WA PROVINCIAL LIBRARY , 118 1 - j t r m t i i VICTORIA, B. C. KAY (MIES DRUGS Daily Delivery NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PHOHE 81 Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port 'Trine Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" VOL. XXXVIII, No. 125. PRINCE RUPERT, B. C, MONDAY, MAY 30, 1949 s . " PRICE FIVE CENTS IP c Dead ocked " quit wsirsiniee us ariC RnrRi ,0 Liberals Win Heavily: In Nevvf oundlandlVishinsky Turns pom Landslide Indicated In New Province's; Voting ST. JOHN'S, Newfoundland NCI') The Liberal FORD MOTOR STRIKE OVER Peaceful Industrial Tie-up v:';. fl r S t.a v , -1 i Communirm Alarming PARIS (CP) The Big Four foreign ministers conference appears to be completely deadlocked on the subject of Germany and Secretary of State Dean Acheson has recommended that the matter be abandoned. Andre Vishinsky has rejected the western plan for unification of Germany., Cost Company and Employees ft!a.iy Millions German The contronea DETROIT The costly 24- party was assured today of victory in Newfound land's first provincial election when the returns grave them sixteen seats of the 28-scat House with the count still incomplete. ' 'i So far Progressive Conservatives here elected only one candidate and one In- 1 : " dayf old Ford strike ended today when the key Issue in dis I.O.IKK. Sounds Hinting Denunciation at Animal Meeting VICTORIA '(f) A pledge to combat communism throughout Canada and a ringing denunciation of that creed keynoted puteallocation of manpower People's Congress today ratified by a show of hands the "Soviet-ized" constitution It wants to make the basis law for all Germany. Only one of 2000 delegates abstained officially. There was no debate. on the assembly lines was left dependent has been elected to arbitration. . Promoting Car Ferry To Alaska Premier Joseph Smallwood f Via y- nn m...in. C7iitJnii Three man sub - committees EXPULSION OF SEAMEN'S UNION - u,ua corpd a , personal victory, night of the national annual Tnc Prof;rcssjvc Conscrvalive from the Ford Motor Co: and ,t4ii)4',' the United Automobile Workers ......... B "'"". ider was defeated. (CIO) will meet Tuesday toj uaugmers oi tne Empire. DI.BATE AT LAKE SUCCESS-At Lake Success, OTTAWA (P Frank Hall name a single arbitrator. Estimates on how much the threatens to take his railway union out of the Trades and Labor Congress of Canada un heie Die United Nations political committee is meet-s la Pointc, parliamentary assistant to the Canadian if slate for external affairs (centre), chats during n with South African Delegates O. P. Jooste, (left), NEW EQUIPMENT AT HEALTH UNIT The ratification came as a wind-up to a two-day meeting In the East Berlin Opera House. Constitution of the "German Democratic Republic" Is ' the Soviet zone's answer to the West Oerman constitution recently adopted at Bonn and ratified by eleven German stakes of three western occupation zones. United States Government Would Operate Dally Prince Rupert-Juenau Service strike has cost the company and its 106,000 workers vary but less the Canadian Seamen's Andrews (ripht). One of the highlights of the meet- Sevora' new Items uf equlp- Union is expelled. Col. John T. Danahar, .who, as The president, Mrs. Frank McCurdy of Toronto, said that communism threatens "the long-established freedoms of the Canadian people" and that the I.O. D.E. views its growth "with grave concern." CITY ENGINEER IS DISMISSED b;m demand that U.N. send 15-man Investigating I ment rave been received by the Minister of Labor Humphrey a special consultant to the Unl Hi conduct on-the-spot inquiries Into all alleged vio- roughly it is placed at $77,000,000. Thc