Prince tlupcrt Dail? rectos UB. Wednesday, February -i, 1948 24 ASSESSMENT APPEALS BEFORE LONDON, nBos are "toucher ibnith said capt. 11. 8. C(jlii;;rt of the four-masted. b mir. whose ' crew Wl ; voyage from Npw Z(.,'. 4 eluded nine v..u ,, a'an- Steamship Sailings For Vancouver Monday ss Princess Louise It p.m. Tuesday ss Catala 1:30 p.m. Thursday ss Prince Rupert An .Independent daily newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert na all communities comnminR northern and central British Columbia: XAutburized as Stcond Class Mail, Post Office Department. Ottawa) , . Publish-d eyery afternoon expt Sunday by Prince Rupert Daily Newa Ltd., 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, British Columbia. 6. A. HUNTER. Managing Editor. H. G. PERRY. Managing Director. MEMBER OP CANADIAN PRES8 AUDIT BUREAU OP CIRCULATIONS CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION REVISION COURT Twenty-four appeals against " 'i or SUBSCRIPTION RATE3 i property assessments will be 1 heard bv the civic court of re City Carrier, per week. 15c: Per Month. 65c: Per Year, 17 00; - ' By Mail, Per Month. 0c; Per Year, 4.00. 11:15 p.m. Friday .ss Cardena. midnight.' From Vancoiivti j " Sunday ss Catala 4 p.m. Monday - ss Princess Louise j pm. t Wednesday ss Prince Rupeet : 10:00 a rn. Friday ssCarrleiia pm. For Alaska Wednesday - ss Prince Rupert 12 midnight. From Alaska Thursday ss Prince Rupert. a'. vision which will sit at the city hall on February 9 to adjust valuations levied by City Assessor H. D. Thain. Volume of appeals is about one-quarter of that which followed the assessments placed by House of Lords ICWtST t.i-. ' a Vancouver appraiser whu in ; ...I Sl A . 4 if .v t ' -.i . . . v. A . w1 194(i made a revaluation or property which was the basis f.u the 1947 assessment. Final date for the acceptance of appeals was January 30. p m. 's ty '? s NEW LOCAT10 ANGLERS DELIGHT The waters of Soviet Russia's Arctic regions abound with salmon, trout and cod. Margaret MclJ opiivini:isT STOVF Bl'Il.DINfi ex-and rc- LfJNDON, 'C - IlUis ch.ingerl by Thoimis (iray Horace Walpole were Sold cently lor $5 000. Kontri DEBATE ON THE FUTURE of the House of Lords has been a dominating British Parliamentary discussion. It has become apparent that neither the government nor its Conservative or Liberal critics really want a head-on clash. Compromise is rather cautious in the air. While the government is taking on the lines that the Conservatives could not really want to negotiate a new settlement and consider the whole future of the House of Lords while the government holds the present bill in abeyance, the Conservatives are saying that the government could not possjbly want to avoid the chance of negotiating a friendly settlement. The issue comes down to one contention. The government and its supporters are saying that the powers of the House of Lords are one thing and its composition another and the Conservatives that both must considered together. The point is important. The present Parliament Bill ofiers to reduce the power of the Lords to delay bills on which it disagrees with the Commons. The Conservatievs, and with them the Liberals, say that the time is ripe and has indeed been ripe for years only it has been delayed by the Second World War for a comprehensive overhaul of the composition of the House of Lords, including the abolition or diminution of the hereditary element. . Whatever may come out of the debates, a new approach to the whole problem by all parties together is apparent. 