cu. ft. Leonard 'Refrigerator G E. Dual Control Elankets Trilte Torchiere Tnlite Floor Lamp With Silk Shade Electric Toasters Electric Irons Electric Razors CI 7 50 to S" mistrust and dis.'avor. There are other countries in the world, but fortunately not the councils and courts -f Canada generally speaking, where such methods are common practice and we know to what tragic results they have sometimes led. . We had thought better of the 1949 council with which we had always tried to be co-operative and fair. shall expect better of its successor and hope that we shall be deserving of a trust and respect which wo, apparently, did not enjoy with the retiring- bar'.y as it proceeded to sing its swan song last night without benefit of press and safely shielded frptn the limelight of publicity. SPECIALIZING in Designing and Remodellinq $4.20 to $J j $19.95 to $: Sur.beam Schick Remington , PONT FORGET YOUR NOMA TREE LIGHTS f i Russ" Gaizke CONTRACTING NORTHERN B. C. POWER CO. I riie Box 15."8 Phone Black t',9 &csnrr Block PRINCE RIPET.T. B.C. RTFWABTi CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING IN THE UAILY NEWS PAYS!