cost to related industries also will probably run into millions. The strike was peaceful Prince nimnrt. Ilnnllli ITnil. f r .111 the P.iriBi nenart.ment. of Mitchell says Communists have ted States Army Transportation rcliqiniis liberties behind the iron curtain. lltiatc-d the C.S.U. and taken tman.r. i r it., Korir.P to i lnf Corps during World War II con over control. ceived and pressed the Idea of throughout and at no time was there violence. A rncrial committee of thc CAUSES TULSEQUAH MINE utilizing Prince Rupert as a sunnlv nort for Alaska, was In TODAY'S STOCKS T.L.C. i.j Investigating the C.S.U the community. S'm' equipment is being sent, by the department lo other lo:al health units throughout tno province. Included hi the equipment is a I (Courtesy S. D. Johnston Co. Ltd.) with a view to expulsion. Presl Prince Rupert Saturday after- AT LI III D AF DAMAGE HI I ULL ULHJI dent (Percy Bcngough heads the THE WEATHER noon on his way to Washington; VANCOUVER -Dismissal of Charles Battcrshitl,. Vancouver' chief city engineer, was announced by Mayor Charles comniittee. moving picture projector for (nips Slowed I'p Wralhrr after having completed a survey of the possiblllte8 of a car and truck ferry service between Prince Rupert and Haines, Al showing films on public health topics, an audiomet-r and an Thompson after a secret meet-1 The famous Polaris - Taku mine at Tulsequalt Is operating full blast in Spite of recent: strike difficulties, It is reported Synopsis A storm moving in from the Pacific Is bringing to an end the .06 9.00 .03' i .08 ,G - I'rcv.iillns tern- Vancouver Bayonne Bralorne B. R. Con B. R. X. Cariboo Quart, Congress ing of the city council. It becomes effective June 30. No specific reason was given bul it aska. - The service which ' would vrr the prairies our, fine weather which prevailed ,..: 7 . , f by Ted ApplewhmU who is back BASEBALL SCORES SUNDAY National intra :ed lamp. Stiff or the j Health Unit recelv;l instruction lei their opcratio i at a recent conference at v' -.tuna and 1.17 over most of British Columbia cl "T . , ,.u 1 cL I trom an election campaign tour (ftii is understmul to follow friction Highway as Well as bring- nnithprlv nnlps nnw heirm rR-lRiver maii.r mintn nnerntlnn further Instruction will be given later by visiting experts. In the engineering department. Assistant C,lty Engineer John Oliver resigned recently. ..4 week have been j ,ul and in many lo-1 it to severe frost hasj c(i, airnrdins to thc j report of the Dc- Asrinilture of the, Hntiniul Railways.' '.'f JiiHioatc that thc j :c mil nut ho tooj ported from the Prince Rupert I ing the por of southeastern are m proceedSng nearby Alaska directly tributary to tne area will spread to Vancouver im rUnce oI tne Tulse. Island this afternoon. Scattered highway and railway terminal operaUoM u indicated by New York 4-3, Philadelphia 2-0. Cincinnati 4-2, Chicago 1-10. Pittsburgh 4, St. Louis 2. Botstuu 2, Brooklyn 3. - American - , Philadelphia 3, New York 1. Washington 10. Boston 4. Chicago 4-1, Cleveland 2-2. Halibut Sales - snowcrs rwiu reacn into - wie;oi nm u.v .- I wig inu far t that vwac there "are 22fi res- in(swf i tarV-ilon i i i. I l 1. 1 Mn n 0PP0SEDT0 interior tonight. Cool showery wiim. u " hstered voters In the camp, would call for the construction weather will continue in most American Mary Elinore, 24,000 is sc. rnAimmi of two 318-foot dlesel ferries ofj sections of the province tomor ocean-going type, each costing Tl fAU A DADTV $3,000,000 which would ply on a MVVITiH THIX! I leather, coupled ni'ii.,'airc in most resulted In little J7.6c and 15c, Bacon. Bell Boy, 22,000, 19.5c, 17.6e and 14.5c, Storage. Akutan, 53,000, 19.5c, 17.5c Diirl 14 fir RtnrHlTP. ' OTTAWA ff M. J. Coldwell, C.C.F. leader, told an Ontario audience that his party was op VISITS HERE daily 21-hour schedule between Prince Rupert and Juneau via Ketchikan. Wrangell and Pet . past week but has "t't of causing plant to coalition with either Iledley Mascot .14 Pacific Eastern 05 Pend Oreille 3 55 Pioneer 310 . Premier , Border 02V Privateer :. .13 Reeves McDonald ... .. . 