A NEW ROOF OR REPAIRS TO a Local News It Prince Uupcrt Daflp HtlDJ Monday, May 30, 1949 ems . . . THE OLD ONE Insist on Alex Halg left today by air Hear W. H. Brett, CFFR, 6:35 it Vaneuuver n i . i fur p.m. Tuesuay trip. P Square Butt Shingles if . . fS K V ( , fZ O.C. Odegard, manager of the T. Eaton branch here, left on this afternoon's plane for a business trip to Vancouver, R. A. Cathro, Post Office inspector, arrived in the city on aUty Durability Economy Shades and Black, per 100 sq. ft. $10.73 BERT & McCAFFERY LTD. "EVERYTHING FOR THE BUILDER" rilONE 116 HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert J. A. Collard, Vancouver; F. Barclay, West Vancouver; S. W. Yip, Vancouver; G. E. Hewitt, Vernon; R. Y. Greenwood, Vancouver; G. L. Buckman, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. W. nudson, Porcher Island; R. Cathro, Vancouver; S. Anderson, North Vancouver; E. A. Clark, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. Lee, Butedale; S. Anderson, Decker Lake; Mrs. E. Nordness, Vancouver; H. D. Hughes, Vancouver; K. Helge- I, and Mrs. ,R. g. Large sailed this morning on the Princess Norah on a trip to Skagway and Whitehorsc. Mrs. Wesley Singer of Mas-set Is a visitor in the city, having arrived yesterday morning from the Queen Charlotte Islands. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Forbes sailed last night on the Coquit-lam for Victoria, called south to attend the funeral of Mr. Forbes' mother who passed away on Saturday afternoon. land, Vancouver; H. G. Parker, i flSG CAR FERRY be in Prince Rupert shortly on jed from Page 1) over the highway. The vessels planned for the :o. Danahar antlcl-, Prince Rupert-Juneau service .-venture capital forWoud 318 fcet ,ong wUh ,uch accomodations foot beam. 13V, foot rionth an Samuel Macdonald, an old time employee of the Silbak- Decker Lake; W. J. S. Campbell, Vancouver; P. W. Forbes, ' S ' i I Premicr Gold Mining Co., was the Camosun yesterday afternoon from Vancouver, being here on official business. Mr.. Earl Becker left this afternoon by air for Vancouver where she will attend a convention of Pareht-Teachers' Association officers from various parts of the province. Passengers disembarking from the Princess Norah when she docked here, northbound, at noon today were Mrs. A. Jackson and son, Mrs. P. Manarey and Mrs. S. Schriaberg. Mr. and Mrs. Alistair Crerar of Vancouver, who have been visiting Prinrp Rupprt for the past week or so, expect to return south within another few-days. Mr. Crerar is preparing a thesis on the general subject of Prince Rupert. a passenger aboard the Cam- jrtlicoming. in 'a Knots speed. Vancouver; Mrs. M. Hartford, Vancouver; S. B. Wilklns, Prince , George; A. Muryn, Vancouver; J A. Mosher, North Vancouver; W. itf- i . ,' rw -iirj !sun last evening returning to contemplated Premier jhar gave It as his Under the that this schedule departure would hoi opinion rry service project made from Prince Runert at! Bm Lol5 and Bud Timmer- B. Stewart, Vancouver; A. H. Phillips, Vancouver. Posing for an intimate family group picture in Buckingham Palace, London, Prince Philip and Princess Elizabeth are anxious to co-operate with the photographer but Prince Charles has suddenly decided to focus his attention elsewhere. Father appears not too sure of himself as he holds the little fellow aloft for the cameraman, while mother wears a very proud smile. ribute more annual midnight, calling at Ketchikan, lmclstr turned to the city Sun-Alaska and Prince Wrangell and Petersburg and ciay by car