ULION DOLLAR' FTNf.RAL NOTICE at Civic Centre prince Uupett Dail pctos LtD. , 3 Wednesday, February 4, 1948 "Million Dollar Cab'' its appearance in Prince ; Locdl News Items... Bingo following meeting. m, j p.m. Thursday, "World Recon-Thomas StrUction For Peace-" Halliwell of Hedley '30) arrived In Prince Rupert by International Basketball th.it completely ventilates the cab. Window glass area has been increased by 14 per cent featuring a wide-vision, one-piece windshield," Mr. Parker explained. He said a new coach-type seat is standard equipment. The seat back alible is independently adjustable while the whole seat moves easily back and forward on roller bearings. The cushions have hih resiliency, individual Winner of Toronto Stork Derby Dies ELMVALE, Ont. A bachelor It today. i NORLANDER In the city, Saturday, January 31, 1948, Carl Norlander, age 68 years, beloved brother of Asa Norland -der of Victorville, California. Services will be conducted by Rev. A. Boiland at Grenvllle Court Chapel at 2:30 p.m., Thursday, February 5. B.C. Undertakers in charge of arrangements. dt named oecause more than Our stock of lawyers eccentric will which ;ion dollars was spent on .),, designing, dies, fix-ami engineering which intu its development, the i one of the outstanding ; uu iucuay auernoon and . series, netcrukan vs. Rupert precipitated Toronto's famed "Stork Derby" has been recalled here with the death of Mrs Thursday, Friday, Saturday. QUALITY ly wiappea coil springs whilel Is staying with his sister. Mrs. Allan Rutherford. He will leave for Terrace on tonir;hf trt.w, (tf) more uniform seating surface' ivrar au ; i,,, .. , THURSDAY Sports a.m. 9:00-Bo-Me-Hi gym class, p.m. I:00-Bo-Me-Hi gym class. 2:30King Edward gym class. 3:30 Badminton. 7:00-Badminton. 8:00 Rup-Rec, men. Basketball Practices 6:00 Civic Centre Arrows. Basketball Games 7;15-Bo-Me-Hi vs. Merchants. 8:30-Prince Rupert vs. Ketchikan. Special Events 7:30 Women's Canadian Club. Annie Smith, 42, who won $125,-000 for being: one of four Tor in the 1948 line of Ford result irom the milt" trucks which will us(;. of a rubber impregnated. HOW CAN I ? ? ? By ANNE ASHLEY onto mothers giving birth to the for the first time lo:;al-':.urlPcl halr I,ad n addition to must cnnciren in 10 years. . i - j . in usual cotton pad Bob Parser L..a., roru aou to be present at the funeral ser- 9 Annual Congregational Meet-vices of his father, Henry Halli- ing Flrst presbyterian Church, well. Wednesday, February 4th at 3 Pm- Church Hall. (29) Reserved J seats for the Ket-i chikan-Prince Rupert basketball! Mrs' Robert Cameron return-series are on sale for Thursday ied this morn'ng on the Prince and Friday only. If necessary 1 RuPert af ter spending a month i:t'ti neaieis. Work Clothiiij jt The cab, mounted on a new, level action suspension, features improved weather - niwi Modern Etiquette I By ROBERTA LEE j idea behind the new cab l1Ve the operator U!e near-; IU, aoainZ"" n,,ihi to i) I,v:;r; , ni room room . . . - -' --.... "uu- utt- Saturday's seat? will be sold im-i Slung at cean Falls- 'b I" ,. t;,nK no,sen frame ve by rr! 11 uiiisll) I'. he lie expiuiiu-:!. explained. r .. "J lubber nads aivl rnhi.. i. i.icuiaieiy alter the second game , . uoi;tl tllflui" "PW ca? a s7n"'1 bolts at both front corners, Deane's Quality Cleaners, pick-up and delivery. Phone 283. (tf) (It) Rev. Father Edward Green. Q- Is it customary for a woman to shake hands when she is being Introduced to another woman? A. This is optional, but she can show more sincere pleasure ",CI over the ulc introduction ln"aucuon if if she she Q How can I renovate the polishing mop? A. Boil in soda water to which has been added two tablespoons