185 Reno 05 Sheep Creek 1.15 Silbak Premier 28 Vanaiula - 15 Salmon Gold 1 1 Vse Spud Valley .07 Oils AriRlo Canadian 3.20 Atlantic 61 Calmont 35 C. & E 4.60 Central Leduc 68 Home Oil 10.25 Mercury 09 Okalta , 1-51 Pacific Pete 2.50 Princess 25 Royal Canadian 08 South Brazeau 15 ersburg, carrying up to 100 cars Twenty-seven American busi- 1 Liberals or Progressive Conser- or trucks and as many as 900 ness men, members of North- Margaret, I, 45,000, 19c, 17.6c :inrl 14 Sp Pneifle. vaties after Canada's June 27 San Juan. 57,000, 19c. 17.6c' Bc.nc1, clcc"on; passengers. It would be a Unl- j western American Chambers of ted States government operated ( Commerce, were passengers project, an adjunct of the Al-f aboard the steamer Princess In Edmonton Progressive Con to develop and this !y hive beneficial in the season. xr hutciiln'4 h a s it and as a result isun s are proving ivc in most areas. ana';un the. fruit It is excellent and aska Road commission. servative leader George Drew said a vote for Liberalism was a vote for socialism. He said and 14.5c, Atlin. Tor II, .27,000, 19c, 17.1c and 14.5c, Booth. Kemm Falls, 21,000, 19.1c, 17.5c. and 14.5c, Royal. row In the wake of the storm. Forecast Queen Charlottes and North Coast Rain today. Cloudy and cool with scattered showers tcj-nlght atl tomorrow. Southeast gales (40 mph) shifting to westerly winds (25) late tbis-'after-iioon. Lows tonight and highs tomorrow At Port Hardy 40 and 55, Massett 40 and 55, Prince Rupert 40 and 55. Northern B.C. Clear this morning with cloudiness increasing to overcast this evening. Scattered showers this afternoon. Cloudy and cool with showers tomorrow. Light winds today and again tomorrow. Southerly winds (20 mph) overnight. Lows tonight and highs tomorrow At Prince George 40 and 55, Smithcrs 40 and 55, Telegraph Creek 40 and CO. Meeting representatives of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Com I the C.C.F. was ready to support f merce while here, Col. Danahar the Liberals because they want declared that the developing of ed to continue the trend toward I centralization. Norah which docked here at noon today. They are making the round trip on the vessel on a tour sponsored by the Tftcoma, Washington, Chamber of Commerce. ' Heading the cruise party is E. R. Fetterloff, a director of the United States Chamber of Commerce, assisted by M. S. Erdahl, vice-president of the Tacoma Chamber of Commerce. - The Chamber of Commerce Toodio, 13,000, 19c, 176c and 14.5c, Bacon. I Signal, 32,000; P. Doreen, 18,000; Oslo, 18,000; Tramp, j 18,000, and Miss Margot, 22,000, j all to Co-operative. I such a volume of traffic was not as great a problem as obtaining the ferries and placing the roads in shape to take the traffic. Geat Improvement would have to be made on the St. Louis 4, Detroit 6. Wester. International Vancouver 5-7, Bremerton 1-3. Salem 6-6, Yakima 3-9. Tacoma 4-7, Victoria 0-0. Wcnatchee 13-6, Spokane 7-3. Pacific Coast Sacramento8-10. San Francisco 3-3. : , Seattle 6-2, Oakland jt'V Hollywood 8-3, Portland 4-2. San Diego 7-5, Los Angeles 5-6. SATURDAY National Boston 7, Brooklyn 6. Cincinnati 2, Chicago 0. St. Louis 4, Pittsburgh 2. Philadelphia 5, New York 2. Boston 5, Washington 4. Detroit 8, St. Louis 