Prince Rupert Daily News 9:30-CBC Van. Concei t Orch Today 7 p.m. 9 p.m. Thursday, December 29, VJ40 10:00 CBC News I i 10:10 CBC News 10:15 Open Hearing 'INN FORD Radio Dial CFPR 10:30Dance With CBS & wm Ki'jcycles : ll:oo Weather and Sign OH (Subject to Chance- FRIDAY A.M. i 7:00 Musical Ci:K f yJr , Jr Fri. - Set Evenings 7-9 Sot. MotiSeTI vS 7 f fir mum 4, fji i -A s j THURSUaT -r M. 4:00 Bernie riraden Tells a Story 4:15 Stock Quotations and interlude 4:30 Captain Dick 4:45 Personality Piano 4:55 CBC News 5:00 Yesterday's Bands 5:30 Musical Program 6:00 Canada at Work 6:15 Musical Varieties o.a SiiioKe Kings 7:PjB CBC News 7:10 CBC News Roundup 7:30 Eventide 8:00 Citizens Forum 8:30 Jimmy Schilds 8:45 Talk 9:00 Winnipeg Drama TECHNICOLOR tJ 5 M. k, LAMAR tRQUI jfO ckets C A PIT Oil fine Printing at a i;u cbc News 8:10-Here's Bill Good 4:15 Morning bong 8:30 Music tor MocEji.n 8:45 LiUlt Ul.ixi . 9:00 BBC Hews and Comfy .i i a Morning iJevu'Aunf 9:30 Mo'rning Concert 9:59 Time Signal 10:00 Ellen Harris 10:15 "Singing Sam" 10:30 Melody Time 10:45 Scandinavian Melodies 11:00 Kindergarten of the Air 11:15 Roundup Time 11:30 Weather Report 11:32 Message Period 11:35 Rec. Int. 11:45 Personal Album 12:00 Mid-Day Melodies 12:15 -CBC irews 12:25 Prog. Resume 12:30 B.C. Farm Broadcast 12:55 Recorded Interlude 1:00 Afternoon Concert 1:45 -Commentary New Year 2:00 Festive Season i 2:30 Records at Random 2:45 Melody Matinee 3:00 The Music Box 3'1 5 Don Mrsser and REGAL PRINTERS "a- PI I ON K 21 222 , SPECIAL PRICES EVENING WEAR $9.95 - $16.95 jIAIDAS CREW WELCOMED TO HALIFAX Crew members of the Canadian destroyer Haida who figured In the dramatic sea rescue of 18 survivors of a ditched B-29 aircraft were given a hearty ovation on their return to Halifax, N S. The front row shows the men who manned Haidas whaler in choppy seas to rescue th US airmrn. They are, left to light PO James Callighen, Toronto, coxswain of the whaler; L S. Michael LonReuay, Windsor Ont LS Gordon Munro, Toronto; A.B. Gordon Hayes, Ottawa; A.B. Thomas Scratch, Windsor, Ont. and A B Robert Pugh, Verdun, P.Q. Back row, left to right: O S. Bruce Cooke, Montreal' C PO James Mcln-tyre, Toronto; Commissioned Officer E. C. Nornnn of Halifax; Lieut. Andrew McMillin Halifax-Midshipman Robert T.Murray, Saint John. N B.; C.r.O. Thomas Carter, Verdun PQ coxswain of the Haida; P.O. Norman Harding. Saint John, K.3.: A.B. Roderick Clergy Halifax-' AB Edwirrl Merchant. Ville St. Laurent, P.Q., and A.B. Clifford Sh.llington, Bath, Ont For New Year's Eve DECORATIONS NEW YEAR CARDS NOVELTIES Sizes 11 Thru 44 Exciting, romantic tormals just in time for New Years. P.'JPERT PEOPLES STORE So Don't Wait for Tomorrow See it T0DA STEWART. NEWS Litest l'r(niilrtl(iii(IC(iii(ilMiiiiii(y'!ili' His Islanders 3:30 International Comment. 3:40 Divertimento And of course you've heard otout the high salaried Holly-, wood director who was always tr iygnot make a little extra. J V T, II . x take Sam Bell, an employee of : the Silbak Premier, out to the Pnnce Rupert Hospital. It was l atcd that he was suffering from acute appendicitis but word re--vrd later was that he had been i opt. rated on for an old glandular i trouble. Advice today was that , he had passeu away, t i rrincc ituperi riorisis I Flowerj for Ail Occasions 300 3rd Ave. Box 516 Tel 77' J Christmas Celebrated at Mining Town Deep Snow No Deterrent VICKERS IS DISTILLED IN CANADA AND IS DISTRIBUTED lyCalVfrl This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control hoard oi bj tlic Government of liritisli