11 Members of the 1948 court of 1 revision are aldermen T. B. ' Black, Arthur Brooksbank, Robert McKay, W. F. Blone and George Casey. Appeals have been filed by: Winnifred F. King, Ambrose Avenue, against land valuation of $150, improvements, $1,500. R C. Webber. Fifth Avenue West, land valuation. $.'i:). Improvements. $2,000. J S. Carpenter, Fifth Avenue East. land. $450, improvements, $2,450. M C. Bomak, Comox Avenue, improvements, $1.11(1(1. P. E. llcUinan, Sixth Avenue East, land. $250. R. B. Morgan. Summit Avenue, land. S250. improvements. S2.H00. D. L. Renvold. First Avenue, land. $950. Improvements. $4,300. R. C. Wilson. Ambrose Avenue, land $500, improvements. S2.1G0. Ruth Benson, Fifth Avenue FAMOUS HONEYMOON SITE HIT BY J AC C FOST Old man wmlcr sent his younnusUT Jack Frost on a spree and the result was a sever drop i.i temperature. The frost accompanied by snowstorms and sleet in some sections of the co miry, created havoc in communities already hard hit bv the fuel shortage. However. Niagar . Falls -pictured above t makes a very pictures honeyr.ioo u-rs .shrine. This view looks upon Luna Island que scene as snow and ice cloaks the in UiP background. $225 on land; Park Avenue, $250 on 'and. Robert Kelsey. Fifth Avenue last, land $75; land $100. improvements, $ 1.920. II Walker. 1-ifth Avenue Fast, land $75. improvements $400. Peter and B'r-,h:!o Knutsen, Eighth Avenue West. S250 land, $1 ,9.i0 Improvements. If. M. Daggett. Seventh Avenue Last. $900 land. IT 50 improvements. Joseph Naylor. First Avenue, $900 laud. $1,000 Improvements. C.mailian National Railways, waterfront blot-k "O," improve-iiii nts $'j.07(). Robert McCarthy. Fifth Avenue East, improvements. $5,075. HI. I K .-.!; x '" for , . ' V 1 i ' appoint men' , ,, New! Dlfferei-.f U The Way We St;. K. Beauty Lane Sai Better English By D C. WILLIAMS British Cow Sets New Yield Record LONDON R. A. Pie. son INSTALLATIONS ARE DISCUSSED But Chamber of Commerce Takes No Action Pending Further Information this foot is wrong with Mr. Brown will 1. What tntrnce? ' East. S150 on each of three lots J. L. McEwen, Sixth Avenue East. SI. 100 on land. David and Alice J. Crocker, Park Avenue. $200 on land. $1,000 on improvements: Park Avenue, claims a new record for annual' milk yield set by his own cow. Bridge Birch. She yielded 41.952 pounds in 329 days, beating the American record of 41.943 pounds in 3C5 days. Pierson says he always gives his cow half a lon of beer daily. . j 218 4th St. EJ It has come to pass that it's the credit department of the grocery store, instead of the doctor, who tells us we're eating too much. Prince Rupert Chamber of , Commerce, at its monthly meeting Monday night, discussed in passing the present situation as COTTAGE WEE- I regards the disposition of the the bill." 2. What is the rorre-t pronunciation of "docile"? i 3. Which one of these words is misspelled? Plutociasy, autoj)-s. fantasy. 4. What docs the word "ni'ii rolo'.-.y" mean? 5. What is word beginning with ba thai means "common-place-? ANSWERS 1. S..y. "Mr. Brown will pa the bill." 2. Pronounce dus-il, (,i ; of i as in ill. 3. Plutocracy. 4. The science dealins New Creamed Fr"st Just For You! BALLERINA Advertise in the Daily News m f VALENTIN DAK' former United States Army installations here, the opinion being again expressed that such IN THk Sl'PI'FME 'OI RT OK HPITISH f'OI.IiMM Vour Dally I IV PUf ri ' ATS1 ALL-WEATHEK bEHO items as the ocean clock, ware-1 m THE matter ok t he admin-house, administration building juration act- SUITS a A w WhenYouNeedH jClA.. auouiu uc put uh m oh jn thr matteh of T,rE estatK 1 arate sale, the idea being to of jane koks. deceased 1 savp as much of the DroDertV as NOTICE is hereby that nil in a Hurry having with the iHWous svsteni. 'Pro possible for future use instead EI.T?n's. rluims against Hoss. Deceased. of Jane tli- Inn-v. ho of outricht demolition. of Burns Lake. Brm.-h C'ill.-i SHORTY COATS noun -e r.ew-roi -o-ji. iirsi o as;j in cull, second o as in obey. ac-J cent .second syllable. 