of paraffin. Also add a few drops of paraffin in the last rinsing water and it will save labor when polishing. Q. How can I remove rust from irons? A. By putting some yellow bees-wax or paraifin into a small cloth bag, and when the Iron is warm, but not hot, rubbing it over this bag, then rubbing with salt. Q How can I avoid basting Ions seams when Bewine? young priest of the Roman Mr. ' and Mrs. Mrs. F. f. N. N. Feero Feero re- Catholic Church, who arrimH ' re-j mV , ' ;'"a iev'' actlon llnk in torsion .lS wider doors, set further typ rubbpr bush, t than the precedini? mod- ,ortlprs ,t,, ,r easier access. There is " head room and there's a i way air control system You read it in the News! here rerentlv frm Trli lurnea on me Prince Rupert the sneaS morning a trip to' offer her hand. Under no me speaker today at the weekly Rpflttio ,,.., . ., I circumstanrp circumstances must met she hm, -Miss Joan DtWitt of Prince George, sister of Constable Keith DeWitt of this city, i.s visiting here for three weeks. luncheon of th -c . r w CBt"""t n tne -... . : '"" .upeii south u),u -iuo in tne civic Centre. He spoke on "The Situation in Limited number of reserved I I I I f I I hesitation if the other woman offers her hand first. Q. What should the guests at a dinner do while the host is carving? A. Keep up a conversation. Do .une. i-resident O. G. Stu-seats for Basketball Games fedsonable Ideas rornouseknrc tt" was m the chair and ! available by phonine 231 - 7 - ----- w.w. aim there tncie a. try fastening thp erirrp nf was a inwi 9iinn (tf) C5 " v - o "UUULL Ul lilt III- ine material with paper clips,, hers wltn severa guests such as pre used in every office. This u-ill elin-ii.,t ui 1 Stock Takinir rf.... ,K L isiYJD LVLN IN WINTFR Mr. and Mrs. Georee Green ro- not watch the host or comment turned to the city this morning : " hl,LCafvmg' from Vaneoi What size stationary should several good recipes offered niiuuioic waoL- , .. .j. n. , oirtinni' ing the goods. j Monday, Feb. 1. Dresses, skirts salad UMia hi ii coats, Green has been woman use? raincoats, hats and ma,w attendine a con-i black cherries, un-cn u.ivn ni.m. ill m uors oi Dear vni i.ini , UP ill other of A A PPular size s by 6 articles too numerous tolference Imperial Oil Co.. dis-', Marie Antoinette wore potato blossoms in her hair as decorative pieces. i '.w cU wiin rea ummery upueur-i s. ! jell v or ncamn k..... is Complete i 'IS ' SEE US FOft Ulli OVERALLS CARPENTERS OVERALLS PAINTERS OVERALLS OVERALL ' JACKETS . f COVERALL& MECHANICS' CAPS DRY-BAK CLOTHING RUBBER ; CLOTHING WORK GLOVES WORK SOCKS all weights NATIONALLY - KNOWN BRANDS GUARANTEE SATISFACTION otai a otyiewear. j iuanvcd. I (tf) BABY'S Announcements I" - - """I! uic an - months do not provide i;ood salad fruits. Two or three apply of Ihese salad 'or more of these arranged on a but there is no rcasoii platter and garnished with pars-.(Tf.vlu; salads raiinot be, ley will make a colorful picture without them. land allow rhnfr nt .t..A Combine vegetables, add sea-soning. Chill. Garnish with sliced hard cooked eggs. Serve with mayonnaise or cooked salad dressing. Six servings. Jellied Tomato and Potato Salai! (Jelly Mixture) 2'2 cups tomato juice 20 oz. tin i 'b teaspoon pepper '2 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon celery salt Dash cayenne pepper 2 teaspoons vinegar 2 tablespoons gelatine '2 cup cold water COLDS Relieve misery direct All advertisements In this column will be charged for a full month at 25 cents a word Social D J . .1 ! lit 1 . t ..... . t buiations lor each person. omqs u.i j" a; ; ; r ;f -wiuwut -closing" :h.i ! uenc! t a t (Contributions tn thi tiin. . . SUBONVIS&S nil!. M l'Vii. ; of