froin Penticton where iie vt ay of tourist in-' arriving at Juneau 8 Dm thelthey attended the provincial conference of Kinsmen clubs as next day. n emitr anuuii, iui delegates from the local club Ic also believed It Southbound vovatie would aw the business of;icave Juneau at 10 p.m. and ar- ' Announcements All adTertiMDmitR o mis column win b charged for a lull month at as oenta wurd United Church Tea June 8 at the home of Mrs. Nickerson, Borden Street. Mr. and Mrs. David Rutten, of carrier., water, ran. r)Vc at Prince Rupert 5 p.m. Masset, are leaving on tonight's AIR PASSENGERS next day with calls at the same ! train for Montreal, enroute to Mr. and Mrs. Max Heilbroner, who have been away from the city for the past year, are expected back next Friday. ILSLEY APPOINTED June 2 Annunciation School white elephant sale and home cooking, 2 to 5:30 p.m. i R. Noyes, Alaska lntermediatf points. ! Holland, where they will visit issioner, has been The station wagon in which ' for the ncxt few months. Mr. :h Col. Danahar on Col. Danahar left here for the Ruttcn ls a Partner in the Mas- servicc project and Interior had arrived Friday from, set sawmiI1-days ago 'for Wash-, Seattle aboard the steamer Cat-! Mrs. Robert Webster, former- ct. He cxpecU to ala, accompanied by its driver,' ly ,,f Premier and now making Alaska, driving in Charles Rogers. her home in Edmonton, arrived " " in the city on the Camosun yes To Vancouver Mrs. N. Orme-Catt, O. C. Odegard, J. L. Cart-wright, G. Stone, J. E. Bunting, A. Haig, Mrs. E. Becker, F. Tom-iosick, A. Crowe-Swords, Mrs. A Johnson, D. Dixon, M. W. Robinson, O. Foafson. BUY ... AS N.S. JUSTICE j HALIFAX Rt. Hon. J. L. Ilslcy, former minister of finance, has been appointed to the Supreme Court bench of Nova Scotia. Catholic Hall, June 9 Afternoon ,tca and home cooking sale; evening, final card party and distribution of tournament prl- 1 . i r i f To Sandspit, W. Meyers,. Mrs. Atklns, i LS- E. C. Stevens, Mrs. E, terday afternoon to pay a visit I here with Mr. and Mm. George i Murray, Fifth Avenue East. Later she will visit Stewart. Lutheran Tea and Home Cooking, June 11. Strawberry Tea, Presbyterian FASHION CRAFT CLOTHES An Investment in Good Appearance Church, June 16. FOR SALE Lunch counter and cafe in Vancouver. Long term lease, low rent. Mrs. S. Wilson. From Vancouver Miss M. Alton, W. J. Campbell, C. Mc-Kinncll, M. Pcrttula, A. Mather, J. A. Knowlcs, G. L. Buckman, T. E. Legendre, J. L. G. Kelly, A. E. Schuberg. From Sandspit S. L. Wilkins, Mr. Naylor, Mr. Smith, Mis. Moore. lierttoioK U pujr.bl. la advance. Pleu refrain from Ulepoonlni H.M.C.S. Haida LODE. Tea, June 25. tirdl of Thank. Ueath Nntlnea, Funeral Novlcaa. Marriatta tt. L. Buckman, secretary-1 manager of the Automotive' Transport Association of British Columbia, arrived in the city Saturday afternoon by air cn a business visit to the local branch of the Association. Sunday he motored to Terrace with Jack Lindsay. nd r.ngax'nirnt AunctinramenUi: aj SPECIAL DISPLAY. DOUBLE PH1CK Queen Mary I.O.D.E. bridge, I Contact owner MRS. whist, May 30. Presbyterian Fall Bazaar, Nov. for nera T. C. WILSON, 2155 Graveley Street, Black powder, the first ex plosive developed in the west 17. I.O.D.E. Chapter's Fall Baz aar, Nov. 24. I i i J. S. Murray, formerly of Alice ern world, was originated 1,000 TII NOTIC E Ester Jane, one Jen ol Prince Ku-'d away in tne Cal-ral Hospital, Sunday : the age ol b7 iol-brief illness. She mourn, her son-in-cves of Edmonton I (126) as- 1 WILLIAM STAPLETON Pas years