0. American New York '2, Philadelphia 1. Cleveland 3, Cfdcago 2. Taeific Coast Seattle II, Oakland 1. .Sail Diego 7, Los Angeles 2. San Francisco 7, Sacramento 4. Hollywood 11, Portland 7. Western International Salem 5, Yakima 11. Wcnatchee 9, Spokane 5. Bremerton 3, Victoria 12. Tacoma 4, Vancouver 8. LOCAL TIDES y vealher of the jrs has not changed n Stone fruits are rtli of Surnmcrland. fmili of there. It Is it 1HI),000 new trees s have been plant- Half for replace- i Tuesday, May 31, 1949 20.6 feet, Toronto At bona ini.iqiir Boa I tic Beveourt l'ohjo Buffalo Canadian .iovi .10 .50 .21 .14V .09 Skeeua Highway into Prince Ru Naturalists say cheetahs, High 2:08 which resemble leopards, have 16:14 been noted travelling 70 miles Low 9:51 an hour. I 21:47 nert which would necessarily 17.6 feet 2.9 feef 8.9 feet ill lor new orchards artery ,party was one of two organized have to be a year-round to handle large volume of erc-iips maning uie trip on tne trucking business. 30 to 40 ton Princess Norah. The other was trucks would be used while! a party composed of members inr.ro r;rPvVirmnrt buses would of the National Garden Club of OUTSIDER WINS KING'S PLATE WORK Consol. Smelters 85.50 Conwest 88 Dnnalda 2' Eld'ina Fast Sullivan 2.01 Giant Yellowknlfe 5.50 ROOKIES UPSET HISTORY TO TAKE BASEBALL OPENER FROM OLD TIMERS TORONTO A glistening brown M SOON the United 8tates, containing 35 members. Heading the group, whose members were drawn handle passengers. In addition to studying the 1 1 Y.lU..,n,r eifnaMnn Hfll colt named Epic won the 90th .32 renewal of the $10,000 added King's Plate classic Saturday afternoon. Second was Speedy Danahar was Interested in the possibility of establishing a vice-president waterfront ramp here for the, organizatlon.. , , 1 ( FnrT-lnrr rf rors miff TJlir KS HOOKIES t, OLD TIMERS 2 History of baseball in Prince Rupert whs reversed Sunday afternoon at Roosevelt Park field when the Rookies administered, their first recorded defeat on Irish and a black filly named Filsis ran third. l-ieinr, work on the ! will begin thH w.v VVcilncpday, hc-t-'it.V Englnerr Don 111 this morning set aspUalt plant In '"linaiy to the bl vin- work will be "ii Fourth or Gev- from thc 5, stem-loading , ," " ferries forr,J . The two groups ' ? made . up the , ' , . . . . fv,l majoity of the 73 round-trip (iod's Lake . Hardrock Harricaiia Hcva . Ilnsco Jacknifc Jolirt Quebec. Lake Rowan- Lnpaska Little Long Lac Lynx Madsen Red Lake McKcn.lc Red Lake .10 .06 .OB',4 .19 .04 .30 .09 .07 .62 .11 2.70 .33 ll.N. Sponsors Holy Land Peace Talk the Old Timers by a score ot 4 to z m the classic annual pre-opener to the season schedule. If the panic is indicative of the class of baseball ' passengers. The Princess Norah P r rt Juneau run He had"" brief" conference with Carried 111 through passengers. OD.o, Hivic.nn!,i sunerin- Capt. Peter L. Leslie was in com- ' mand of the Princess Norah. which will be seen at the paiK this summer, the fans can be CI. JLJt t iV V f Vi t au.u tendeut of the Canadian Na f inn ill RailwaVK I Prin pa PutiArfr. tr PonafUnn After spending a 11. McLeod Cockshutt 87 Moneta Negus .., v 218 sure of one of the best seasons on record. " Good pitching by Dick Letour-neau of thc Rookies and Jack Rosedale of Old Timers,' plus competent field work by both M ,l' ' Mr. Stewart said, 11 v.-ill concentrate on enih Avenue from : Bridge to McBride ''rratter, Is likely "1 Avenue will be 11 McBride Street to Creek bridge. 