6 T Prince Harm Dan? ntxi Vfr. iiti. hivf j x Ray Reflects .... ... and Reminisces t: v :iT ir. tc.. tj u-r Cher pe-'-p yea rj.y or sut r.-: Lie. fcu-'ltr :an ir c- itiwi m 5nm Cam 'itti Port or:. Ija.-aEss. 0i ma Ert 5m Lvl rt A Im E-rt. rra& OotastK. O A. HTXTZa. Hmrf--f Iirvx. H. G- PTSP-T. Virago Dtr. BivtDt or wad-jus fs - ATDrr stfiat e czactXATTO-fS E tn" fc-t "iy. i'-- H-pr.. Ar. b? O: ay. sc.x . a.- lar-, f-ESCRTFTir. RATES 111 Cxttj. P W c isr P-r U-ti. TV. Pr Tea? M. Bf al& 9rr Moc-. Ux. f-rr Tr. li Xi nFrv. 1. 1 . . T " ; . - ,e. .C, ' ir-2 it Pr.rT R-?er. 'V.J a color iiJS fCil of C. La Trace. :e 01 a e jr.:rartr. ranT " S"he otel :-r Fred Store. Piir.ce i: ; Must Pay for Security R jpert't Jlra nuy 5 f. -HFRF IS A CALL for a rcucn deeper uwler- I H &. a i -U us- . hr. a.id tr.er 1- ni be the ' tirxst cire to rf.:r to pr.4" CuJ0Se&3- ri. Ti w- w L " ! 1 '.r'v-, -Vs,r w!al welfare rr.ean. to the It nuri to be a wets X'.J'-r-itoxi practtce when ariy.ne ran iher; o! so.r.eth.r.? to shake ha' fUt at, to call attention tu. of iiid h-re a f xl crf ir-? pe- Pecm iT ?" Sie.il ,,V its ti Pertt A r-r j,jtr and d Lc PRINCE SRUPERT EAIUS FOR VANCOUVER AN D "I Ml RM l.rI U C PtJKTS EACH THURSDAY at 11:13 pm. For KETCHIKAN M tDNLSD IV MIDMOHT praise to Hh Bfiver. there was always ac-raett:n.? to all Hum dxi toe pirae "iron ear- tatic on. Subjects uei aa tae ! a.n" happen to get into Inter- crydock. Cow Bay. gram eleva- '.aueaal ailairi of today? It tor. Peace River, ship repair.r.g as ir.rest;a? Q-jery. There Is, and overha-il and condition of. ays F. J. S. in the Cranbrook the street could beccsne sta. Courier, sorr.e cc-ntrcver-y. Aa But not Groiindhog eial Here a-jthoc. R. E. Shr-ac4 woa'.d maa a priceless stand-by. It j;e Churchill credit. A Call- could be freshened by a new ami wrster disagrees. He sort of approach, and be made to , itaai it cay. tranilaied. be appear as .:,ir.tthir,g the publie i 'und is tne last praer cl a.V. cll eencerr. i'eif with : 'J - - - - I ,A . . ..4 - - . jfc. 1 cour.tr- ar.4 how it to be adjusted to our economy. : "Social" security" has Woir.e a dangerously ' tive phrase. Like -planning for full employment it -suggests that legislative enactment alone can bring - about ideal conditions at no cost. A look at the division of Ottawa's spending for Ithe past seven years shows how social welfare -costs have soared to a point where they hit around VJMM&A for Add to this another S4oWA000 paid out cz our national debt and you have more than half the total federal budget. And this with relatively low defence costs (far lower per capita than either the United States or England), and with ordinary ex pend.'turess holding fairly steady. These are inflation davs. In other words, gov For Rtrevalior Write or Call CITT OK DEPOT Oil ICE PRINCE RLTTRT. B C. CC D D Pio Dial I I 124-0 Kocycles (Suijeet to Chir-?e Hoshana-Ratak in the Hebrew boidnei and vU.sn. And. be it ' prayer-ooot it reao: wvn, u.e ..a:c ia U..4 v tri I' I be thy will. O God, that you due right now. There has not -emoe the iron cartai.t that been a squea ik.t. or janun-j I 4:00 Tie I.r. Hirdn? Shew The h.. ur lor action paraies Tou from us." STAMP COLLECTORS We hae a very fk;e selection In stotk. Also FX and Scott Albunes, etc. Come In and took them over. in years, is here. 5.45 PrtAtiea Hoase Party 7 CO CSC Kewi 1 7 15 C3C Ves RoanS-up 7:30 S .r.mer Fallov i ;0O AJ'seria Ranch Hiose 2:30 Gjy Lcrr.tkardo Show I 5:0 Mcai itecikry ! & : 34 M oiical Program i Ifc DC C&C Je ; ID: 10 CBC Ne 10:1 5 C C F PrcTincial ; I"j: JJ Jsiit a Meciory i 11:00 Wea-J-.tr and Fh i Arrivals TtiZSuAT-AM. ' 7:00 Mxiiai C'fx:t i 8:00 CBC Sewf Wuoen posaeaing the fraa- Chandler & n Aie. have had no small degree If a houday trj cou.d u.e j KEN W1LMOT 718 SECOND AVI1ME