n every day m siwuid be l!:- ....u nlll De welcomed) Ski Club Dance, Valhalla Hall, Friday, Feb. 6. Tea and Home Cooking, Lutheran Church, Feb. 7. Card Party. Catholic .School ST. PETER'S W.A. IS IN SESSION Wi ! h Vlr..,- ..ffi . r miMih 7 in Aitii grated or i tables tir eab-i' i!id ta:.',".' s, -1- nude d !. .V.ti.n (Potato Mixture) ... ,. , : uuiens in cnarge, I'2 cups diced cooked the potato Senior Branch of the Wo- IHall, February 12, 8 pm. I Cambrai Valentine Tea, Feb !14. n cup shredded raw carrot MRS. SPROTT IS SPEAKER Officers For Year Nominated By Municipal Chapter I.O.D.E. When Municipal ChaDter Im t..b:. I Hot Bean Salad ; 2 cups canned green beans ' 2 cups canned wax beans j I teaspoon dry mustard I 1 teaspoon suirar 1 teaspoon salt 18 teaspoon pepper p tablespoons chopped onion 2 tablespoons chopped green ! pickle 1 cup i', lb i diced bologna ! teaspoon cider vinegar H-.it b-an.s. Combine other ingredients in salad bowl. Add drained hot beans. And mix well. Serve hot. Six servings. Cuoked Vegetable Salad 1 tablespoon chopped onion 1 teaspoon celery salt b.' :i..i()e u::!; c r,k- s or l:i::t;, '..id i .in t nui'. lw Sll'il .v;.!:ui.-: ;it. ti;..-M. beans or ! United Church Valentine Tea Feb. 19. Mrs. A. Dominato, 500 ; Taylor St. 1 S. O. N. Basket Social and Dance, ladies with h-acinti in PHOTOGRAPHY Developing, Printing Enlarging, Picture Framing Chandler and CowgiU 216 Fourth Street Box 645 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. ll..k.(l fl ; .in irr-rcd- perial -vdugmers Order, Daughters ui of the me inen.s Auxiliary to St. Peter's Church, held their first regular meeting- of the year at the home of Mrs. H. V. Tattersall. Follow-in? are the officers for the new ye;r: Honorary President. Mrs. E. Hod son. President, Mrs. G.- Prince. Vice-President. Mrs. W. Davidson. Secretary-Treasurer, Mrs. H V Tattersall. ----. "..w ucc. Enmire. met in r0trin- .v- everyone welcome. Black's Drch- .d".i 'b tea.spoon paprika Salt and pepper to taste 1 tablespoon vinegar Add seasonings and vinegar to tomato juice. Heat to boiling. Soak gelatine in culd water for 5 minutes. Add to tomato mix-ture. Cool until it begins to thicken. Mix potatoes, carrots and seasonings. Chill while iir p.n-iai 111 A III ly ses.sion in the lounge of the estra odcife"-ws' Hall, February Civic Centre on Monday, norni-'20' 9:30' nations of officers for the com-j JoD's Daughters Dance, Mas-ing year was the business of onic Temple, Feb. 20. raw boets. :n a sala t many h'.ii.i's i.-ni'.'lv co.id SilL'IM-v' M'V- Mii'abii' 1 . i i ,m. cups rooked diced beets I.J 1 cup cooked diced carrot.s I Ill, way n-..!...;,:; ,...,-! 1 cup canned peas jelly is cooling. Fold into pat uorca.s Secretary, Mrs. G A. teaspoon celery seed itially set tomato mixture. FilMHebb I I s.u.u! p. : Ri:; ;,;-Aav. wet jelly moulds and chill until New Shipment of . . . SPRING MERCHANDISE w;..'u, '; 1 1 halves, ! me evening. Presbyterian Missionary Tea, A large attendance of mem-Mrs- George Mitchell's, Feb. 2s! bers heard Mrs. R. J. Sprott ofj Kinsmen Leap-Year Dance. Vancouver bring greeting from -Civic Centre, Feb. 27. the Provincial Regent and ' speak ronrid p.ta wit pioj,at Mspiringly of the work of the 1. 28 Yp Order being done in Canada and i ,,. , , U mc" of h M"ose SPri"S Oversew. Excerpts from letters ; of than ir fnr ..j i Bazaar- March 4 and 5. , teaspoon salt DaiOi Dash of of pepper pepper 2 tablespoons vinegar 1 hi'.'d cooked egg 1 hank -offering Secretary, Mrs, HoJson. Prayer Partner Secretary, Mrs. Pr;iK-c. set. Unmould and decorate nitn parsley or celery leaves. Six servings ')' ...I!ll I'.K, , IC-i I i . . .''V parcels sent to needy persons in the devastated areas were Seventeenth of March sale of home cooking, aprons and novelties, afternoon tea. 2:3n nm read. I.O.DE members in Canada t"ard Party 8 P m- Catholic School Hall U-.