11)1 the .summer, other ;llnrked for hard sat-cl-y council Will be bat, Abel went to the plate with two runners on base. He singled, scoring both. Doug Kerr, veteran left-field-1 er for Old Timers, romped in when Jack Rosedale knocked a high foul along ,the third baseline and Cliff Dahl, who singled, came home on Benny . Windle': double, the f irst .two-base hit of Noranda l-m Louivcourt -10 Pickle Crow 1 8,! Regcourt - 04"2 San Antonio 3-8S Senator Rouyn -33 teams provided six scoreless innings which kept the fans tense until the final ball was thrown. here, Col. Danahar left Satur- day evening for Terrace in the United States government station wagon which was awaiting him here with its driver. He was expecting to have a conference somewhere in the Interior with Hon. E. T. Kenney, minister of lands and forests, with a view to emphasizing upon the government the importance of extensive Improvements tp the Skeena River Highway. National Railway would be expected to fully push the service. There was also a tremendous tourist potential in publicizing the route among railway and travel agents throughout the United States. Bus lines would be expected to compete in delivering passengers to Prince Rupert with through tickets to Interior Alaska. Ultimately there would arise the problem of having adequate accomodations at such key Both teams scored two runs Shcrrlt Gordon I . CHAIRM it 1.45 Steep Rock . ml . Sturgeon River iu Silver Miller 34 e pf Meeting in the first inning, then settled clown to scoreless ball until the eighth when Rookies brought in the tie-breaker. To this, they added another run in the. ninth. However, Old Timers got three men on base in the ninth and the game. Thereafter, no inning saw more than four men at thej plate as Letourneau and south-' paw Rosedale entered a pitching duel. The oldsters muffed a chance to tie the, score in the sixth when they got two men on bae . on fielding errors. Windle grounded and made first on a phe Association Answering the question as to STARVING, LEAPS FROM B.C. BRIDGE KA by the Special points as Prince Rupert and Juneau. "Once the business Is (Continued on Page 3) ; where supporting traffic for the projected ferry would originate, Col. Danahar disclosed that an Alalia freight trucking J. Moran, could have tied the score with vAvmt'VER (P' " VANCOLV l-.il . 1 .... .... That ut 1D is ll.au. n-uilrl could , two out. ,they Football Tonight wt'Ung of April 26, Cilice appointed to e lhe proposed con-01 bowling alleys will " a Special General be hdd Tuesday, at8p.m, line had stated that highway trucking services could support have if Lctourfiau hadn't fan ncd out the final batter to claim the game. fielder's choice which tagged Dahl on third base. The following two batters struck out. ' Dave Abel who had the high- In what may be one of the last steps toward a permanent settlement of the Holy Land conflict, the United Nations Conciliation Commission for Palestine, in Lausanne, Switzerland, is now sponsoring Arab-Israeli exploratory talks on the terms of ft final peace .Here, the Commission's Principal Secretary, Pablo de Azcarate, discusses1 the day's order of business with Chairman Mark Ethridge of the United States, and the Turkish Representative 1L C. Yalcin. GENERAL MOTORS vs. CANADIAN LEGION 7 P.M. Ted Arney scored the games aged 58, of Vancouver, piunB- 150 feet to his death last night from New Westminster's Pattullo Bridge, leaving what police described as a suicide not saying he was "taking his last high I dive." A note in his pocket saio. i"I am very hungry." the ferries with approximately 500 tons per voyage for transit over the Haines Highway. Because of Its railway line in- jC' G- H.M, Secretary. first run for Rookies when he jest hitting record of the game, singled and was brought home clouted a triple to centre-field by Dave Abel. Fourth man to (Continued on page 4)