S 4:13 Stock Q iotatloc.3 ad Isi i 4:30 Chico Vae ; 4.45 l.Uz:c Adventures 5:00 Mit; 22 a ilrUox M3C 5 2C r-.n MiVer a.r.1 Ej IjUr.irrs 5:45 The Qitstioa Bex -I e.M Sapper Srzeiu.it (AS ilanial Airs 8.3 Mur.cal Var.eU influence and ixprunce Ja you anywnere wiUiin a taous-! iocal elections practically ever and rni.es of Prince Kupen, ana Film Fitixh-'tr Flash rbM RUN-OFF IS f:-.:.c5 Ermi SATISFACTORY SMITH & dJ Run-off from the. melting x.oww of the Fraser and Skeena KATE HAD , 1 i.ver water systems as affect- ng the Prince Rupert-Jasper ioe 0 the Canadian National Railways is ery satisfactory. 2:;5lI:rrr.g Sozf 8 3 Mssic for Mxierrj 8 45 L:tt'.e Co.teert 9:0O BBC Ne and Coroty r5 M rr. r.g De otK t 9 : 30 S u r.r. Serenade 9:45 Ccf fee Tur.e . ' 5-T:rre S.r.; 10:00 Ken Harris fi 15 Morr in? Me'odlei !0:3a Rotr.dap Tjr.e I " 0 :45 fcandlcavun JieJodie 11 :00 Berr.ie Braden Telii i Story 11:15 Sor.gs of Yesterday 11:33 7.'ea:ner Foretast 31 Message Perkid !! 33 Recorded Itter'ide 11.45 Vledioda P.M. J tales C. A. Berner, diviaional iuperintendent. The Fraser w.d Siceena Rivers have been 4wwin3 a drop during the last, i . ntoE ft 1 FOR jew days and the BuJcley and REAL EST A ffirJiGfflBlflK IN'SURANj Vechako Rivers are holdm? hetr own. Oerverally fine wea-her prevail. Mr. Benser left Saturday for j wieek's inspection trip along ' inr line as far as Jasper Park and. on his return, will stop off it Prince George to attend a .imbermen s convention. i INCOME T.J .A- F.ETVRX3 ?S TONIGHT at 10:15 Tom Alsbury Herbert Gargreaye Jim Bury CFPR 10:15 p.m. Your children. 1 -fit- ;PLAr ,'$10,0 Bpee last CAI HE) 5 Ilea net ft: r Z tn arre v ,.TIio .. (:!. 'trlel " Wl! ttss o ssued joult lotice it t Ynm Von .1 'jflcat Jertll alld vrltln . 1 Ve, i G !utU ncoi Bet V i I 61 hdr -4- i i t rb: j i ; t 'c I I ri i 1 CK C ' 1 : k 12:00 id-Eay i:eivjdies 12:15 C EC Stsi 12:25 Program Resurce . 12:30 BC. Farm Broadcast 12:55 P.eeorded Interlude 1 :00 Ir.terruezzo 1' 124 2.-3 ernment revenues relative to its spending are far , ! higher than they are likely to be a couple of years ' from now. By the books and certainly in light of promises made by politicians in the recent weeks ! our social welfare costs will keep climbing. Our de- 7 fence costs will rise. Our debt charges won't de- i crease. How will revenue be boosted? That needs no devious answer. Canadians want ever,- cent of social welfare we can afford. It is a cruel deception at the same time to try to convince the public that no additional taxes will be needed to finance expansion of these services. - TAKING A CHANCE "qrAKLG A CHANCE" so long as it has the I element of uncertainty, peopV? will find in it an attraction. If there are prizes, modest or other- ise, :-a m.uih the better. Even if there i no leward at all, tb iure is there. In the north public interest centres on what time 'the river ice will break and start the big flow. Who-v ver makes the correct, or nearest guess stands to " win something substantial. Skeena v. ill have a barrel contest of its own. It i-.r.ovv a popular topic. How long will it take a black and white barrel tofloat from Terrace to Kwinitsa? It will become known by the en1 of June. " t ' ' , And there is something for you to ponder. PACIFIC DEFENCE A PACIFIC PACT continues to be urged at Ottawa and strength is given the movement by the impending visit to Canada of Sir Frederick Shedden, secretary of the Australian Defence Department. Such a pact could include, with the Atlantic nations, Australia, New Zealand, India, Pakistan Ceylon, South Africa and the Philippines. . It will be charged that this is more talk but there can be no denial of the fact that defence is in the thoughts of people. Nor can it be denied that in the' calculations of the rulers of Soviet Russia, North America is being reckoned with. This continent could be attacked by way of Bering Strait and Al-" aska. born abroad, now qualify for r : 1 am... . AdTertls in tne Daily News! ! - I BALAGNO Phone Crrrs tit afier only ONE YEAR da! in Cana r' i' '! ! Now your cKildren need no Iongr wail three yeaf '' "J 1 11 . . IfWC'.S ! - ply t.. tv U. - r f-? C. ..3 L. n i I r-.