5. Banal.' However, it was felt that there IS IT A BLESSING? ORVILLE WRIGHT, the man who helped his brother Wilbur invent the airplane died Friday night. Between the two of them and others giving co-operation, man learned how to fly faster and higher than the very birds themselves. The world hears promptly about plane crashes but not . avonl of the thousands of comfortable and successful flights' Avfation, of course, Is here forever. But at the present stage, it's still a fair enough query to ask whether or not it's a blessing or a curse. In some respects, it's a priceless blessing. But, on the other hand, bombing is impossible without planes and without the latter, modern war ceases. And war, today, is the world's top headache. should be more clarification as 1 a "LOGGER TAKES EXPENSIVE RIDE A lo2ter from Fraser Lake to the status of the negotiations between Kenneth Meek and the War Assets Corporation and the matter was. accordingly, left in theands of the executive with power to take such action as they saw it fit. - ELASTIC (IlilDLL'S NATHKLS RIVAL JiRA -:l h-red a taxi to drive to New Ilaz f Pr : died on the 21st tiiiy ol March, li-47. are hprt-tjy required on or b ore the 1st day of March. to df-ii-.s-r or send by un paid lei tcr ' -oil pariic !-li-rs of their claims (f ily venl'icu to the und'-rsicrncd ai B x Piincc Ruj"-rt. B C. as sohfUors (,r tin-Expculors of the said estate. AND TAKE NOTICE that affr the last mentiontrd date th" Atoirii"'V i the Execmirs named m i he wiii. Jamrs Teetwl Harvey, will prped to di.itnbtlte the assets of the deceased anions the ixrs'ins (ii'itled thereto having reeanl only to the claims of which he shall then have had notUe. DATE1J this n'lth dav 'if January. 104H. DROWN IIAPVFY. Solicitors for the Jinx fijS. Pri.-icc Rtipert. n C. -37 I f , "A j ( Iton. It only cost him $114. a lUt e hioher than by railroad, but lit least 1'. was not crowded. The logger is now working in a loe;i millOmineca Herald. . Prince Rupef ANNETTE MANSELL Plumbing & Hez SMUGGLED TEA Because of the high tax on tea in Britain in the 17th and 18th centuries, more than half the tea drunk in England was smuggled in. It's beginning to appear that the ultimate may soon be on his ultimate leg. FRINGE OF ISLANDS About 150.000 islands fringe (he const of Norway. (Upstair oJCr?t ProU te to BY OHKASING AND I.L'IiKli'ATS DAN'S SERVIi STATION (Iff Melti ide Slrrel TAKE TIME TO LIVE TAKE time to work it is the price of success. Take time to think it is the source of power. Take time to play it is the secret of perennial youth. Take time to read it is the fountain of wisdom. Take time to worship it is the highway of reverence. Take time to be friendly it is the road to happiness. Take time to dream it is hitching your wagon to a star. Take time to love and he loved it is the privilege of the gods. Take time to look around it is too short a day to be selfish. .. Take time to laugh it is the music of the soul. Take time to play with children it is a joy of joys. Take time to be courteous it is the work of a gentleman, war cry. OCEAN VIEl L . - - ' WV ' .,.;!.' . - . - . . 7 r K,zA W k v vfe ' J' 'JJ ' '' y W, Ji rt' r , J x ' rT ii ' v ' ' ' "' r' l - N- t 1 fcv '- ' YES, Sweet Caps ore better than ever. Why? Because of the exclusive ' , f " v - " ' iy;i,M scientific process known as "Perfection... Check "-the process V i t V - which checks every Sweet Cap you smoke, step by step, right from 5Jy ' ' ' 'j i plontotion to you . . . checks each one to ensure you cigarettes I yy r,''. v "j, fex that ore nothing short of perfect ... in freshness . . C WO J5aS U ' , in smoothness . . in taste . I CIGaI11 T ' s,'' II tffts III II HOTEL i FiM Itl' l : K"-'1 A Quiof. I'l3' I'larc t I-ivC COM r 1. 1 TILT ki: NOV Ai t " T,m Rederor MJlH Sprinn-I ill.-.i The opinion being expressed by many that Russia is too poor to fight is not impressive. China nas always been too poor to fight and it has been fighting for many long and weary decades. New Maiiafff"1 Proprietors: TOM l'KSUT.. STEVE VRKI-AK' U'R AKI- EXPERTS r K 7 FOOD AND CONTENTMENT H ERBERT HOOVER, in saying that, if the peoples of the world had ample food, the preservation of peace would be much less difficult, states nothing new. Stripped down to bald essentials, finding enough to sustain life is the first job, the rest of the. necessities of existence going on from there. In some "ways the certainty of three sauare meals a day from the cradle to the grave would seem the best peace maker we have. ' MOVINT. i i i : "J Satisfied ' J PITY TRANS-1 vic meziES,v, MrOride and F' ' PHONE Nearly all women's hats fcre different. Milliners rarely make the same mistake twice. 1 M