-.1T . . . Styled with a dash to match the season's zest, are our new SPRING COATS. Of particular interest are our Shorties, with or without hoods. ... In one of our new J E R S E Y or P R I N T DRESSES with th arresting' splash patterrp you can't help having that s p r i n g feeling, plus of ' course "The New Look." j j, v-vwu WUV1U11. OCIl t a wedding gifth to H.R H. Princess Canadian Legion W. A. Spring Elizabeth and the following let- Sale, March 31. ter of thanks was received by Anglican Easter Sale. April 1 National President of thej orange Tea. April 21. ! ChurCh Sprhl SaIe-mine "I am delighted with the e, cloak which I have received from the Imperial Or-i St peter's spring sale, May 6. der. Daughters of the Empire ' Home-cooked dinner from 6 to in Canada. They could not have 9- 60c- Bosun Inn. (33) WW! ail,' chosen a wedding present which j U.F.A.W.U. whist and cribbage has given me greater pleasure 1 Metrooole Hall, evprv Rnturdnv or one wnicn i snail wear more, at 8 p.m. (43) often. Would you tell all who' u ( rJ subscribed to give me this beau- I J tiful cloak that, quite apart from ' the magnificence of their pres-i ent. I am deeply gratefdl for . j the loyalty and for the goodwill towards the Duke of Edinburgh . and myself with which they send it. . !? A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE Limited "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" CHESTERFIELD SlITES BEDROOM SUITES F or Complete ELECTRIC LIVING I am glad to hear. also, that ii Beauty Rest Mattress. Beautv 1 the Queen Elizabeth Hospital is Rest Box Spring, Walnut ! Us- our personal-Ized BUDGET PLAN. No Uiter-est. No carrying charges to receive equipment, supplies Tables for every purpose and special foods as part of ! watch our window for specials O a- "c t tlf tirPSOtll U'lllol. tVlr. r-ln....L I S Pl...nA Ort 1 Whether you're building a new home or renovating your prestn, on0( jct your plans indud,, adequa,G wir'ng facilities, ior future as well as P'csent requirements. The modem home should be etJU'Pped to handle all types of electric appliances as they become available. . ters of the Empire are j-ivin; I me so uiai many outers will 1 . benefit from their generosity j and my happiness." Moving, Packing Crating, Shipping and General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Established IS 10 Phones 60 and 68 EQUALITY OF SEXES Unemployment and sickness benefits are to be paid to women in Britain at the same rate as men under the new National Insurance Act which comes into effect in July. j Paper Towels Paper Cups Deodorants - Disinfectants Genuine 1)1 STI5ANE Sweeping Compound , j MOPS niU'SHES BROOMS For Cleaning and Jaiiitor Supplies see Check your circuits, wiring and outlets You saw it in the Daily News! 0l jjjgjj By Chic Young PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE Phone 6:52 712 2nd. Ave. ix Wl ' WWimr: Y"Q WHO'S COOKING 13' 1 feiWr rM (TH.S OLD RUBBER) 1 WE'RE playins iJUji HOUSE, DADDV-- )' That s sni io WE1?E COOKING J - ' lifZ' .T wasn't!! Ui'fJ 7 ,Nof WAT6RP) - 1 k-X v'",r it wasn't Ynm . '. iir . FOR OUK DOtxSj I -a rife or Smiill . . . Sentiim-nlnl or Casual. . . . we've every imairiiiiibltt type of Attractive 'a!entine Greet -inf Cards sure to please whoever receives one. Come in ami See Thorn .-v GREER & BRIDDEN mi BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS Repairs Construction Alterations Floor Sanding a Specialty 1 W LW M L. li v.H W X-J Wit?.- m. , P.O. Box 1118 518 Third West RED 400 Phone RED 561 P.O. Box 721