-r ' ' io-n1 ti"' ' :.inif s- ..i a. to cirto,n t benefits of Fomlty Allowoncei. No thy need lie in Canada only one year. If you hae in your care o child for whom vou d not now receit Family Allowancei, but who came to Canada a year or more ago so si.i 1 ,r:ct t!. ! hi-fi E "k3 .- Kenre Sufferm: AmU Caffeiii! Drink POSTUM Hi!hlytnios people iboiild oid cttiein-Jrini Postuml Comatni no ciflein ( lo in and coffee -can's strain nerve nor up mo math. Thriftier too - by about ooe-tWi DrCfUrYt U.:i.i:. l'T:nce Hae 4 oz. 30 rvotl has lived in Canada since is under 1 6 years of age is otherwise eligible fhett you ihould immediately get a Family Allowance regntrotion form from your po:t offlco fill it out and tend it in right away to the address shown on the form. You should do this even if you may have included this child'i itame in an earlier application for Family Ailowortcea, And you should do this immediately, because Family Allowances poyments con only begin Ihe month following the receipt of your registration form. ' nil r.- f , .r per-al ."' prrmii. '"j"""" purrhaa - ; v, by t.-.- ciini'in-.p-. in arnrtnr m-'-aI'"f the reg-iUt54 r u.-. CLASSIFIED ADVERT ISING IN THE DAILY NEWS PAYS! DONT MISS THE FUN AT LIMBERLOST For . VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesday, 1:30 p.m., Chilcotin Friday, S p.m., Catala Sunday, 10 p.m., Coquitlam ALICE ARM, STEWART AND PORT SIMPSON Sunday, 11 p.m. FOR SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS S-s. Coquitlam, June 3 and 17. FOR NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS sjs. Coquitlam, June 10 and 24. FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 568 1 ui .1"! - . ,r, CA.,,l; 'v b -'s FISHING, BOATING, HUNTING, SWIMMING BAPCO FLOOR ENAMEL For FLOORS, LINOLEUM and WOODWOKK Supplied in nine attractive colors IT DRIES IN FOUR HOURS IHOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. IJAMJM, . . . AND MANY OTHER SPORTS Fur, for the Whole Family at LIMBERLOST! ' Make your reservations early and be sure of your 1 Happy Holiday in the Bermudas of the North. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT LIMBFJILOSTj t Wl.r r W Truu.fr V""-,H hrr )irf ! Nti is rlfVfr.tri day ol ii.-nl l''""u Cor.'roi &.? i. t ,,.r v.-urans 661. in ' f 'r, sr, rr. grr. 1 csari Ti ' LTU- P0-'E 5fi3 OR UNION STEAMSHIPS 1 writto-rilU.XE 5g A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD. "A Good Place to Buy" See Our Window Display cl SIMMONS and KESTMORE Bedding 327 3rd Ave. West Phone 773 lands . upon B YOU'RE ON THE RIGHT Rupert Motors TRACK, FOLKS . . . ORMES DRUGS Ltd. DRUGS 'port Land .... No 3. Ott ! '''"U sltoa Wa fe c IP' I- tM aubd'rKMn ; and f';TslK :6'8 f L.H 1-,rr. and ,2i 1' . IF VOL RE LOOKING FOB Plumbing Troubles? Fine Food, Top Service and rLeafetfni Surroundings CALL BLUE R4R PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS STORE HOOTS-WEEK DAYS, 9 A.M. TO 9 P-M-SXJNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS-12 NOON TO 2 PM. 7 P.M. TO 9 P.M. NOW OPERATING FROM NEW GARAGE BUILDING, FORMERLY LINDSAY MOTORS, SECOND AVENUE AND FIRST STREET. ! 6hoii on -'P I pn.x'm"''' Uil P,Ltr'-ipert :' 1 '! 8-.-. Proving For Reservation! aiid Cblckea Jn The Rough Phone Red 705 Civic Centre Dining Room ' ' Emergency bicycle delivery from 7 pin. till 9 pm. . and Sunday Daily car delivery service Irom 9 a.m. till (6 p.m. PHONES 566 and 866 SAAN1CH Plumbing & Heating .on