ago. V.WVW.VWW.VAVAV.Vr.YAV.V.VAV.V.W, FOR RENT Sleeping room, 801 Borden Street. - Uf) WANTED WANTED For man part time worK, evenings and weekends. Box 526, Dily News. (1301 WANTED Two or three room aoartment. Apply Prince Rupert Hotel. Mrs. Roxburgh. (129) PLAHMIMG SUMMER MENUS? Arm and now residing at Err-ington. Vancouver Island, was a passenger aboard the Camosun last evening bound for Alice Arm. A store which Mr. Murray conducted at Alice Arm has more recently been operated by his son, David. ramlsons. J. Steves senger Traffic Manager for the Canadian National Rail- ' ways and well known in west- I ern Canada who has retired j after 4 6years of railway serv-ice. He has often visited Prince Rupert. ' j Rupert and E. A. WRATIIALL'S PnOTO FINISHING Devcloiiine. Printinx Enlarcine QUICK SERVICE ,' Amateur and i Professional Supplies Edmonton. (It) Ynu'll finrl wViat vnu nuprl a L"-' S - w LMEXT NOTICE at the WANTED TO RENT 4 rooms or Within the past few weeks. 'Irs. Norman Porter, 8-Y MARKET Larue foul wartime icical. For , more tnan a hndrcd mcn have ! Qw.. wish to an-imaKement ol their family. Phone Red B9)i. (127) arrived here from the Prince lit Tirzah Helen nsoinaxiyw HELP WAWTcl) . to Flying Olficcr McLeod. R.C.A.F.. George district to work at the eelanese enterprise at Port Ed- I 1 S hnve son of Mr. ana BOYS WANTED Reliable 3 C dishes v It is reported most of Groceries Fresh and Cold Meats Produce PHONE RED 441 FOR FREE DELIVERY desiring Dallv news routs ward. Hartley McLeod ol should file their names at .the them are laborers who will help l The wedding to une 11 at 7 p.m. in uaiiv imcws unice. (tt) Notice re Parking By-law In order to facililale loaiftjis: and unloading: of trucks, trucks will be allowc'tl to bark into the curb on an angle of 4." degrees on the south side of Third Avenue between McBride Street and Fulton Street between the hours of 9:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. daily provided that while so parked (hey are in the process of being loaded or unloaded. II. D. THAIN, City Clerk. (127) h Cathedral. Van- or fe (Hi, HELP WANTED Male A' ELLS The en- male to operate News Stand at C.N. dock. Apply in writing, stating qualifications to Bon 528 Daily News. with construction. i il fi nnH5inn is announced or . onlv daughter of UniA hiof nf 1V.P 8G9 Sixth Ave. E. J ' M J" I dp of Kitwanga. to wanimj- txperienceq :iiam! son nf chief i f'sh buyer wanted for out ot town camp. Better than av and Mrs. Mullulak' . Tlie wedding will i the first week in rn Vowcll. (It) ! liiillDflib OK S.-.1.E eraRC salary and bonus to one who can qualify. Kindly state experiences and references in reply. Box 529 Daily News. (125) WANTED Woman- to do light housework and look after 5-year old boy week days. Phone j Blue 128 alter 6. (tf ) 1 JflflUtflailj you Y KNOWN NAMES Speeder Shovels. Druulines; Adams THAT'S RIGHT! we're a SERVICE STATION Your car is our baby. Whatever it needs top quality gas or a thorough grease job, our complete line of services save you time and money. ifrs; Littleford Bros. REAL EST.4TK Road Maintenance Owen Clamshell BROADCAST TONIGHT nd Rock Grannies; n Concrete Mixers; ill 1 1 Trucks; Nelson aders for Stockpile Romoval: Rice I'ort- nliiEul Pumps; Na-uline Scraners and "SERVICE HOI RS: Weekdays 8 a.m. to 13 midnight ' Sundays-8 a.m. to 10 p.m. "Il III nuuHfrf FOR SALE Wartime four, insulated, half basement, situated on Herman Place. First class neiehborhood. Price $2300.00. Prince Rupert Realty Co. (129) TERRACE FA R M FOR SALE 20 acres all under