Coiumbia ' 1 lie School children cave their 518 3rd Ave. Box 1118 Red With the roads nicely clearer by the Provincial Public Works STEWART The Communi'y Christmas Tree, held in the Canadian Legion Hall last Tuesday, was an unqualified success. Seventy-three children w Te t i i o recipients of gifts from Santa Ciaus who arrived with sleigh bells ringing and to the accoin- usual annual concert- The junior .s"h:o! program consisted of Christmas (urols, portrayal and singing. The srnior scholars gave" three playlets 'A concert rchearsn!," "The Cros.spatch' 'and ''The Try A t HAMBURGER At For A New Years Treat MAPLE LEAF panimont of shrieks from happy Astonishing Gift" all of which children who gathered around were well received by an indul-Ihe twelve foot tree eagerly pent and appreciative audience START THE NEW YEAR RIGHT Have your Radio Repaired call Blue 992 KFN'S RADI CLINIC. For Si.Usiactory Service "18 2iul Ave. W. Blue 992 ploughs, it was thought that ! everything was in line for a rea ! fine Christmas Holiday but th.. ' old weather man intervened and down came a real snowstorm Over eleven inches of snow fell ir. : a few short hours and the Christmas Eve visitors had to break trail with the snow up to then : knees. It took more than a foot or so of snow, however, to deter the merrymakers during Christmas and they kept on ploughing through it until the wee smal'. hours of the morning. Mr; awaiting the of the The T. Forsyth HEW ROYAL HOTEL a A Home Away From Home 50 Rooms Hot and Cold water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. SNACK BAR OI'KN 6 a.m. Co 1 a.m. DAILY presents. Then pandemonium and. Mi;v hlin J;tcohsnn, rcci ivi ri reip-ncd. During this Santa tit'- well mcritctl applause for their parted a little tired but happy work in producing the show, in the thought that he had con- - tributed to the happiness of A Queen Charlotte Air Lines many a little tot. plan", piloted by William McLeod, Prior to the coming of San: a came in here lust Thursday to Just off Third Avenue 318 Clh St. Ph. Orders I'.luc 92 I I ' 281 P.O BOX 191H lu Saw U in me Newji SrHII Y Tilt: NATIONS t'lNKST MAPLE X.t Piodtiel of Canada Puckers Ltd. M The REX CAFE Wishes You All HAPPY NEW YEAR IkamiUlSMXmm V riii. .IT J ii-l j" mmmmmmmmmmimmmammmmmMmmmiiwt IL. HAPRfi-fQTORBf IMS Nuiiu i"i I I n-n PHONE 79 M S V- SAVD F3 TRU CKS ItlaUarr Happy New Year January 1 , i- tt vl - v . V HOURS A PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS vrK . .. Weekdays 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sundays j ".".';:'"" 7 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. SIXTH STREET AND THIRD AVENUE '-'r &,rJ ' ' lit . . . . l. . 'A S - " ii . 1 5 i: Bit 1 J'Sff''.cx-s':'t''.. 'tit ft.-'. .it.c!i ,d t Start the Hew Year Right- 7 1 i-?VJ r1! if pi I 9 9 f "art,, 5 W With increased gas and oil prices in effect, truckowners must insist on economy more than ever before. And economy is what Chevrolet is famous for. Chevrolet trucks give more trouble-free miles of money-making operation than any other truck on the road. For . RADIOS RECORDS ALBUMS' and ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES It's Take your trucking problems to your Chevrolet dealer. Whether you operate one truck or a fleet of them, he can show youXhcvrolets designed and built to stay on the job profitably. Panel, stake, light, medium or heavy-duty, you get what you want in Chevrolet. I YOUR KEY SJ To GREATER CM41A f1 Mrt r t V J.J Ir J U Tl 1 ('orner 7th St. and 3rd Avenue ,,'s.i,i,iiS,a,.,,s,,j13,i, i,,SA,Mi''