cultivation. Fenced, Good garden planted. One acre small fruit. Farm buildings, farm machinery, one cow. one calf, chickens. Five roomed furnished house, nn the Bench, one and one- National All St.erl llii;its:- National For Building Supplies Sawmills;' National PIIOE 361 JO wns and Conveyors. BOB PARKER'S UPTOWN SERVICE STATION rmation from Na-rliinrry Co. Ltd., . B. C. ' 1 (tl) PHONE 791 1 " I ! half miles from town. Price g Second and McBride Aircraft Charter To better serve you we are basing a second aircraft at Prince Rupert Charter Flights of All Types. Carried Out Three Regular Return Flights Per Week to All Queen Charlotte Island Points i FOR FULL INFORMATION AND RESERVATIONS PHONE 795 CP U. OFFICE -McClarv oil bnrn-J.0 .00 or best offer, ist. (129) $6,000.00 cash. Apply Will Bedore, Terrace, B. C. (127) FOR SALE 4 room furnished house close in. For particulars Phone Blue 909. (tf) . if : 3 MITCHELL & CURRIE LTD. Builders and Contractors For Construction -Speedboat engine, 2 large stationery ilnhn:irrtc lnrrm r4in- Alterations : Repairs See 3 leaves, small office , FOR SALE Furnished Wartime table, oil stove,- house and garace. Across spring filled single I from Station B, post, office. chest of drawers,; Call at 882 6tli Ave, East otric sewlnor ma-S All nriced Ml IV l l IUI for im-1 4111 . ,'j,,mai. GREER & BRIDDEN CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS BliiliilililliilliS'iriliillii'lIiiiii , Red 878. (12( 10i;2 Ambrose Ave. Apply iAM 8th Ave. East. U29 -New row-boat, 15'. n:iiul troiitrtfv Coo FOR ALL YQUR PRINTING REQUIREMENTS LMJ I Floor Sanding a Specialty h Place. Green Red 561 P.O. Box 721 FOR SALE Fully furnished 4, room wartime house, nicely decorated and new furniture. Annlv 1532 2nd Overlook, between 5-7:30 p.m. (127) SEE FOR SALE 4 room house. Apply ; (125) Radio phonograph, We model, almost 'W. Box 527 Daily (127) ,-,3"1 ft. Gillnet boat 11 in rr.nrl u JUL... 1320 8th Ave. E. after O p. REGAL PRINTERS PHONE 24 223 Second Ave. Box 423 METAL WOlta HON. E. T. KENNEY 6:15 p.m. CFPR f'wts. Box 517. Daily (132) Home Appliances j B WAFFLE IRONS $12.00 1 U TWIN WAFFLE IRONS .. $16.95 jj H SILEX STEAM IRONS $23.50 ) p (I.E. AUTOMATIC IRONS ... $9.93 to $12.50 H P G.E. HEATING PADS;.'. ............ $8.95 g 1 G.E. TOASTERS $9.95 to $11.95 j H ELECTRIC CLOCKS $6.95 to $14.00 j B STEAM RADIATORS $11.00 to $18.00, j I Northern B.C. Power Co. Ltd.l PLUMBINO Installations and Repairs. SHEET META! WORK. Tar and Gravel Roof-lne. Letounieau & Sons. b2 Sixth West. Phone 543 d tube radio, large ,7-W. Suite 1. Bel-iL?fter p.m. (125) PERSONAL f-1942 Chevrolet Se- 'BUY GENUINE J.!1 : for greater economy and saving on your Dust Control problems in 70-lb. drums 150-lb. and 250-lb. barrels PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR 712 gecond Ave. . Phone 632 P. O. Box 772 n2, KOod condition ncd. can be seen Motors. (tf) Mo,.. . PERSONAL DRUG SUNDRIES (rubber goods i twelve samples for 50c postpaid in plain sealed wranoer. catalogue included. General Novelty Cc . Dept. 'PR,' 71, Major St.. Tnr-ortto. Ont. ' (I3j' FOR AL& r'wtlWarn unH nfflre SAVOY MOTEL W. L. WOODS, Prop. PHONE 37 " P.O. BOX 1397 FRASER STREET PRINCE RUPERT Underwood Type-.air.d 1 5- Bedroom OETURO mimm Pai7,. 1 ivuKs, uiu- Pt;"U,w. cups and BESNER BLOCK STEWART, B. C. PHONE 210 PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. FOR SALE Bendlx Washer, car pump, waeon, baby carnage, radio, clothes basket, electric iron. Sunbeam Shavemaster. Phone Green 613, mornings ( 1 -h I ln lhe Sally News!